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A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan


In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts in Education, Major in Administration



October 28, 2018



APPROVAL SHEET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

DEDICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x

LIST OF FIGURES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi

LIST OF APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii



Introduction . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Statement of the Problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Significance of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Scope and Delimitations of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Relevant Theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Related Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Related Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Conceptual Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Hypotheses of the Study. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Definition of Variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

Methods and Techniques of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Population and Sample of the Study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Research Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Data Gathering Procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56


Part I - Presentation

Part I - Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Part II - Presentation

Part II - Presentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Part III - Presentation

Part III - Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Part IV - Presentation

Part IV - Presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Problems Met and

Solutions Offered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Proposed Program/Curriculum Enrichment

Technology Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12



Summary of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ………



Science is a systematize body of knowledge. On the other hand, technology is the

application of Science. Therefore, the different software and applications in the digital

technology like simulation should be properly utilized and creatively manipulated by the Science

teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning in Science Education. According to

Satell (2014): “Technology transforms the human experience. The sum total of human

knowledge is merely a few clicks away “it means, technology resources like CAD software, 3D

and simulation is not only a process of transferring information rather it is a charge of personal

experiences leading to a more collaborative and creative outputs. In the virtual world, the

hypothetical ideas through the use of simulation can be turning into theoretical.

Teaching Science today for the 21st Century learning era have enormous challenges

emerged. Based on the research conducted by Anderman (2012) these are the following;

teacher’s preparedness, training acquired and instructional materials and students cognitive

abilities to become an active participant in the Science class. In spite of these challenges, the

revolutionized teacher’s strategies in transmitting the learning produce very authentic and

interesting lessons in the use of computer simulation. To build the different domain that can rise

to the students attributes; like self-management, self-development, self-control, adaptability and

self thinking. Computer simulation can allow students to analyze phenomena from abstract idea

to complex one or vise versa. The learning process between teacher and learner through

simulation is drastically transform based on the learning styles of the 21st century learning.
In 2008-2009 out of 46 countries participated in TIMSS (Trending in International

Mathematics and Science Study) the Philippines rank as 43 rd. It is clearly evidenced that the

Science Education in the Philippines has the lowest rate. Based on the data gathered by DepEd,

there is only 1 Science laboratory in every 10 public schools. Aside from lack of facilities and

laboratories in the urban places including the Region III, science teacher instructional materials

can result to the low performance of the learner in science subject. Professional development of

the teachers should be given direct attention. It can help to improve capabilities and skills of the

teacher in using the modern laboratories which mostly include computer based technology.

(Jalmasco, 2018). The lack of training of teachers, overpopulated classrooms, dull curricula,

outdated teaching methods, lack of equipment, and books offering Mickey Mouse lessons – these

are some of the factors that lead to the poor state of science teaching. Due to poor performance in

Science, the Philippines did not participate anymore in the 2007 TIMSS (Dela Cruz, 2012). The

vast information and application in the field of ICT like E-learning software and instructional

learning devices when it properly utilized and used may lead to an active and more enjoyable

activities and learning in schools thus, positive student performance is visible (Custodio, 2015).

The Department of Education launches different program to support the program in the

ICT skills like “Modernization Program”; Adopt a School program; Mobile Information

Technology Classroom(MITCs) by the DOTC and the Text2each.”

In addition, the Department of Education in the Division of Pampanga provided ICT tools

and equipment (DHCP package) last 2016. The school of the researcher is one of the

beneficiaries for the first batch (Batch 33). The Division of Pampanga is continuously

distributing these facilities and improving computer laboratories specially in the cluster VII

which are mostly a coastal school. However even in the advance equipment, materials, hardware
and software had been completely distributed, these are not enough to meet the challenges in the

evolving 21st Century Educational System. The implementation of the ICT tools in the Philippine

Education is still experiencing “several shortcomings” like “the absence on information on how

ICT is actually used and insufficient teacher preparation”. Rodrigo (2001)

Teacher as facilitator of this innovative instructional materials including the simulation

must know how to utilize these application suited in the Science learning competencies. One of

the finding during the survey by the Philippine Senate Committee in Education Arts and Culture

to the South East Asian Minister of Education Organization Regional Centre for Educational

Innovation and Technology (SEAMEO INNOTECH) 2002 stated that” Only one out of seven

schools has teachers who are computer literate”. Garcia (2016) said that “Computer literacy must

be mandatory for teacher licensure and in-service ICT training for educators and must be

continuously improved”. As Wenson (2011) mention teachers must be computer literate to

overcome the barriers, challenges of the digital world in the field of education. It is believed

personally by the researcher that Math and Science are excellent subjects to test children because

these subjects are taught and tested devoid of culture and emotion. Moreover, computer

simulations was observed by the researcher as a common practice in developed countries. There

is a need to conduct a study on computer simulations because sooner or later it will find their

way into many science teaching laboratories in the Philippines.

Science teachers will become effective and efficient in teaching 21st century learners if

the 4C’s had been attained through the use of computer simulation, Science teacher who are not

major in an specific core like Physics, chemistry or biology become versatile, creative,

innovative in presenting the science lesson. One of the possible solution for the scarcity in
equipment, learning materials, books, other facilities and laboratories through the computer

application like simulation that are very accessible in the internet.

The researcher aims to provide a training module on computer simulation for Science

teachers which is aligned from the K-12 curriculum guide. This training module will elicit and

address some challenges in teaching Science subject. It help to provide innovative way for the

learners and to the teacher as well to understand abstract topic in physics. 3D model or

simulation will raise interest and motivation of the learner for self-efficacy. Teacher skills and

abilities to perform the role as facilitator of knowledge were achieved.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is: How does a training module on computer

integration/simulation be prepared for Science teachers?

Specifically, this thesis seeks answers to the following research questions:

1. How is the appropriate design of training module on computer simulation based on science

teachers’ perspective be prepared in terms of the following procedures:

1.1. Introduction

1.2 Motivation

1.3 Instruction/Delivery

1.4 Practice

1.5 Enrichment

1.6 Evaluation

2. How is the level of acceptability of the given computer simulation software on training

module being described in terms of:

2.1 Functionality;

2.2 Reliability

2.3 Usability;

2.4 Portability;

2.5 Speed; and

2.6 System Training and Documentation.

3. How is the level of computer literacy of the Science teachers be described in using computer


4. How is the extent of the following factors affecting on the ICT integration/simulation under

Science be described in terms of:

4.1 physics teachers’ ICT simulation knowledge/competence;

4.2 practice/implementation;

4.3 management of ICT; and

4.4 technical support given to to physics teachers in the use of ICT?

Significance of the Study

Learners’ interests to the vast use of technology are alarming due to the exposure to the

different application in the internet like games and simulations. The use of computer and internet

has a positive impact to the learner as well as to the teachers. It can assist teachers to transfer

knowledge and information and not as replacement to the teacher. Computer simulation is

integrated specifically in Science subject granting to mobilize this tool to produce standard and

quality education. Accessibility to the different application using technology resources create

unique classroom and lifelong retention of learning.

To The student. Mobilization and familiarization in the different application lead to a

responsive student to cultivate the critical thinking, cognitive aspect, creativeness and

collaboration among co-students. Computer learning environment lead to the development of

the scientific skills like accurate analyzing of data and lessen the misconception on the topic.

Since it is a 3D visual, students attracted to the animation and focus the attention on the screen.

Student performance is highly active and participative. Risk students who are staying in the

computer shop possible will attend the class.

To the Faculty. This study helps to increase the literacy of the teachers with regards to

the accessibility in the different application in the computer and consider it as assistance

instructor. Lessen the preparation of the teacher in making instructional materials. Creativity of

the teacher in presenting the lesson is more attractive and engaging. Fear in manipulating the

technology of the teachers turn into self confidence and self-esteem.

To the School Administrators. The use of simulation decreased the gap between the

learners and teachers’ interaction due to the digital age. The literacy of the teachers in using give

a positive feedback to the observers and co-instructor. Innovative approach of learning for the

21st century learners is visible. Target the possible KRA in the school plan specifically in the

integration of an ICT.

To the School. Insufficient materials and laboratory equipment in the school alternate by

the computer simulation without compromising the target learning competencies. It can result to

the increased of School achievement test in Science. Lessen the professional development

To Other Future Researcher. It provides vital information and knowledge on some

particular possible accepted computer simulation that can be used in teaching science and the

perception of the teachers in this software.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This thesis is entitled: development of training module on computer

integration/simulation be prepared for Science teachers. Whereas, from the title itself lies clues

on the scope and limitations of the study which is about ICT Simulation in the Teaching of

Physics and not the other subjects. Also, it will not describe other dimensions of ICT use,

integration in other subjects, etc. within the school.

Specifically, the first limitation is the variable: the appropriate design of training module

on computer simulation based on science teachers’ perspective be prepared in terms of the

following procedures (1.1. Introduction; 1.2 Motivation; 1.3 Instruction/Delivery; 1.4 Practice;

1.5 Enrichment; and 1.6 Evaluation; the second limitation is the variable: the level of

acceptability of the given computer simulation software be described in terms of: 2.1

Functionality; 2.2 Reliability; 2.3 Usability; 2.4 Portability; 2.5 Speed; and 2.6 System Training

and Documentation. The third limitation is the variable: 3. How is the level of computer literacy

of the Science teachers be described in using computer simulation. Finally, the fourth limitation

is the variable: 4. How is the extent of the following factors affecting on the ICT

integration/simulation under Science be described in terms of: 4.1 physics teachers’ ICT

simulation knowledge/competence; 4.2 practice/implementation; 4.3 management of ICT; and

4.4 technical support given to to physics teachers in the use of ICT.

This study shall include and interpret only those data to be collected from the following

Data Gathering Techniques: a. survey questionnaire; b. face-to-face interviews; and c. computer

assisted interviews. Other data gathering tools are excluded.

The expected output of this study will be limited to formulation of simplified Training

Module with a topic of Urban Development Simulation as an ICT based integration/simulation

can be produced, hence other topics in Science are excluded. Lastly, this study is expected to

produce such output with a high level of acceptability for a Training Module wherein the criteria

of acceptability is limited to the sources taken by the researcher and not the other criteria on ICT



This chapter reviews the carefully selected literature and presents the related theoretical

and conceptual framework of the study. The literatures were subdivided into sub topics. The

researcher reviewed more than sixty (60) publications (published and unpublished sources) that

were selected for their relevance with regards to the topic of this thesis.

Related Studies

Nagel (2013) study stated that “All too often when school mandate the use of a specific

technology, teachers are left without the tools (often skills) to effectively integrate the

capabilities into their teaching methods”. Truly, materials, money equipment and time wasted if

the teacher are not equipped enough to manipulate the given digital technologies. Proper

utilization and manipulation of these resources should be attained through trainings, seminar or

conferences for the professional development.

Due to the transformation path on how the 21 st Century students learn, the learning

strategies and skills of the Science Teachers must be improved. Today, teacher is not only the

source of information and concept. Learners may have a misconception in the science if the

learners will be misguided or the facilitator or the teacher cannot properly manipulate the

technology specifically the use of computer simulation which is very trending in nowadays. The

evolution of the digital world is very demanding and as new concepts of learning have evolved,

teachers are expected to facilitate learning and make it meaningful to individual learners rather

than just to provide knowledge and skills. Recent developments of innovative technologies have

provided new possibilities to teaching profession but at the same time have placed more demands
on teachers to learn how to use these technologies in their teaching. Simply having ICT in

schools will not guarantee their effective use. Regardless of the quantity and quality of

technology placed in classrooms, the key to how those tools are used is the teacher; therefore

teachers must have the competence and right attitude towards technology. Attitudes refer to

one’s positive or negative judgment about a concrete subject. Attitudes are determined by the

analysis of the information regarding the result of an action and by the positive or negative

evaluation of these results. More positive attitudes towards the computer were associated with a

higher level of computer experience (Teo, 2008). Findings have revealed a significant

relationship exist between computer attitude and its use in institutions for pre-service teachers.

Thus, there is a need to address this issue (Deepika Agarwal Dr Sona Ahuja, 2008).

In compliance with the Philippines Republic Act 10533 sec 7 (a): “Teacher Education

and Training”, teachers must undergo seminars, training, conferences specially in the content and

pedagogy to ensure the standard and quality of education.

Nagel (2013) explain that, among the 6 challenges in using technology as part of

innovative way of learning for K-12 Educational program focus on the ability, capabilities,

effectiveness and preparedness of the 21stcentury teachers. One of the challenges had been

revealed is the needs of teacher in developing the profession with ICT skills. Teachers should

understand the importance of utilizing the different technology resources that can be used in the

process of executing the learning abilities of the learners.

“The use of technology … is urgent for us as teachers to restore creativity to classroom”

De la Mora (2013) Teachers and students can enjoy different technology resources in the

classroom settings. It can enhance the eagerness of the students to be actively participated in the

lesson since the manipulation of 3D models and simulations are very trending and easy to
download even in personal computer. Teachers can become creative in presenting lessons and

can achieve the target objectives in a modern unique way. Students will feel comfort and

reluctance since teacher directly understand on how students want to learn.

ICT integration/simulation in the teaching of science

During the initial years of ICT use, science classes were the site of various innovations.

ICT has been used as a facilitator of learning rather than as a central component of what is

happening in the classroom. Some recent studies in science have suggested that high levels of

ICT use may be linked to improved attainment.

Reid (2008?) in an evaluation of a pilot study of digital video in 50 schools from across

the UK, reported teachers’ comments that filming ‘forces’, and editing this into a piece of video,

helped pupils assimilate scientific concepts more effectively, quickly and substantially than

would have been achieved with handouts or textbooks.

Baxter and Preece (2008?) found that the learning of 48 pupils in years 5 and 6 (9- and

10-year-olds) when taught with the aid of computer planetaria was equally as effective as when

pupils were taught with dome planetaria. In this case, ICT has not revealed any increased

achievement over the probably preferred alternative of a real planetarium but it does provide the

opportunity for pupils who may not be able to travel to such a facility to have similar learning


Attitude of science teachers on the use of ICT integration/simulation

According to Xin, cited by Valasidou and Bousiou (2008), Information and

Communication Technologies (ICTs) are generally accepted as modern instrumental tools that
enable the educators to modify the teaching methods they use in order to increase the students’

interest. The extended use of ICTs drove the society into a new knowledge –based from where

information plays an important role for students’ satisfaction factors affecting on the ICT

integration/simulation in Science teachers’ ICT simulation knowledge/competence, etc.

Alzaidiyeen et al. (2010) revealed that, teachers had a low level of ICT use for

educational purpose, teachers hold positive attitudes towards the use of ICT, and a significant

positive correlation between teachers’ level of ICT use and their attitudes towards ICT was

found. The findings suggest that ICTs use for educational purposes should be given greater

consideration than it currently receives. In general, the results were consistent with those

previously reported in studies related to the use of ICT in the educational settings.

Mustafina (2016) research show that teachers possess positive attitudes toward ICT in

school mostly due to the advantages that technology offers such as distant learning and

visualization of the material (3D programs). Moreover, the analysis shows that all four factors:

confidence, knowledge, gender and age – have the potential to influence and change teachers’

attitudes toward technology. Interestingly, age and gender do not seem to have a direct influence

on attitudes, confidence or knowledge. Rather, it is the bias towards age and gender that

obstructs the integration of technology in school. In addition, the statistical analysis demonstrates

that teachers’ attitudes toward ICT influence students’ academic motivation.

Tezci (2010) found out that the most commonly used and well-known ICT types among

teachers are the Internet, e-mail and word processing, and teachers' attitudes towards computers

and the Internet are generally positive. It was also found that their attitudes vary with their years

of experience and levels of knowledge.

Kriek and Gerrit Stols (2010) found out that beliefs about the perceived usefulness and

the pedagogical compatibility of simulations have a significant effect on teachers’ attitude

towards the use of the simulations in their classrooms. The expectations of the teachers’

colleagues contribute to the subjective norm of these teachers. The regression and partial

correlation result also highlights the importance of teachers’ general technology proficiency.

Although we were not able to confirm a direct link between attitudes, subjective norm, perceived

behavioral control, and the teachers’ behavior intention we show the influence of behavior

intention on the actual use of the simulations with an accuracy of 70.83%.

Steiner and Mendelovitch (2016) have had proven that most teachers in this study use

ICT tools primarily for visual aspects of their teaching, such as upgrading classroom

demonstrations. Further, they are unaware of the need to change their teaching methods by

adopting sophisticated computer applications relevant to science teaching. Even the minority

who felt the need to change teaching methods do not know how to achieve this end.

Teachers' willingness to use ICT technologies is dependent upon their knowledge of and

fluency in computer skills. Those who connect regularly to the internet tend to use ICT in their

classroom more than those who do not use internet in their daily life. Furthermore, a command of

computer skills and ICT, has been found to correlate with advanced technological-pedagogical

content knowledge. This complex knowledge which involves the smart integration of

information technologies also reduces fear of change and is thought to be an ability that

improves through practice (Magen-Nagar & Peled, 2012).

Practice/implementation of ICT integration/simulation

One of the common objective of a simulation projects is to increased student engagement,

improved learning and improved beliefs about and approach toward learning (Wieman, Perkins

& Adams, 2008). The simulations are highly interactive and provide animated feedback to the

user. In developing and implementing the simulations, researchers made use of “student

interviews and classroom testing to explore issues of usability, interpretation and learning”

(Wieman et al., 2008).

Helen Joy (2008) conducted a study on “Usage of Internet: Practices and attitudes of

teacher trainees”. Results revealed that the study points to the need for having more refreshers or

training programs for teachers to get familiar with computer. It was found that those who had

more access to the computer having more favorable attitude towards using the computer also

points to the same. Computer assisted instruction and evaluation using computer related

technology is widespread in terms of practice and implementation, and has been introduced in

the evaluation of students at the tenth standard level and teachers without favorable attitude

towards CAI may pose a problem in the effective implementation of the program at the school


Rafeedali (2009) carried out a study on “Computer based technology and its pedagogical

utility”. The study revealed that higher secondary school teachers were unable to utilize the

opportunities of information technology resources in education and they were observed to be

comfortable with traditional teaching methods and materials and also pointed out secondary

school teachers could not use the ICT resources in the classroom interaction. Only 13 percentage

of higher secondary school teachers are using power point presentation in the classroom.
Yasemin (2008) did a study on “ICT usage in Higher Education: A case study on pre-

service teachers and instructors”. Results revealed that teacher education programs fail to

provide appropriate instructional technologies and computer facilities for both in and out of class

activities. Furthermore, three factors that appear to have a significant influence on the effective

use of technology were found to be: (1) the quantity and quality of the lessons addressing the

practice of technology in the curriculum, (2) incompetent teachers/lack of in-service training, and

(3) insufficient technology.

Farahiza (2010) conducted a study on “The effectiveness of using internet as a principal

information resource in teaching and learning activity in higher educational institutions in

Malaysia”. Majority of the previous researchers indicated that there is significant relation

between the internet and the student and also the lecturer in using the internet as a principal

information resource in teaching and learning activities. This study showed that internet is a

technology that considered brought benefits to the student and lecturer in teaching and learning

activities as well as the applications provided by the internet.

Rebecca and Porter (2010) the findings of the study indicated that the strongest predictors

that are positively associated with computer use are training on excel and the need for ongoing

support for the inclusion of technology in mathematics teaching. This paper concluded with

recommendations as to how school leaders can support mathematics teachers to fully adopt

computer technology use in teaching and learning.

Yuksel, Soner and Zahide (2009) conducted to examine the “Teacher educators‟ ICT

competencies, usage, and perceptions”. The data were collected from 111 teachers and

interviewing with 6 teachers. The results indicated that most of the participants expressed

positive perceptions about the integration of ICT into teacher education programs. Generally,
their ICT competency was completely sufficient. They use the Internet as a supportive tool to

their courses, and particularly search engines used by them.

Management of ICT integration/simulation

Several authors have advocated greater implementation and spread of ICT integration and

simulation in education within the developed world (Kozma, 2008). The majority of research and

evaluation studies conducted to date indicate that IT tools can be used successfully to extend

educational opportunities widely available (Kozma, 2008).

However, the dream of enhancing the quality or effectiveness for all with these same IT

tools remains elusive in many cases (Reeves, 2008). This concern has developed in continuous

research arenas over the past few years. In response to the concern above, the International

Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) Science Study conducted a

number of studies on ICT implementation in the developed world. An independent, international

cooperative of national research institutions and governmental research agencies, it aims through

its comparative research and assessment projects (2009) to: Provide international benchmarks

that may assist policymakers in identifying the comparative strength and weaknesses of their

educational systems; Provide high-quality data that will increase policymakers’ understanding of

key school- and non-school-based factors that influence teaching and learning; Provide high-

quality data which will serve as a resource for identifying areas of concern and action, and for

preparing and evaluating educational reforms; Develop and improve educational systems’

capacity to engage in national strategies for educational monitoring and improvement;

Contribute to development of the world-wide community of researchers in educational

evaluation Amongst the studies conducted widely across nations are the Second Information
Technology in Education (SITES) studies. These were conducted in phases over a number of

years, addressing different needs at a time. The SITES are useful for this study for a number of

reasons. This study shares the same objectives as SITES, that is, to find the extent to which ICT

is being used in education and which objectives education systems had implemented and

considered important in the knowledge-based economy. This study has an interest in qualitative

research, particularly on innovative pedagogical practices that use ICT, and the study sought to

determine how these practices were sustained and the outcomes they produced. This study has its

major focus on investigating the extent of ICT implementation and integration in science

teaching, and also to identify factors that contribute most to the effective implementation or

integration of ICT.

In addition, other studies are cited as relevant to this study at national level as well as at

school level. The ICT implementation at national systems is presented with examples drawn

from the SITES studies, Finland and Lithuania. These two countries have been chosen as

examples based on the fact that Finland is said to be a success story that has evoked considerable

interest in the Finnish school system in general and its pedagogical practices. Lithuania, on the

other hand, started its second strategy in 2004, about the same time Namibia also started to roll

out its TechNa Programme. It was therefore significant to compare the success story of Finland

and what was happening in Lithuania, also a developed country. ICT implementation at school

level is presented drawing findings from SITESM2, The European e-learning forum for

education (ELFE) project, involving Finland and Lithuania, for purposes of obtaining a broad

overview internationally.

Adeyemi and Olaleye (2010) found that the level of provision of ICT equipment to

secondary schools in the state was low. The level principal’s management of schools in terms of
the provision of ICT was also low. The intermittent disruption of electricity and inadequate

funding were found as major problem inhibiting the usage of ICT equipment for the management

of schools in the state. Study concluded that the 70 state government was not fully ready to

imbibe (ICT) for the effective management of secondary schools in the state.

Despite massive investment in ICT initiatives (billions has been allocated and spent by

the government) and the prominent iconic and ideological status of ICT, there remains a marked

lack of specific guidance, support and management for practitioners in incorporating ICT in

appropriate ways directly related to the prescribed subject curriculum. Other research has

confirmed that while teachers are motivated to integrate appropriate uses of ICT into their

classroom practice, their understanding of how it enhances learning is still developing, and

pedagogy for effective use has not yet been clearly established (Hennessy et al 2008?).

Technical support given to physics teachers in the use of ICT

Maimun Aqshalubis, Abdullah, Melor, Noriah and Tajularifin (2011) examined to know

the Use of ICT in Teaching Islamic Subjects in Brunei Darussalam. Results revealed that

Bruneian teachers ‟use of ICT in teaching is influenced by personal, social and control factors.

Firstly, the personal factors that validly and reliability indicate teachers ‟attitudes towards the

use of ICT in teaching are their liking, enjoying and feeling comfortable during teaching when

using ICT. Secondly, the social factors or subjective norms that influence teachers ‟use of ICT

are principal and head of department (HOD). Finally, the control factors that influence teachers

to use ICT are their capability and having the resources, the knowledge and skills to use ICT

effectively and successfully.

Hennessy, Harrison, and Womakote (2010) focused on “Teacher factors influencing

classroom use of ICT in Sub-Saharan Africa”. Results revealed that a need for teachers and

teacher educators to integrate ICT into subject teaching and learning is using contemporary

pedagogical approaches. They conclude that by drawing out a number of pedagogical

implications for initial teacher education and professional development to bring schooling within

developing contexts into the 21st century.

Afshari, Abubakar, Wong, Abusamah and Foosayfooi (2009) carried out a study on

“Factors affecting teachers use of ICT”. Results were found that ICT implementation in schools

show that there are two main factors that affects teachers’ uptake of ICT. These are manipulative

and non – manipulative, school and teacher factors. Research on the implementation of ICT in

schools has also shown that these school and teacher factors are interrelated. The success of the

implementation of ICT is not dependent of the availability or absence of one individual factor,

but is determined through a dynamic process involving a set of interrelated factors. Teacher

education institutions and programmes must help teachers to understand now the new

technologies can best be used in the context of the culture, needs, and economic conditions of

their country.

Khalid Abdullah (2009) conducted a study on “Barriers to the successful integration of

ICT in teaching and learning environments‟. The study found that teachers have a strong desire

for the integration of ICT into education but that they encountered many barriers to it. The major

barriers were lack of confidence, lack 60 of competence, and lack of access to resources. Since

confidence, competence and accessibility have been found to be critical components for

technology integration in schools, ICT resources including software and hardware, effective
professional development, sufficient time, and technical support need to be provided for


Yuksel, Soner and Zahide (2009) studied on “Main barriers and possible enablers of ICT

integration into pre-service teacher education programs”. Results are obtained that the majority

of the stake-holders believe that lack of in-service training, lack of appropriate software and

materials and lack of hardware are the main barriers for integrating ICTs in pre-service teacher

education programs.

YuLi Chen (2008) focused a study to examine the “Factors affecting the integration of

Information and Communications Technology in teaching English in Taiwan”. This study

revealed that only when we begin to provide effective continuing professional development, will

be able to expect fruitful realization of the potential of ICT to improve the quality of learning at

higher education institutions. Accordingly, Taiwanese educational leaders and policy makers

should develop long-term and adequate funding for ICT integration instruction, including

ongoing professional development for teachers. Higher education institutions in Taiwan should

place emphasis more on technology integration in the classroom than in distance learning.

Administrators should try to understand and meet the needs of language teachers so that they can

provide necessary and appropriate 61 support for language instruction. They need to efficiently

and carefully consider budget for essential expenditure on hardware and software

Prabir, Sahu and Afzal (2011) studied on “Right to Education: effective use of ICT for

reaching out to socially and economically weaker sections in India”. This study revealed that

most of the enrollment in the coming several decades will be in developing countries and India

will contribute a significant proportion of that expansion. India by enacting right to education

act, 2009 has set out on an ambitious path to provide free and compulsory education to all
children in the 6 to 14 age groups. As a result, the number of students enrolled in elementary

schools in far flung villages would definitely see a quantum jump. Challenges of funding,

availability of qualified teachers, and building a sustainable academic culture and school

infrastructure are significant and real. Providing access to the free education for the children of

downtrodden peoples like tribal lower castes, and dalits is a complex issue in India wherein the

fragmentation in the society along religious, ethnic and linguistic lines is deep rooted. In

addition, rampant poverty which is the root cause of child labour leaves no time for the affected

children to undertake formal schooling. We also explore the ways in which the strengths of ICT

can be averaged in achievement of the goal. Nachimuthu (2010) conducted a study on Usability

of e-learning resources in teacher education of India. Results study revealed that all the

institutions are having at least five computer peripherals with 70 percent air conditioned facilities

in their ICT laboratories. Majority of B. Ed college lecturers and their colloquies are already

taking actions regarding some the accepted ways of use of computers in their regular classrooms

(32.0), however, they are not prepared to sacrifice their 62 personal comfort for using e-books (in

total 45%), they have strong reasons for that. the College of Education lectures were using the

physical books handling (86.2) rather than the e-books are also evidenced that, they were either

not having enough time to use e-books or entry in the computer labs. This paper offers a critical

examination of e- Learning in the College of education institutions setting. In order to create

more teachers’ professional development and to enhance the research experience we need in e-

journals and e-books.

The training module design is very substantial in conducting training program for the science

teacher specifically in computer simulation. Instructional design ADDIE is preferable in conducting

training program for staff or faculty. ADDIE consists of five phases. (1) Analysis wherein the objectives or
competencies are logically considered and analyze. 2. Design – structure that are think wisely and

propose strategies to be easily understand by the clientele to obtain the prospected goal or objectives

(3) Development in this phase construction and testing of materials like training module is done.( 4)

Implementation – facilitators has important part in performing the actual plan and designed made on

the content which is aligned to the curriculum (5) Evaluation is a last part of this design as an assessment

on how effective is the training module.

Related Literature

Scientific information literacy through accessibility to technology is one of the objectives of the

Science K-12 program. Teacher as facilitator of learning needs to develop the ICT skills.

Technology literacy as one of the approaches in the educational reform is being integrated on

the curriculum framework. Based in the UNESCO (2008) “ICT Competency Standards for Teachers” (ICT-

CST); Competency Standards Modules

Project had been established as professional development program for teachers and future teachers.

The UNESCO, provide specific guidelines for teachers educators programs in creating trainings in

producing highly equipped teachers in utilizing different resources like computer simulation. Through

the designed module of UNESCO project the following six component in educational system achieved

these are; (1) policy and vision which create and deepen the knowledge by technology literacy, (2)

curriculum and assessment to obtain 21st century learning skills, (3) pedagogy is improved through ICT

integration that help to solve complex problem lead to a self management, (4) ICT skills help to

properly utilized the different tools either basic, complex or pervasive, (5) Organization and

administration as learning organization the group collaborative attained create a classroom standard, (6)
Teacher and Professional development improved with proper guidance and management in digital

literacy results self efficacy and self esteem of teacher as a learner model.

UNESCO project focus is to engage training educator to assess the curriculum framework

depends on the socio-economic background of the learners and to provide or revise the learning

materials by utilizing the technology resources. Relevant to the development of ICT skills the context in

the curriculum and pedagogical practices is also improved for standard quality education through the

rapport of teachers preparedness and skills.

Choosing appropriate Instructional design and its’ process is very substantial in constructing

training module for faculty development. The five phases in the ADDIE instructional design theory is

very appropriate for a trainer developer on the construction of training module these are the following

Analysis: During this phase the instructional goal and objectives are established, knowledge and needs

assessments are completed, and logistical considerations are gathered. This information is analyzed and

decisions made. 2. Design: During this phase the instructional designer identifies and develops a set of

planned strategies targeted for attaining the goals and objectives of the training. 3. Development: In this

phase the training content and materials are created, assembled, and tested. 4. Implementation: During

this phase facilitators are trained on the course curriculum, methods, etc. Also, the training is provided

to the target audience. 5. Evaluation: This phase consists of both formative and summative evaluation.

Formative evaluation occurs during each stage of the design process. Summative evaluation consists of

getting feedback from the learner and testing for their competence.

Relevant Theories

There are two theoretical frameworks to be used in this study based on the reviewed

literature and studies. These are: (i) the Vygotsky’s (1978) Sociocultural Theory and (ii) the
Innovation Diffusion Theory of Rogers (1983). The next paragraphs will give a short overview

of these two frameworks and why it was chosen in this study.

Vygotsky’s (1978) stress that cognition and learning is being influence by social

interaction and the existing cultural system. Higher mental function such as judgement in general

are mediated by tools “technical tools” and signs”. From this theoretical perspective, ICT

integration/simulation as means of social interaction in the teaching of physics among Grade 12

Science teachers is assumed to place learners into activities, tasks or function for the

development of cognition. Lim (2002) further pointed out that, learning among individuals is not

fulfilled through solo learning but individuals learn with a wide variety of tools and signs, and

people that help them carry out their goal-oriented activities in a sociocultural setting social

interaction plays a fundamental role in the development of cognition.

Another theory to be used is the Diffusion of Innovations Theory by Everett Rogers

(1983), in which he presented the five stages (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation,

and confirmation) of technology diffusion in a society or an organization. It also presented some

elements that determine the rate and degree of innovation diffusion. These elements are the

innovation characteristic, communication channels, the period, and the social system. The theory

suggests that these four main elements influences the spread of a new idea. Furthermore, Peres,

Muller and Mahajan (2010) suggested that diffusion is "the process of the market penetration of

new products and services that is driven by social influences, which include all

interdependencies among consumers that affect various market players with or without their

explicit knowledge".

Therefore, this theory is related to this study on the ICT integration/simulation in the

teaching of physics among Grade 12 Science teachers because technologies such as radio,
television, radio, cable, other electric appliances, telephone, cellular phone, personal computer,

laptop, the Internet, other ICT devices, etc. causes a diffusion of knowledge into people. In short,

ICT integration/simulation likewise causes a diffusion of knowledge into learners. The theory

therefore, offers a powerful paradigm for conceptualizing the development and acceptance

through communication of ICT simulation via teaching/lessons by individuals in an organization.

This theory is related to Research Problem 4 (What is the extent of the following factors

affecting on the ICT integration/simulation under Science in terms of: physics teachers’ ICT

simulation knowledge/competence; practice/implementation; management; and technical support

given to physics teachers in the use of ICT?) because the variables mentioned can determine

whether or not these factors is successful in causing a diffusion of knowledge into learners

Conceptual Framework

The direction of this study is not an issue because the researcher follows a conceptual

research framework called the Systems Approach. Table 1 shows the conceptual research


Conceptual Framework
The direction of this study is not an issue because the researcher follows a conceptual research

framework called the Systems Approach. Table 1 shows the conceptual research paradigm.

1. Appropriate design of OUTPUT
training module on computer simulation
based on science teachers’ perspective?
1.1 . Introduction
1.2 Motivation Descriptive Methodology
1.4 Practice
1.5 Enrichment
1.6 Evaluation
2. Level of acceptability of
the given computer simulation software in Data Gathering
terms of the : Techniques
2.1 Functionality;
a. survey questionnaire
2.2 Reliability
2.3 Usability;
b. face-to-face interviews
2.4 Portability;
2.5 Speed; and c. computer assisted
2.6 System Training and Documentation. interviews
3.Level of computer literacy
of the Science teachers in using computer
simulation? High level of acceptability
4. Extent of the following factors affecting
of the Training Module
on the ICT integration/simulation under
Science Statistical Treatment of (topic: Urban
a. physics teachers’ ICT simulation Data Development Simulation)
knowledge/competence; as an ICT based
b. practice/implementation; a. frequency count; integration or simulation
c. management; and
d. technical support given to to physics b. percentage;
teachers in the use of ICT
c. mean; &

d. weighted mean

Presentation, Analysis
and Interpretation of
It can be seen on Figure 1 the research paradigm. The study will be utilizing the most

common conceptual framework called as the systems approach consisting of the three major

systems: Input, Process, Output and the Feedback.

The yellow box is the Input of the study which are as follows: the profile of the science

teacher respondents in terms of: sex; age; civil status; educational attainment; present position;

and length of service. Second Inputs is the extent of ICT integration/simulation in the teaching of

physics among Senior High School Science teachers. Third Inputs is the kind of attitude of

physics teachers towards the use of ICT integration/simulation in teaching of physics. Fourth and

last Inputs is the extent of the following factors affecting on the ICT integration/simulation under

Science in terms of: physics teachers’ ICT simulation knowledge/competence;

practice/implementation; management; and technical support given to physics teachers in the use

of ICT. The green box is the Process of the study which are as follows: use of Descriptive

Quantitative Methodology, Data Gathering Techniques (survey questionnaire; face-to-face

interviews; and computer assisted interviews); Statistical Treatment of Data (frequency count;

percentage; mean; & weighted mean); and the Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data.

The blue box is the Output of the study which are as follows: the summary, conclusion

recommendations of the study; the creation of simplified Training Module with a topic of Urban

Development Simulation as an ICT based integration/simulation; and achieving a high level of

acceptability of such Training Module with a topic of Urban Development Simulation from the

Science teachers and other experts perceptive.

Hypotheses of the Study

Although this is study uses descriptive quantitative methodology, no testing of variables

will be made therefore just an assumptions are sufficient. The following are the enumeration of

the assumptions of this study:

1. A simplified Training Module with a topic of Urban Development Simulation as an

ICT based integration/simulation to be produced is helpful for science students.

2. There is a high level of acceptability of the Training Module with a topic of Urban

Development Simulation from the Science teachers and other experts perceptive.
Definition of Variable

The following are the major research variables and the definitions of each:

ICT. This is an abbreviation of Information Communication and Technology which

refers to computer technology, multimedia, and networking, including the Internet (source:

ICT integration/simulation. This means the actual ICT integration/simulation of Senior

High School Science teachers in the teaching of physics

attitude of teachers. This refers to the attitude of teachers towards the use of ICT

integration/simulation in teaching of physics.

factors affecting on the ICT integration/simulation. This pertains to the factors

affecting on the ICT integration/simulation in Science in terms of: physics teachers’ ICT

simulation knowledge/competence; practice/implementation; management; technical support

given to physics teachers in the use of ICT.

physics teachers’ ICT simulation knowledge/competence. This refers to the

knowledge and ability physics teachers’ in the ICT simulation.

practice/implementation. This means the practice/implementation of physics teachers’

in the ICT simulation.

management. This refers to the management of physics teachers’ in the ICT simulation.

technical support. This means the technical support by school administration given to

physics teachers in the use of ICT

output. This means the output of this study which is the simplified Training Module with

a topic of Urban Development Simulation as an ICT based integration/simulation.

level of acceptability. This refers to level of acceptability of such Training Module with

a topic of Urban Development Simulation from the Science teachers and other experts


Training Module. This refers to the Training Module with a topic of Urban

Development Simulation wherein an ICT based integration/simulation shall be used.



This chapter explains the research methods and techniques of the study, population

respondents, samples and location of the study, data collection instruments, data gathering

procedure and the data analysis processing and interpretation to be presented.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

To answer the research problems of this study, research methodology must be identified

as the first stage. This study will utilize the descriptive quantitative methodology. One of the

classical yet best definitions of this type of research was made by Best and Khan, (1989) in

which “Quantitative research consists of those studies in which the data concerned can be

analyzed in terms of numbers ... Quantitative research is based more directly on its original

plans and its results are more readily analyzed and interpreted.” Another definition was taken

from the website which states that Quantitative research involves the

use of computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive results. Based on these

definitions, quantitative research is concerned with the collection, presentation and analysis of

relatively large-scale and representative sets of data in a tabular form and with the use of

numbers. It tends to emphasize relatively large-scale and representative sets of data.

The following are the advantages of quantitative research: through statistical

measurement, analysis and treatment precision is achieved; control is ensured through proper

sampling and design; variables can be correlated to test hypothesis and statements. On the other

hand, there are also disadvantages: the human touch cannot be simply quantified through this

type of research unlike the inert matter in the physical sciences; It cannot measure abstract
variables such as notions of freedom, choice and moral responsibility; and it fails to take account

of people's unique ability to interpret their experiences, construct their own meanings and act on


Descriptive quantitative research methodology aims to describes the characteristics of the

population or phenomenon that is being studied focusing more on the “what” of the research

subject (Questioner Inc., 2018). Moreover, Locklear (2012) explained that a descriptive research

design it a good methodology in the investigation of the student characteristics and the factors

influencing their mathematical self-efficacy. In this study, the researcher also investigates the

characteristics of respondents and factors affecting ICT simulation in Teaching of Physics as a

basis in the formulation of Simplified Training Module in Urban Development.

Population and Sample of the Study

The second stage under methodology is the determination of Population and Sample of

the Study. One hundred (100) students plus five (5) teachers of Masantol High School at

Masantol, Pampanga, Region 3 will become the participants in this study. The major factor

affecting the selection of participants was the following:

(i) participants’ must be a current science teacher/enrolled student in the

aforementioned school;

(ii) participants’ have willingness to become participant in the study without

intimidation, coercion and force;

(iii) participants are either computer literate but have no background in using

computer simulation or computer literate but with a background in using

computer simulation
(iv) participants’ have knowledge, background, etc. on ICT integration/simulation in

the teaching of science.

Hence, purposive sampling can fulfill this type of participant selection. The outcome of

this purposive sampling in this study is that a total sample of 105 participants will be involved.

Table 1 below shows the frequency and distribution of teacher/student respondents.

Table 1

Frequency and Distribution of Teacher and Student Respondents

Groups of Teacher-
No. Frequency Percentage
1 Science teachers 38 39.90
2 Grade 11 students 31 29.52
3 Grade 12 students 36 37.80
Total (N) 105 100%

Table 1 shows the frequency and percentage distribution of the three groups of

respondents of this research. The total highest number of respondents is from Science teachers

which is thirty-eight (38) or 39.90%. these teachers are handling either General Science or

Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The lowest number of respondents

are the Grade 11 students which is thirty-one (31) or 29.52%. All of these respondents are from

Masantol High School, in Masantol, Pampanga. There are 231 Grade 12 students, and ___ Grade

11 students for a total of ___ students.

The Municipality of Masantol (see Figure 2) is a 2nd class town in

the province of Pampanga, Region 3, Philippines. To this date, it has a population of more than

60,000 people according to the official who had been interviewed by the researcher. The town is

named after the santol trees that grows plentiful in the area (Camiling, 2012). According the
DepEd Division of Pampanga data, Masantol has twenty-seven (27) primary and secondary

schools, one of which is the from Masantol High School. The people called Kapampangans.


Figure 3

Political Map of Masantol Showing the Locale of the Study

Research Instruments

The third stage under methodology is formulation of the research instruments to be

utilized by the researcher in accordance with the quantitative research design are the following:

survey questionnaire (main data gathering instrument); face-to-face interviews; and computer

assisted interviews. The survey questionnaire will proceed with the instrument validation

process. It will be approved by the thesis adviser and panel members. See appendix for the

complete survey questionnaire (Macquio, 2018). The face-to-face interviews and computer

assisted interviews shall both supports the main data gathering instrument.

This study provides some information on the possible computer simulation activities and

training module for the science teachers who are teaching physics in the cluster VII division of

Pampanga. Almost 30 Science teachers are the participants from Senior High School. The topic

and learning competencies in this training module acquired from Junior and Senior high school

curriculum guide. The interactive materials utilize by the researcher will be taken from the

internet. In making training module the researchers focus only in Urban Development Simulation

topic. The selected topic included in the software are the following: (1) Social Media (2)

Feedback Community Platform; (3) Text and Visualization Zervices and (4) Simulator/s.

The training model include the materials needed, Step by step procedures in manipulating

the simulation and Guide question to be answered by the participants. Additional to it is the
interpretation of the graph or the diagram/illustration form in the simulation. For the testing time

or evaluation participants are allowed to manipulate the data and make their own illustration and

analyze it to enhance their critical thinking. At the end of the of the training participants will rate

the software, the websites, the acceptability and post training (See on given Appendixes).

Data Gathering Procedure

The fourth stage under methodology is the data gathering procedure. The proposed

survey questionnaire adapted from ____________ will proceed to strict validation process by the

thesis adviser and other experts. It will be pilot tested to ten (10) Grades 11 and 12 students from

the senior high school students from other school aside from Masantol High School to test its

validity and reliability. Then, minor revisions will be made. After series of revisions, it will be

finalized through the guidance of their comments, questions, and suggestions. The finalized

questionnaire will now be used for the actual data gathering. The researcher personally

distributed these survey questionnaires to each student respondents and guide them in answering

the questions so as to obtain correct and valid answers.

Then the researcher proceeds to the next step of the data gathering procedure. The face‐

to‐face interviews are advantageous for the researcher since: it enables the researcher to establish

rapport with participants and therefore gain their cooperation.   It yields the highest response

rates in survey research.  It allows the researcher to clarify ambiguous answers and when

appropriate, seek follow‐ up information (Leedy and Ormrod, 2001).

Finally, researcher proceeds to the last step of the data gathering procedure, the use of

computer assisted interviews. This also has an advantages. It saves time involved in processing
the data. It saves the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of questionnaires. It is also not

that expensive as long as there is electricity, computer and internet.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

After the stage of data collection, this is the final stage under researcher methodology.

The results of the survey questionnaires will be analyzed through the SPSS statistical software.

No testing will be made because the main concern of this thesis is not testing the relationships of

variables but producing an output which is the Training Module. The analysis therefore is limited

to accepting or not of the research assumptions.

Frequency distribution and percentage will be computed in order to analyze the

demographic profile of the science teacher respondents in terms of: sex; age; civil status;

educational attainment; present position; and length of service

The formula:

P = N x100


P = percentage

F = frequency

N = total number of respondents

Weighted Mean will be used to describe the weighted value of the responses on the

extent of ICT integration/simulation in the teaching of physics among Grade 12 Science

teachers; the attitude of physics teachers towards the use of ICT integration/simulation in

teaching of physics? the extent of the following factors affecting on the ICT

integration/simulation under Science in terms of: physics teachers’ ICT simulation

knowledge/competence; practice/implementation; management; and technical support given to

physics teachers in the use of ICT.

The formula:
X = ∑ fx

X = weighted arithmetic mean

E = summation of

f = frequency

x = weight of each score

N = sum of all the respondents tested

Likert Scale. will be used to determine the level of acceptability of Training Module

with a topic of Urban Development Simulation from the Science teachers and other experts

perceptive in terms of the selected Custodio’s (2015) acceptability criteria of instructional

training devices: Functionality; Reliability; Usability; 6.4 Maintainability; Safety; and System

Training and Documentation.

The statements/items pertaining to determining the level of acceptability of Training

Module in your school follows the verbal description below:


5 - Strongly Agree
4 - Agree
3 - Neutral
2 - Disagree
1 - Strongly Disagree

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of this study is:

How does science teacher/proponent can improve the knowledge, skills, attitude, extent

of use and the factors affecting ICT integration/simulation in the teaching of physics among

Grade 12 Science teachers?

Specifically, this thesis seeks answers to the following research questions:

1. What is the profile of the science teacher respondents in terms of:

1.1 sex;

1.2 age;

1.3 civil status;

1.4 educational attainment;

1.5 present position; and

1.6 length of service?

2. What is the extent of ICT integration/simulation in the teaching of physics among Grade 12

Science teachers?
3. What is the kind of attitude of physics teachers towards the use of ICT integration/simulation

in teaching of physics?

4. What is the extent of the following factors affecting on the ICT integration/simulation under

Science in terms of:

4.1 physics teachers’ ICT simulation knowledge/competence;

4.2 practice/implementation;

4.3 management; and

4.4 technical support given to physics teachers in the use of ICT?

5. What output: simplified Training Module with a topic of Urban Development Simulation as an

ICT based integration/simulation can be produced?

6. What is the level of acceptability of such Training Module with a topic of Urban Development

Simulation from the Science teachers and other experts perceptive?


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Kriek and Gerrit Stols (2010) found out that beliefs about the perceived usefulness and

the pedagogical compatibility of PhET have a significant effect on teachers’ attitude towards the

use of the simulations in their classrooms. The expectations of the teachers’ colleagues

contribute to the subjective norm of these teachers. The regression and partial correlation result

also highlights the importance of teachers’ general technology proficiency. Although we were

not able to confirm a direct link between attitudes, subjective norm, perceived behavioural

control, and the teachers’ behaviour intention we show the influence of behaviour intention on

the actual use of the simulations with an accuracy of 70.83%.

Kriek and Stols (2010) Teachers’ beliefs and their intention to use interactive simulations

in their classrooms. South African Journal of Education Copyright © 2010 EASA Vol 30:439-


Steiner and Mendelovitch (2016) have had proven that most teachers in this study use ICT tools

primarily for visual aspects of their teaching, such as upgrading classroom demonstrations.

Further, they are unaware of the need to change their teaching methods by adopting sophisticated

computer applications relevant to science teaching. Even the minority who felt the need to

change teaching methods do not know how to achieve this end.

Steiner and Mendelovitch (2016). "I'm The Same Teacher": The Attitudes of Science and

Computer Literacy Teachers Regarding Integrating ICT in Instruction to Advance Meaningful

Learning. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education ISSN: 1305-

8223 (online) 1305-8215 (print) 2017 13(5):1259-1282 DOI 10.12973/eurasia.2017.00670a

Teachers' willingness to use ICT technologies is dependent upon their knowledge of and

fluency in computer skills. Those who connect regularly to the internet tend to use ICT in their

classroom more than those who do not use internet in their daily life. Furthermore, a command of

computer skills and ICT, has been found to correlate with advanced technological-pedagogical

content knowledge. This complex knowledge which involves the smart integration of

information technologies also reduces fear of change and is thought to be an ability that

improves through practice (Magen-Nagar & Peled, 2012).

Magen-Nagar, N., & Peled, B. (2012). Me’afyenei Morim BaSvivah Limudit

Metukshevet [Characteristics of Israeli school teachers in computer-based learning

environments]. Chais Conference for Instructional Technologies Research: Learning in the

Technological Era. Raanana: Open University, 212–221. [in Hebrew].


One of the common objective of a simulation projects is “to increased student

engagement, improved learning and improved beliefs about and approach toward learning”

(Wieman, Perkins & Adams, 2008). The simulations are highly interactive and provide animated

feedback to the user. In developing and implementing the simulations, researchers made use of

“student interviews and classroom testing to explore issues of usability, interpretation and

learning” (Wieman et al., 2008).

Wieman CE, Perkins KK & Adams WK. 2008. Oersted Medal Lecture 2008: Interactive simulations

for teaching physics: What works, what doesn’t, and why. American Journal of Physics, 76:393-399.

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