Agnes S. Tumbaga Beed 1-A March 07,2022 Eunice Galman Arjenn Lising

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Name: Agnes S.

Tumbaga Year/Level/Section: BEEd 1-A

Date: March 07,2022 Facilitator: Eunice Galman
Practice Teacher: Arjenn Lising

Changes in Our Lives

Think about an important change you made in your life

1. Describe the change

- The change I have made in my life is that I have removed negative thoughts
and no longer overthink other things. And I’ve learned to let go of the toxic
ones that happen to me.

2. What were you thinking going through the change?

- I thinking about going through the change was that I realized to myself that I
was hurting too much.

3. How were you feeling before, during and after you made the change?

- I felt before making the change, I wondered if I could change I was used to
doing. As I was making the change I gradually realized that I could do it. And
after I made the change I didn’t realize I was like that. What was hurting me
has change and removed.
Change and Emotions

1. Why is change hard for most people?

- For my own experience, it’s really hard to change. Just like I experience. My
friend told me to “change your behavior, you know how hard it is to
understand, how hard it handles to your habit”. Sometimes I wonder how?
How can I change if this is me, if this is my personality? It’s hard to change
who you really are. And your really used to doing that.

2. Why is change easier for some people?

- Maybe because they really thought well for themselves or they really wanted
to and it was easy for them to change.

3. What strong emotions do people feel when they are asked to change?

- Hardship and pain. Actually, for my own experience. There wasn’t a night I
didn’t spend just complaining to God. Which one no one takes me. Is that how
I understand chaos?
Self - Check Exercise

1. Clarify how your physique (Physical characteristic’s like height, weight and
body from) will affect your personality.

2. Elucidate how your given names will affect your personality.

3. How sexual difference can br a source for our personality difference?

4. How our psychological make ups contribute for our personality development?

Understanding Change
The two most important reasons why people find it difficult to change are loss and feart.

Loss of Fear of

 Control  The unknow

 Confidence  Failure

 Identity  Embarrassment

 Power / Status  New Responsibilities

 Relationships  New People

 Hope  Negative Consequence

Talk about some personnel examples with participants in your small group.

Loss Fear

*Confidence *Failure
* Relationships *Negative Consequences
*Loss of close friend *Being judged
*Death of family members *Getting hurt

“What if “Discussion Groups

 What if you won a million dollars? What would you do with the windfall
-If I won a million dollars I will do first to fulfill my dreams with my family and I
will buy what I want and the rest I will donate to the orphanage and to the

 What if you could travel to any place in the world? Where would you go,
why would you go there, and who would you invite along?

-If I ever travel to a place in thus world, I will go to the heaven, I know it’s
clingy to hear that but I want to go the heaven because I want to see my
youngest brother. I want to be with him again. No one has a clue about it.
Even smell nothing. Even in my dreams he does not show up. I always
thought that maybe he was sulking or maybe he knows I am scared. I don’t
want to invite anyone I just want me first.

 What if you were granted three wishes? What would you wish for?

-If I am given three wishes, I want first is to be with my parents for a long
time, second is to fulfill all my dreams and the third I would have been in my
dreams to see and be with my youngest brother.

 What if you had the power to give yourself a special ability? What talent or
ability would you give yourself and why?

-If I had special ability I wanted to know how to do magic. For all I want to go
is just a magic of my own, one I just say where I am going I already there.
First, I will go to my youngest brother. I want to hug him and bond even for a

 What if you had the chance to spend a day with anyone in the world? Who
would choose and why?

-If I given the chance to spend a day I want to be with my youngest brother.
Because, I want to be with him again, to bond, to talk, and everything we do
every day I miss when we do. The last time he disappeared, I couldn’t even
take him to his final destination because I was sick then. I want to be with him
for at least one day so that I can make him feel that I miss him so much and I
will apologize for not taking him t his final destination.

Two - Minutes Speeches

Prepare a two-minute speech about you self-describing the essence of your

personal identity. “Who are you “You can choose to share a personal story or an
interesting experience. You can talk about your family and career, of your goals
and dream.

Presentation Notes

- I am Agnes S. Tumbaga, 19 years of age. And I am from San Andres 2,

Quezon, Nueva Ecija. I am taking a Bachelor of Elementary Education at
Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology. My zodiac sign is
Sagittarius. We have six in the family. But my youngest brother is gone. It’s
been two years since he left us. He contracted Pneumonia at age of 13 years
old. It’s hard to accept but it’s necessary because what else can you do if
that’s all there is to human life. Btw! I am friendly. I love hanging outs of my
friend. I am part of LGBTQ and I have a girlfriend. My favorite colors are
black, gray and sky blue. And lastly, I love listening to music because when I
feel lonely and alone it’s just the thing that I do. To ease the pain and
loneliness that I want to forget. I chose teacher course because I believe
“Education is a profession where you can see the impact that you having on
the world around you. You also get to grow with your students, as they learn,
you learn too. There aren’t many professions about there that allow for that.”

Debriefing Questions

What was your experience going through this exercise?

-My experience through this exercise has a made me active in my introduction of
myself to know better who I am.
How was this difficult for you?
-I didn’t have a difficult, because I told the story of my life.

What we’re thinking (self - talk) before and during this speech?
- I always remember to myself that before I speak I should be confident, it’s
okay to be nervous but every word that comes out to my mouth should be
clearly understood by the listener.
What were you feeling before you told your story?
-I am happy and very proud to myself because I was able to share my story
What is it you want us to see in you by telling this story?
- I want the listener to see in me as I tell the story I hope you would have been
happy with story I shared.
Feed back

Parthner: Angela Auxtero

A gift or strength I see in you Something I am curious

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