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अपने घर बैठे ही Free में Bank Exams

की तैयारी कीजिए PUNEET SIR के साथ

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Daily Free Special Classes by Puneet Sir

Puneet Sir के साथ Different Types

की Puzzle करो और IBPS PO बनो
Let’s crack It
Highlights of the session :
1. Day& Time Based Puzzle 8. Certain Number Row
2. Month Based Puzzle 9. Matrix Based Puzzle
3. Row Based Puzzle 10. Box + Variable
4. Floor & Flat Based Puzzle 11. Certain Number boxes
5. Post based Puzzle 12. Circle + Variable Puzzle
6. Uncertain Number 13. Year Based Puzzle
7. Circle + Variable based puzzle 14. 3 Variable


Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are go to stadium for swimming in two
different days Tuesday and Saturday in four different timing morning 7am afternoon
2pm, evening 6pm and night 10pm. (Consecutive alphabets are not together.)
H goes to stadium 2pm. Only three persons go to between H and A. B goes to stadium
exactly middle between H and A. C goes to stadium near to A but not near to B. The
number of persons go to stadium between C and H is two more than the number of
person go to between H and D. F goes to stadium on Saturday.

आठ व्यजतत A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H दो अलग-अलग ददनों में तैराकी के ललए स्टे डियम में

िाते हैं| मंगलवार और शननवार को चार अलग-अलग समय में सब ु ह 7 बिे, दोपहर 2
बिे, शाम 6 बिे और रात 10 बिे। (Consecutive alphabets are not together.)
H, 2 बिे स्टे डियम में िाता है । H और A के बीच केवल तीन व्यजतत िाते है । H और A के
ठीक मध्य में B स्टे डियम में िाता है । C, A के ननकट स्टे डियम मे िाता है लेककन B के
ननकट नहीं। C और H के बीच स्टे डियम िाने वाले व्यजततयों की संख्या H और D के बीच
स्टे डियम िाने वाले व्यजततयों से दो अधिक है । F, शननवार को स्टे डियम में िाता है ।
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H
are go to stadium for swimming in two
different days Tuesday and Saturday in
four different timing morning 7am
afternoon 2pm, evening 6pm and night
10pm. (Consecutive alphabets are not
H goes to stadium 2pm. Only three
persons go to between H and A. B goes
to stadium exactly middle between H
and A. C goes to stadium near to A but
not near to B. The number of persons
go to stadium between C and H is two
more than the number of person go to
between H and D. F goes stadium on
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are born in two years 2019 and 2020
in four different months January, February, April and May.
H born in 2019 that month which has odd number of days. Three persons
born between H and A. G born in that month which has even number of
days in 2020. D is third youngest. Two persons born between D and B.
Minimum three persons born between G and F who born in that month
which has odd number of days. E born after B.
आठ व्यजततयों A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H ने दो वर्षो 2019 और 2020 में चार अलग-अलग
महीनो िनवरी, फरवरी अप्रैल और मई में िन्म ललया |
H ने 2019 में उस महीने में िन्म ललया जिसमे ददनों की संख्या ववर्षम है | H और A के
बीच तीन व्यजततयों ने िन्म ललया| G ने 2020 में उस महीने में िन्म ललया जिसमे
ददनों की संख्या सम है | D तीसरा सबसे छोटा व्यजतत है | D और B के बीच दो व्यजतत िन्म
लेते है | G और F के बीच कम से कम तीन व्यजतत िन्म लेते है| F ने उस महीने में िन्म
ललया जिनमें ददनों की संख्या ववर्षम है | E का िन्म B के बाद हुआ।
Eight persons A, B, C, D, E, F, G and
H are born in two years 2019 and
2020 in four different months
January, February, April and May.
H born in 2019 that month which has
odd number of days. Three persons
born between H and A. G born in that
month which has even number of
days in 2020. D is third youngest. Two
persons born between D and B.
Minimum three persons born
between G and F who born in that
month which has odd number of
days. E born after B.
14 people are sitting in two parallel rows containing 7 people each, in such a way that there is an
equal distance between adjacent persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D, E, F and G are seated and all of them
are facing north. In row -2 M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are seated and all of them are facing south.
Therefore, in the given seating arrangement each member seated in a row faces another member of
the other row.
N and C are facing to each other. Neither R nor A sits any ends of the row. A and E are neighbours. The
number of person sit to the right of P is equal to the number of person sit to the left of P. Q and G are
sitting diagonally opposite to each other. P sits second to the left of the one who faces D. The number of
person sit to the left of D is equal to the number of person sit to the left of M. There are three person sit
between M and O. O and Q are not neighbours. B faces the one of the immediate neighbours of O.
14 लोग दो समानाां तर पांक्तियोां में इस तरह बै ठे हैं कि पास बै ठे प्रत्येि व्यक्ति में समान दू री है , प्रत्येि पांक्ति में 7
लोग है । पहली पांक्ति में , A, B, C, D, E, F और G बै ठे है और सभी िा मु ख उत्तर िी ओर है । दू सरी पांक्ति में ,
M, N, O, P, Q, R और S बै ठे हैं और सभी िा मु ख दकिण िी ओर है । इसकलए, दी गई बै ठने िी व्यवस्था िे
आधार पर पांक्ति में बै ठे प्रत्येि व्यक्ति िा मु ख दू सरी पांक्ति में बै ठे व्यक्ति िे सामने है ।
N और C एक दूसरे के विपरीत बैठता हैं। पंवि के वकसी भी छोर पर न तो R और न ही A बैठता है। A और E पडोसी हैं। P के दाई ं ओर
बैठने िाले व्यवि की सख्
ं या P के बाई ं ओर बैठने िाले व्यवि की सख्ं या के बराबर है। Q और G एक दूसरे के विपरीत वतरछे बैठे हैं। P,
D के विपरीत बैठने िाले के बाई ं ओर दूसरे स्थान पर बैठता है। D की बाई ं ओर बैठने िाले व्यवि की संख्या M के बाई ं ओर बैठने िाले
व्यवि की संख्या के बराबर है। M और O के बीच तीन व्यवि बैठते हैं। O और Q पडोसी नहीं हैं| B, O के तत्काल पडोसी में से एक
के विपरीत बैठता है।
14 people are sitting in two parallel rows
containing 7 people each, in such a way that
there is an equal distance between adjacent
persons. In row-1 A, B, C, D, E, F and G are
seated and all of them are facing north. In row
-2 M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are seated and all of
them are facing south. Therefore, in the given
seating arrangement each member seated in a
row faces another member of the other row.
N and C are facing to each other. Neither R nor
A sits any ends of the row. A and E are
neighbours. The number of person sit to the
right of P is equal to the number of person sit to
the left of P. Q and G are sitting diagonally
opposite to each other. P sits second to the left
of the one who faces D. The number of person
sit to the left of D is equal to the number of
person sit to the left of M. There are three
person sit between M and O. O and Q are not
neighbours. B faces the one of the immediate
neighbours of O.
Nine persons J, K, L, M, U, O, P, Q and R live in a Building had three floors numbered from
1-3, where 3 was the topmost floor. Each floor had three flats, named as I,II and III where
I was the leftmost flat and III the rightmost flat.
U and O are live in same floor. Q lives on exactly middle of the building. Q’s consecutive
alphabets do not live Q’s consecutive flat. M lives just below the one who lives second
left of O. L and M do not live on consecutive floor of Q. R does not neighbor of any vowel.
K does not live consecutive alphabet’s flat .

9 लोग J, K, L, M, U, O, P, Q और R एक इमारत में 1-3 क्रमसंख्या की मंजिले थी िहां 3

शीर्षषतम मंजिल था| प्रत्येक मंजिल पर I, II और III नालमत तीन फ्लैट थे िहां चरम बायीं
ओर का फ्लैट I और चरम दायीं ओर का फ्लैट III था|
U और O एक ही मंजिल में रहते हैं। Q इमारत के ठीक मध्य में रहता है । Q के पास के
अक्षर Q के पास वाले फ्लैट में नहीं रहते हैं। M, O के बांये दस
ू रे स्थान पर रहने वाले के
ठीक नीचे रहता है । L और M, Q की ननरं तर मंजिल पर नहीं रहते हैं। R ककसी स्वर का
पडोसी नहीं है । K अपने पास के अक्षर वाले फ्लैट में नहीं रहता है ।
Nine persons J, K, L, M, U, O, P, Q and R live
in a Building had three floors numbered
from 1-3, where 3 was the topmost floor.
Each floor had three flats, named as I,II and
III where I was the leftmost flat and III the
rightmost flat.
U and O are live in same floor. Q lives on
exactly middle of the building. Q’s
consecutive alphabets do not live Q’s
consecutive flat. M lives just below the one
who lives second left of O. L and M do not
live on consecutive floor of Q. R does not
neighbor of any vowel. K does not live
consecutive alphabet’s flat .
In a Get-together party, six friends A, B, C, D, E and F each of them having of different
weight. Each of them working in different posts i.e. Teacher, Manager, Director, Engineer,
Clerk, and Businessman (not necessarily in same order).
C is a Clerk, but it is not the heaviest person. Businessman is heavier than Director but not
heavy as Engineer. F is heavier than D. Teacher is the fourth lightest person. B is not the
lightest person. C is heavier than A. Weight of B is less than A. E is heavier than B but not the
heaviest. A and D are not the Teacher. B is the Manager. A is not a Director.

गेट-टू-पाटी में , छह दोस्त A, B, C, D, E और F हैं, जिनमें से प्रत्येक का विन अलग है । उनमें से

प्रत्येक ववलिन्न पदों पर काम कर रहे हैं अथाषत ् लशक्षक, प्रबंिक, ननदे शक, इंिीननयर, तलकष,
और बबिनेसमैन (िरूरी नहीं कक उसी क्रम में )।
C एक तलकष है , लेककन यह सबसे िारी व्यजतत नहीं है । बबिनेसमैन, ननदे शक की तल ु ना में
िारी है , लेककन इंिीननयर के की तल ु ना में िारी नहीं है । F, D से अधिक िारी है । लशक्षक चौथा
सबसे हल्का व्यजतत है । B सबसे हल्का व्यजतत नहीं है । C, A से िारी है । B का विन A से कम
है । E, B से िारी है , लेककन सबसे िारी नहीं है । A और D लशक्षक नहीं हैं। B मैनेिर है । A
ननदे शक नहीं है ।
In a Get-together party, six friends A, B, C,
D, E and F each of them having of different
weight. Each of them working in different
posts i.e. Teacher, Manager, Director,
Engineer, Clerk, and Businessman (not
necessarily in same order).
C is a Clerk, but it is not the heaviest
person. Businessman is heavier than
Director but not heavy as Engineer. F is
heavier than D. Teacher is the fourth
lightest person. B is not the lightest person.
C is heavier than A. Weight of B is less than
A. E is heavier than B but not the heaviest.
A and D are not the Teacher. B is the
Manager. A is not a Director.
An uncertain number of persons sit in a linear row. All of them face north.
E sits immediate left of K who sits third from the one of the extreme ends of row. E
sits fifth to the right of F. K sits fourth to the right of D. As many persons sits
between C and F as many F and D. C sits fourth to the right of B. Four persons sit
between A and B. Not more than two person sit between A and D. B sits sixth to the
right of I. I sits second to the left of L who sits third from one of the extreme end.

अननजचचत संख्या में व्यजतत एक पंजतत में बैठे हैं। वे सिी उत्तर की ओर उन्मुह हैं।
E, K के ठीक बाएं बैठा है िो पंजतत के ककसी एक छोर से तीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है |E, F
के दायें से पांचवे स्थान पर बैठा है । K, D के दाये से चौथे स्थान पर बैठा है । C और F
के मध्य उतने ही व्यजतत बैठे हैं जितने F और D के मध्य बैठे हैं। C, B के दायें से चौथे
स्थान पर बैठा है । A और B के मध्य चार व्यजतत बैठे हैं। A और D के बीच दो से
अधिक व्यजतत नहीं बैठते हैं। B, I के दाईं ओर छठे स्थान पर बैठता है । I, L के बाएं से
दसू रे स्थान पर बैठा है िो अंनतम छोर से तीसरे स्थान पर बैठा है ।
An uncertain number of persons sit
in a linear row. All of them face
E sits immediate left of K who sits
third from the one of the extreme
ends of row. E sits fifth to the right
of F. K sits fourth to the right of D. As
many persons sits between C and F
as many F and D. C sits fourth to the
right of B. Four persons sit between
A and B. Not more than two person
sit between A and D. B sits sixth to
the right of I. I sits second to the left
of L who sits third from one of the
extreme end.
There are six people A, B, C, D, E and F sitting around a circular table facing outside the
centre. They are also from different cities — Delhi, Punjab, Kolkata, Kanpur, Bengaluru and
Mumbai. There are two people sit between C and E, who is from Mumbai. F is not an
immediate neighbour of both C and D, who is from Punjab. The one who is from Punjab sits
second to the left of the one who is from Kanpur. Neither F nor C is from Kanpur or Kolkata.
A sits opposite to the one who is from Kanpur. The one who is from Delhi, sits second to the
right of the one who is from Bengaluru.

छह व्यजतत है A, B, C, D, E और F िो एक वत्त ृ ाकार मेि के चारों ओर केंद्र के बाहर की ओर

महु करके बैठे हुए है । वह सिी अलग-अलग शहरों से िी है — ददल्ली, पंिाब, कोलकाता,
कानपरु , बंगलरुु और मब ंु ई | दो व्यजतत है िो C और E के मध्य में बैठे है , िो मब ंु ई से है । F,
C और D दोनों के ठीक साथ नहीं बैठा है , िो पंिाब से है । िो व्यजतत पंिाब से है वह उस
व्यजतत के बाएं ओर से दस ू रे स्थान पर बैठा है िो कानपरु से है । न तो F और न ही C कानपरु
या कोलकाता से है । A उस व्यजतत के ववपरीत ददशा में बैठा है िो कानपरु से है । िो व्यजतत
ददल्ली से है , वह उस व्यजतत के दाएं ओर से दस ू रे स्थान पर बैठा है िो बंगलरु
ु से है ।
There are six people A, B, C, D, E and F
sitting around a circular table facing
outside the centre. They are also from
different cities — Delhi, Punjab,
Kolkata, Kanpur, Bengaluru and
Mumbai. There are two people sit
between C and E, who is from Mumbai.
F is not an immediate neighbour of both
C and D, who is from Punjab. The one
who is from Punjab sits second to the
left of the one who is from Kanpur.
Neither F nor C is from Kanpur or
Kolkata. A sits opposite to the one who
is from Kanpur. The one who is from
Delhi, sits second to the right of the one
who is from Bengaluru.
certain number of persons are sitting in a row and all of them are facing in north direction. Each of them
likes different flowers. The one who likes Rose sits fourth to the right of the one who likes Jasmine. W
sits second to the right of the one who likes Rose. K sits immediate left of the one who likes Jasmine.
Only two persons sit between the one who likes Rose and T. Q sits fifth to the left of T. The one who
likes Lily sits fifth to the left of the one who likes Jasmine. N sits immediate left of Q and he does not like
Lily. Only one person sits between N and H. Only six persons sit to the left of K. H likes Dahlia and only
one person sit between the one who likes Dahlia and Lotus. N does not like Lotus. The one who likes
Lotus sits sixth from the right end.
एक ननजचचत संख्या में व्यजतत एक पंजतत में बैठे हैं और वे सिी उत्तर ददशा की ओर उन्मुह हैं। उनमें से
प्रत्येक को अलग-अलग फूल पसंद हैं। वह जिसे रोज़ पसंद है िैजस्मन पसंद करने वाले व्यजतत के दायीं
ओर चौथे स्थान पर बैठता है । W रोज़ पसंद करने वाले व्यजतत के दायीं ओर दस ू रे स्थान पर बैठता है । K
िैजस्मन पसंद करने वाले के ठीक बायीं ओर बैठता है । वह व्यजतत जिसे रोज़ पसंद है और T के मध्य
केवल दो व्यजतत बैठते हैं। Q, T के बायीं ओर पांचवें स्थान पर बैठता है । वह व्यजतत जिसे ललली पसंद है
िैजस्मन पसंद करने वाले व्यजतत के बायीं ओर पांचवें स्थान पर बैठता है । N, Q के ठीक बायीं ओर बैठता
है और उसे ललली पसंद नहीं है । N और H के मध्य केवल एक व्यजतत बैठता है । K के बायीं ओर केवल छह
व्यजतत बैठते हैं। H को दहललया पसंद है और दहललया एवं लोटस पसंद करने वाले व्यजततयों के मध्य
केवल एक व्यजतत बैठता है । N को लोटस पसंद नहीं है । वह व्यजतत जिसे लोटस पसंद है , दायीं ओर से
छठे स्थान पर बैठता है ।
certain number of persons are sitting in a row
and all of them are facing in north direction.
Each of them likes different flowers. The one
who likes Rose sits fourth to the right of the
one who likes Jasmine. W sits second to the
right of the one who likes Rose. K sits
immediate left of the one who likes Jasmine.
Only two persons sit between the one who likes
Rose and T. Q sits fifth to the left of T. The one
who likes Lily sits fifth to the left of the one
who likes Jasmine. N sits immediate left of Q
and he does not like Lily. Only one person sits
between N and H. Only six persons sit to the
left of K. H likes Dahlia and only one person sit
between the one who likes Dahlia and Lotus. N
does not like Lotus. The one who likes Lotus sits
sixth from the right end.
9 boxes are placed in a 3*3 matrix formation as there are 3 rows and 3
columns. All of them are placed from bottom to top. Box T is placed
Southwest of box C but North of box E. Box B is North of Box L, but East
of box O. Box B is placed in one of the rows below S. Box U is southwest
of Box S but not South-east of Box K.
9 डिब्बे, 3 * 3 मैदितस के गठन में इस प्रकार रहे िाते हैं कक 3 पंजततयााँ और 3
कॉलम हैं। उन सिी को नीचे से ऊपर तक रहा िाता है । बॉतस T, बॉतस C के दक्षक्षण
पजचचम में रहा गया है , लेककन बॉतस E के उत्तर में है । बॉतस B, बॉतस L के उत्तर में है ,
लेककन बॉतस O के पव ू ष में । बॉतस B को S के नीचे की पंजततयों में से ककसी एक में रहा
गया है । बॉतस U, बॉतस S के दक्षक्षण-पजचचम में है , लेककन बॉतस K के दक्षक्षण-पूवष में
नहीं है ।
9 boxes are placed in a 3*3
matrix formation as there
are 3 rows and 3 columns.
All of them are placed from
bottom to top. Box T is
placed Southwest of box C
but North of box E. Box B is
North of Box L, but East of
box O. Box B is placed in one
of the rows below S. Box U
is southwest of Box S but
not South-east of Box K.
Six boxes U, V, W, X, Y and Z are arranged from bottom to top also they are occupied with
different items i.e. O, P, Q, S, N, and M (but not necessarily in the same order). Box which
is occupied with Q is not placed at top and bottom. Z is placed either top or bottom, only 2
boxes are placed between Z and X, X is occupied with S. Only 1 box is placed between X
and V. Box U is not placed just above and just below X. Box U is not placed just below the
box which is occupied with O. Box which is occupied with M is placed between Z and Y. The
box which is placed just below V is occupied with P . M is not at ODD number box . Z is not
occupied with O and P.
छः बॉतस U, V, W, X, Y और Z नीचे से ऊपर तक रहा िाता है , उनमें ववलिन्न वस्तुयें िैसे O,
P, Q, S, N और M (लेककन इसी क्रम में हो िरूरी नही रही गयी हैं.) बॉतस जिसमे Q है वह
शीर्षष या सबसे नीचे पर नहीं रहा गया है .Z को या तो शीर्षष पर या सबसे नीचे रहा गया है , Z
और X के मध्य केवल 2 बॉतस रहे गए हैं| X जिसमें S है | X और V के बीच केवल 1 बॉतस
रहा गया है , बॉतस U, X के ठीक ऊपर या ठीक नीचे नहीं रहा गया है .बॉतस U को उस बॉतस
के नीचे नहीं रहा गया है जिसमे O है | जिस बॉतस में M है वह Z और Y के मध्य रहा गया
है |V के ठीक नीचे रहा गये बॉतस में P है |M ववर्षम नंबर बॉतस पर नहीं है । Z, O और P के
साथ नहीं है ।
Six boxes U, V, W, X, Y and Z are arranged
from bottom to top also they are occupied
with different items i.e. O, P, Q, S, N, and M
(but not necessarily in the same
order). Box which is occupied with Q is not
placed at top and bottom. Z is placed either
top or bottom, only 2 boxes are placed
between Z and X, X is occupied with S. Only
1 box is placed between X and V. Box U is
not placed just above and just below X. Box
U is not placed just below the box which is
occupied with O. Box which is occupied with
M is placed between Z and Y. The box which
is placed just below V is occupied with P . M
is not at ODD number box . Z is not
occupied with O and P.
There are certain number of boxes which are placed at one another such that
one box is placed above of another box. K is placed 3rd above F. B is placed 8th
below J. J is placed 3rd above K. R is placed at exactly between of J and B. There
are four boxes between R and U. Not more than 4 boxes is placed between U
and F. Not more than one box is placed between R and P. More than three box
is placed between J and P.

एक ननजचचत संख्या में बतसों को एक दस ू रे पर रहा गया है इस प्रकार से कक

एक बतसा दस ू रे बतसे के ऊपर है । K को F के ऊपर तीसरे स्थान पर रहा गया है ।
B को J के नीचे 8 वां स्थान पर रहा गया है । J को K के ऊपर तीसरे स्थान पर
रहा गया है । R को J और B के ठीक बीच में रहा गया है । R और U के बीच चार
बॉतस हैं। U और F के बीच में चार से अधिक बॉतस नहीं रहे गए हैं। R और P के
बीच एक से अधिक बॉतस नहीं है । J और P के बीच तीन से अधिक बॉतस रहे गए हैं।
There are certain number of boxes
which are placed at one another
such that one box is placed above
of another box. K is placed 3rd
above F. B is placed 8th below J. J
is placed 3rd above K. R is placed at
exactly between of J and B. There
are four boxes between R and U.
Not more than 4 boxes is placed
between U and F. Not more than
one box is placed between R and
P. More than three box is placed
between J and P.

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