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Oppose - Oppo /ˈɒpəʊ/ (n): A colleague or friend.

- Opponency /əˈpoʊnənsi/ (n):

+ Someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument.

+ A person who disagrees with or resists a proposal or practice.

- Opponens /əˈpəʊnənz/ (n): Another term for opponent muscle.

- Opposability /əˌpəʊzəˈbɪlɪti/ (n): The property of a digit of being opposable.

- opposable /əˈpəʊzəbl/ (adj): Capable of facing and touching the other digits on the
same hand.

- Unopposable /ʌnəˈpəʊzəbl/ (adj): That cannot be (effectively) opposed; irrepressible.

- Opposant /əˈpəʊz(ə)nt/ (n): A person contesting a matter before a judge or court.

- Opposedness /əˈpəʊzɪdnɪs/ (n): The fact, state, or quality of being opposed or in

opposition (to).

- Opposer /əˈpəʊzə/ (n): One who opposes, one who shows opposition.

- Opposingly /əˈpəʊzɪŋli/ (adv): In an opposing or contrary manner; in opposition or

contrast; in opposite directions.

- Opposite-leaved (adj): Having opposite leaves.

- Oppositeness /'ɔpəzitnis/ (n): The quality or state of being as different as possible.

- Oppositifolious /əˌpɒzɪtɪˈfəʊlɪəs/ (adj):

+ Having opposite leaves.

+ Situated opposite a leaf, as a peduncle or tendril.

- Oppositionality /ɒpəˌzɪʃəˈnalɪti/ (n): The state or condition of being oppositional; =


- Oppositionist /ɒpəˈzɪʃənɪst/ (n): A person who opposes someone or something.

- Oppositionist /ɒpəˈzɪʃənɪst/ (adj): Relating to opposition or oppositionists.

- Oppositionless /ɒpəˈzɪʃnləs/ (adj): Free from or having no opposition; containing or

involving no opposites.
- Oppositive /əˈpɒzɪtɪv/ (adj): Expressing opposition; contrasting.

- Oppositor /əˈpɒzɪtə/ (n): Opponent.

- Opposive /ˈɒpəzɪv/ (adj): Opposite.

- Opposure /əˈpəʊʒə/ (n): The action of opposing; = "opposition".

- Reoppose /riːəˈpəʊz/ (v): To oppose again or in turn.

- Unopposite /ʌnˈɒpəzɪt/ʌnˈɒpəsɪt/ (adj): Not opposite. Of a person: even-handed;

amenable, tractable.

- Andropausal /ˈandrə(ʊ)pɔːzl/ (adj): Fatigue and a decrease in libido, experienced by

some middle-aged or older men and attributed to a gradual decline in testosterone

- Andropause /ˈandrə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): A collection of symptoms, including fatigue and a

decrease in libido, experienced by some middle-aged or older men and attributed to a
gradual decline in testosterone levels.

- Diapause /ˈdʌɪəpɔːz/ (n): A period of suspended development in an insect, other

invertebrate, or mammal embryo, especially during unfavourable environmental

- Diapause /ˈdʌɪəpɔːz/ (v): (of an insect or other animal) undergo a period of suspended

- Heliopause /ˈhiːlɪəpɔːz/ (n): The boundary of the heliosphere.

- ionopause /ʌɪˈɒnəpɔːz/ (n): The upper boundary of the ionosphere of a planet, comet,
or other celestial object.

- Magnetopause /maɡˈniːtə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): The outer limit of a magnetosphere.

- Menopausic /mɛnə(ʊ)ˈpɔːzɪk/ (adj): Menopausal.

- Mesopause /ˈmɛsə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): The boundary in the earth's atmosphere between the
mesosphere and the thermosphere, at which the temperature stops decreasing with
increasing height and begins to increase.

- Perimenopausal /pɛrɪmɛnə(ʊ)ˈpɔːzl/ (adj): Of or in the period of a woman's life shortly

before the occurrence of the menopause.

- Perimenopause /pɛrɪˈmɛnə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): The period of a woman's life shortly before the
occurrence of the menopause.

- Plasmapause /ˈplazməpɔːz/ (n): The outer limit of a plasmasphere, marked by a sudden

change in plasma density.

- Postmenopausal /pɛrɪmɛnə(ʊ)ˈpɔːzl/ (adj): Having undergone the menopause or

occurring after menopause.

- Postmenopausally /pəʊs(t)mɛnə(ʊ)ˈpɔːzli/ (adv): After the menopause.

- Postmenopause /pəʊs(t)ˈmɛnə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): The period of a woman's life following the


- Postmenopause /pəʊs(t)ˈmɛnə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (adj): Occurring after the menopause,


- Premenopausal /priːˌmɛnə(ʊ)ˈpɔːzl/ (adj): Of or in the period of a woman's life

immediately preceding the menopause.

- Premenopause /priːˈmɛnə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): The stage or period of a woman's life

immediately preceding the menopause.

- Stratopause /ˈstratə(ʊ)pɔːz/ (n): The interface between the stratosphere and the

- Tropopause /ˈtrɒpəpɔːz/ (n): stratopause.

- Unpause /ʌnˈpɔːz/ (v):

+ To cause a previously paused computer application, recording, etc., to resume playing

or running.

+ To restart (a previously paused recording or playback device); to cause (a previously

paused computer application, recording, etc.) to resume playing or running.

- Unpausing /ʌnˈpɔːzɪŋ/ (adj): Without a pause; not pausing or hesitating; incessant.

Correct - Adrectal /adˈrɛktl/ (adj): Situated at or near the rectum; especially (formerly)
designating the glands of certain gastropod molluscs from which Tyrian purple was
obtained (now usually called hypobranchial).

- Anorectum /eɪnə(ʊ)ˈrɛktəm/ (n): The anus and rectum considered as a single structure.

- Anorectal /eɪnə(ʊ)ˈrɛktl/ (adj): Relating to the anus and rectum.

- Autocorrect /ˈɔːtəʊkərɛkt/ (n): A software function that automatically makes or
suggests corrections for mistakes in spelling or grammar made while typing.

- Autocorrect /ˈɔːtəʊkərɛkt/ (v): (of a software function) automatically correct (mistakes

in spelling or grammar)

- Auto-correction /ɔːtə(ʊ)kəˈrɛkʃn/ (n):

+ The fact or process of a physical condition, disorder, etc., correcting itself naturally;
the correction of a condition or disorder without surgery or drugs.

+ The action or an act of recognizing and correcting one's own errors or faults.

+ Automatic correction of errors, deviations, etc.; a feature on a device which enables


- Colorectal /kəʊlə(ʊ)ˈrɛktl/ (adj): Relating to or affecting the colon and the rectum.

- Correctable /kəˈrɛktəbəl/ (adj): Correct.

- Correctitude /kəˈrɛktɪtjuːd/ (n): Correctness, especially conscious correctness in one's


- Corrector /kəˈrɛktə/ (n): A person or thing that corrects something, especially a

computer program or electronic device with a specified function.

- Colour-correct (adj): Representing colours in their correct relation to each other (i.e.
with no colour cast).

- Colour-corrected (adj):

+ (Especially of photographic emulsion or a device) adjusted to display or detect colour

correctly; (of an image) having undergone colour correction.

+ (of a lens) having little or no chromatic aberration.

- Hypercorrection /hʌɪpəkəˈrɛkʃn/ (n) = Hypercorrect /hʌɪpə'kərɛk/ (adj): The use of an

erroneous word form or pronunciation based on a false analogy with a correct or
prestigious form, such as the use of I instead of me as a grammatical object (as in he
invited my husband and I to lunch).

- Mesorectum /mɛsə(ʊ)ˈrɛktəm/ (n): The mesentery or peritoneal investment of the

rectum; the tissue between the rectum and the sacrum.
- Miscorrect /mɪskəˈrɛkt/ (v): To correct wrongly.

- Miscorrection /mɪskəˈrɛkʃn/ (n): An erroneous correction = Miscorrect.

- Overcorrect /əʊvəkəˈrɛkt/ (v):

+ To correct (a lens or sight defect) so that there is an aberration opposite to that of the
uncorrected lens or defect; specifically to correct for chromatic aberration to such an
extent that violet light is focused beyond red light.

+ To make an excessive correction to; to correct (an error, etc.) in excess of that
required, so as to cause error in the opposite direction.

+ To correct excessively; to make too great a correction for an error, etc., so as to cause
error in the opposite direction; to overcompensate.

- Overcorrected /əʊvəkəˈrɛktɪd/ (adj): Overcorrect.

- Overcorrection /əʊvəkəˈrɛkʃn/ (n):

+ Correction of a lens or sight defect so that there is an aberration opposite to that of

the uncorrected lens or defect.

+ Excessive correction; correction which results in error or excess in the opposite

direction; an instance of this.

+ Hypercorrection.

- Pararectal /parəˈrɛktl/ (adj): Located beside the rectum.

- Pelvirectal /pɛlvɪˈrɛktl/ (adj): Of or relating to the pelvis and rectum.

- Prerectal /priːˈrɛktl/ (adj): Situated in front of or proximal to the rectum.

- Press-corrected (adj): Proofread and corrected prior to printing or publication.

- Press-correction (n):

+ A correction made to a text during preparation for publication.

+ The act or process of correcting errors in this way.

- Pro-rector /prəʊˈrɛktə/ (n): The deputy of a rector in a university, college, or other

institution of higher education; a vice-rector.
- Self-correct /sɛlfkəˈrɛkt/ (v): Correct oneself without external help or direction.

- Self-correction /sɛlfkəˈrɛktʃn/ (n): Self-correct.

- Sub-rector /ˈsʌbˌrɛktə/ (n): A deputy or assistant rector.

- Uncorrected /ʌnkəˈrɛktɪd/ (adj): Not corrected.

- Unrectifiable /ʌnˈrɛktɪfʌɪəbl/ (adj): Not rectifiable; impossible to improve upon or


- Unrectified /ʌnˈrɛktɪfʌɪd/ (adj): Not corrected or amended.

- Well-corrected /wɛlkəˈrɛktɪd/ (adj): Properly disciplined, regulated, or amended.

- Recta /ˈrɛktə/ (plural N) = Rectum /ˈrɛktəm/ (plural N): The final section of the large
intestine, terminating at the anus.

- Rectangled /ˈrɛktaŋɡld/ (adj): Containing or composed of rectangles; divided into

rectangles; contained within a rectangle.

- Rectangularness /rɛkˈtaŋɡjʊlənəs/ (n): Rectangularity.

- Rectangulate /rɛkˈtaŋɡjʊlət/ (adj): Rectangular in shape; right-angled, square-cornered.

- Rectangulate /rɛkˈtaŋɡjʊlət/ (v): To place at right angles; to divide into rectangles; to

give a rectangular form to; to arrange or set out in a rectangular form.

- Rectangulated /rɛkˈtaŋɡjʊleɪtɪd/ (adj): Divided into rectangles; having or arranged in a

rectangular form.

- Rectangulometer /rɛkˌtaŋɡjʊˈlɒmɪtə/ (n): An instrument used to determine whether an

angle is a right angle.

- Recte /ˈrɛkteɪ/ (adv): As a parenthetical insertion used to introduce a word or phrase as

a correct version of that which precedes the insertion: correctly.

- Rectenna /rɛkˈtɛnə/ (n): An electrical unit combining a receiving aerial and a device for
rectifying the current it produces; especially one used in the conversion of solar energy to

- Recti /ˈrɛktʌɪ/ (plural noun) = rectus /ˈrɛktəs/ (plural noun):

+ Any of several straight muscles.

+ Each of a pair of long flat muscles at the front of the abdomen, joining the sternum to
the pubis and acting to bend the whole body forwards or sideways.

+ Any of a number of muscles controlling the movement of the eyeball.

- Rectificative /rɛkˈtɪfɪkətɪv/ /ˈrɛktɪfɪkətɪv/ (adj): Rectifying.

- Rectilineal /rɛktɪˈlɪnɪəl/ (adj) = Rectilinear /rɛktɪˈlɪnɪə/ (adj) = Rectiline /ˈrɛktɪlʌɪn/ (adj) =

Rectilined (2,3) /ˈrɛktilʌɪnd/ (adj) = Reactilinearity /rɛktɪˌlɪnɪˈarɪti/ (n) = Rectilineous /rɛktɪ
ˈlɪnɪəs/ (adj):

+ Contained by, consisting of, or moving in a straight line or lines. (1)

+ Relating to a straight line or lines. (2)

+ (of a wide-angle lens) corrected as much as possible, so that straight lines in the
subject appear straight in the image. (3)

- Rectilinealisation /rɛktɪˌlɪnɪəlʌɪˈzeɪʃn/ (n) = Rectilinearization /rɛktɪˌlɪnɪərʌɪˈzeɪʃn/ (n):

The state or fact of having been made rectilinear; an instance of this.

- Rectilinearism /rɛktɪˈlɪnɪərɪz(ə)m/ (n): The tendency to be rectilinear; an instance of this;

(figurative) rigidity of outlook or approach.

- Rectiserial /rɛktɪˈsɪərɪəl/ (adj): Designating forms of phyllotaxis in which the leaf

completing one complete turn of a spiral or whorl lies directly over the first leaf.

- Rectitudinous /rɛk'tɪtju:dinəs/ (adj): Characterized by moral rectitude; also as noun.

- Rectius /ˈrɛktɪəs/ (adv): As a parenthetical insertion used to introduce a word or phrase

as a more correct version of that which precedes the insertion: more correctly, more
properly called.

- Rectocele /ˈrɛktəsiːl/ (n): A prolapse of the wall between the rectum and the vagina.

- Rectopexy /ˈrɛktə(ʊ)pɛksi/ (n): Surgical fixation of a prolapsed rectum; an instance of


- Rectoral /ˈrɛkt(ə)rəl/ /ˈrɛkt(ə)r(ə)l/ (adj): Of, belonging to, or relating to a rector;

befitting a rector.

- Rectorate /ˈrɛkt(ə)rət/ (n) = Rector /ˈrɛktə/ (n) = Rectorial /rɛkˈtɔːrɪəl/ (adj) = Rectorship
/ˈrɛktəʃɪp/ (n):

+ (in the Church of England) the incumbent of a parish where all tithes formerly passed
to the incumbent.

+ (in other Anglican Churches) a member of the clergy who has charge of a parish.

+ (in the Roman Catholic Church) a priest in charge of a church or of a religious


+ The head of certain universities, colleges, and schools.

+ (in Scotland) an elected representative of students on a university's governing body.

- Rectorite /ˈrɛktərʌɪt/ (n): A clay mineral of the montmorillonite group which occurs as
large, soft, white or light brown leaves or plates.

- Rectos /ˈrɛktəʊz/ (n) = recto /ˈrɛktəʊ/ (n): A right-hand page of an open book, or the
front of a loose document.

- Rectoscope /ˈrɛktəskəʊp/ (n) = Proctoscope /ˈprɒktəskəʊp/ (n): A medical instrument

with an integral lamp for examining the anus and lower part of the rectum or carrying
out minor medical procedures.

- Rectosigmoid /rɛktəʊˈsɪɡmɔɪd/ (adj) = Rectosigmoidal /rɛktəʊsɪɡˈmɔɪdl/ (adj):

Designating the junction of the rectum and sigmoid colon; of or relating to this region of
the large intestine.

- Rectosigmoid /rɛktəʊˈsɪɡmɔɪd/ (n): The rectosigmoid junction; the rectum and sigmoid
colon considered as a unit.

- Rectouterine /rɛktəʊˈjuːtərʌɪn/ (n): Of, relating to, or connecting the rectum and uterus.

- Rectovesical /ˌrɛktəʊˈviːsɪkl/ /ˌrɛktəʊˈvɛsɪkl/ (adj): Of, relating to, or connecting the

rectum and the urinary bladder.

- Rectress /ˈrɛktrɪs/ /rɛkˈtrɛs/ (n) = rectoress /ˈrɛktərɛz:/ (n):

+ A female ruler, governor, or head of an institution (especially a convent or school).

+ The wife of the rector of a parish. Now also: a female rector.

- Rectrices /ˈrɛktrɪsiːz/ (single n) = rectrix /ˈrɛktrɪks/ (plural n): The larger feathers in a
bird's tail, used for steering in flight.

- Corrigible /ˈkɒrɪdʒɪb(ə)l/ (adj) = Corrigibility (n): Capable of being corrected, rectified, or

- incorrigibility /ɪnkɒrɪdʒɪˈbɪlɪti/ (n) = Incorrigible /inˈkɒrɪdʒɪb(ə)l/ (adj): (of a person or
their behaviour) not able to be changed or reformed.

- incorrigibility /ɪnkɒrɪdʒɪˈbɪlɪti/ (n) = Incorrigible /inˈkɒrɪdʒɪb(ə)l/ (n) = incorrigibleness

/inˈkɒrɪdʒɪb(ə)lnəs/ (n): An incorrigible person.

- Corrigendum /kɒrɪˈdʒɛndəm/ /kɒrɪˈɡɛndəm/ (single n) = Corrigenda /kɒrɪˈdʒɛndə/

(plural n): A thing to be corrected, typically an error in a printed book.

- Alrightnik /ɔːlˈrʌɪtnɪk/ (n): Chiefly in Jewish usage: a person who has succeeded in life
financially but is regarded as vulgar or self-satisfied; a nouveau-riche person, an arriviste.

- Amirite /amɪˈrʌɪt/ /amʌɪˈrʌɪt/ = Amiright /amɪˈrʌɪt/ /amʌɪˈrʌɪt/ (n): Am I right? (used to

invite confirmation or assert that one's previous statement is correct)

- Copyrightable /ˈkɒpɪraɪtəbl/ = Copyright /ˈkɒpɪrʌɪt/ (adj): Protected by copyright.

- Headright /ˈhɛdrʌɪt/ (n): The right to own a particular piece of unsettled land, as
granted to an individual fulfilling certain requirements; a piece of land thus granted.

- Left-and-right /lɛftən(d)ˈrʌɪ/ (v) = Right-and-left /ˌrʌɪtən(d)ˈlɛft/ (v): To move to the right

and left successively, as part of a single action; to weave or dodge from right to left.

- Left-(to-)right /lɛft(əu)ˈrʌɪ/ (adj) = Right-(to-)left (adj): Designating or characterized by

movement from the right to the left.

- Mother-right /ˈmʌðərʌɪt/ (n): The custom by which dynastic succession passes only in
the female line.

- No-right /ˈnəʊrʌɪt/ (n): An obligation not to prevent the exercise of a privilege.

- Orright /ɔːˈrʌɪt/ (adj): Satisfactory, acceptable, ‘okay’.

- Orright /ɔːˈrʌɪt/ (adv): Satisfactory, well.

- Orright /ɔːˈrʌɪt/ (EXCLAMATION: Cảm thán): All right, fine, certainly: an expression of
acquiescence, assent or acknowledgement.

- Over-right /əʊvəˈrʌɪt/ (Prep): Directly opposite to; over against, in front of.

- Peck-right /pɛk-raɪt/ (n): The precedence which allows birds of a higher status to attack
those of a lower status without retaliation.

- Queenright /ˈkwiːnrʌɪt/ (adj): Of a colony of social insects, especially honeybees:

possessing a queen.

- Rightable /ˈraɪtəbl/ (adj) = Rightish (adj) = Rightless (adj): Right

- Right-angle /ˈrʌɪt ˌaŋɡl/ (n): An angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square, or formed by

dividing a circle into quarters.

- Right-angledness /raɪt-ˈæŋgldnəs/ (n): The quality of having or being a right angle or

right angles.

- Right-angular /ˌrʌɪtˈaŋɡjʊlə/ (adj): Having, forming, or characterized by one or more

right angles.

- Right-back /raɪt-bæk/ (n): A defender in soccer or field hockey who plays primarily in a
position on the right of the field.

- Right-brain /rʌɪt ˈbreɪn/ (n): The right-hand side of the human brain, which is believed
to be associated with creative thought and the emotions.

- Right-branching /rʌɪtˈbrɑːn(t)ʃɪŋ/ /rʌɪtˈbran(t)ʃɪŋ/ (n): The fact of having dependants

which successively follow their heads; the technique of organizing syntactic elements in
this way.

- Right-branching /rʌɪtˈbrɑːn(t)ʃɪŋ/ /rʌɪtˈbran(t)ʃɪŋ/ (adj): Of a language, sentence, etc.:

characterized by dependants which successively follow their heads (and which, in a parse
tree representing the connection between main and subordinate units, branch
successively towards the right).

- Right-centre /rʌɪtˈsɛntə/ (adj):

+ Occupying a position between the centre and the right; situated near the centre on
the right-hand side.
+ Also with capital initials. Of or relating to the right-centre; moderately right-of-centre.

- Right-centre /rʌɪtˈsɛntə/ (n):

+ A position, orientation, or area between the centre and the right, or near the centre
on the right-hand side.

+ A body of troops positioned between the centre and the right wing; the right-centre
part of an array of troops. Now chiefly historical.

+ The part of a baseball field located between centre field and right field.
+ A player occupying a position on the right of the centre of the field of play; the
position occupied by such a player.

+ Also with capital initials. Chiefly in French contexts: a section of a government,

political party, or other group holding moderate right-of-centre views.

- Right-cornered /ˈrʌɪtˌkɔːnəd/ (adj) = Right-angled /ˈrʌɪtˌaŋɡld/ (adj): Containing or

being a right angle.

- Rightdoer /ˈrʌɪtduːə/ (n): A person who does what is right; one who acts properly,
correctly, or morally. Contrasted with "wrong-doer".

- Rightdoing /ˈrʌɪtduːɪŋ/ (n): The action of doing what is right; proper, correct, or moral

- Right-down /ˈrʌɪtˌdaʊn/ (adv): Modifying an adjective: completely, thoroughly;


- Right-down /ˈrʌɪtˌdaʊn/ (adj): Absolute, complete, thoroughgoing.

- Right-eared /raɪt-ɪəd/ (adj): Using the right ear more naturally than the left (in tasks or
tests that discriminate between the two ears).

- Righten /ˈrʌɪtn/ (v): Make (something) right, correct, or straight.

- Righteous-making /ˈraɪʧəs-ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ (n): The causing of another or others to become

righteous; specifically = "justification".

- Righteous-making /ˈraɪʧəs-ˈmeɪkɪŋ/ (adj): That makes a person righteous.

- Righteousing /ˈrʌɪtʃəsɪŋ/ (n): The action of "righteous"; an instance of this.

- Righter /ˈraɪtə/ (n): Right

- Right-eye /ˈrʌɪtʌɪ/ (adj): Of or relating to the right eye of a person or animal.

- Right-eyed /ˈrʌɪtʌɪd/ (adj):

+ Of a person: having the right eye dominant over the left.

+ Of a flatfish or taxonomic group of flatfishes: having both eyes on the right-hand side
of the body, as is typical in the family Soleidae (true soles) and, less consistently, in the
family Pleuronectidae (right-eyed flounders).
- Right-eyedness /raɪt-ˈaɪdnəs/ (n): The condition of being right-eyed.

- Right-footed /raɪt-ˈfʊtɪd/ (adj):

+ (of a person) using the right foot more naturally than the left.

+ (of a kick) done with the right foot.

- Right-footedness /raɪt-ˈfʊtɪdnəs/ (n): The property, state, or condition of being right-


- Right-footer /ˌrʌɪtˈfʊtə/ (n):

+ A person who uses the right foot more naturally than the left; a person (especially a
sportsperson) whose right foot is stronger or more dexterous than the left.
+ A kick executed with the right foot. Also (Association Football): a shot, pass, or
clearance made by kicking a ball with the right foot.

+ (Chiefly depreciative, sometimes considered offensive). A Protestant; (also

occasionally) a Roman Catholic. Now somewhat rare.

- Rightful-born (adj) = legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ (adj):

+ Conforming to the law or to rules.
+ (of a child) born of parents lawfully married to each other.
+ (of a sovereign) having a title based on strict hereditary right.

+ Able to be defended with logic or justification; valid.

+ Constituting or relating to serious drama as distinct from musical comedy, revue, etc.

- Rightfulness /ˈrʌɪtf(ʊ)lnəs/ (n) = Rightful /ˈrʌɪtf(ʊ)l/ (adj):

+ Having a legitimate right to property, position, or status.

+ Legitimately claimed; fitting.

- Unrightfulness /ʌnˈrʌɪtf(ʊ)lnəs/ (n): The quality of being unrightful.

- Right-handedness /rʌɪtˈhandɪdnɪs/ (adj) = right-handed /rʌɪtˈhandɪd/ (adj):

+ (of a person) using the right hand more naturally than the left.
+ (of a tool or item of equipment) made to be used with the right hand.
+ Made or done with the right hand.

+ (of a screw) advanced by turning clockwise.

+ (of a spiral shell or helix) dextral.
+ (of a racecourse) turning clockwise.

- Righty /ˈrʌɪti/ (n):

+ A right-handed person.

+ A person with right-wing political views.

- Righto /ˈrʌɪdəu/ (Exclamation) = righty-ho /ˈrʌɪti-həu/ (Exclamation): Expressing

agreement or assent.

- Rightism /ˈrʌɪtɪz(ə)m/ (n): The political views or policies of the right.

- Right-justified /ˈrʌɪtdʒʌstɪfʌɪd/ (adj): Of (a) printed text: aligned so as to give a straight

right margin.

- Right-justify /ˌrʌɪtˈdʒʌstɪfʌɪ/ (v): To justify (a printed text) so that it has a straight right

- Right-mindedness /rʌɪtˈmʌɪndɪdnəs/ (n) = Right-minded /rʌɪtˈmʌɪndɪd/ (adj): Having

sound views and principles.

- Right-of-way /rʌɪt əv ˈweɪ/ (n):

+ The legal right, established by usage or grant, to pass along a specific route through
grounds or property belonging to another.

+ A path or thoroughfare subject to right of way.

+ The legal right of a pedestrian, vehicle, or ship to proceed with precedence over
others in a particular situation or place.

+ The right to build and operate a railway line, road, or utility on land belonging to

+ The land on which a railway line, road, or utility is built.

- Right-reading /rɑɪt-ri:dinŋ/ (adj): That can be read without first being reversed by a

- Rights /rɑɪts/: The legal authority to publish, copy, or make available a work such as a
book, movie, recording, or work of art.

- Right-sided /rʌɪtˈsʌɪdɪd/ (adj):

+ Located on the right side; turned or orientated towards the right side.

+ Favouring, or having greater skill or acuity on the right side of the body; especially
having greater strength or superior motor skills in the limbs of the right side.

+ Affecting or occurring in the right side of the body or of an organ, or the right-hand
member of a bilateral pair of organs.

- Right-thinker /rʌɪtˈθɪŋkə/ (n): A person regarded as holding morally sound or socially

acceptable views and principles.

- Right-to-die /raɪttəˈdaɪ/ (adj): Pertaining to, expressing, or advocating the right to refuse
extraordinary measures intended to prolong someone's life when they are terminally ill
or comatose.

- Right-to-life /raɪtˌtəˈlaɪf/ (adj) = pro-life /prəʊˈlʌɪf/ (adj) = Right-to-lifer /rʌɪttəˈlʌɪfə/ (n):

Opposing abortion and euthanasia.

- Right-to-know /raɪtˌtəˈknəu/ (adj): Of or pertaining to laws or policies that make certain

government or company records available to any individual who can demonstrate a right
or need to know their contents.

- Right-to-work /raɪtˌtəˈwərk/ (adj): Relating to or promoting a worker's right not to be

required to join a trade union.

- Right-turning /ˈrʌɪtˌtəːnɪŋ/ (adj):

+ Of an optically active substance: turning the plane of polarization clockwise;

+ That turns to the right.

- Right-wingery /ˈrʌɪtˌwɪŋəri/ (n): The politics or principles characteristic of conservatives,

or of those on the right wing of any party.

- Right-wingish /ˈrʌɪtˌwɪŋiʃ/ (adj): Having the qualities or characteristics of right-wing

politics or ideology.

- Right-wingism /ˈrʌɪtˌwɪŋizm/ (n): Right-wing politics or ideology; support for these.

- Right-wingy /ˈrʌɪtˌwɪŋi/ (adj): Of, relating to, or characteristic of right-wing politics or

ideology; typically conservative.

- Rightwise /ˈrʌɪtwʌɪz/ (adv): In a right-hand direction; clockwise.

- Right-wrong (adj): That admits of evaluation only as wholly right or wholly wrong.

- Rule-right /ˈruːlˌrʌɪt/ (adj): Of a word, form, or feature: having mutated or developed

according to a particular rule; regular.

- Self-righting /ˌsɛlfˈrʌɪtɪŋ/ (adj): (of a boat) designed to right itself when capsized.

- Unright /ˈʌnrʌɪt/ /ʌnˈrʌɪt/ (n): An instance of wrong or wrongdoing; a wrong or unjust

act; an injustice; an infringement of rights. Also (in recent use): an instance of the
absence or deprivation of rights. rare after 16th century.

- Unright /ʌnˈrʌɪt/ (adj):

+ Not right, just, or equitable; improper, unfair, wrong. Also as noun (with the and plural
agreement): unright people or things as a class. Frequently Scottish in later use.

+ Incorrect; inexact. rare in later use.

- Unrighted /ʌnˈrʌɪtɪd/ (adj): Not righted.

- Unrightly /ʌnˈrʌɪtli/ (adv): Not rightfully; unfairly, wrongly.

- Unrightness /ʌnˈrʌɪtnɪs/ (n): Wrong, wickedness; iniquity, injustice.

- Unrighteous /ʌnˈrʌɪtʃəs/ (adj) = Unrighteousness /ʌnˈrʌɪtʃəsnəs/ (n): Not righteous;


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