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Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80

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Different interface models for calculating the effective properties in

piezoelectric composite materials with imperfect fiber–matrix adhesion
Humberto Brito-Santana a,⇑, Ricardo de Medeiros a, Reinaldo Rodriguez-Ramos b, Volnei Tita a
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, Av. João Dagnone 1100, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Departamento de Matemáticas, Facultad de Matemática y Computación, Universidad de La Habana, San Lázaro y L, CP 10400, Vedado, Habana 4, Cuba

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Piezoelectric materials are able to produce an electrical response when mechanically stressed (sensors)
Available online 11 February 2016 and inversely high precision motion can be obtained with the application of an electrical field (actuators).
The macroscopic properties of piezoelectric composites depend upon the properties and the interfacial
Keywords: bonding conditions of the constituent phases, and the microstructures of the composites. In the present
Piezoelectric composites work, a new imperfect interface model for a thin elastic interface is derived. Square unit cell model was
Effective properties used to calculate all coefficients of the material tensor. The calculation was performed via FE package
Imperfect interface
ABAQUSTM. A computational procedure, based on Python language, was developed to systematically cal-
Interface model
Finite Element Method
culate all RVE effective coefficients. Comparisons to classical Hashin’s and Nairn’s interface model show
very accurate agreement for debonding and perfect boding interface.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction bonds in a large variety of structures. In all cases, a basic goal of

nondestructive evaluation is the determination of the integrity of
Piezoelectric materials are able to produce an electrical bonds. In fact, several properties of materials, such as, just to make
response when mechanically stressed (sensors) and inversely high a couple of examples, the mechanical behavior under stress [11] or
precision motion can be obtained with the application of an electri- the ultrasonic reflection coefficient of the interface [12], are very
cal field (actuators). Sensitivity analysis [1] and optimization tech- sensitive to boundary imperfections [13].
niques [2–4] are applied to maximize the piezoelectric actuator Regarding analytical models, different approaches have been
efficiency. proposed. Broutman and Agarwal [14], Theocaris et al. [15] and
The macroscopic properties of piezoelectric composites depend Sideridis [16] have considered the interphase as a layer between
upon the properties and the interfacial bonding conditions of the fiber (on inclusion) and matrix, of specified thickness and of elastic
constituent phases, and the microstructures of the composites. constants different from those of the matrix and the fiber. For an
Thus the effect of the interfacial bonding conditions on the alternate model, a very thin interfacial zone of unspecified thick-
mechanical and physical properties of various composites has ness has been considered. In that model, it is assumed that the
attracted a lot of attention of researchers in many fields, especially, radial and the tangential tractions are continuous across the inter-
in physics, materials science and technology, and mechanics. The phase, but the displacements may be discontinuous from fiber to
prediction of the effective moduli taking into account interface matrix due to the presence of the interphase. The tractions are
effect is one of the fundamental problems in mechanics of compos- assumed to be proportional to the corresponding displacement dis-
ites [5–10]. continuities. The proportionality constants then characterized the
Modeling interface, which are often finite-thickness inter- stiffness of the interphase, which is represented by spring layer
phases, in composite materials is difficult. Interfaces play an model. Lene and Leguillar [17], Benveniste [18], Aboudi [19], Steif
important role in determining the performance of structural mate- and Hoysan [20], Achenbach and Zhu [21], and Hashin [22–24]
rials on a wide variety of dimension scales, from grain boundaries are some works related to spring layer model.
in metals, to inter-laminar bonds in composites and adhesive One way to model interphases is to abandon attempts for expli-
cit modeling and instead replace 3D interphases with 2D interfaces
[22]. The interphase effects are reduced for modeling the response
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 16 3373 8612; fax: +55 16 3373 9590. of 2D interfaces due to tractions normal and tangential to the
E-mail address: (H. Brito-Santana).
0263-8223/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80 71

8 9 2 3
interfacial surface, which can be modeled by interface traction
> r11 > C E11 C E12 C E13 0 0 0 0 0 e13 8 > e11 >
> >
> 6 E 7>> >
laws. Elimination of 3D interphases removes the resolution prob- >
> r22 >> 6 C 13 C E11 C E13 0 0 0 0 0 e13 7>> e22 >>
> >
> 6 7>> >
lem. The use of interface traction laws replaces numerous >
> >
> 6 E >
7> e >
> r >
> 6 C 13 C E13 C E33 0 0 0 0 0 e33 7>>
unknown and potentially unmeasurable interphase properties 7> >
33 33
> >
> 6 >
> >
> r >
> 6 0 0 7 > e12 >>
with a much smaller number of interface parameters. If interface < 12 = 6 0 0 C E66 0 0 0 0 >
7< > =
traction laws can be determined, one can potentially model inter- r23 ¼ 66 0 0 0 0 C E44 0 0 e15
0 7> 23 >;
> >
> 6
> r > 6 7>> >
> e31 >
phase effects well. That approach for interphase modeling was >
> 31 >
> > >
developed for analytical modeling of interface effects in composite >
> > 6
> 6 0 0 0 0 0 C E44 e15 0 0 7 7>> >
> D1 > > 6 7 >
> E >
materials [25–28], and for wave transmission in damage planes >
> 6 0
> 0 0 0 0 e15 j S
0 0 7> >
1 >
> D2 > > 6 11
7>> E >
> > jS11 > >
[29]. > ; 4 0
> 0 > 5 : >
0 0 0 e15 0 0 2
: ;
In the present work, a new imperfect interface model for a thin D3 e e13 e33 0 0 0 0 0 jS E 3
13 33
elastic interface is derived. A three dimensional (3D) representa-
tive volume element (RVE) model was developed for analyzing
effective properties of piezoelectric fiber embedded in a non- where the contracted Voigt notation is used. In Eq. (2), the 3-axis is
piezoelectric matrix composite with imperfect interface using suit- aligned with the principle direction of polarization.
able interface models (including a new one), which were compared In classical lamination theory, the composite lamina is modeled
in terms of their capability to determine the effective coefficients. as a homogeneous orthotropic medium with certain effective mod-
Square unit cell model was used to calculate all coefficients of the uli that describe the ‘average’ material properties of the composite.
material tensor. The calculation was performed via FE package For micromechanical analysis, composites can be studied using
ABAQUSTM. A computational procedure, based on Python language, representative volume element (RVE) or unit cell. The RVE is the
was developed to systematically calculate all RVE effective coeffi- smallest portion of the actual composite, which has same elastic,
cients. It is important to highlight that Tita et al. [30] presented dielectric and piezoelectric constants and fiber volume fraction of
the numerical approach to evaluate the effective properties of dif- the investigated material. It is a microstructural model of a mate-
ferent volume fractions for piezoelectric fibers (with circular and rial, which can be used to obtain the response of the corresponding
square cross section) embedded in a non-piezoelectric matrix homogenized macroscopic continuum in a macroscopic material
using only a Hashin’s modified interface model. However, in the point. Thus, the proper choice of the RVE determines largely the
present work, the proposed interface model is more generalized accuracy of the modelling of a heterogeneous material. In present
than Hanshin’s and Nairn’s interface model, and it was used for work, the RVE are assumed as combinations of piezoelectric fibers
determining the effective properties of different volume fractions embedded in a polymer matrix, including an interface, obeying a
for piezoelectric fibers (with only circular cross section) embedded specified fiber volume fraction. This representative volume ele-
in a non-piezoelectric matrix. Therefore, Nairn’s interface model ment (RVE) is modeled by solid finite elements. Thus, the numeri-
can be considered as a particular case of the proposed model. Com- cal model is used to determine a homogeneous medium equivalent
parisons to classical Hashin’s and Nairn’s interface model show to the original composite and, as commented earlier, comprises the
very accurate agreement for debonding and perfect boding smallest portion of the piezoelectric composite, which keeps the
interface. most representative combination of its main materials. Thus, it is
assumed that the average mechanical and electrical properties of
2. Constitutive equations, Finite Element Method and a unit cell are equal to the average properties of the composite
representative volume element (FEM–RVE) material as follow:
1 1
Considering that, the piezoelectric materials respond linearly to r ij ¼ hrij i ¼ rij dV; eij ¼ heij i ¼ eij dV;
jVj jV jVj V
changes to mechanical and electrical fields. A three-phase rein- Z Z ð3Þ
forced piezoelectric composite is studied here, in which the fiber  i ¼ hDi i ¼ 1
D Di dV; Ei ¼ hEi i ¼ 1 Ei dV;
has homogeneous and transversely isotropic properties. In addi- jVj V jVj V
tion, the matrix and the interface have homogeneous and isotropic where jVj is the unit cell volume.
properties. Three standard notation systems are commonly used to Discretizing Eq. (3) using the Finite Element Method (FEM), the
describe the constitutive modeling of linear-piezoelectric materi- average values can be calculated by:
als. Using the conventional indicial notation in which repeated
subscripts are summed over the range of i, j, k, l = 1, 2, 3, the con- 1 X nel
1 X nel
r ij ¼ rðnÞ V ðnÞ ; eij ¼ eðnÞ V ðnÞ ;
stitutive equations can be written as follow: jVj n¼1 ij jVj n¼1 ij
Xnel Xnel
rij ¼ C Eijkl ekl  ekij Ek; i ¼ 1
D V ðnÞ ; i ¼ 1
E V ðnÞ ;
ð1Þ jVj n¼1 i jVj n¼1 i
Di ¼ eikl ekl þ jSij Ej;
where nel is the number of finite elements of the complete unit cell,
where rij and eij are respectively the stress and infinitesimal strain V ðnÞ is the volume of the nth element, and rijðnÞ , eðnÞ ðnÞ ðnÞ
ij , Di and Ei are
tensors, Di and Ei are the electric displacement and electric field the respective tensors evaluated in the nth element.
vectors. The elastic tensor C Eijkl , the piezoelectric tensor eijk and the For a complete description of a differential problem in order to
dielectric tensor jSij possess the following symmetry properties determine effective material properties, it is necessary to formu-
C Eijkl
¼ C Eijlk
¼ C Ejikl ¼ C Eklij , eijk = eikj , jSij ¼ jSji . In addition, the superscript late appropriate boundary conditions. Since periodic structures
are investigated so called periodic boundary conditions are applied
E indicates constant electric field, while the superscript S indicates
to the considered RVE. Considering of the composite as a periodical
constant strain.
array of the RVEs, the periodic boundary conditions must be
For a transversally isotropic piezoelectric material, the constitu-
applied to the RVE models. This implies that each RVE in the com-
tive equation can be written in terms of the following expanded
posite has the same deformation mode and there is no separation
matrix form:
or overlap between the neighboring RVEs. For any parallelepiped
72 H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80

RVE models Dxkj ¼ xþj j

i  xi is constant, therefore the following uni-
3.1. Hashin’s interface model
fied periodic boundary conditions is obtained:
The imperfect interface conditions, which are equivalent to the
effect of a thin elastic interphase, are derived by a Taylor expansion
uþj  uj ¼ cij ði; j ¼ 1; 2; 3Þ ð5Þ
i i method in terms of interface displacement and traction jumps [24].
In this case, K n and K t can be expressed by the interphase modulus
where uij denotes the displacement along the i-direction of one and interphase thickness ti as:
node located at the boundary face whose normal vector is along
ti ti
the j-direction. The index ‘‘+j” means along the positive X j direction Kn ¼ i
; Kt ¼ ð7Þ
and ‘‘j” means along the negative X j direction.
k þ 2G Gi
The average stretch or contraction of the RVE model due to the A physical argument has been given in [26,35], which implies
action of the three normal traction components are represented for that Eq. (7) should be valid for very flexible interphase of any
the constants c11 , c22 and c33 , whereas the other three pairs of con- shape. Thus, it is possible to obtain the coefficients for the interface
stants, c21 ¼ c12 , c31 ¼ c13 and c32 ¼ c23 , correspond to the shear defor- by using Eq. (7) as follow:
mations due to the three shear traction components.
C i11 ¼ C i22 ¼ C i33 ¼ ki þ 2li
Thus, this RVE (square unit cell) is analyzed by FEM for different
loadings with suitable boundary conditions applied in a unique C i12 ¼ C i13 ¼ C i23 ¼ ki
way, using ABAQUSTM combined to Python language. This proce-
C i11  C i12 ð8Þ
dure has been developed to systematically calculate all RVE effec- C i44 ¼ C i55 ¼ C i66 ¼ li ¼
tive coefficients, thereby reducing exhaust manual work, saving
ki ¼ t i ðK n  2K t Þ
time, and diminishing the chance of numerical errors. In addition,
as commented earlier, the FEM–RVE model shows the three phases li ¼ G i
(matrix, fiber and interphase), which are modeled by solid ele-
ments, with linear interpolation, i.e. eight-node brick element with
three degrees of freedom per node (C3D8E – ABAQUS nomencla- 3.2. Nairn’s interface model
ture). It is important to highlight that ABAQUSTM calculates the
quantities for the tensors in the Gauss points, and it uses numerical For a linear-elastic interphase of thickness ti, a simple series
techniques to integrate various quantities over the volume of each analysis for either tensile or shear loading [36] such that the total
element to feed the Eq. (4). In addition, the element type C3D8E deformation of the full model agrees with the total deformation of
has 8 integration points. the interface model leads to:
The simplified set of constitutive Eq. (2) with prescribed 2t i K n E1 E2
boundary conditions allows the evaluation of the effective material Ei ¼ ð9Þ
t i K n ðE1 þ E2 Þ þ 2E1 E2
properties. Rodríguez-Ramos et al. [10] and Tita et al. [30]
presented the numerical approach to evaluate the effective proper-
2t i K t l1 l2
ties of non-piezoelectric and piezoelectric fibers embedded in a li ¼ ð10Þ
non-piezoelectric matrix. t K t ðl1 þ l2 Þ þ 2l1 l2

where E1, E2, l1 and l2 are the tensile and shear moduli of the two
3. Imperfect condition and interphase models substrates 1 (matrix) and 2 (fiber), respectively. Hence, by using the
relation ki ¼ li ðEi  2li Þ=ð3li  Ei Þ [37], it is possible to obtain the
Thin interphase between two media is modeled in terms of
coefficients for the interface.
imperfect interface in the context of potential theory for mechan-
ical, piezoelectric, and dielectric behavior. In the following, it is
shown the formulas to calculate the Young’s modulus Ei, Lame 3.3. Proposed interface model
modulus ki and shear modulus Gi of the interface by using three
different interface degradation models (including a new one). The proposed model is all two-phase model in the sense that
The interface models have been widely used to simulate the the interface region occupies a zero volume fraction in the compos-
interface bonding in particle-reinforced composites [26]. Apart ite, whereas, the interface model is a three-phase one, consisting of
from being used to simulate the imperfect interfacial bonding or the inhomogeneity between the interphase and the matrix. Based
debonding [31,32], those models can also be used to simulate a on this hypothesis, it was derived new expressions for the Young’s
thin and compliant interphase [26,33,34]. For an isotropic inter- modulus Ei and shear modulus li, as functions of volume fraction,
face, it suffices to resolve interface traction into normal and tan- matrix and fiber properties and interface parameters K n and K t in
gential tractions (Tn and Tt), and it is assumed that they are the form:
functions of normal and tangential displacements (½un  and ½ut ) v i ti K n E1 E2
in the interface. Thus, the interface conditions for the interface Ei ¼ ð11Þ
t K n ½ð1  c  v 2 ÞE1 þ ðc  v 1 ÞE2  þ v i E1 E2
model can be written as:

v i t i K t l1 l2
T n ¼ K n ½un ; T t ¼ K t ½ut  on C ð6Þ li ¼ ð12Þ
t K t ½ð1  c  v 2 Þl1 þ ðc  v 1 Þl2  þ v i l1 l2

where the symbol ½g ¼ g 1  g 2 indicates the jump in the quantity g where c is the matrix volume fraction in the imperfect interface
in the common interface denoted by C between the fiber and two-phase model and vi, v1 and v2 are the interface, matrix and fiber
matrix. K n and K t are the interface parameters, which reduce all volume fraction, respectively. For the interphase model, perfect
properties of the 3D interphase to two interface stiffness properties. bonding conditions are assumed. Note that when v 1 ¼ c  v i =2
As K n and K t approach zero, tractions approach zero and the inter- and v 2 ¼ 1  c  v i =2 the formulas (9)–(10) and (11)–(12) are the
face is debonded. As K n and K t approach infinity, displacement dis- same. The coefficients for the interface are calculated of the similar
continuities approach zero and the interface is perfect. manner to the Nairn’s interface model.
H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80 73

Table 1
Material properties of fiber (PZT-5) and matrix (polymer) [38].

C 11 C 12 C 13 C 33 C 44 C 66 e13 e15 e33 e11 e33

GPa 2 nF=m
PZT-5 121.0 75.4 75.2 111.0 21.1 22.8 5.4 12.3 15.8 8.11 7.35
Polymer 3.86 2.56 2.57 3.86 0.64 0.64 – – – 0.0797 0.0797

Table 2
Effective coefficients for limit cases with fiber volume fraction equal 0.5.

Kn Kt C11 (GPa) C12 (GPa)

Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model
103 103 0.704599 0.705140 0.705140 0.185862 0.186279 0.186279
1012 1012 9.302235 9.300775 9.296201 4.329506 4.329105 4.328181
C13 (GPa) C33 (GPa)
Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model
3 3
10 10 0.355908 0.356282 0.356282 27.795732 27.796023 27.796023
1012 1012 5.324132 5.322686 5.320549 31.651400 31.668833 31.666963
C44 (GPa) C66 (GPa)
Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model
103 103 0.195315 0.195709 0.195709 0.068303 0.068813 0.068813
1012 1012 1.777684 1.777397 1.776567 1.355313 1.355127 1.354610
e13 (C/m2) e15 (C/m2)
Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model
3 3
10 10 0.021503 0.014662 0.014662 0.003683 0.003682 0.003682
1012 1012 0.204663 0.204649 0.204557 0.015426 0.015425 0.015416
e33 (C/m2)
Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present model
103 103 9.930898 9.930886 9.930886
1012 1012 9.771260 9.771310 9.771381
e11 (nF/m) e33 (nF/m)
Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present Model Hashin [24] Nairn [35] Present Model
103 103 0.241006 0.241006 0.241006 3.848943 3.848943 3.848943
1012 1012 0.240693 0.240694 0.240694 3.842317 3.842316 3.842319

Table 3
Elastic effective coefficient C 44 and relative difference for K n ¼ 1012 and different values of the interface parameter K t and interphase thickness t i with fiber volume fraction equal

ti Kt Models Difference
(a) Hashin (b) Nairn (c) Present Model ½jðcÞ-ðaÞj=ðcÞx100% ½jðcÞ-ðbÞj=ðcÞx100%
4 0 0.143749 0.506830 0.506794 71.6356 0.0070
10 10
102 0.143749 2.221911 2.220563 93.5264 0.0607
104 0.143754 2.337004 2.335494 93.8448 0.0647
106 0.144195 2.338237 2.336726 93.8292 0.0647
3 0 0.143295 0.506679 0.506321 71.6988 0.0707
10 10
102 0.143295 2.224133 2.210823 93.5185 0.6020
104 0.143299 2.339483 2.324501 93.8353 0.6445
106 0.143741 2.340721 2.325717 93.8195 0.6451

102 100 0.137969 0.504930 0.501355 72.4808 0.7131

102 0.137969 2.245478 2.118862 93.4885 5.9757
104 0.137973 2.363587 2.220960 93.7877 6.4219
106 0.138420 2.364853 2.222042 93.7706 6.4270

101 100 0.085154 0.488968 0.452859 81.1965 7.9735

102 0.085154 2.461381 1.521859 94.4046 61.7351
104 0.085159 2.604401 1.567825 94.5684 66.1156
106 0.085657 2.605932 1.568301 94.5382 66.1628
Table 4
Effective coefficients and relative difference for K n ¼ 1012 and different values of the interface parameter K t with fiber volume fraction equal 0.5.

Models Kt C eff
11 ðGPaÞ C eff
12 ðGPaÞ C eff
13 ðGPaÞ C eff
33 ðGPaÞ C eff
44 ðGPaÞ C eff
66 ðGPaÞ eeff
13 ðC=m Þ
15 ðC=m Þ
33 ðC=m Þ
11 ðnF=mÞ eeff
33 ðnF=mÞ

(a) Hashin 100 9.302146 4.329266 5.322775 31.67227 0.203306 1.348679 0.204673 1.044575  1012 9.771301 0.240763 3.842314
102 9.302146 4.329266 5.322775 31.67227 0.203306 1.348679 0.204673 3.611454  1010 9.771301 0.240763 3.842314
104 9.302146 4.329266 5.322775 31.67227 0.203309 1.348694 0.204673 3.616896  108 9.771301 0.240763 3.842314

H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80

106 9.302146 4.329266 5.322775 31.67227 0.203682 1.349855 0.204673 3.616063  106 9.771301 0.24075 3.842314

(b) Nairn 100 9.300300 4.329477 5.322647 31.668803 0.504886 1.347296 0.2046448 0.002905 9.771313 0.240750 3.842316
102 9.300313 4.329465 5.322647 31.668804 1.710705 1.352469 0.2046448 0.014757 9.771313 0.240697 3.842316
104 9.300609 4.329206 5.322661 31.668814 1.776695 1.354877 0.2046462 0.015418 9.771312 0.240694 3.842316
106 9.300771 4.329106 5.322685 31.668833 1.777390 1.355123 0.2046485 0.015425 9.771310 0.240694 3.842316

(c) Present model 100 9.294291 4.329672 5.320386 31.666836 0.504858 1.340290 0.204550 0.002904 9.771387 0.240750 3.842319
102 9.294464 4.329509 5.320390 31.666839 1.709932 1.348081 0.204550 0.014749 9.771387 0.240697 3.842319
104 9.295930 4.328322 5.320499 31.666923 1.775864 1.354315 0.204555 0.015409 9.771383 0.240694 3.842319
106 9.296197 4.328183 5.320548 31.666962 1.776560 1.354607 0.204557 0.015416 9.771381 0.240694 3.842319

Difference Kt DC eff
11 DC eff
12 DC eff
13 DC eff
33 DC eff
44 DC eff
66 Deeff
13 Deeff
15 Deeff
33 Deeff
11 Deeff

½jðbÞ  ðaÞj=ðbÞ  100%

100 0.0198 0.0049 0.0024 0.0109 59.7324 0.1027 0.0140 99.9999 0.0001 0.0056 3.6320  105
10 2 0.0197 0.0046 0.0024 0.0109 88.1157 0.2802 0.0140 99.9999 0.0001 0.0276 3.6285  105
104 0.0165 0.0014 0.0021 0.0109 88.5569 0.4564 0.0133 99.9998 0.0001 0.0287 3.3608  105
10 6 0.0148 0.0037 0.0017 0.0108 88.5404 0.3887 0.0122 99.9766 0.0001 0.0232 2.9064  105

½jðcÞ  ðaÞj=ðcÞ  100%

100 0.0845 0.0094 0.0449 0.0172 59.7302 0.6259 0.0606 99.9999 0.0009 0.0055 0.0001
102 0.0827 0.0056 0.0448 0.0171 88.1103 0.0444 0.0604 99.9999 0.0009 0.0275 0.0001
104 0.0669 0.0218 0.0428 0.0169 88.5515 0.4151 0.0579 99.9998 0.0008 0.0287 0.0001
106 0.0640 0.0250 0.0419 0.0168 88.5350 0.3508 0.0567 99.9765 0.0008 0.0232 0.0001
H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80 75

It is worth to highlight that the proposed model is more gener- In Table 4, the effective coefficients are calculated for Kn fixed
alized than Nairn’s interface model. Therefore, Nairn’s interface and different values of the interface parameter Kt with fiber vol-
model is a particular case of the proposed one. ume fraction equal 0.5. Calculation the percentage difference
between Hashin’s and Nairn’s models as well as between Hashin’s
4. Analysis and discussion of results and present models are shown. In general, the three interface mod-
els provide good convergence. The lower differences are obtained
Before investigate the coefficients, a numerical study is first for the effective coefficients eeff
33 and eeff
33 for both comparisons,
performed to evaluate the sensitivity of the predicted coefficients and higher differences are shown for the effective coefficients C eff
by using the RVE commented earlier, considering mesh refinement.
and eeff
15 . This can be explained due to the interface shear modulus
Thus, different mesh densities for the square unit cell were inves-
Gi is finite when Kt approaches infinity (see formulas (10) and (12))
tigated. Three mesh densities for the unit cell were used namely a
for Nairn’s and present interface model. However, the opposite
coarse one with approximately 2000 elements, a medium one with
behavior is obtained for the Hashin’s interface model (see formula
approximately 4000 elements, and a fine one with approximately
8000 elements. The results showed that the differences for the
Figs. 1–11 show the effective coefficients for different cases,
effective coefficients for the medium to fine ones are of 104 order.
such as, for complete separation of the interface and perfect bond-
Therefore, all the results are shown only for the meshed RVE
ing (limit cases), and for different values of Kn and Kt. For all elastic
namely medium (approximately 4000 elements).
In order to illustrate the comparison of the coefficients effective effective coefficients, except the effective coefficient C eff
33 , in the

calculated using Hashin’s, Nairn’s and present interface model, case of perfect interface, the coefficients increases as the fiber vol-
some numerical examples are presented. The material properties ume fraction increases, and decreases for complete separation of
used in the calculations are listed in Table 1, which are given by the interface. Different behavior is shown for the effective coeffi-
[38]. For almost all calculations, the interface volume fraction is cient C eff
33 , which always increases when the fiber volume fraction
assumed to be equal 0.0001. For example, in Table 2, it was shown increases. This can be explained by applying the loading direction
the effective coefficients for fiber volume fraction equal 0.5, con- 3, which corresponds to the longitudinal direction of the fibers.
sidering the two limit cases, i.e. complete separation of the inter- Therefore, the fibers drive the composite response. On the other
face and perfect bonding. And, it is observed that the results of hand, in the case of the other elastic effective coefficients, there
the three models show convergence. Only one study was per- is always influence of the matrix, making the role of interface is
33 , e11 and e33 exhibit
very important. The effective coefficients eeff eff eff
formed considering different values for the interphase thickness
t i with fiber volume fraction equal 0.6 (Table 3). In this study, similar values for both limit cases. The results for Kn fixed and dif-
the effective coefficient C eff ferent values of the interface parameter Kt converge to perfect
44 was calculated using relative difference
for K n ¼ 1012 and different values of the interface parameter K t , as interface results, except for the effective coefficients C eff eff
44 and e15 .
well. It is verified that Hashin’s interface model introduces an error For the effective coefficient C eff
44 , the results provided by Hashin’s
i 2 interface model converge to complete imperfect interface, and for
of order ðt Þ (see [24]). This can be explained due to the increasing
of the interphase thickness. Thus, the relative difference between eeff
15 , the results are outside of the ‘‘lower” and ‘‘upper bound”
Hashin’s interface model and present one increases, mainly for defined for the results of the limit cases. Notice that for combina-
the values of interface parameter K t ¼ 100 ; 102 . In addition, as tion Kn = 1012 and Kt = 1, the results provided by Nairn’s and pre-
Nairn’s is a particular case of present interface model, and both sent models tend to debonding results. Finally, it is important to
models are equal when v 1 ¼ c  v i =2 and v 2 ¼ 1  c  v i =2 (see highlight that in the previous work [30], it was assumed ki =ti is
formulas (9)–(12)), the relative difference between both models constant, i.e. a modified Hashin’s imperfect interface model was
increase with increasing thickness, but the divergences are more used. And, in the present work, it was used the classical Hashin’s
relevant for higher values of thickness. interface model.

Fig. 1. Evolution of elastic property C eff

11 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .
76 H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80

Fig. 2. Evolution of elastic property C eff

12 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

Fig. 3. Evolution of elastic property C eff

13 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

Fig. 4. Evolution of elastic property C eff

33 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .
H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80 77

Fig. 5. Evolution of elastic property C eff

44 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

Fig. 6. Evolution of elastic property C eff

66 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

Fig. 7. Evolution of piezoelectric property eeff

13 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .
78 H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80

Fig. 8. Evolution of piezoelectric property eeff

15 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

Fig. 9. Evolution of piezoelectric property eeff

33 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

Fig. 10. Evolution of dielectric property eeff

11 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .
H. Brito-Santana et al. / Composite Structures 151 (2016) 70–80 79

Fig. 11. Evolution of dielectric property eeff

33 versus fiber volume fraction for different values of the interface parameters K n and K t .

5. Conclusions Acknowledgements

Regarding the limit cases, considering totally perfect and com- The authors wish to dedicate this work to Prof. Carlos Mota
pletely imperfect interface, it is concluded that there is a conver- Soares in his 70th anniversary and, mainly, to thank for his relevant
gence between the three models investigated. Concerning to fiber scientific contributions. The authors are thankful to Sao Paulo State
volume fraction 0.5, fixed Kn and different values of Kt and based Research Foundation (FAPESP process number: 2012/01047-8), as
on the calculation of the percentage difference between Hashin’s well as, CNPq (process number: 502265/2014-0 and
and Nairn’s models, and between Hashin’s and present model’s, 168279/2014-2) and FAPEMIG for partially funding the present
it is concluded that the proposed model is more generalized than research work through the INCT-EIE. The authors also would like
Nairn’s interface model. Therefore, Nairn’s interface model is a par- to thank Prof. Marcelo Leite Ribeiro (EESC-USP) for the ABAQUSTM
ticular case of the proposed model. In the case of Hashin’s interface license.
model, depending on the type of imperfection investigated (only
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