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1. Where do you like to read?

Actually speaking, I’m an avid reader, so that I read books all the time
whenever I have spare time. I tend to read in my own room where I find it
quiet and comfortable.
2. What makes somewwhere a good palce to reading?
Well, in my opinion, it depends on what genres of books that you are
reading. If you read a comic book and you couldn’t put it down, you can readit
on the bus, at home, at school, I mean anywhere. In case, you read a science
book, I think you need a quiet atmosphere to concentrate entirely on reading.
3. Do you prefer to read on your own or with people around you?
As I mentioned before, I tend to read in my own room where is only me
and a book. So that I could find peace in my mind and concentrate entirely on
4. Have you ever been in a place where it was difficult for you to read?
Yes, of course. As far as I remember, 2 weeks ago, when I rode to a coffee
shop to read my favorite book namely “Messi-The inside story of a legend” and
then there was a group of people sitting behind me talked about something
loudly. I went bananas and I left home.

1. Do you often sing?
Actually, I am really busy with my hectic work schedules at school. After
nerve-racking time at school, I prefer come to stadium to play football with my
buddies than singing a song in order to release stress. So that I rarely sing.
2. Do you ever sing while you are doing other things?
As I said before, I very busy with my schedules at school so I don’t have
enough time spend for singing. However, sometime, when I take a bath, I listen
to my favorite songs and sing along with singers. Honestly, I like a famous
3. Would you like to have singing lessons?
Actually speaking, I tend to sing when I have free time to find peace in my
mind. What’s more, taking enrolment in a singing course would waste a lot of
money. So I think I don’t need a singing course to improve my voice.
4. Do you enjoy listening to other people singing?
I think I would like to listen to a song from a person with catchy voice.
5. What kinds of music do you like to sing?
Honestly, I really into rap songs, however, to sing a rap song, I need
improve my rap skills and take enrolment in a singing course.

1. Do students learn maths in secondary school in việt nam?
Absolutely yes. I learned math all throughout high school. It's a mandatory
(bắt buộc) subject in high school curriculum (chương trình giảng dạy). You
know, Math may have been difficult in school but it was definitely necessary to
know in everyday life.
2. Do you think maths is difficult?
I think it really depends on each person. Some people really excel (vượt
trội) in math classes while others, like me, tend to struggle a bit more with
learning math.
3. What can people do with maths in their daily life?
In my opinion, there is always a need for math in daily life which is why it
is important to learn math in school. For example, it's helpful whenever you
need to add or subtract, or try to calculate how much the discount is.
4. Do you learn maths now? Why?
Well, to be honest, after graduating from university, I haven't taken another
math class. It's not because I hate math. I only use math in life and at work. I just
don't feel it's necessary for me to spend more effort on sharpening (mài dũa) my
math skills anymore.
Topic 8: Describe an interesting discussion that you had with friends
Talk about interesting discussions that I had with my friend
If my memories serve me right about 4 years ago.
This conversation took place at my home. For my birthday. I didn’t plan
any party. I just invited Leo for dinner.
It was about how to become successful in contemporary life.
Actually we both are avid readers, so we had too much content to share
together. We discussed various elements for attaining (đạt được) success, such
as willpower (ý chí), positive attitude (thái độ tích cực), mindfulness (sự quan
tâm) and gratitude (lòng biết ơn).
The conversation was interesting for both of us because after spending two
hours, we had concluded (kết quả). We debated on various things required to get
success, but the most significant factor for success is our routine.
To test the results of our discussion, we both decided to follow a strict (khắt
khe) routine to get success. We made a timetable of the things to be done and
started working on our goal with daily efforts.
We were on top of the world because we achieve our goal together.
TOPIC 4: describe a historical event in your country
So this question is really giving me a hard time. I actually don’t know the
first thing about history. Of course, I took History when I was in school but most
of that went over my head. So this question is really difficult for me.
Having said that, I guess I could tell you about a historical event that most
of vietnamese people know about, it is the Independence day of VN. This event
took place on September 2nd in 1945. And of course, I learned about this event
extensively (một cách rất rộng) when I was in school, I think it was important.
However, it has been a while (đã trải qua một thgian), so my recollection of
what my teacher taught me may not be very accurate (chính xác), so bear (chịu
đựng) with me here.
If my memory serves me right, before Independence day, VN was under
the oppression (sự đàn áp) of the French colonial (thực dân) empire. But after
this Independence day, VN managed to break the shackles (xiềng xích) of
colonization and then became a sovereign (độc lập) country. I think this event is
kind of usher in an era (bắt đầu cho một thời kì) of economic prosperity (thịnh
vượng), and everybody’s lives became dramatically better. So I guess I’m not
that interested in history or this event as I was saying, but I think I should be. I
think it would give me an appreciation for (sự trân trọng) our nation and heritage
(di sản kế thừa) of our forefathers (cha ông)
Topic 7: Describe a time when you were preparing for a happy event
Today, I gonna take this chance to talk about a time when I preparing for a
happy event. This is my brother’s wedding day which took place in 2016.
If my memories serves me right, about 2 weeks before wedding day, I
visited a store which located in the heart of my city in order to buy a new pair of
shoes to wear in this party.
At this store, I was able to found a lot of nice sneakers but I am most
interested in Yung 96 shoes. In fact, the cost of this shoes was around 2 millions
Vnd. I think that it was too expensive for a person live with tight budget like
However, I like it so much, therefore, I decided to buy it.
On top of that, the saler showed me a pair of high-neck socks that would
fit really well with my new shoes, and he advised me to buy it.
Finally, I paid 2,2 millions dong at this store and came back home with
these 2 things.
And then, I went on wedding ceremory with my new shoes and I really
confident with it.
After this wedding, i had a ton of fun. Thanks to this shoes I had a good
Topic 6: Describe a situation when something in your house
was broken or stopped working
I’m going to talk about one time when my washing machine stopped
working. It was a few months ago. So, the machine had been working very well
for almost 10 years; that was the first time that there was any problem with it.
Normally I just put my clothes in, pour some washing liquid and fabric
softener, turn the machine on and leave it there for two hours. But this time
when I came back to take the clothes out, I realized that they were still dry,
I immediately called the company, and they sent a mechanic over in an
hour. After examining the machine, he concluded that there wasn’t really any
big problem; it was just that the filter bag was full of small rubbish like
toothpicks and fabric accumulated over the years.
He patiently showed me how to take the bag out, wash it, then put it back
in. The washing machine worked again perfectly. I gave him a five-star rating
for this.
1. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others

Choosing a gift for someone is usually a very difficult task, because you
want make sure that the person who receives it will like it.
For that reason, I always spend a lot of time picking gifts for my relatives
and friends.
Today, Iam wanna tell you about a time when I had to choose a gift for my
little sister’s birthday.
It was her sixth birthday and I want give her something special and
memorable. I decided to a doll workshop to buy her a teddy bear. At this shop,
you actually spend time picking materials to build your furry (lông vũ) friend,
from the cotton inside to the clothes outside. You also got to give this teddy bear
a heart and a voice recorder, so that when you squeezed(bóp) it, it would say
whatever you recorded before. After finishing building the stuffed(nhồi bông)
toy, the store would give him or her a birthday certificate with a name and
My little sister was so happy when she received the bear. Well, kids always
love a furry friend anyway. However, what was special was that when she grew
up (điều đặc biệt khi cô ấy lớn lên), she understood how much love I had put in
the bear when bulding it for her at the store, so she came to appreciate( càng trân
trọng) the gift even more.
2. Describe an interesting song
Iam really into listening to music, so I like a lot of songs. Today I wanna
take this chance to talk about ‘Triumph of the will’ (niềm tin chiến thắng)
written by Le Quang musician.
When it came out, it quickly became a hit on very single music chart (bảng
xếp hạng âm nhạc) throughout my country, not just because of its catchy melody
(không chỉ vì giai điệu hấp dẫn), but also for its meaningful lyrics (lời bài hát ý
nghĩa). The song talks about how each of us can be a champion or anything we
want to be as long as we dedicate our time and efforts to doing what we are
passionate (đam mê) about.. (Bài hát nói về cách mỗi chúng ta có thể trở thành
nhà vô địch hoặc bất cứ điều gì chúng ta muốn trở thành miễn là chúng ta dành
thời gian và nỗ lực để làm những gì chúng ta đam mê.)
The song is played at big athletic events to pump up (sôi động) the crowd,
but you can easily relate (liên tưởng )to the song at other times as well,
especially when you are about to give up (từ bỏ).
I think this song has such a powerful message (thông điệp mạnh mẽ) that
whenever I was tired or had decided to quit, it would lift me up right away. It
made me think about why I had started in the first place and that I needed to
finish the job that I was currently doing.
3. Describe a creative inventor or musician
Iam going to talk about a creative person who I really admire. That person
is Albert Einstein – one of the most well-known physics scientists (nhà khoa học
vật lý) in the world. He was born in 1879 in Germany.
He was a physicist and is now recognized as the father of modern physics
(cha đẻ của vật lý hiện đại). Above all, he was the founder (nhà sáng lập) of the ‘
Theory of Relativity’ (thuyết tương đối), which became an important
contribution to the science of mankind (nhân loại). It was to be the biggest
achievement of his life. In 1921, he was awarded the ‘Nobel Physics Prize’. He
was prolific writer (viết phong phú) and published (xuất bản) about 300
scientific articles (bài báo khoa học) covering 150 topics as well during his
I came across (bắt gặp) a new biography (tiểu sử mới) bout him on the
internet and there was a lot of interesting information which really inspired
(truyền cảm hứng) me a lot. His childhood was not carefree ( vô tư ) as I had
thought. He had a problem learning how to talk (học vấn đề khi gặp nói ) until
he was about 8 years old. Besides, because of his unconventional character (tính
cách khác thường), he tended to be bullied and teased (bắt nạt và trêu chọc) a
lot, however, he ignored (bỏ qua) all these taunts (lời chế nhạo) and
concentrated on doing experiments in the laboratory (phòng thí nghiệm).
What I really admire him is how passionately (say mê) he worked and he
contributed to physics. He lived and worked with passion and the enthusiasm all
his life, and he is a shining example (tấm gương sáng) for me to follow.

10. Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you?

I wanna take this chance to talk about a coat which my parents gave me as
a present on my 18th birthday. I must say that it is really smart (lịch sự) and
exactly to my liking (phù hợp với sở thích của tao).

The coat is made of cotton only and by a Vietnamese clothes brand. It is a

knee-length (dài tới đầu gối) black coat, which was in fashion at that time. What
I like most is that there are two deep side pockets (2 túi rất sâu), so in winter, I
always put my hands into those pockets to avoid the cold (đút tay dô túi tránh
rét). Besides, I can button (cài nút áo) the coat from top to bottom and it’s also
got a decorative waist belt (đai thắt lưng trang trí).
Iam so really into this coat that I usually wear it every winter. It fits me
(phù hợp với tao) perfectly and makes me feel comfortable and warm, no matter
how cold the weather is (bất kể thời tiết lạnh như thế nào). I keep myself warm
by wearing the coat with jeans and boots, which match it well.

In fact, I have never thought whether it will be out of fashion (lỗi thời). As
this coat is gift from my parents, I treasure (giữ gìn / trân trọng) it a lot and - for
sure – I will keep wearing this coat in the future.

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