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1. What initiated Marshall Plan?


2. Is Marshall Plan related to Block Politic (the influence of Communism)?

3. Do you think we should have similar plan in order to speed up our economic development in
the remote/underdeveloped areas such as Papua, Ambon, Sulawesi and Kalimantan?  


1. The Marshall Plan was an economic program or large-scale economic assistance from 1947 to
1951 that was provided by the United States to countries devastated by World War II. This
proposal was first put forward by US Secretary of State George C Marshall. The distribution
of Marshall Plan assistance was not only for European countries but also for Asian countries
that were affected by World War II.

2. The Marshall Plan aims to strengthen US influence in the Western Bloc countries. At that time,
the United States was facing a Cold War. The Cold War was an ideological rivalry between
the US and the Soviet Union and its communist influence.

On the political side, US assistance through the Marshall Plan made Western Europe
unnecessary to save money on people's welfare and this in turn brought political stability. As
a result, the influence of the communists in Western Europe drastically decreased and the
popularity of the communist party in several European countries also declined.

3. In my opinion, we must carry out a similar plan to accelerate the rise of the Indonesian
economy, assist in urban development, infrastructure and industry, clean water, availability
of electricity, quality education and inadequate health facilities in remote / underdeveloped
areas so that gaps between city. So that remote areas in Indonesia will decrease.


1. Marshall Plan adalah program ekonomi atau bantuan ekonomi skala besar pada tahun 1947
– 1951 yang diberikan Amerika Serikat ke negara-negara yang hancur akibat Perang Dunia II.
Usulan ini pertama dicetuskan oleh Menteri Luar Negeri AS George C Marshall. Pembagian
bantuan Rencana Marshall ini tidak hanya untuk negara - negara Eropa namun juga negara
Asia yang terkena imbas dari Perang Dunia II.

2. Marshall Plan bertujuan untuk menguatkan pengaruh AS ke negara-negara Blok Barat. Saat
itu, Amerika Serikat menghadapi Perang Dingin. Perang Dingin adalah persaingan ideologi AS
melawan Uni Soviet dan pengaruh komunismenya.
Di sisi politik, bantuan AS lewat Marshall Plan ini membuat Eropa Barat tak perlu berhemat
untuk biaya kesejahteraan rakyat dan hal ini kemudian membawa stabilitas politik. Alhasil,
pengaruh komunis di Eropa Barat menurun drastis dan popularitas partai komunis di
beberapa negara Eropa juga semakin menurun.
3. Menurut saya, kita harus menjalankan rencana serupa untuk mempercepat kenaikan
perekonomian Indonesia, membantu pembangunan kota, infrastruktur dan industry, adanya
air bersih, ketersediaan listrik, Pendidikan yang berkualitas dan fasilitas Kesehatan yang
belum memadai di daerah terpencil / tertinggal sehingga akan terwujud kesenjangan antar
kota. Sehingga daerah-daerah terpencil di Indonesia akan berkurang.

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