Rotational Dynamics: Points To Remember

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Rotational Dynamics

Points to Remember:
Circular motion is the motion of a
particle along the circumference of a circle or along an arc of constant
An object undergoing circular motion revolves about some point outside the
object, while during rotation the motion is about an axis of rotation object or about some other
passing through the object.
Circular motion is a periodic motion and is defined
by an observer in inertial frame of reference.
For a rigid body
performing rotational motion, its constituent particles performs circular motion.
When magnitude of
speed of particle remains constant during circular motion it is called uniform circular
motion (U.C.M).
When magnitude of speed a
particle changes during circular motion it is called Non uniform circular motion
(Non U.C.M.)
Work done on the particle performing U.C.M. is continuously zero.
The total energy of a particle in U.C.M. is only kinetic energy and it remains constant.

The angular velocity (o) of a particle performing U.C.M. is constant. o = 27tn where n is the frequency.
The angular velocity is a vector and is perpendicular to the plane of the circular path and is directed.
G) upwards > for anticlockwise motion (i) downward> for clockwise motion.
The rate of change of angular velocity w.r.t time is called angular acceleration (a). It is a vector quantity.

The direction of angular acceleration of a particle in non-uniform circular motion is the same as d i.e.
perpendicular to the plane of revolution.
In U.C.M, angular acceleration (a) is zero.
Continuous change of direction of linear velocity in uniform circular motion
produces centripetal
acceleration called radial acceleration
For circular motion the acceleration responsible is centripetal or radial acceleration (), whose magnitude
is constant for U.C.M. and for Non U.C.M. magnitude of a, is not constant.

Radial or centripetal acceleration (a,)-or=rof ora, =Vo and is directed towards the centre of circular
path i.e.

opposite to that of radius vector (,=-o7).

For a body rotating or revolving in counter dockwise direction, for increasing speed, is along the direction
of @ along the positive axes perpendicular to the plane of rotation or revolution. Whereas for
speed, direction of d is opposite (negative axes) to that of@ (positive axes).
The acceleration responsible for changing the magnitude of velocity is directed along or opposite to the
velocity, hence always tangential and is called tangential acceleration (a) ä, =dx?.
The direction of centripetal force is same as that of
centripetal acceleration i.e. towards the centre of the
circular path. C.PF. = mro=mVo.

of the velocity is alwav
to centripetal
path due ays
in a direction
moves The
The particle force (resultant
action of centripetal
Under the velocity.
track. thus tangential and
to the

instant, for

circular motion,
V. r =0, position
At each to cach other. This force
perpendicular imaginary
force. rce isi away
vector are

force (c.f.f.) is a
non-real (P'seudo) force but NOT
mv trom
reference, c.f.f. mro.

acceleration of the frame of
duc to the centripetal force means the 'resultanta
the centre, arising force' and centripetal all the
force means the 'net Pseudo
The word centrifugal
-mo'i mø?i + E (real forces)
for UCM:
Resultant force = or

by fore
force is provided by force of
Force equation centripetal
horizontal road the necessary stalie
moving along
a curved
coefficient of static friction].
For a car
of car and the road surface [H, =

between tyres
friction (f) curved horizontal road, v=

with which vehicle can

be safely driven along
The maximum velocity while undergoing circular motic n,
Normal reaction at all four tyres are n e v e r equal
F o r a four wheeler, the vertical (8) to prevent toppline
for the rider to incline with respect to
it is must
For a two wheeler,
horizontal road.
wheeler along a curved
for a rider on a two
tane is maximum velocity
min a stunt in a well of death is, v
T h e minimum speed required
motor cyclist to perform
for a
is called banking of
curved road raised above the inner edge
T h e outer edge of a
horizontal is called angle of banking (0).
surface of banked road with the
The angle made by the
a curved banked road (eliminaie

The maximum velocity

with which a vehicle can be safely driven along nating
friction) =V8 tane
will have the upper lowerlimit as well as the
angle (0<0< 90°), the turning speed
F o r any other banking
to HNfor minimum
.For minimum possible speed on a
banked circular road, f, is maximum and equal

possible speed, we get, Vmin rg(tan-H, for H,2 tane, Vmin 0.

For maximum possible speed on a banked road, t, is maximum and equal to u N. Thus for maximum

speed we get, Vmax

8rg (tan2Ifu
(tan6+H,) =cot0, v-oo. But (4m1.Thus for 02, 45°, V_.max 00.
Conical pendulum is a simple pendulum, which is given such a motion that the bob describes a horizonta
circle and the string describes a cone.
The horizontal component (Tsin@) provides the centripetal force for motion of a bob of a conical pendulum
Time taken by the bob of a conical pendulum to complete one revolution is called period of conical pendulum

and T=27n COs6

Frequency revolution (n) .
Instantaneous velocity (v) of bob of a conical pendulum revolving in a horizontal plane is, v vrg tant
(0: semi vertical angle of cone).
A body revolving in a vertical plane such that its speed at different points is different is said to be in vertca
circular motion eg.: roller coaster.
Vertical circular motion (VCM) is of two types (i) In a controlled VCM, nt or
speed is either kept coa
not totally controlled by gravity. (ii) In VCM controlled
energy is considered.
only by gravity, law of conservation of mechanica

tathomal Dymames
eenitre, nly at
* * *
ofid E T i t I s OirecVd trnardsthe
the resultant of Mß nAdivm, the
fenulant is tarqeneia!

I n Non
uniform VCMof a body, Whee as at all othetpritions

and lowermont position.

uppermont of the body i (ner, ard
which caues achange in the speed the terisiMM
At uprIpt pritin n
a body by
a striny,
uniform VCM of
In non

tension at lower
most ponition is b mg. is maxinun and at the trpPritun vessity
at the lowest prnitium
I n Non
uniform VCM, velocity of a body
n uniform
is minimum. of the ody perfrmin,
from ponitiom to prsition
and potential energy vary
Both kinetic energy
VCM. VCM ismyrand
remains onstanit.
Non uniform
Total energy of the body performing ertain
non uniform VCM requires
vertical plane by a string performiny rod (rods practically
when revolved in a
revolved by a
A the s a m e m a s s is

minimum speed at uppermost point. But when

zero at uppermost point.
rigid) the speed can practically
and is
vehicle on a Convex over-bridge V
the maximum speed ofa
For just maintaining contact, called Rotational
inertia or moment

of rotational motion of the body is

A quantity that measures the inertia
of inertia (MI) of a body. extremal
remains unchanged under the action of any
shape and size
A rigid body is one whose geometric
remains constant.
of a rigid body
The distance between any two particles
rotational motion as mass plays linearmotion.
M . I plays the same role in about the axis
distribution of these masses given
individual masses and the
M.I of an object depends upon
ofrotation. Jrdm.
as I
rigid object M.I. is obtained by integration

For homogeneous
and a point at which whole
distance between the axis of rotation
Radius of gyration (K) is defined as the
same M.I as that of the rotating body
mass of a body is supposed to
be concentrated, so as to possess the
about the some axis of rotation.

Radius of gyration K = , It is a scalar quantity.

Value of 'K' changes with charge in axis of rotation and distríbution of mass.
from the axis and vice-versa.
Larger the value of K, farther is the mass
has the largest radius of gyration and hence maximum
Among any objects of same mass and radius, Ring
F o r a Ring, Rotational Kinetic Energy = Translational Kinetic Energy, since K = R (K: Radius of Gyration and

R: Radius)
Afly wheel is in the form of a uniform disc rotating about its own axis, M.I. of fly wheel is MR.

The quantity in rotational mechanics, analogue to linear momentum is angular momentum (L) or moment
ofLinear momentum. (L=Yxp
Angular momentum is an axial vector and perpendicular to the plane of rotation, whose direction is given
by right hand screw rule.
Ability of fore to produce rotational motion is called moment of force or torque (F)

Torque is a pseudo vector directed along the axis of rotation (=ixf=la)

Torque increases the Kinetic Energy of the rotating body
8 Master Key Physics - leno*
1(Std. Xl
Torque produced in the anti-clockwise sense is taken positive and torque in the clockwise sense i
se is
negative. taken as
Rate of change of angular momentum is torque|

Angular momentum is conserved in the absence of external unbalanced torque.

The change in angular momentum is known as angular impulse.
The angular speed of rotation of
person standing a on a rotating plattorm with his arms
arms outstro
increases suddenly when he folds his hands.
If Earth suddenly contracts, its M.I. will decrease and angular velocity will increase. As
e. As aa
result, d.
of day would decrease. duration
In case of pure rolling, two motions undertaking simultaneously, circular motion and linear mo
Total kinetic energy of Rolling =
Translational Kinetic Energy + Rotational Kinetic Energy

E m

Static friction is essential for a purely rolling motion. It prevents the sliding motion.
For a
rigid uniform object of mass 'm' and radius 'R', when undergoes sliding down an inclined plane a t an
angle '0' with the horizontal, the acceleration (a) down the inclined plane is and final
'gsin velocity (vi
is 2gh

While rolling. the ratio of Translational K.E : Rotational K.E.: Total K.E. is 1:

Ratio of Translational K.E.: Rotational K.E.: Total K.E. for a hollow sphere is 1: 3: 2:5

Percentage wise, for a hollow sphere 60% of its Total K.E. is Translational K.E. and 40% of its Total K.E,is
Rotational K.E.
-- - - - - - - - - - -


(1) 3-6x+,0=[O=Nx2n,
dt N:noofrevolution,
4) Maximum possible velocity for a vehicle on a
dt lo-2n. n:frequency] circular unbanked track, vmaxVA'S
(H: coefficient of static friction)
and T: Time period] o-2|21
(5) Minimum velocity required for a vehicle driven
(2) Vx7,,--oi, a,= axi, i=fxf L=ïxp in a well of Death for no loosing control is
(3) For U.C.M. apadial4 centripetalor=vo, a,-0 V.
min Ps
(a=tangential acceleration)
(6) Most safe speed of a vehicle on a circular banked
For Non U.C.M. aangential ra.
road (ignoring friction), V.arg tane
Famvo = mro, F-F but F i s small Vmarg tan8

IF sin Bs tan 1opph rg

For Non U.C.M. , + , , 1 a +a?
(h - height, L= width of road)
Rotational Dynamics

(9 For vertical circular

Angle of banking, 0-tan avity, Tension (I) at
(VCM) undor
position of a
point mass
along the instantaneous
(7) Minimum possible specd for a vehicle on a
circular banked road considering friction is of VCM is, T =
mg cos)
v- S (tan 6-p,) Tension at lowestposition in VCM (T,) 6
min ( 1 + 4 , tane)

at me
topmost position in VCM
Maximum possible speed for a vehicle on a Tension at diametrically (T) -
circular banked road considering friction is at a
height equal to radiusopposite
(T)-3mg circular path
Vmax rs(tan 6+H,)
(1-u, tane) Velocity of point mass
lowest position performing VCM at
(8) Time period (T) of revolution of bob of a conical (V,) 5gr
Velocity of a
point mass at
pendulum T2 Lcos Cose= (V)ygr topmost position
Frequency (n) revolution of bob of a conical Velocity of point mass at diametrically
position at a
height equal to radius
path (V) 3gr of
n NLcose Total Mechanical Energy of
Tension (T) in
point mass
string of a conical pendulum performing VCM under
T mg
constant. gravity=mgr=
(10) Maximum speed a
of vehicle on a convex
bridge Vm yrs over
(11) Table A.: Analogous quantities between translational and rotational
Translational motion
Rotational motion
Quantity Symbol expression Quantity
Linear displacement
Angular displacement
Symbol/expression Inter-relation
9 S 0xr
Linear Velocity V ds Angular velocity
V xT
Linear acceleration du Angular acceleration
dt do
Rotational inertia or
Inertia or mass Moment of inertial I- dm

Liner Momentum
p= mv
Angular momentum L lo L=rxp
Force Torque t= xa
f ma T rx
Work W f.s
Work W T. 0
Power dW
P= .v W
dt Power = T.

Kinetic Energy
Kinetic Energy
Master Key Physics nton
art 1(Sta, wn
(12) Analogous kinematical equations (o, is the Kinetic Energy of Rolling Body
initial angular velocity) ly (k
Equation for
- 1 Mvl Ro
translational motion Analogous equation
for rotational motion

2 (O
0+0% Mv2|1+K2
2 (16) Speed (V) of centre of mass ofR2rd
down an inclined place ing
through a veric
dt distance (h).


2 Linear distance (s) travelled along the

utar +a plane is incine
u +2as = 2a0 S
(13) Moment of Inertia (1) sin 6
Linear acceleration (a) along the
mj (System of particles)
i=l is a = 8 sine
inclined nl.
I= Jrdm (rigid body ~continuous distribution
of mass)
I= MK (K: Radius of
(17) Angular Momentum L=lo (0=27tn, n
Law of conservation of
K= Angular Momentun
M when external torque = 0
(14) -+MH (Theorem of Parallel axes) L-
-I+I (Theorem of Perpendicular axes) L,o1,02
(15) Kinetic Energy
Translational (K) =mV2 (18) Sdlo
I is constant)
Energy Rotational (K) Iø?
T 1 2 (-
(19) Expressions for moment of inertias for some symmetric objects:
Expressions Objects Axis Expression of moment of inertia
Thin ring hollow
cylinder Central

Thin ring Diameter


Annular ring or thick walled

hollow cylinder
Rotational Dynamics


Uniform disc or solid


Uniform disc Diameter


Thin walled hollow sphere Central


Solid sphere Central


Uniform symmetric
spherical shell Central

Perpendicular to
Thin uniform rod or
rectangular plate passing 17 ML?
through centre

Thin uniform rod or Perpendicular to

length and about
rectangular plate one end

Uniform plate or
rectangular Central
parallelepiped IML+

Uniform solid right
circular Central 110 *|

Uniform hollow right Central MR

circular cone

(20) Table D: For rolling motion:

K=R gh a-gsine
Ring or Hollow cylinder

Solid cylinder or disc

R 4gh a -38sin
10 gh a , 8 sine
Solid sphere 7
of different bodies of uniform densities.
(21) Table E: M.I. and radius of gyration
Axis of Rotation M.I K (Radius of gyration)
Transverse through C.M.
12 K3
Transverse through one end ML

Ring Transverse through C.M. I=MR2 | K=R

Transverse through tangent I 2MR2

K-V2 R
Diameter MR? K=R
Tangent in its plane

Transverse through C.M.

Transverse through tangent
1-MR? KR
I-MR K- 2

Tangent in its plane

MR? K- 5R
Rotational Dynamics 13

Solid cylinder
Transverse through C.M. I=M 12 K-R
4 12

Transverse through one end M

cylinder axis -MR
Solid sphere
Diameter |I= MR2 K-R
Tangent -MR K-R

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