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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Nabongsoran, Aroroy, Masbate
Teacher: BUTCH B. REJUSO Date: April 29, 2022
Section & Grade Level: GRADE 10 DIAMOND Time: 8:30-9:30 A.M
Learning Area: ENGLISH Quarter: 4th


A. GRADE LEVEL The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his or her
STANDARDS understanding of literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
World Literature, including Philippine Literature

C. Learning Distinguish technical terms used in research EN10V-lva-30

Objectives (KSA) Specific Objectives:
 Define qualitative and quantitative research;
 Identify the technical terms used in research.
II. CONTENT Technical Terms used in Research


A. References Self-Learning Modules

B. Other Learning

C. Materials Pictures, Visual Aid, Meta Cards


A. Reviewing Preliminary Objective 4 Establish safe

and secure learning
previous lesson or environments to enhance
presenting the new The teacher will: learning through
consistent implementation
lesson of policies, guidelines, and
Remind the learners of the classroom rules and policies. procedures.

ACTIVITY #1 Tell me the truth!

Instruction: Tell whether the statement below is a fact or bluff. In

answering, raise the check (√) board if the statement is a fact and (X) if
its bluff.
B. Establishing a Activity #2 Cite the Difference (Group Activity) Objective 5 Maintain
learning environments that
purpose for the lesson promote fairness, respect,
The Teacher will: and care to encourage
 Group the learners into 2 learning.

 Facilitate the activity

 Process the activity by providing clarification through
question and additional information.

Instruction: Compare and contrast the following terms using the words
written in the meta cards by pasting/posting in on the Venn Diagram
provided by the teacher.

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

C. Presenting Activity #3 Have we Met? Objective 1 Applied

knowledge of content
examples/instances of within and across
Instruction: Identify the words being presented if you are familiar with it, you
the new lesson curriculum teaching areas.
may only say three (3) words about it.
Objective 2
Say: I have here words from which you will Identify some if you have any idea, Display proficient use of
you may raise your hand if the word is familiar. You may say at least three words Mother Tongue, Filipino,
and English to facilitate
about it. teaching and learning
The teacher will:

 Process the responses of the learners and will give feedback.

D. Discussing new The teacher will Discuss the following technical terms used in research. Objective 3 Use effective
verbal and non-verbal
concepts and classroom communication
practicing new skills strategies to support
#1 learner understanding,
participation, engagement,
and achievement.

F. Developing Activity #4 Create, Create, Create!!! Objective 10 Adapted and

used culturally
Mastery (formative appropriate teaching
Assessment) Instruction: Create a research topic with objectives about the following: strategies to address the
needs of learners from
Group 1: Problems in your Barangay or Baryo indigenous groups
Group 2: Bullying Objective 7 Apply a range
Group 3: Modular Distance Learning of successful strategies
Group 4: Livelihood in your Barangay or Baryo that maintain learning
environments that motivate
Group 5: Your Barangay’s Culture
learners to work
productively by assuming
The teacher will: responsibility for their own
 Identify the IP learners and group them as number 5 or 1.
 Facilitate the presentation

G. Finding practical Activity #5 Paper and Pencil Objective 6 Maintain

learning environments that
applications of nurture and inspire
Instruction: With your groups answer the following questions below.
concepts learners to participate,
cooperate, and collaborate
in continued learning.

Say: I will give you 5 minutes for the preparation and 1 minute for the
1. Write down some problems existing in your school, inside your classroom, or
even with your classmate.
2. What will you do with your problem?
3. How will you solve it?

The teacher will:

 Let the learners present their output, and will remind them of the
 Process the output.

H. Making Ask from the learners randomly the questions below:

Generalization and
1. What have you learned in today’s lesson?
abstractions about the
2. What is the importance of knowing these technical terms in your
life as learners?
I. Evaluating learning Assessment:

Instruction: Read carefully the questions in each item and choose the
letter of the correct answer by encircling the best choice.

1. What method in research produce numerical data?

A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
C. Survey
D. Reader-response
2. What method in research involves words or language, but may
also use pictures or photographs and observations?
A. Qualitative
B. Quantitative
C. Survey
D. Reader-response
3. What technical term used in research summarizes all sections and
helps readers decide whether or not to read the entire report?
A. Introduction
B. Abstract
C. Data
D. Theory
4. These are the factual information used as a basis for reasoning,
discussion, or calculation. What is this?
A. Introduction
B. Abstract
C. Data
D. Theory
5. This is the general explanation about a specific behavior or set of
events that is based on known principles and serves to organize
related events in a meaningful way.
A. Introduction
B. Abstract
C. Data
D. Theory

TII Instruction: Match the statements in column A to column B. Write

your answer on the blank provided before each item.

___1. Provides the summary of the
A. Methodology
___2. Evaluates the results of the study
B. Literature Review
or research
___3. Provides a review of what others
have written or researched on C. Conclusion
concerning the topic
___4. The game plan or method for
D. Discussion
finding out what you want to know.
___5. Systematic approaches to the
E. Research Design
conduct of an operation or process
I. Additional Read a book or a short novel (your favourite one) and make a research on it
activities for using the Technical terms used in research and you can use the Qualitative
application or Research Method (with Rubrics)
J. Reflection

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Checked by:

Head Teacher III

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