20uec035 Experiment2

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The LNM Institute of Information Technology

Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering

A. Aim: To analyze and study the time response of RC and RL circuits.

B. Apparatus Used: 1. DSO, DC Power Supply, function generator, breadboard. Resistor

100Ω (1), Resistor 10KΩ (1), Capacitor 0.01µF (1), Inductor 1mH (1).

C. Observation: (Include your own Table relevant to the

Experiment) For Integrator circuit:-


Circuit Snap:
The LNM Institute of Information Technology
Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Theoretical value of τ: 100

Input Frequency (Hz) Experimental value of Error (%)
500Hz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 98.55 1.45
(1/ 2πτ) Hz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 102.89 2.89
4KHz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 98.70 1.3

For Differentiator circuit:-

The LNM Institute of Information Technology
Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Circuit Snap:

Theoretical value of τ: 100

Input Frequency (Hz) Experimental value of Error (%)
The LNM Institute of Information Technology
Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering

500Hz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 100.56 0.56
(1/ 2πτ) Hz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 99.28 0.72
4KHz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 100.023 0.023

For RL circuit:-

Circuit Snap:
The LNM Institute of Information Technology
Department Of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Theoretical value of τ: 10
Input Frequency (Hz) Experimental value of Error (%)
5KHz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 10.27 2.7
(1/ 2πτ) Hz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 9.78 2.2
40KHz (Square wave, 0-10 Volt) 9.87 1.3

Conclusion: This experiment made us know the time response of RC and RL circuit.
It helped us about how fast the capacitor and inductor stores energy with varying
It taught us the significance of time constant and its use.

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