Unit de Invatare Revizuita

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Proiectarea unității de învățare, clasa a VII-a –L 2

Unitatea de învățare nr. 3 : HEALTHY HABITS

Nr. de ore alocat/unitate de învățare: 7 ore/TC
Manual pentru clasa a VII-a, Limba modernă engleza 2 - Editura „Uniscan”


Lesson 1. 1.1. Activity no. 1

Healthy/unhealthy Lead in – commenting on healthy/unhealthy habits in Pictures Solving exercises
habits 2.2. the daily routine, using the Imperative Mood (dos and Students’ Exercise no. 2 - page
don’ts) experience 50-51
3.1. Activity no. 2 Schoolbook
Vocabulary: food Exercise no.1 - page
Making predictions on the topic of the text considering
3.2. CD 50-51
the images and the text title.
4.1. Extracting information from a listened text.
Activity no. 3 Information from Exercise no. 2 -
Extracting information from a text – Reading the Internet page 52
Presenting habitual comprehension
activities Deciding whether some statements are true or false Exercise no. 3 -page
Answering simple questions related to the text 52
Activity no. 4
Vocabulary exercises (labelling images, associating Exercises no. 4 -5 -
page 53

„Curriculum relevant, educație deschisă pentru toți” - CRED

Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
images with words) Short dialogues
Activity no. 5
Short dialogues using the new vocabulary
Activity no. 6
Writing a text presenting the results of a project
Lesson 2. The Past 1.1. Activity no. 1
Continuous Tense The Past Tense Continuous – form and use Texts Solving exercises
Vocabulary: daily Flashcards
Activity no. 2
routine/habits 2.4. Exercises – page 54-
Making short sentences and dialogues 55
Narrating events Worksheets
using the Past Tense Activity no. 3 Exercises no. 7-8 -
Asking for and giving Fill in exercises using verbs in the Past Tense page 55
information about Continuous (affirmative, interrogative, negative forms)
past events and Flashcards
experiences Activity no. 4
Flashcards based dialogues about activities in progress
at a past moment
Lesson 3. Writing a 1.1. Activity no. 1. Solving exercises
story according to 2.4. Extracting general and specific information from a Written/listened
three pictures 3.1. written/listened text with the view to identifying the text Exercises – page
4.2. main ideas 555
accidents and Identifying the basic
Activity no. 2

„Curriculum relevant, educație deschisă pentru toți” - CRED

Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
injuries Identifying the basic parts of a short story by using Schoolbook parts of a short
flashcards. story correctly
Narrating events
using the Past Tense Activity no. 3 Flashcards
Asking for and giving
Vocabulary exercises: (labelling images, associating
information about CD Matching pictures
images with words)
past events and
experiences Extracting information from a written/listened text by
putting the flashcards in a right order Composition plan Story writing and
Activity no. 4 sharing
Writing the previously listened story using flashcards
as prompts
Lesson 4. Past Activity no. 1
Tense Simple & 2.4. The Past Tense Simple and Continuous – forms and use Students’ previous Table - page 58
Continuous knowledge

Narrating events
using the Past Tense Activity no. 2 Worksheets Correct use of the
Making sentences and short dialogues using verbs in Past Tense Simple
the Past Tense Simple and Continuous and Continuous
Activity no. 3 Texts
Fill in exercises using verbs in the Past Tense Simple Solving exercises
and Continuous (affirmative, interrogative, negative no. 2-3 – page 58

Lesson 5. Countable Activity no. 1

and Uncountable 1.1. Extracting general and specific information from a Texts Solving worksheet

„Curriculum relevant, educație deschisă pentru toți” - CRED

Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
Nouns-revision and 2.2. text with the view to solving tasks Worksheets
Ordering breakfast Activity no. 2
2.4. Fill in and multiple choice exercises Schoolbook Solving exercises no.
Vocabulary: food and 5-6 – page 59
Activity no. 3
drinks ;
containers Extracting general and specific information from a Schoolbook Solving exercises no.
listened text with the view to solving tasks 1- 2–3 page 60
To start and continue Activity no. 4 Schoolbook/
dialogues Taking part in a dialogue to develop the speaking handout
Lesson 6. Across Activity no. 1
Cultures - The best 3.1. Extracting general and specific information from a Schoolbook Solving exercises no.
way to start the day 3.2. written/listened text with the view to solving tasks 1- 2 - page 61
Project work 4.1. Activity no. 2
4.2. Project – based on an authentic video on traditional Video on traditional Answering
Vocabulary: food in different questions using
food in different countries
traditional food countries some/any/
Activity no. 3 ingredients/
Using IT competences to search for information used containers
Presenting and to make a presentation similar to the one illustrated
comparing habitual by the video Solving exercise no.
activities Activity no. 4 3 - page 61
Writing a text on a certain topic according to a model

Lesson 7. Round up Vocabulary / grammar / everyday English Test Paper

„Curriculum relevant, educație deschisă pentru toți” - CRED

Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020
„Curriculum relevant, educație deschisă pentru toți” - CRED
Proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operațional Capital Uman 2014-2020

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