CLASS X-Term-II Syllabus

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Class – X

Term- II Syllabus



Questions based on the following kinds of unseen passages to assess inference, evaluation,
vocabulary, analysis and interpretation :

1. Discursive Passage (400-450 words)

2. Case based factual passage ( with visual input/statistical data/chart etc 300-350 words)

Writing Skill

1. Formal letter based on a given situation

● Letter of Order
● Letter of Enquiry
2. Analytical Paragraph(Based on outline/chart/cue/map/report etc)


2. Modals
3. Subject verb concord
5. Reported Speech
6.Commands and Requests
8. Questions

Questions based on extracts/texts to assess interpretation, inference, extrapolation beyond the text
and across the texts.

First Flight
1. Glimpses of India
2. Madam rides the bus
3. The Sermon at Benares
4. The Proposal(Play)
1. Amanda
2. Animals
3. The Tales of Custard the Dragon
Footprints without Feet
1. The Making of a Scientist
2. The Necklace
3. The Hack Driver
4. Bholi


पाठ्यपु स्तक-स्पर्श भाग-2

गद्य खं ड - पाठ - पतझड में टू टी पत्तियाँ

ii - झे न की दे न

पाठ - कारतूस

पद्य खं ड पाठ - मनु ष्यता

पाठ - पर्वत प्रदे श में पावस

पाठ - कर चले हम फ़िदा

पाठ्यपु स्तक - सं चयन भाग-2

पाठ - हरिहर काका

पाठ - सपनों के से दिन

पाठ - टोपी शु क्ला

रचना कार्य

1 अनु च्छे द

2 औपचारिक पत्र

3 सूचना ले खन

4 विज्ञापन ले खन

5 लघु कथा-ले खन


Chapter 4

Quadratic equations

chapter 5

Arithmetic progressions

chapter 9

Applications of trigonometry
chapter 10


chapter 11


chapter 13

Surface area and volumes

chapter 14



Unit – 1: Chemical Substances – Nature and Behaviour

Chapter 4: Carbon and its Compounds

Carbon compounds: Covalent bonding in carbon compounds. Versatile nature of

carbon.Homologous series.

Chapter 5: Periodic classification of elements

Periodic classification of elements: Need for classification, early attempts at classification of

elements (Dobereiner’s Triads, Newland’s Law of Octaves, Mendeleev’s Periodic Table), Modern
periodic table, gradation in properties, valency, atomic number, metallic and non-metallic

Unit – 2: World of Living

Chapter 8: How do organisms reproduce?

Reproduction: Reproduction in animals and plants (asexual and sexual) reproductive health-need
and methods of family planning. Safe sex vs HIV/AIDS.Child bearing and women’s health.

Chapter 9: Heredity and Evolution

Heredity: Heredity; Mendel’s contribution- Laws for inheritance of traits: Sex determination: brief

Unit – 3: Effects of Current

Chapter 12: Electricity

Ohm’s law; Resistance, Resistivity, Factors on which the resistance of a conductor depends. Series
combination of resistors, parallel combination of resistors and its applications in daily life. Heating
effect of electric current and its applications in daily life. Electric power, Interrelation between P, V, I
and R.

Chapter 13: Magnetic effects of current

Magnetic effects of current: Magnetic field, field lines, field due to a current carrying conductor, field
due to current carrying coil or solenoid; Force on current carrying conductor, Fleming’s Left Hand
Rule, Electric Motor, Electromagnetic induction. Induced potential difference, Induced current.
Fleming’s Right Hand Rule.

Unit – 5: Natural Resources

Chapter 15: Our Environment

Our environment: Eco-system, Environmental problems, Ozone depletion, waste production and
their solutions. Biodegradable and non-biodegradable substances.

CBSE Class 10 Science Term II Practicals

List of Experiments

1. Studying the dependence of potential difference (V) across a resistor on the current (I) passing
through it and determining its resistance. Also plotting a graph between V and I.
3. Studying (a) binary fission in Amoeba, and (b) budding in yeast and Hydra with the help of
prepared slides.


1. Nationalism in India
2. Minerals and Energy Resources (only map)
3. Manufacturing Industries
4. Life Lines of National Economy
5. Political Parties
6. Outcomes of Democracy
7. Money and Credit
8. Globalization and the Indian Economy

पाठ=1 सुभाषितानि

2 सौहार्दम्प्रकृ ते: शोभा

3 विचित्र:साक्षी

4 सूक्तय:

व्याकरण = 1 अपठितगद्यांश

2 पत्र

3 चित्ररचना

4 अनुवाद


Learning Outcomes

1. Ability to create a simple website

2. Ability to embed images, audio and video in an HTML page
3. Ability to use style sheets to beautify the web pages.
4. Ability to Interface a web site with a web server and record the details of a user's request.
5. Ability to follow basic cyber ethics
6. Ability to familiarize with network concepts.

Distribution of Marks and Periods TERM I + TERM II

Unit Unit Name Marks Periods

Theory Practical

1. Networking 15 17 05

2. HTML 25 30 50

3. Cyber ethics 10 08 10

4. Practicals 50 - -

Total 100 55 65

Unit Unit Name Marks


1. Networking 15

2. HTML 10

Unit 1: Networking
• Internet: World Wide Web, web servers, web clients, web sites, web pages, web
browsers, blogs, news groups, HTML, web address, e-mail address, downloading and
uploading files from a remote site. Internet protocols: TCP/IP, SMTP, POP3, HTTP,
HTTPS. Remote login and file transfer protocols: SSH, SFTP, FTP, SCP, TELNET, SMTP,
• Services available on the internet: information retrieval, locating sites using search
engines and finding people on the net;

• Web services: chat, email, video conferencing, e-Learning, e-Banking, eShopping, e-

Reservation, e-Governance, e-Groups, social networking.

• Mobile technologies: SMS, MMS, 3G, 4G.

Unit 2: HTML - II
• Embed audio and video in a HTML page.
• Create a table using the tags: table, tr, th, td, rowspan, colspan
• Links: significance of linking, anchor element (attributes: href, mailto), targets.
• Cascading style sheets: colour, background-colour, border-style, margin, height, width,
outline, font (family, style, size), align, float

Suggested Lab Exercises

• Create static web pages.

• Use style sheets to enforce a format in an HTML page (CSS).
• Embed pictures, audio and videos in an HTML page.
• Add tables and frames in an HTML page.
• Decorate web pages using graphical elements.
• Create a website using several webpages. Students may use any open source or
proprietary tool.
• Work with HTML forms: text box, radio buttons, checkbox, password, list, combo box.

• Write a blog using HTML pages discussing viruses, malware, spam and antiviruses
• Create a web page discussing plagiarism. List some reported cases of plagiarism and the
consequent punishment meted out. Explain the nature of the punishment in different
countries as per their IP laws.
Breakup of marks for the practicals:

Total Term-1 Term-2

S.No. Unit Name Marks Marks Marks
1 Lab Test (20 marks)

HTML (design one web page based

on a diagram) 20 10 10

2 Report File + viva (20 marks)

Report file: At least 10 HTML 14

pages. (Term-1 : At Least 5 HTML 7 7
Pages, Term-2 :
At least 5 HTML Pages)
Viva voce (based on the report file)
6 3 3
Project (that uses most of the
3 concepts that have been learnt) 10 5 5

Total Marks 50 25 25

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