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Lecture 5

● Review
● More on development (midbrain)
Agenda ● Vision 1: The Eye
● General paper structure
● Paper recommendation
The mammalian brain - Rat

● Ipsilateral: on the same side (ex: right ear and right eye)
● Contralateral: on the opposite side (ex: right ear and left eye)
Human brain
The Central Nervous System (CNS)

- Cerebrum: right & left hemispheres

- Cerebellum
- Brain stem
- Spinal cord
Development cont.d
Forebrain develops secondary
vesicles: optic vesicles and
telencephalic vesicles
Differentiation cont.d
Development cont.d
Forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain differentiation
The Eye
Structure of the eye, visual field
Light properties
Photoreceptors: rod and cones
Two types of bipolar cells
● Cover page
● Abstract
● Introduction
● Methods/Methodologies
Paper structure ● Results
● Discussion
Ex: 9.58 ● Conclusion
● Acknowledgements
● References
● Appendix
Paper recommendation
● Neuroscience Exploring The Brain, third edition by Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connor,
Michael A. Paradiso, 2007
● Wikipedia
● 9.01 lecture slides by Mark Bear, 2020
● 9.13 lecture slides by Nancy Kanwisher, 2022
● Youtube video from Cambridge University, 2017
● Youtube - Two minute neuroscience channel
● Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain by Dody Eid, simplypsychology.org

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