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Lecture 4

● Feedback on quiz
● Lecture 3 review
● Organization of the Brain
Agenda ○

The mammalian brain
Development of adult human brain
● Google scholar
● Paper recommendation
● Transportation
○ Anterograde: some/cell body to axon
terminal (information flow)
○ Retrograde: axon terminal to

Feedback on quiz soma/cell body (feedback loop)

Everyone did great btw! Please fill

● The neuron doctrine is just a
out the pop quiz 1 asap if you
concept, not a subfield of
havenʼt done it already!
Lecture 3 review
Types of ion channels
● Ligand gated
● Voltage gated
● Mechanically gated
Ion pumps
Synaptic transmission (synapse)
Chemical Electrical
Organization of the brain
The mammalian brain - Rat

● Ipsilateral: on the same side (ex: right ear and right eye)
● Contralateral: on the opposite side (ex: right ear and left eye)
Human brain
Anatomical planes of section
The CNS (Central nervous system)
● Cerebrum
○ Right hemisphere
○ Left hemisphere
● Cerebellum
● Brain stem
● The spinal cord
Imaging the Living Brain
● Computed tomography:
○ X-ray
● Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
○ Response of hydrogen atoms to a strong magnetic field
● Functional Brain Imaging
○ PET (positron emission tomography)
○ fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
○ Blood flow and metabolism in the brain
● Endoderm → internal organs
● Mesoderm → bones of the skeleton and the muscles
● Ectoderm → nervous system and the skin
Development cont.d
Forebrain develops secondary
vesicles: optic vesicles and
telencephalic vesicles
Differentiation cont.d
● Forebrain:
○ Perceptions
○ Conscious awareness
○ Cognition
○ Voluntary action
● Midbrain:
○ Information passing from the spinal cord to the forebrain and vice versa
○ Contribute to sensory system and the control of movement
● Hindbrain:
○ Information passing from the spinal cord to the forebrain and vice versa
○ Processing of sensory information
○ The control of voluntary movement
○ Regulation of the ANS (autonomic nervous system)
Google scholar
Paper recommendation!
● Neuroscience Exploring The Brain, third edition by Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connor,
Michael A. Paradiso, 2007
● Wikipedia
● 9.01 lecture slides by Mark Bear, 2020
● 9.13 lecture slides by Nancy Kanwisher, 2022
● Youtube video from Cambridge University, 2017
● Youtube - Two minute neuroscience channel

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