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Herd immunity Miễn dịch cộng đồng

Elusive (adj) Lơ là, lảng tránh difficult to find,

define or achieve
threshold  the point just before a new situation,
period of life, etc. begin
Epidemiologist (n) Khoa nghiên cứu dịch tễ học
Covid outlier (n) Những dữ liệu bất thường về Covid
Death Toll (n) the number of people killed in an
accident, a war, a disaster,
economic normalcy Trạng thái bình thường của nền kinh tế
virus variants Những biến thể của virut

Has Britain reached herd immunity?

As Britain records more than 40,000 new coronavirus cases a day, a top
scientific adviser has revived the debate over herd immunity, claiming that the
country has reached the elusive threshold at which most of the population is
protected against Covid-19. It comes as Europe is reimposing restrictions and
facing a winter surge.

The comments by Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist at Imperial College in

London, are likely to raise new questions about Britain’s status as a Covid
outlier: a country willing to tolerate a widely circulating virus and a steady
death toll as the price of a return to economic normalcy.

Ferguson said he expected Britain to mostly avoid the sharp increase in cases
seen on the continent in recent weeks, and suggested further restrictions like
lockdowns were unnecessary. This is in part, he said, because so many Britons
have already been infected.

But critics say there are too many virus variants and waning vaccine
immunity. The risks are increasing as masks are rare in public in England.

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