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sit7122, 158 AN ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE htpssdocs. google. comiformsa/FAIpQL StoaF gdw-OugKBqVGUvOasROYpzayo 1 JxQISIM43QIDS¢Slu/viowscore?viewscore=AECZAGA 1SAZILON, ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE Tot! points The respondent's email ( was recorded on submission of this form. Y Apatient is being prepared for home care needs. The patient will be © Admitted in the hospital © Transferred to another unit © Discharged from the hospital Vt is defined as allowing a patient to stay in hospital for observation, investigation, treatment and care. * O Admission O Transfer © Discharge The patients are admitted in acute conditions requiring immediate treatment. * ©) Elective Admission "n wn w wr Sit7122, 158 AN ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE Routine Admission Non-elective Admission ER Visit O@O0¢ Y Apatient presents in the ER due to poisoning. This is an example of w Elective Admission Routine Admission Non-elective Admission Oo@O00 ER Visit Y A86-year-old male is admitted in the hospital for annual diagnostic nn workup. This is an example of * ©@ Elective Admission Oo Non-elective Admission O ER Visit What are the common reactions to hospitalization? Select all that apply: *3/3 Anxiety in new environment v Threat to loss of personal identity v Fear of the unknown v [7] Excitement in the new environment tps docs ooo onvfomsile/FAlpOLStoaFgdw-OugKEqVGLvOasROYozayo%ACISIN43ONDS4Snhiewscoreviewscore=AEOZAgATSAZILON aT Sit7122, 158 AN ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE VY Youare admitting a geriatric patient in the ER, the best way to a communicate is to _ * © Speak loud and clear © Speak slowly and clearly v © Talk to the caregiver © Talk to the interpreter Y_ Which of the following will not be included during a patient room 22 orientation? Select all that apply: * Relationship of the room to the nurses’ station v How to use the call system Location of the shower and bathroom facilities How to adjust the bed, lights and ventilation system Room charges v VY _ Important activities during admission in the unit: Select all that apply: * 3/3. Explain the admission order to the client a Prepare the bed in low position with open top sheet v htpssdocs. google. comiformsda/FAlpQL SfoaF gdw-OugKBqVGUvOasROVpzayot xQISIM43QIDSASluiviowscore?viewscore=AEOZAGATSAZILON.... 317 Sit7122, 158 AN ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE Verify the client's identity v Explain the hospital routine v Get the consent for care Which of the following is not included in the physical assessment during 1/1 admission? * © Level of Consciousness O Vital signs © Respiratory Assessment © Cultural and religious background v YY Youare assessing preparing the client for admission when the patient — 1/1 says, “ Why do | need to be admitted?”. What is the most appropriate response? * © Read these brochures and you will understand © Do you want me to leave for a while so you can think about it? © Iwill explain the reason why you need to be admitted, © Do you want me to ask the doctor to explain it to you? v VY To avoid delay during the transfer of client in the nursing unit, the nurse 1/1 will O Transfer the cent immediately an let the Ward Nurse carry out the admission orders. htpssdocs. google. comiformsda/FAIpQL SfoaF gdw-OugKBqVGUvOasROYpzayot xOISIM43QIDSASluiviowscore?viewscore=AEOZAGAISAZILON.... 4/7 Sit7122, 158 AN htpssdocs. google. comiformsa/FAlpQL StoaF gdw-OugKBqVGUvOasROYpzayo JxCISIM43QIDS¢Slu/viowscore?viewscore=AECZAGA 1SAZILON, ® oO S Oo@O0°0 OOO © v oO ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE Carry out the orders as soon as ordered, notify the receiving unit and transport 7 the client, Transfer the client immediately and carry out the orders on the way to the Ward, Patient care reminders at patient bedside are helpful tool for a) Patient Doctors Nurses v Significant Other Which of the following are the nurses responsibilities in informed 3/3 consent? Select all that apply * Witness the giving of informed consent v Witness the exchange between the patient and another nurse Witness the patient's signature Establishing that the patient really understands the information given by the doctor It is any case or injury or ailment where, the attending doctor after " history taking and clinical examination, considers that investigations of law enforcement agencies are warranted. * Medical Case 37 sni722, 158 AM ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE © Legal Case ©@ Medico-Legal case v VY These ambulances are equipped with appropriate staff and monitoring 1/1 devices to transport patients with non-life-threatening conditions as these can only provide basic life-support services. * © Basic Life Support Ambulance v © Advance Life Support Ambulance © Mobile intensive Care Unit Vf the patient requires an ambulance to take him to another hospital, the 1/1 nurse must arrange transportation with the _ department. * O Dietary O Security ©@ Social Services v © Nursing The patient went out of the hospital without knowledge of the Doctor 1/1 and other HCPs. * © Discharge on Advice of Doctor © Discharge Against Medical Advice hips:idocs google comifomsdlFAlpQL StoaFgdw-OugkBAVGUVOasROYpzay91 xQISINASONDS{9howscore?viowscore=AEDZAGATSAZLON....6I7 Sit7122, 158 AN ADMISSION, TRANSFER AND DISCHARGE ©@ Absconded v This form was created inside of Universidad de Sta. Isabel. Google Forms hitpssdocs. google. comiformsda/FAlpQL SfoaF gdw-OugKBqVGUvOasROVpzayot xGISIM43QtDS¢Sluiviowscore?viewscore=AEOZAGATSAZILON.... 717

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