Encarancion - Individual Psychology Activity

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*Research and answer the following questions:

1. Who proposed Individual Psychology?

- The Psychiatrist Alfred Adler

2. What are the similarities and differences between Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler’s theory?
Give atleast 3.

- Adler is known for the concepts of Individual psychology, Superiority complex, Inferiority
complex while Freud is known for the concepts of Psychoanalysis, including the theories of id,
ego and super-ego, Oedipus complex etc.

- They both wanted to know how to solve the problems of the human life

- Adler believed that conscious and unconscious worked in harmony, while Freud believed that
both are separated and our unconscious mind can’t be controlled.

3. Explain Adler’s definition of inferiority and inferiority complex.

- Adler’s definition of Inferiority is that every individual are born with the sense of this inferiority
and this helps us to strive to greatness to ourselves and achieve our self-ideal. On the other
hand, Inferiority complex is unhealthy to an individual if you develop inferiority complex it can
lead you to feel helplessness and hopelessness which will lead you in to a bad place

. 4. What is Self-Ideal?

-It is the ideal type of person we would like to become in the future. It is also where we organize
the principle of the style of living we want.

5. What is Creative Power?

- I have read that creative power is where an individual has the power or ability to create her or
his own style of life.

6. What is Gemeinschaftsgefühl?

- I have search that this is a social relation between individuals. It includes what we call
“community feeling” and “social interest”.
7. Explain superiority complex and striving for success?

- I have read that superiority complex is about belief that your abilities or accomplishments are
somehow better than other people’s. People who have this superiority complex believed that
they are more successful than the others. On the other hand, striving for success means that
people’s actions are motivated by a social interest. Here, individuals do not view others as their
opponent. They strive toward a final goal wherein it includes not only themselves but for all

8. What is Style of Life?

- According to Adler it is the flavor of a person’s life and he also viewed the style of life as the
product of the one’s creative power. It also unifies individual personality based on one’s early
life experiences.

9. Enumerate the different Styles of Life.

- the ruling type

- the getting type

- the avoiding type

- the socially useful type

10. Explain how Adler explains how family constellation affects a person’s personality.

- I have read that the birth order of family constellation affects a person’s lifestyle choices and
behavior which includes responsibility, ambition, sociability, and willingness to break the rules.
So, basically the birth order has a great effect in shaping one’s personality. If you’re the oldest
you are reliable and hard-working while the Middle children are rebellious, more likely to
challenge authority but friendly. Last-born or the youngest are more outgoing, pampered,
dependent and immature and the Only-children are mostly wiser than their years, perfectionists
and having difficulty to get in touch with others. I have to say that it is also because of what we
call stereotype.

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