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 Disaster is disruptive events which may be artificial such as cyber-attack, power outages, etc. or
natural such as earthquake, flood, tornado, etc.

 It affects each and every things once they get exposured to the disasters.

 It is almost uncontrollable and causes much disruptions.

Disaster Recovery
 As it name suggests, it is considered that to be recovered from these disasters is disaster

 A number of strategies are made in order to be recovered from the disaster which is termed as
disaster recovery plan.

Disaster Recovery Plan

 It is business continuity preplan that continues execution regardless of the source of disruption.

 The plan contains strategies on minimizing the downtime and resume the key operations as if
there was no disruption.

 In other words, a disaster recovery is a formal document which is created by organization

contains detailed instructions how to respond unplanned incidents like natural disasters, cyber-attack
and other.

 It is process of preplanning which is done with the prediction of disaster.

Important of Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

As we know a huge scale of execution either official or non-official are being executed digitally. Almost
totally execution are shifted towards digital world. The most crucial thing on which the operation
standby that is data and information. The leaking of data causes disruption to the operation.
Consequently it causes huge loss which may be unrepairable. Missing of a bit of data can causes a huge
problem. Nowadays malicious activities are seen much prominent. Thus DRP plays vital role in resuming
the business by minimizing the downtime.

Some of the reasons are as follows:

 To minimize interruptions to normal operations

 To limit the extent of disruption and damage

 To minimize the economic impact of the interruption

 To establish alternative means of operation in advance

 To provide for smooth and rapid restoration of service

Types of Disaster Recovery Plans:

 Data Center Disaster Recovery Plan: It is the process of recovery planning of data center
from either natural disaster or man-made. Features and tools within the building, such as physical
security, support personnel, backup power and fire suppression all have an effect on data center DR
working with these components data is at lower risks from intruders. It is quite difficult to setup this plan
because it focuses much in facility and infrastructures of the data center

 Virtualization: Virtualization negates the need to reconstruct a physical server in the event of a
disaster. You are also able to achieve your targeted recovery time objectives (RTO) more easily by placing
a virtual server on reserve capacity or the cloud

 Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan: It ranges from file backup to complete replication of the data
either to the physical server or virtual server

 Network Disaster Recovery Plan: Developing a plan for recovery gets more complicated as
the complexity of network increases. It is a set of procedures which are designed to respond to the
interruptions of the network services.

Disasters Recovery Planning Steps:

 Create an Inventory: By creating inventory ,it can be considered which system would be
affected in the events of flood,earthquake,etc

 Establish a recovery timeline: It is the timeframes and recovery goals by which the system
need to back in operation. It establishes RTO and RPO which are described below:

i. Recovery Time Objects(RTO):It is the maximum downtime

ii.               Recovery Points Objectives (RPO):It indicates the amount of data (updated or created).

 Communicate: communicate to the employees and who would be responsible for resolving the
 Backup your data

 consider physical damages

 consider insurance

 test your disaster recovery plan

 Combine DR and BC

 Find the right partner

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