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DPE- 309- Management Ethics and Moral Issues

REAH G. ATON Dr. Evelyn B. Cercado

Ph.D. Student Professor


Lesson 3: Moral Dilemmas

Lesson 3. Moral Dilemmas

1. What is a moral dilemma that you have experienced directly or vicariously?

As a person or teacher I experienced a lot of challenges in my life when my past
school head assign me to be a treasurer in our school, they are some parents and my co-
teachers have a problem with him. The reasons why they want to complain about the money
spent in our school and the persons involve are my co-teachers and parents. The parents and
my co-teachers told me they want to confront our school head and they have some bad/worst
words that came from their mouth but before parents or teachers told me, my school head
open that discussion on me that is why I have the knowledge of what is happened. So, I
decided not to tell of what they have said about to my school head and also to them but I was
in the middle of I don’t know of what I am doing on that time. Days past all those commotion
between the two it will easily erased because our school head explains to them were the
money came from and for that they understand but If I did not secretly those words that they
tell about each other, there some misunderstandings and problems night happen. Before I
transferred in other school all my co-teachers and my school head have some understandings
with each other that they must have coordinate and cooperate for the betterment of the

2. Are you happy with how you addressed the moral dilemma you went through?

Yes I’m happy on what I addressed with my moral dilemma because gave me a
lesson in life that we must keep some words that can hurt the feelings of our neighbours and
secretly the words that can be the reason to make a problems. We are only human to make
mistakes were mistakes can give us lesson to learn and to move on our life to become a better
person someday. We just remember that we put first God in our life so that we can find peace
and love in our hearts. Now a days, I apply in my life all the learning I encounter and focus of
what is good to me that can give me a satisfaction and peaceful life.
DPE- 309- Management Ethics and Moral Issues

REAH G. ATON Dr. Evelyn B. Cercado

Ph.D. Student Professor


Lesson 4: The Three Levels of Moral Dilemmas

1. What structural dilemma have you experienced? How did you deal with it? Are you
happy with how you dealt with it?

Structural dilemma is dilemmas faced by groups or individuals as a result of

structural relationships. As a teacher in our school, I was assigned last 2 years as
grade one teacher, we are four in our group and had an understanding on
complying some daily lesson plan were each one of have the same DLP. So we
decided to give an amount equally for the reproduction of DLP just like bond paper
and ink. Me and one of my co-teacher decided to use our printer for the
reproduction but then the result of our compliment is not follow because two of
them have problems on money matters, so we understand them on their situation
but weeks pass by we heard them the same reason so I talk to my one of co-
teachers why they have some reasons anytime we contribute the reproduction of
our DLP and she said we must understand them because they have unstable
financial problem but I told her that each one of us has also the same problem so
then we continue and comply the requirements even though there are some
comprises appeared to us. As co-teachers of them, all the patience and
understanding I apply to them but for me the same reason you always told is not
good because each one of us have its own problem and struggles in life so we must
confront and continue to face it. I told them that they must have to cooperate and
contribute because we are the same teachers in this school after I told them they
contribute but weeks pass by it will repeat it again.
I’m happy to dealt with it because I can help them in some ways everytime they
have a financial problem but I’m not happy of what they are doing because you
cannot comply your promises. I learned to be wise more in some good reasons and
not be good person sometimes because some of them used you to comply their
responsibility but we must be friendly and humble all the time.

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