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PAPER 1 - PHYSICAL HEALTH 100 of 100 points


1. Youths are the greatest wealth and strength of any nation.  To increase *1/1
their potential they have to be taught ...................

(a) Technical Education

(b) Practical Education

(c) Manavalakkalai Yoga

(d) Economic Education

2. The best phase of life in one’s life time is ..................... * 1/1

(a) Middle age

(b) Youth

(c) Children

(d) Old age

3. Manavalakalai Yoga is also called as  ……………………….. * 1/1

(a) SKI

(b) SAY

(c) SKY

(d) SAI
4. For the welfare of all human beings, we  require ..................... * 1/1

(a) needs

(b) protections

(c) peace

(d) Ethics

5. Ethics are ................. * 1/1

(a) Morality, duty and charity

(b) Hunger

(c) Protections

(d) Conciousness

6. The education which helps to understand theirs self confidence and *1/1
power is ------------

(a) Philosophy

(b) Written language

(c) Technical education

(d) Vethathiriyan education

7. We are indebted to the society, with the sense of gratitude towards *1/1
our society, we should return our dues through.........................

(a) love and affection

(b) morality and duty

(c) duty and charity

(d) labour and love

8. Yoga means .................. among the body, mind, soul, society and *1/1

(a) Harmony

(b) Difference

(c) Conflict

(d) Comparison

9. When a life is led with Ethics, it is called ...................... * 1/1

(a) Culture

(b) Virtues

(c) Awareness

(d) Noble qualities

10. Through Vethathiri Maharishi’s practices of introspection   ------------ *1/1

(a) personality

(b) good qualities

(c) awareness

(d) all the above

11. The stream lined process for adolescence age against their *1/1
distractions, stress, depressions are ................

(a) Meditation, yoga, kayalakpam, simplified exercises

(b) asanas

(c) pranayama

(d) mudras

12. The human mind normally functions at the ................... level in an *1/1
emotional state.

(a) alpha

(b) beta

(c) theeta

(d) delta
13. The basic principles followed by all religion throughout the world, is *1/1

(a) faith in god

(b) duty

(c) ethics and wisdom

(d) realisation

14. World peace is possible only through .................... * 1/1

(a) honesty

(b) economic progress

(c) religious efforts

(d) individual peace

15. ................. will develop only when individuals do their duty correctly. * 1/1

(a) Nature

(b) Society

(c) Friendship

(d) Wealth
16. Today’s education to the youth yields only ..................... to them. * 1/1

(a) Morality

(b) Financial status

(c) Culture

(d) Knowledge

17. .......................... circulations circulate  between body and life force *1/1

(a) four

(b) five

(c) three

(d) two

18. It is essential to maintain ......................... between body and life force *1/1

(a) harmony

(b) hindrance

(c) circulation

(d) direction
19. Totally how many reasons are there for a body to get diseases? *1/1

(a) three

(b) eight

(c) seven

(d) six

20. What happens when biomagnetism decreases in humans? ................. * 1/1

(a) get diseases

(b) get healthy

(c) increase immunity

(d) get active

21. The five aspects of life is based on the principles of ......................... * 1/1

(a) Limit

(b) Limit and method

(c) Method

(d) Neglect
22. ………………………glands get activated through simplified physical *1/1

(a) Thyroid

(b) Pancreas

(c) Pineal

(d) Endocrine

23. The way of purifying our food is through ...................... * 1/1

(a) Sathvig food

(b) kayakalpa

(c) avoiding masala food

(d) nutritious food

24. Only man can regulate his mind through meditation and ...................... *1/1

(a) Introspection

(b) Education

(c) Exercise

(d) Charity
25. Introspection should consists of .................. * 1/1

(a) Realization

(b) Vow of silence

(c) Meditation

(d) Maneuvers of six temperaments

26. What is the first practice in introspection? ..................... * 1/1

(a) Analysis of thought

(b) Moralization of desire

(c) Neutralization of anger

(d) Eradication of worry

27. Greed should transform into ............................. * 1/1

(a) Contentment

(b) Anger

(c) Vengeance

(d) Charity
28. Waiting for a chance to let out the anger is called ....................... * 1/1

(a) vengeance

(b) worry

(c) expiation

(d) greediness

29. Emotions, fear, psychological implications can be eradicated by *1/1


(a) Meditation

(b) Kayakalpa

(c) Yoga

(d) Exercises

30. The Theta frequencies of the mind waves are…………… * 1/1

(a) 14-40

(b) 4-7

(c) 1-3

(d) 14-30
31. What is the origin for 6 bad qualities? ..................... * 1/1

(a) Ego

(b) Mind

(c) Thought

(d) Habits

32. Give  an example for environmental influences on our thoughts? *1/1

(a) smoking

(b) drinking

(c) peer’s pressure

(d) all of the above

33. The method of doing autosuggestion in our subconscious mind is *1/1

known as ..............

(a) shanthi

(b) sankalpa

(c) divine protection

(d) blessing
34. The gland which helps in functioning of mind is.................... * 1/1

(a) pitutary gland

(b) adrenal gland

(c) pineal gland

(d) thymus gland

35. The word “We blessed by the Divine” means ..................... * 1/1

(a) one should get all prosperities in life and live the life

(b) Wealth, education and family

(c) Health, children and family

(d) Family, children and wealth

36. Blessing each other works on a principle of ....................... * 1/1

(a) wave theory

(b) vibrations

(c) nature

(d) understanding
37. Asanas keep the body ............................ and relaxable. * 1/1

(a) stiff

(b) weak

(c) flexible

(d) tight

38. Simplified Physical Exercise consists of ................. types. * 1/1

a) five

(b) seven

(c) nine

(d) ten

39. Simplified physical exercise consists of 2 parts. They are ……………… * 1/1

(a) Posture & movements

(b) Posture & speed

(b) Breathing & movements

(d) Aswini mudra & Ojas breadth

40. .................. are the symptoms of diseases in the body. * 1/1

(a) Sinful imprints

(b) Body imprints

(c) Hereditary characters

(d) Genetic Centre

41. Postures and ..................... are the 2 aspects in simplified physical *1/1

(a) sitting

(b) movements

(c) standing

(d) lifting

42. If we take liquid food, exercises can be done only after ............. *1/1

(a) Forty five

(b) Thirty

(c) Fifteen

(d) Sixty
43. Exercises should be done in an ………. Stomach. * 1/1

(a) Half

(b) Empty

(c) After eating

(d) Before sleep

44. In hand exercise, the bone joints get ...................... * 1/1

(a) Lubricated

(b) Strengthened

(c) Weakened

(d) Pain

45. By doing foot reflexology our internal organs become ............... * 1/1

(a) Strong

(b) Tired

(c) Relaxed

(d) Rest
46. Which exercise supplies oxygen to the brain? * 1/1

(a) Kapalapathy

(b) Neuro Muscular Breathing Exercise

(c) Hand

(d) Massage

47. A very essential technique to be followed while doing Kapalapathy *1/1

exercise is .......................

(a) Aswini Mudra

(b) Ojus breath

(c) control breathing

(d) Moolabandh

48. Totally how many times Kapalapathy has to be done? ..................... * 1/1

(a) Forty

(b) Thirty

(c) Twenty

(d) Ten
49. The exercise which activates the endocrine gland is ..................... * 1/1

(a) Acu pressure

(b) Massage

(c) Breathing Exercise

(d) Makarasana

50. The exercise Makarasana helps in toning  up the muscles of *1/1

(a) Legs

(b) Hand

(c) Stomach

(d) Vetebral Column

51.   How many times has kapalapathi to be done at one cycle? * 1/1

(a) 10

(b) 15

(c) 21

(d) 30
52. ........................ Exercise increases Bio-magnetism in stomach and *1/1

(a) Massage

(b) Relaxation

(c) Makarasana-I

(d) Makarasana-II

53. Nervous system is regulated by ..................... exercise. * 1/1

(a) Breathing

(b) Kapalapathi

(c) Massage

(d) Acupressure

54. The ideal exercise for relieving mental tension is ....................... * 1/1

(a) Breathing exercise

(b) Eye exercise

(c) Kapalabathi

(d) Relaxation
55. Kayakalpa is a ........................ * 1/1

(a) Rejuvenation of life force practice

(b) Medicine

(c) Physical Exercise

(d) Mental Exercise

56.   Kayakalpa exercises consists of ………….. parts. * 1/1

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Three

(d) four

57. Which practice  helps to solve problems of diseases, old age and *1/1
death ? ............................

(a) Pranayama

(b) Yoga

(c) Kayakalpam

(d) Asana
58. ………………. Practice consists of 2 steps. They are Aswini Mudra & Ojus *1/1

(a) Kayakalpa

(b) Pranayama

(c) Mudras

(d) Exercise

59. Cells in the body are entangled (bonding) through .......................... * 1/1

(a) Bio-magentism

(b) Air flow

(c) Plasma

(d) Cytoplasm

60. ...................... Practice strengthens the nerves. * 1/1

(a) Aathi mudra

(b) Aswini Mudra

(c) Chin Mudra

(d) Ojus breath

61. Which practice helps the youngsters to live in a disciplined manner? *1/1

(a) Kayakalpa

(b) Exercise

(c) Silence

(d) Yoga

62. How many aswini mudras for one Ojus breath? * 1/1

(a) 8

(b) 12

(c) 10

(d) 15

63. Kayakalpa helps to increase ...................... * 1/1

(a) immunity

(b) Memory power

(c) maintains good health

(d) all the above

64. ......................Practice carries the life energy particle to the brain and *1/1
then spread to all the cells in the body.

(a) Breathing

(b) Kapalabathi

(c) Ojus breath

(d) Aswini mudra

65. Kayakalpa has to be performed in .................... postures. * 1/1

(a) Five

(b) Four

(c) Two

(d) Three

66. When we reduce our mental frequency, our mind becomes *1/1

(a) strong and powerful

(b) happiness

(c) sharp

(d) peaceful
67. The practice of yoga, is ideal to reduce ....................... of the people of *1/1
today’s world.

(a) pressure & tension

(b) obesity

(c) chronic diseases

(d) physical ailments

68. During shanthi meditation, the excess energy which one could not *1/1
bear is brought back to the .........................

(a) thuriyam

(b) mooladhar

(c) agna

(d) brain

69. ..................... gland is activated when life energy is raised to crown of *1/1

(a) pituitary

(b) pineal

(c) pancreas

(d) adrenal
70. ....................... meditation helps to change physical energy to mental *1/1
energy and vice versa


(b) Thuriya

(c) Agna

(d) Nine centre

71. Polarity between the cells of brain is improved in .................... *1/1


(a) Thuriya

(b) agna

(c) shanthi

(d) Nine centre

72. ....................... major characters are achieved through meditation. * 1/1

(a) four

(b) five

(c) six

(d) two
73. Memory power is increased by doing ...................... meditation. * 1/1

(a) agna

(b) thuriya

(c) shanthi

(d) absolute space

74. ………………. arise from the sexual vital fluid. * 1/1

(a) Life energy particles

(b) Enzymes

(c) Minerals

(d) All the above

75.   The centre for shanthi meditation is ………………. * 1/1

(a) Eyebrow centre

(b) Mooladhar

(c) Navel region

(d) Crown of head

76. The meditation done during headache is ………………… * 1/1

(a) Shanthi

(b) Naadi shuthi

(c) Agna

(d) Thuriya

77.  In …………………. Thousand of brain cells are activated. * 1/1

(a) Agna meditation

(b) Thuriya meditation

(c) shanthi meditation

(d) Surya namaskar

78.   In Naadi Suddhi Pranayama, the duration of the inhalation and *1/1
exhalation should be in the ratio of

(a) 1:2

(b) 1:3

(c) 1:1

(d) 1:6
79. Surya Namaskar contains ……………. Stages. * 1/1

(a) 8


(c) 12

(d) 14

80.   The attitude ................... shows passion for power. * 1/1

(a) I

(b) mine

(c) possessiveness

(d) Arrogancy

81.   Considerations of ........................... gives raise to a sense of *1/1

ownership and the need to possess all the things.

(a) possessiveness

(b) mine

(c) greediness

(d) I
82.   Healthy food, rest and ................. are important for good health. * 1/1

(a) meditation

(b) medicine

(c) exercise

(d) dance

83.   ............. affects the body and the mind. * 1/1

(a) Expectation

(b) Illness

(c) Stress

(d) Improper Diet

84.   We should follow limit and method in ……………. Aspects. * 1/1

(a) Six

(b) three

(c) five

(d) twelve
85.   To provide rest to the body, repair it and energize it, ………………… is *1/1

(a) Food

(b) sleep

(c) exercise

(d) kayakalpa

86. Which education improves the characteristics of a person * 1/1

(a) Knowledge of a language

(b) Vocational Intelligence

(c) Cultural Education

(d) Computer knowledge

87.   To maintain time management, needs ....................... * 1/1

(a) Planning

(b) Discipline

(c) Judgement

(d) Decision making

88. Feeling pleasure or pain both create ....................... in the bio- *1/1
magnetic stock.

(a) abundance

(b) depletion

(c) acceleration

(d) fluctuation

89. Social responsibility for a student is ………………. * 1/1

(a) Non-violence & patriotism

(b) Equality & cleanliness

(c) (a) & (b)

(d) None of theses

90.   The obstacle for attaining success is …………….. * 1/1

(a) Money

(b) mental disorder

(c) physical ailments

(d) mental disorder & physical ailments

91.   We are blessing our enemies through ………………. * 1/1

(a) Happiness

(b) Anger

(c) Curse

(d) forgiveness

92.   The purpose of education is to serve the ………………. * 1/1

(a) Society

(b) Family

(c) Self

(d) all the above

93.    We cannot buy …………………. * 1/1

(a) Clothes

(b) food

(c) shelter

(d) time
94.  We can avoid vengeance through ……………… * 1/1

(a) Cleanliness

(b) patriotism

(c) forgiveness

(d) ahimsa

95.   Tolerance is ……………….. * 1/1

(a) Capacity to bear anything

(b) Adjustment

(c) Contentment

(d) Obedience

96.   The essential qualities for being a good student is ……………. * 1/1

(a) Self control

(b) Self confidence

(c) Speaking truth

(d) All the above

97.   Our human body is made up of ……………. * 1/1

(a) Cells

(b) Amino acids

(c) Proteins

(d) Minerals

98.   Vethathirian Education is found by ……………………………. * 1/1

(a) Pathanjali

(b) Vethathiri Maharishi

(c) Agathiar

(d) Thiruvalluvar

99.   Parents are our first teachers who teach …………….. * 1/1

(a) Moral education

(b) to teach and write

(c) spiritual knowledge

(d) exercises
100. ………………. are essential when preparing for an examination. * 1/1

(a) Revision

(b) Planning and time management

(c) Group discussion

(d) All the above

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