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For the welfare of all human beings, we need, * 1/1

(a) Money

(b) Protection

(c) Peace

(d) Ethics

2. Each and every action brings forth a result. They are Pleasure, * 1/1

(a) Pain

(b) Peace

(c) Esctacy

(d) All the above

3. The virtue of not causing pain to self or to others physically or *1/1

mentally is called,

(a) Purity

(b) Morality

(c) Chastity

(d) Duty
4. With a sense of gratitude, one should return the dues to the society *1/1
by labour and intellectual talent is called ……………….

(a) Morality

(b) Charity

(c) Duty

(d) Self - Realisation

5. Helping others without any expectation is called …………… * 1/1

(a) Charity

(b) Morality

(c) Duty

(d) Selfishness

6. Mind functions in………… stages. * 1/1

(a) 12

(b) 15

(c) 10

(d) 6
7. When the force of need is intensified ………….. arises. * 1/1

(a) Effort

(b) Experiences

(c) Research

(d) Action

8. In the stages of mind, Research, Realization and Conclusion come *1/1

under ………….. imprints

(a) Habitual Imprints

(b) Understandable

(c) Hereditary Imprints

(d) Sinful Imprints

9. A thought of reading newspaper daily arises by the force of ……………. * 1/1

(a) Need

(b) Habit

(c) Divinity

(d) Circumstances
10. Anger is ………………. Imprints. * 1/1

(a) Hereditary

(b) Sinful

(c) Self

(d) body

11. Difference of opinion with others creates …………….. * 1/1

(a) Peace

(b) Worry

(c) Joy

(d) Anger

12. Extension of Life Force is ………………… * 1/1

(a) Mind

(b) Body

(c) Soul

(d) Thought
13. An invaluable asset in life is ………………… * 1/1

(a) Money

(b) Education

(c) Friendship

(d) Good Health

14. Diseases can be cured through ……………….. * 1/1

(a) Proper diet

(b) Medication

(c) Rest

(d) All the above

15. Imprints of all Karmas are stored at …………………… * 1/1

(a) Genetic Centre

(b) Body

(c) Brain

(d) Heart
16. ………………… is essential for the growth of knowledge. * 1/1

(a) Health

(b) Wealth

(c) Research

(d) Experience

17. Sentimental feelings of the society is called ……………………. * 1/1

(a) Habit

(b) Customs

(c) Morality

(d) Worship

18. ……………….. is to help the needs of others. * 1/1

(a) Compassion

(b) Love

(c) Sacrifice

(d) Expectation
19. Sitting Asanas should commence with ……………. * 1/1

(a) Chakrasana

(b) Vrichasana

(c) Dhandasana

(d) Vajrasana

20. Spine becomes flexible in ……………… * 1/1

(a) Vajrasana

(b) Ekapada Asana

(c) Chakrasana

(d) Vrichasana

21. Vrichasana is also called  ………….. * 1/1

(a) Dhandasana

(b) Ekapada Asana

(c) Chakrasana

(d) Trikonasana
22. Asana which is ideal for meditation is ……………… * 1/1

(a) Vajrasana

(b) Vrichasana

(c) Sakrasana

(d) Dhandasana

23. Three stages in the development of knowledge is faith, *1/1

understanding and …………..

(a) Realisation

(b) Introspection

(c) Duty

(d) Morality

24. Every individual has five duties. They are * 1/1

(a) Oneself & family

(b) Relatives

(c) Country & world

(d) All the above

25.  ……………. are the reasons  for the destruction of natural resources. * 1/1

(a) Ignorance & greed

(b) Innocence

(c) Selfishness

(d) Mental state

26. Only man can regulate his mind through meditation and ...................... *1/1

(a) Introspection

(b) Education

(c) Exercise

(d) Charity

27. Often .................. is the prime reason behind many of the problems. * 0/1

(a) Innocence

(b) Ill health

(c) Ignorance

(d) Mind

Correct answer

(c) Ignorance
28. Ego, imprints of sins and illusion are the three .......................... of *1/1

(a) Blemishes

(b) Noble qualities

(c) Virtues

(d) Evil qualities

29. When a man imagines that his achievements and greatness are the *1/1
outcome of his own doing, then it leads to ....................

(a) Selfishness

(b) Self-praise

(c) Arrogance

(d) Ego

30. Philosophy of life consists of ........ basic needs. * 1/1

(a) 12

(b) 16

(c) 14

(d) 18
31. Three virtues are ....................., duty and charity. * 1/1

(a) Charity

(b) Morality

(c) Tolerance

Option 4

32. Self-analysis means .......................... * 1/1

(a) Introspection

(b) meditation

(c) experience

(d) non-violence

33. Ego is an .............. of a man. * 1/1

(a) noble quality

(b) evil quality

(c) one's nature

(d) action
34. Inordinate desire transforms into ...................... * 1/1

(a) Anger

(b) Sadness

(c) Greed

(d) Worry

35. The attitude ................... shows passion for power. * 1/1

(a) I

(b) mine

(c) possessiveness

(d) Arrogancy

36. ................. arises when desires are thwarted. * 1/1

(a) Greediness

(b) Anger

(c) Worry

(d) Vengeance
37. Comparing oneself with others, that mental state is called .................. * 1/1

(a) inferiority or superiority complex

(b) boasting

(c) ego

(d) self-praising

38. Waiting for a chance to let out the anger is called ....................... * 1/1

(a) vengeance

(b) worry

(c) expiation

(d) greediness

39. Opposite nature of anger is ................ * 1/1

(a) charity

(b) patience

(c) contentmented

(d) forgiveness
40. Miserliness should transform into ............... * 1/1

(a) contentment

(b) charity

(c) tolerance

(d) forgiveness

41. Anger cannot be eradicated, can be ............. * 1/1

(a) neutralised

(b) executed

(c) fullfilled

(d) controlled

42. Love and compassion blossoms when ..................... character is *1/1


(a) Animal

(b) Divine

(c) Human

(d) Dominant
43. ............... develops from a disciplined life. * 1/1

(a) Virtue

(b) Awareness

(c) Noble quality

(d) Culture

44. Life is a harmonious blend of .................. * 1/1

(a) Self, society and nature

(b) Nature, God and society

(c) Self, family and society

(d) Self, nature and God

45. Introspection should consists of .................. * 1/1

(a) Realization

(b) Vow of silence

(c) Meditation

(d) Maneuvers of six temperaments

46. In self introspection practice, ....................... is the first exercise. * 1/1

(a) Neutralization of anger

(b) Analysis of thought

(c) Eradication of worry

(d) Who am I?

47. ....................... principles are essential for leading a holistic life. * 1/1

(a) three

(b) six

(c) nine

(d) twelve

48. For the welfare of all human beings, we need ..................... * 1/1

(a) needs

(b) protections

(c) peace

(d) Ethics
49. Ethics are ................. * 1/1

(a) Morality, duty and charity

(b) Hunger

(c) Protections

(d) Conciousness

50. We are indebted to the society, so we should return our dues *1/1

(a) love and affection

(b) duty and charity

(c) morality and duty

(d) labour and love

51. The basic principles followed by all religion throughout the world, is *1/1

(a) faith in god

(b) duty

(c) ethics and wisdom

(d) realisation
52. Humans are a gift of ......................... * 1/1

(a) society

(b) God

(c) Women

(d) Men

53. ................. will develop only when individuals do their duty correctly. * 1/1

(a) Nature

(b) Society

(c) Friendship

(d) Wealth

54. Today’s education to the youth yields only ..................... to them. * 1/1

(a) Morality

(b) Financial status

(c) Culture

(d) Knowledge
55. Our philosophy denotes that “a person’s ...................... are  the *1/1
sculptor of one’s life”.

(a) desire

(b) behaviour

(c) thoughts

(d) deeds

56. .................. are the symptoms of diseases in the body. * 1/1

(a) Sinful imprints

(b) Body imprints

(c) Hereditary characters

(d) Genetic Centre

57. For each and every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. * 1/1

(a) cause and effect

(b) faith

(c) law of nature

(d) law of order

58. Which practice manoeuvres six temperaments .......................... * 1/1

(a) Introspection

(b) Meditation

(c) Exercise

(d) Kayakalpa

59. The purpose behind a human birth is ........................... * 1/1

(a) God Realisation

(b) Enjoyment

(c) Seeking form

(d) Amassing wealth

60. He who can harmonise his mind, is a ........................ * 1/1

(a) Gnani

(b) Devotee

(c) Siddhar

(d) Human Being

61. Greed should transform into ............................. * 1/1

(a) Contentment

(b) Anger

(c) Vengeance

(d) Charity

62. Which education improves the characteristics of a person * 1/1

(a) Knowledge of a language

(b) Vocational Intelligence

(c) Cultural Education

(d) Computer knowledge

63. The virtue of not causing pain to other living being can be termed as *1/1

(a) Non-Violence

(b) Service

(c) Dedication

(d) Sacrifice
64. What is the origin for 6 bad qualities? ..................... * 1/1

(a) Ego

(b) Mind

(c) Thought

(d) Habits

65. To maintain time management, needs ....................... * 1/1

(a) Planning

(b) Discipline

(c) Judgement

(d) Decision making

66. The way of life is called ............................. * 1/1

(a) Culture

(b) Morality

(c) Noble qualities

(d) Honesty
67. The word “Debt” is originated from the word ......................... * 1/1

(a) Right

(b) Patience

(c) Duty

(d) Charity

68. Lack of skills and ................ will increase the worry. * 1/1

(a) anger

(b) anxiety

(c) fear

(d) disguisting

69. The ................... between expectation and actual happennings is the *1/1
main reason for worry.

(a) contradiction

(b) bias

(c) difference

(d) conflict
70. Worry gives problems in .................. ways. * 1/1

(a) five

(b) eight

(c) four

(d) two

71. Detached attachment is called ............................... * 1/1

(a) Sanjitha Karma

(b) Nishkamya Karma

(c) Akamya Karma

(d) Prarabdha Karma

72. Anger cannot be suppressed but can be ................................. * 1/1

(a) regulated

(b) neutralised

(c) eradicated

(d) tolerated
73. The obstructed ............................. manifests into anger * 1/1

(a) Desire

(b) Worry

(c) Tolerance

(d) Vengeance

74. Suppressed anger leads to ............................. * 1/1

(a) Worry

(b) Forgiveness

(c) Vengeance

(d) Patience

75. Anger causes excessive expenditure of ........................... * 1/1

(a) Energy

(b) Bio-magnetism

(c) Blood

(d) Force
76. Among the emotions, the greatest evil is ...................... * 1/1

(a) Worry

(b) Desire

(c) Anger

(d) Forgiveness

77. Excessive or inordinate desires are called ...................... * 1/1

(a) Greed

(b) Obsession

(c) Possessiveness

(d) Like

78. Desire – Planning – Execution is the three definite factors which will *1/1
make a man ........................

(a) Successful

(b) Progressive

(c) Achievement

(d) Greedy
79. Before introspection, do ......................... * 1/1

(a) Sleep

(b) Pray

(c) Meditation

(d) Rest

80. Anger is equivalent to ........................ * 1/1

(a) Suicide

(b) Mental imbalance

(c) Inferiority Complex

(d) Confusion

81. Anger affects the ...................... * 1/1

(a) Relationship

(b) Progress

(c) Health

(d) All the above

82. Anger can be neutralized through .......................... * 1/1

(a) Patience

(b) Worry

(c) Enemity

(d) Calmness

83. Greed should transform into ...................... * 1/1

(a) Contentment

(b) Anger

(c) Vengeance

(d) Charity

84. Anger can be conquered by ....................... * 1/1

(a) Forgiveness

(b) Charity

(c) Patience

(d) Tolerance
85. One of the mental states that aggravate worry is ......................... * 1/1

(a) Hatred

(b) Greed

(c) Lack of confidence

(d) Jealousy

86. One can live without worries but not without ........................ in life. * 1/1

(a) Money

(b) Food

(c) Problems

(d) Courage

87. When the frequency of the mind wave increases, one’s *1/1
............................. is wasted.

(a) Life energy

(b) Ability

(c) Thinking capacity

(d) Happiness
88. Planned work, awareness and introspection are the three tier *1/1
exercise to improve the ....................

(a) Memory power

(b) Efficiency of thinking

(c) Courage

(d) Self confidence

89. One of the ill-effects of worry ............................ * 1/1

(a) Ill-health

(b) Inferiority complex

(c) Poverty

(d) Inability to solve problems

90. Poverty can be cleared by ........................ and prudence. * 1/1

(a) Perseverance

(b) Self confidence

(c) Miserliness

(d) Ignorance
91. If problems are properly categorised ......................... can be found. * 1/1

(a) Answer

(b) Solutions

(c) Path

(d) Obstruction

92. Mother and father are our first teachers who teach us ...................... * 1/1

(a) Education

(b) Moral education

(c) Culture

(d) Mental Strength

93. Miserliness should transfer into ............................. * 1/1

(a) contentment

(b) Charity

(c) Tolerance

(d) Forgiveness
94. Disparity in requirements and resources lead to ........................ * 1/1

(a) Anger

(b) Vengeance

(c) Worry

(d) Greed

95. World peace is possible only through ........................ * 1/1

(a) Honesty

(b) Economic progress

(c) Religious efforts

(d) Individual peace

96. Ego is an ............................. * 1/1

(a) Noble quality

(b) Evil quality

(c) Good quality

(d) Action
97. Fundamental energy particle in the living being is called *1/1

(a) Sidhakash

(b) Mahaakash

(c) Gravity

(d) Biochemicals

98. A man with ..................... among thought, word and deed cannot *1/1
create friendship with anybody.

(a) Difference of opinion

(b) Confusion

(c) conflicts

(d) Controventions

99. Arms, legs, mouth, anus and sex organs are called ...................... * 1/1

(a) panchendriyas

(b) gnanendriyas

(c) karmendriyas

(d) panchaboothas
100. Every person has to earn his livelihood through his own *1/1

(a) support

(b) effort

(c) education

(d) work

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