Chemistry Advanced Level Problem Solving (ALPS-1) - Solution

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ALPS Chemistry - 2201

---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-1 -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Volume occupied by particles
1.(B) Packing efficiency =
Volume of unit cell
2.(C) Solution with positive deviation from Raoult’s law forms low boiling azeotrope.
3.(A) Hypochlorous acid is oxoacid and its anhydride is Cl2 O .
4.(D) 2º allylic halides undergo SN1 reaction faster than simple 2º halides. 3º bridged halides undergo SN1 reaction too
slowly because of difficulty in forming a planar sp2 hybridized carbon at bridge head.
5.(A) Conjugated isomer is more stable than the non-conjugated; out of these trans isomer is more stable. Hence option (a)
is the major product.
6.(A) –OH group below the plane of paper at C–1 in Haworth projection

8.(B)  K 2  HgI 4  (aq)

2KI(aq)  Hgl2 (s) 
Number of solute particles decreases; therefore, freezing point is raised.
9.(C) Electron gain enthalpy decreases.

10.(A) The unhybridized p-orbital in the SN2 transition state will be capable of delocalization of e  density into the benzene
ring and then to the carbonyl group. 1º benzyl halide would react faster than a 2º benzyl halide.
11.(B) It is SN2 reaction
– + –
(CH3)CO +C6H5–CH 2–Cl (CH3)3CO–CH 2C6H 5
12.(D) Adding NaCl will not cause any change in the pH of the solution.

VMC 1 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

13.(A) This kind of planes have closest arrangement of atoms.
w B 1000 Y 1000 4K b Y
14.(B) T  K b   Kb  
MB  w A M  250 M
15.(D) Oxoacids having lower oxidation state of halogen are stronger oxidizing agent.
16.(B) Rate of those SN2 reactions can be increased by increasing the polarity of the solvent when the reactants are
17.(AC) Tert. alkyl halides and aryl halides do not undergo Williamson synthesis
18.(D) [H  ]  Ka1Ka 2 as [(conjugate acid)] = [conjugate base]

19.(B) For the given formula, 18 copper ions present with 10 sulphide ions. Let (18 – x) Cu+ and x Cu2+ are present.
Using charge balance, (18 – x) + 2x = 20, x = 2, % of Cu2+ = 11.11.
w  1000
20.(C) T = K f  B
MB  w A
50 1000
9.3 1.86 
62  w A
w A  161.29 gm  water 
Amount of ice  200  161.29  38.71g

21.(C) Chlorate salts decomposes on heating, 4AgClO3  3Cl 2 

 6ClO 2  4AgCl


Me 2C  CN  N  N  CN  CMe 2    CN
 N 2  2Me 2C
  CN  Bu Sn  H  Me CH  CN  Bu Sn
Me2 C 
3 2 3

23.(ABCD) All compounds with group give haloform test.

24.(A) pKa 3 value of side chain determines the nature of amino acid.

VMC 2 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-3 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

25.(C) Occupying CCP lattice with A atoms, there are 4A per unit cell while occupying 50% tetrahedral voids by B, there are
4B per unit cell and coordination number of A with respect to B is 4.
26.(A) PTotal  y A  PA
1 1
 yA 
PTotal PA
When is plotted against yA , we get straight line passing through origin having
Slope of .
27.(C) F do not show positive oxidation state.
28.(B)  - Halo ketones are more reactive than simple 2º halides towards SN2 attack.
29.(AB) In option (C) and (D) ethene is formed as the major product.
Pka1  Pka 3 1.88  3.65 5.53
30.(B) For acidic amino acids PI     2.77
2 2 2
31.(B) On heating oxygen gets evaporated, leaving excess zinc metal whose electrons cab be excited by absorbing visible
light (Learn as a fact & Read NCERT)
1 2
32.(B) XA  , XB 
3 3
1 2
P  PA0 X A  PB0 X B  150   240   50  160  210 mm
3 3
Pexp.  Pcalculated ;  There is negative deviation from Raoult’s law.

33.(B) Cl2 is greenish yellow gas and KClO3 is used in safety matches.

34.(B) In presence of dilute OH , the reaction proceeds via neighbouring group participation to form product with retention
of configuration.

35.(AB) C 2 H5 OΘ  CH3 I 
 C2 H5 OCH3  IΘ

VMC 3 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Pka 2  Pka 3 8.95  10.53 19.48
36.(B) For basic amino acids PI     9.74
2 2 2
 1
37.(D) x  4   y  4  1 z 8  2   x 5 y 4 x8
 4
38.(A) For X, i  2
For Y, i  0.5 as Y dimerizes in solution
 Elevation in boiling point ΔTb  iK bm
ΔTb for X  ΔTb for Y
Depression in freezing point ΔTf  iK f m
ΔTf for X  ΔTf for Y
Osmotic pressure, π  iCRT
 π for X  π for Y
Relative lowering of vapour pressure,  iX B since value of i is not same,  will not be same.
39.(C) 2Na 2S2 O3  I2 
 2NaI  Na 2S4 O6


Since, H and Cl are not at anti positions, so elimination by E2 route is least favoured.
41.(AD) X and Y are monosubstituted benzene containing chiral carbon atom. Also contain primary or secondary alcoholic
OH group.


So D–Manose is

43.(B) With respect to corner position, there are 12 equidistant face centre positions exist.

VMC 4 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


44.(B) X 0.010 0.015 0.020

P 82 122 166
 KH  8200 8133.33 8300
So, average K H  8211kPa
Also, graph of P v/s × is a straight line which cannot pass through origin.
45.(A) Salt of weakest acid. Acidic strength of HClO is minimum amongst oxoacid of chlorine.

VMC 5 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-5 -----------------------------------------------------------------------




Loss in Radio activity = x

Loss in Radio activity= y
Loss in optical activity = 2x
Loss in optical activity = y
Total loss in Radio activity= x  y
x x 4
(2 x  y ) = 1.80( x  y ) = 4 ; % SN 2   100   100  80%
y x y 5

48.(ABCD) All the statements are correct.

49.(C) There is no direct contact of tetrahedral and octahedral voids.
50.(B) For NaCl  i  2
BaCl 2  i  3
 Ceff for NaCl  0.1 2  0.2 M .
Ceff for BaCl 2  0.05  3  0.15M
 NaCl(aq) solution S1 is more concentrated than S2 .
So, S1 solution is hypotonic while S2 is hypertonic and osmosis will take place from S2 to S1 .
51.(A) Acidic strength of non-metal oxide increases with increase in oxidation state.

VMC 6 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


52.(ACD) (P) can be

53.(9) It is pinacol-pinacolone type rearrangement

54.(CD)   D glucose undergoes mutarotation when dissolved in water to form   D glucose.

Sucrose is a disaccharide composed of   D  glucose and   D  fructose.

55.(A) Tetrahedral void is located over body diagonal at a distance of from corner. We can see it by cutting a cube into
8 sub cubes. Distance between centres of two sub cubes = distance between two nearest tetrahedral voids in FCC (As
centre of sub cube represents a tetrahedral void).

VMC 7 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-6 -----------------------------------------------------------------------

56.(ABD) Azeotropes are non-ideal solutions, hence they do not obey Raoult’s law.

57.(D) Because of Hydrogen bond between F and H — F hence mixture contains K  HF2 .


-I effect of OCH3 will dispense the e- density in the transition state of compound (B) more than that of compound (A)
in SN2 reaction.
Compound (A) gives rearranged and non-rearranged product when reacted by via SN1 as well as SN2 pathways.
59.(8) It is acid catalyzed dehydration of alcohol.

(1) Migratory aptitude of vinyl group is more than that of methyl.
(2) Enolic form having aromatic character is more stable than keto form.

60.(ABC) At isoelectric point: H3 N   CH 2  C  O 


In acidic medium : H 3 N  CH  COOH
In basic medium : H 2 N  CH COO
61.(C) Ar is most abundant in the atmosphere while He is most abundant in universe.

VMC 8 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution



HC  CH 

 CH2  CH  Cl
Hg , 65ºC

CH 3  CH 3  Cl2 
 CH 3  CH 2  Cl  H  Cl


64.(A) KClO3(s)  KClO 4(s)  KCl(s) ; KClO 4(s) 
 KCl(s)  2O 2 (g)


VMC 9 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------


67.(A) Mercury loses its meniscus when come in contact with Hg.
68.(AB) Rate of SN1 reaction
(a) R  I  R  Br  R  Cl  R  F
(b) H 2 O  CH 3OH  CH3SH (decreasing polarity of solvent)
(c) Greater the steric crowding in the substrate, greater is the rate (Steric acceleration)


70.(D) Ar is the most abundant rare gas in atmosphere and Radon is obtained as a decay product of radium.
226 222
88 Ra 
 86 Rn  24He
Helium is most abundant in universe.

VMC 10 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution




73.(B) 2KI  H 2SO4 

 K 2SO 4  2HI ; 2HI  H 2SO4 
 I 2  SO 2  2H 2 O


75.(ABC) FeCl3 solution is used to test phenol.

VMC 11 ALPS Chemistry – 2201 | Solution

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