Ethics On IT Workers and IT Users

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King Mc Guil G.

Relationships Between IT Workers and Employers
IT workers and employers have a significant, complicated connection that requires
continual effort from both parties to keep it strong. Typically, an IT worker and an
employer agree on essential components of this relationship before the worker
accepts a job offer. Although end users are frequently blamed for using illegal copies
of commercial software, software piracy in a corporate setting can occasionally be
clearly traced back to IT staff members who either allow it to happen or actively
participate in it, often to cut IT-related spending.

Relationships Between IT Workers and Clients

IT workers give services to clients, who are sometimes coworkers in the same
organization as the IT worker. In other circumstances, the client works for a different
company. It is important to note that in partnerships between IT professionals and
clients, each party pledges to deliver something of value to the other. Typically, the
customer makes project decisions based on the information, alternatives, and
recommendations offered by the IT worker. Explain that the client trusts the IT
employee to use his or her computer.
her knowledge and to act in the best interests of the client

Relationships Between IT Workers and Suppliers

A good relationship with a supplier improves the flow of useful communication. A good
connection is built by being fair to suppliers and not making unreasonable demands.
In order to make and enhance sales, suppliers attempt to establish positive
relationships with their consumers. To attain this purpose, they may occasionally
engage in unethical behavior, such as giving an IT worker a gift that is actually
intended as a bribe.

Relationships Between IT Workers and Other Professionals

Professionals owe each other adherence to the professions code of conduct.
Experienced professionals can also serve as mentors and help develop new
members of the profession.An ethical issue that can arise in relationships between IT
workers and other professionals is the inappropriate sharing of corporate
information.Professionals have a strong sense of loyalty to their colleagues.

Relationships Between IT Workers and IT Users

The term IT user refers to a person who uses a hardware or software product; it
differentiates end users from IT employees who design, install, service, and maintain
the product. IT professionals have a responsibility to understand a user's needs and
skills and to produce goods and services that best suit those needs - subject to
budget and schedule restrictions, of course.
Relationships Between IT Workers and Society
Society expects members of a profession to give major benefits while not causing
harm through their conduct. It is worth noting that there is now no single, institutional
organization of IT personnel. duty for creating and upholding public safety standards

Professional Codes of Ethics

A professional code of ethics offers a set of guidelines teams or organizations can use
to make good decisions in the workplace.It is code of ethics that is designed to ensure
employees are behaving in a manner that is socially acceptable and respectful of one
another. It establishes the rules for behavior and sends a message to every employee
that universal compliance is expected.

Professional Organizations

A professional organization, also known as a professional association or professional

body, exists to advance a specific profession, support the interests of those who work
in that profession, and serve the public good. A Professional Organization has an
elected body that might be international or national. Because no IT professional
organization has emerged as dominant, there is no common code of conduct for IT
workers. However, the existence of such groups is beneficial in a fast growing and
changing profession.

According to the certifying organization, certification implies that a professional
possesses a specific set of skills, knowledge, or abilities. It is important to note that,
unlike licensing, which applies only to people and is required by law, certification can
also apply to products (for example, the Wi-FiCERTIFIED logo ensures that the
product has passed rigorous interoperability testing to ensure that it will work with
other Wi-Fi-certified products) and is generally voluntary. Certification is not a
replacement for experience and does not ensure a person's ability to perform
successfully on the job. As a result, some hiring managers are skeptical about
certificates' worth.

Government Licensing
Licensing is defined as a business arrangement, wherein a company authorizes
another company by issuing a license to temporarily access its intellectual property
rights. Governmental License means any license, permit, franchise certification,
registration, identification number, certificate of need, certificate of occupancy, Food
and Drug Administration registration, franchise, Consent or order of, or filing with, any
state or federal Government Entity.

IT Professional Malpractice
Malpractice refers to Negligence or misconduct by a professional person, such as a
lawyer, a doctor, a dentist, or an accountant. The failure to meet a standard of care or
standard of conduct that is recognized by a profession reaches the level of
malpractice when a client or patient is injured or damaged because of error.
IT Users
A user is a person who utilizes a computer or network service. A user often has a user
account and is identified to the system by a username. Other terms for username
include login name, screenname, account name, nickname and handle, which is
derived from the identical citizens band radio term. Alternatively referred to as
an end user, a user is any individual who is not involved with supporting or developing
a computer or service.

Common Ethical Issues for IT Users

Information Technology specifies to the components that are used to store, fetch and
manipulate the information at the minimum level with the server having an operating
system. Information Technology have a wide area of applications in education,
business, health, industries, banking sector and scientific research at a large level.
With the leading advancement in information technology, it is necessary to have the
knowledge of security issues, privacy issues and main negative impacts of IT. To deal
with these issues in IT society it is important to find out the ethical issues.

Supporting the Ethical Practices of IT Users

The increased use of IT has increased the potential for new ethical issues and
problems; thus, many organizations have recognized the need to develop policies that
protect against abuses.Establishing Guidelines for the Use of Company SoftwareIT
managers must provide clear rules about the use of home computers and associated
software, and ensure that employees have legal copies of all the software they require,
regardless of where they work.Using workplace email to send rude or harassing
messages.Structuring Information Systems to Protect Data and
InformationOrganizations must develop systems and policies that limit data access to
employees who need it. Installing and Maintaining a Corporate Firewall.


Compliance in the legal system usually refers to behavior that is in accordance with
legislation, such as the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, which established requirements
for internal controls to govern the creation and documentation of accurate and
complete financial statements, or HIPAA, which requires employers to ensure the
security and privacy of employee healthcare data. Failure to comply with specific
pieces of legislation may result in criminal or civil fines as defined in the legislation.

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