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Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra, Vansh Shah

Basic Idea-

The online game ‘Among Us’ will be put into action, centred on a group of ‘crewmates’ trying to
complete tasks while an ‘Imposter’ plots to kill them. The event will involve a lot of suspicious eyes and
‘edge of the seat’ moments that will keep the game challenging and fun.


- The event will involve a total of 12 participants, 11 being the crew members and one being the
- Each player will be given a special animal mask at the beginning of the event containing chits
announcing their play as the imposter or a crewmate.
- Tasks will be assigned to each crew mate that needs to be performed during the duration of the
- Tasks may involve activities such as collecting 12 rubber bands or collecting 5 filled water bottles
and 5 empty water bottles.
- The event will require 2 classrooms for the performance of the tasks and one classroom for
conducting the emergency meetings.
- After successfully performing the assigned tasks, the crew mate is required to scan a QR code
which will be available at previously mentioned hot spots announcing his success in completing
the task.
- The ‘killed’ crewmate will be identified by a red post it note.
- The announcements of emergency meetings will be conveyed through the creation of a
WhatsApp group specially created for the above said activity.
- The emergency meetings will be performed for the discussion of the suspected imposter, the
success of which will make all the crewmates winners and the failure of which will lead to the
elimination of the suspected crew mate and the game will continue.
- The main goal of the crew mates is to successfully perform their assigned tasks without getting
‘killed’ while that of the imposter is to ‘kill’ as many crew mates as possible without getting


- Animal masks
- Post it notes
- QR codes
- 3 classrooms
Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra, Vansh Shah
Basic Idea-

An Indian twist to the South Korean survival drama, a drama revolving around multiple deep-in-debt
players who risk their lives to play a series of deadly children’s games to win a huge cash reward capable
of changing their lives. This event is sure to bring out the competitive in each player and remind them of
those games they used to play as children or still do-we love that!


- This event will consist of playing multiple games to reach higher and higher levels which will
eventually lead the teams to victory.
- The games that will be played will include- langdi, dog and the bone, lock and key and the ball

Langdi- The seeker has to catch as many players as he can in a time limit of 60 seconds, hopping
on one foot. The failure of hopping on one foot will lead to direct elimination of the player and
those who get caught will be given an exception just once and if caught more than one time will
be eliminated. The two teams will take turns in being the runners and the seekers.
The seeking team has the option of choosing 2 of their best candidates to be the seekers to
ensure maximum elimination in the ‘one minute each per seeker’ time limit.

Dog and the Bone- A cloth kept in the middle of the ‘playground’ will be the bone while the
team members will be the dogs. On action the two team members who will enter the field
needs to revolve around the ‘bone’ trying to snatch it just in time to escape the catch of those of
the opposite team. If caught the opposite team scores a point.

Tag (pakda pakdi)- The runner needs to catch as many candidates as he can and those caught
will be eliminated.

Ball Game- A gym ball will be used as the mode of transportation to compete with other team
members in a not-so-friendly game of relay. Upon arrival at the finish line a puzzle or a riddle
needs to be solved on success of which the baton is passed onto the next team member and the
process is repeated and the team which is able to finish the relay and solve the puzzles/riddles
the fastest wins the round.


- langdi- one classroom

- Dog and the Bone- one classroom, one piece of cloth
- Tag- one classroom
- Ball game- a hallway for the relay, gym balls, puzzles and riddles
Switch (Quadrant game)
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra
Basic idea-

A fun and interesting game that will put your acting skills to the test and will help the audience find out
how long can you keep that straight face of yours.


- There are four sections made with a tape on the ground. Each quadrant is labelled a mood (for
eg. Excited, Depressed, Angry, Disappointed).
- One person stands in each quadrant (thus 4 players from 4 different departments can play at a
time) and the audience/organisers will give them a scenario and they have to perform an improv
and enact the scene in those respective moods.
- After every 1 minute, they have to move to the next quadrant and converse in their respective
moods. It will be a 4-5 minute round game.


- One classroom
- Tape to mark the boxes

Please watch the following 4 minute video for reference and to understand the game better:
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra
Basic Idea-

A cheeky little spin on the classic lemon and spoon race which will leave the players in a hefty mess
whilst being nothing but an amusing site for the audience.


- The race will begin like the normal lemon and spoon race where the player has to cross the
finishing line with a spoon balancing a lemon in his/her mouth.
- The hands of the players will be tied behind their backs.
- The twist in this game is that the players are not qualified to cross the finishing lines until they
make at least one other player to drop the lemon and spoon in their mouths by using nothing
but the lemon and spoon in their mouths.
- Using of any other body part to perform the act will lead to direct disqualification
- The player who crosses the finishing line without dropping the lemon and the spoon despite
having it dropped at least once by one or multiple players will be deemed the winner


- Lemons
- Spoons
- Ropes to tie the hands
You Better Not Smirk, You Better Not Twerk
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra

A charade of lame jokes in a 1 department v 1 department battle where the contestants have to try not
to laugh when the opposite person cracks a lame joke. If they laugh then the opposite team scores a
point and the contestant has to twerk as punishment and that same contestant’s next team member
comes forward and the battle of jokes continues.

So this way the players keep rotating all the time. The lame jokes will be given by the organisers as well.
The game goes as long as one of the team wins 4 points first and that results in them winning the round.
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra
Basic Idea-

Inspired by the classic 2003 rom-com, the game is going to be exhilarating. The twists and turns would
just leave the audience guessing till the very last moment who the winner could be.


- One task is decided for each team.

- The opposite teams know what task has been assigned to their opposite team but the respective
team is not aware of it.
- The teams have to do everything they can to prevent the opposite team from cracking their task
and solving it all while cracking riddles that will help them find out what their task is.
- Eg- There are 2 teams, Team A and Team B. The task decided for Team A is that they need to
collect 10 lemons while that for Team B is that they need to collect 10 water bottles. Team A will
hide any bottle that they find, to make it difficult for Team B to complete their task, while
solving riddles that will help them discover their task.


- One floor
- Products required in accordance to the task decided.
Match the Following
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra
Basic idea-

Hmm will this determine how well the HODs know their Sub-HODs and vice versa? Or is this just another
game to stir up some drama?


Round 1

Both the Sub-Hods of all departments will be standing in 2 lines in random order (each line consisting of
1 sub hod)

The participants won’t be able to see their standing order but will only be given the hair type, hair colour
(or if any other suggestions for basis) of all the Sub Hods and a number that is assigned to them.

All the participants have to match the right pair of sub hods on their available data(hair type in this case
or could be anything else as well) After they have arranged them, the pairs that they have made will be
revealed to them.

The participants that can get 3 or more pairs right, proceed to the next round.

Round 2

Same as round 1 but with HODs of the departments in this round. Winners will be decided on the basis
of the number of pairs they can arrange correctly.

If two or more get all the pairs right then their time taken to complete the task will be used as the basis.
Get The Pass
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra
Basic Idea-

An intriguing game, maybe based on your luck? You will never know


- The players in this game will be given a football which they need to pass to random students
from our college. The player is not allowed to reveal the rules of this game i.e., they cannot
prompt their classmates to pass back the ball in order to earn points.
- If the ball is passed back to the player, the player will earn a point
- The twist is that the player will earn a point only if the ball is passed back by the opposite


- Footballs
Last Step first(A dance game)
Vansh Shah, Aneri Shah, Sarrah Vohra
Round 1

2 participants from each department.

Participants will stand in a straight line in a specific order and the first participant has to do any random
step on music and then go to the back of the line. The next participant comes forward and does the
previous step and then one new step that is supposed to be done by the next participant.

Any participant that is not able to do the step gets eliminated. This series goes on until there are only
two participants left in the game.

Round 2

The final 2 participants have a dance battle. Organizers decide the music

(Surprise round for them)

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