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Self Authoring Review – Jordan Peterson’s Self Authoring Suite.

This is a review of Jordan Peterson’s Self Authoring Suite, which includes the Past, Present and Future Authoring programs. This Self Authoring
review will cover what the program is, my experience with it and some of the insights I gained, as well as some suggestions if you want to do it too.
What is Self Authoring?
The Self Authoring Suite is a set of writing programs designed to help you learn about, understand, and evaluate your past and present and then
plan for the future. Self Authoring was created by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and a few others, and it’s from him that I first learned about it.
Peterson is a professor at the University of Toronto and clinical psychologist, who has recently garnered a lot of attention in the media and
especially online. Initially he attracted controversy in Canada for opposing legislation involving the compelled use of gender pronouns, then in late
2016 he was on the Joe Rogan podcast and things seem to have really taken off since then. Peterson has a ton of great material available for free
online and on his Youtube channel, which I would highly recommend checking out.
“Sort Yourself Out, Bucko!”
I got heavily into Peterson’s material earlier this year and have watched/listened to probably 100 or more hours (!?) of it. That includes two full
courses – Personality and its Transformations and Maps of Meaning – as well as the Bible lectures, podcast interviews and more. All I can say is
that I wish I had had a professor this engaging while I was at university.
(If you’re short on time, I’d recommend watching Carl Jung and the Lion King or the final Maps of Meaning 2017 lecture to get a good sense of
what this is about.)
Peterson’s philosophy, in brief, is a sort of all-encompassing, multi-faceted, highly pragmatic model for the world and how to act in it – primarily
the world as experienced subjectively by the individual. It’s some mishmash of the following, roughly speaking:
The evolutionary basis for human morality, social structure, and individual and collective psychology Comparative mythology; cross-cultural
archetypal stories and narratives Practical self development advice Ideology, belief, and the importance of free thought and speech Jungian
psychology, with emphasis on archetypes and the “shadow” Anti-communism and anti-postmodernism/Neo-Marxism Insights from experience in
clinical practice Christian revivalism Practical implications of personality psychology, psychometrics and IQ Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Solzhenitsyn,
lobsters and more…
Peterson’s ultimate prescription is at the level of the individual: sort yourself out, focus on turning “chaos into habitable order” in your own life, and
things around you will start to improve. This certainly speaks to me and is something I’ve been writing about and trying to live out for some time
As mentioned, Peterson’s popularity really exploded recently and there are entire online communities based around his work. His distinctive
speaking habits and manner of presentation have spawned a host of memes which, if you are familiar with the lectures, are absolutely hilarious.
Self Authoring Program Structure.
Back to the review. The Self Authoring Suite includes three individual programs: Past, Present and Future Authoring. I completed these in roughly
chronological order – starting with the past, getting part way through it and a bit bogged down, starting the present, then finishing the past, finishing
the present, and then doing the future.
I’d recommend doing things in chronological order as well, because you might learn things in the Past or Present sections that affect how you plan
the future. If you do the Future first, you miss out on this opportunity.
Each of these individual programs are formatted in roughly the same way: a series of writing exercises with prompts and space provided to free-
write. This is all done within the web portal inside your browser and progress is saved as you go.
Not flashy but it does the job.
The entire set of programs is quite comprehensive and can take some time to complete. Personally I filled most of the space provided for each
section and the whole process, working on it on and off, took several weeks. There is some flexibility in terms of how much you write – usually
between 1,000-2,000 or 1,000-3,000 characters per section. If you chose to write the minimum amount it will take less time.
Suggestion: I would recommend really making the effort to get into this sort of dreamlike loosely associative state that Peterson sometimes
describes. It’s almost like daydreaming but not quite – you let your mind wander a bit while still maintaining control over the general direction and
content of the thoughts. I found this extremely valuable for accessing and interacting with parts of the psyche that are otherwise not consciously
attended to.
Past Authoring.
Personally I found the Past Authoring section most valuable in terms of insight gained as well as the actual experience of going through it. Here’s
some of what I found:
Reliving negative experiences is therapeutic.
In the Past Authoring program you divide your life up into six “epochs” and write about emotionally significant events from each. Naturally some of
these experiences are going to be negative, and writing about them – especially in the kind of semi-dreamlike state I mentioned earlier – is cathartic
as you partially re-live them. During the actual writing it can be unpleasant and emotionally difficult, but generally it’s therapeutic and you feel better
afterwards. (Exactly how long afterwards is an open question – I’ve heard Peterson say that people sometimes feel worse at first and that it can
take up to two weeks to feel the positive effects.) But regardless of the exact time frame, it does seem that writing about, analyzing, and partially
re-living negative experiences helps resolve them internally.
Remembering things you otherwise wouldn’t.
While doing this exercise I found myself beginning to remember more events and aspects of events from my life that I had otherwise forgotten. This
seems to happen when you spend time on memories – you start to think back, and as you do more detail and entirely new memories naturally open
themselves up to you. This is interesting and potentially insightful.
Noticing patterns over time.
This, I would argue, is the biggest (or potentially biggest) benefit of the Past Authoring: noticing patterns about yourself and your life over time that
you otherwise wouldn’t. The stated purpose of the program is to help you create a narrative out of your life thus far, and that is exactly what it
It can be very insightful to see your whole life trajectory laid out in front of you this comprehensively. I think this is true even if you are someone
who already spends a lot of time introspecting and thinking about your past and/or life trajectory. Recurring patterns that are otherwise not
apparent can become totally clear when the whole story is mapped out like this.
An example of this for me is that I was able to more clearly identify the elements that defined periods of my life where I felt the best, and was best
off, as well as those that were the worst. This might be thought about as a way of discovering what are called revealed preferences.
It became clear to me, for example, that the best times I’d had with other people had always been at certain types of events and not others.
Typically I’d always felt like I “should” go to social events and so I did, but seeing this pattern made it obvious that some things just suit me better
and others don’t.
While I had realized this somewhat before, it was never as concrete as after having written about several events and seeing the pattern. Following
this I thought about how it’s fine to have preferences in this area and just not like certain types of events, even if you feel like you’re supposed to.
Now I can more easily avoid the types of events I don’t like and increase the frequency of the ones I do.
Helps you see your life in perspective.
After writing everything out and looking at it in front of me, I thought “Damn I’ve actually done a lot of things, and a lot of things I’m happy with
too.” Seeing your accomplishments and positive experiences makes you grateful for your life thus far, especially when you reflect on them in this all
inclusive way.
Can be helpful for managing current problems.
I was going through some reasonably difficult relationship/emotional business at the same time as doing the Past Authoring and some of what I
wrote was related to that. This will of course depend on your individual circumstances, but for myself at least writing about the recent events
seemed to help me work through them.
There were many more insights gained that I didn’t include here – I talk about a few others in the video at the top of the post.
Suggestion : If you write a lot of volume in your Past Authoring (like I did) you may want to mark sections of particular important with a symbol or
sign so you can easily find them later. You most likely won’t be reading through the entire thing regularly or soon after you finish writing, so use
some indicator in the text that you can easily search. For example I used three sequential stars: ***.
Overall I found the Past Authoring to be the most useful and insightful section. However, this may be because I did it first and also wrote a lot
(something like 35K words total). As a result my Past section ended up including information relevant to the present and future – for example I
was making notes to remember and giving myself prescriptions. If you write less and/or keep it strictly to the past, utility might be spread more
evenly across all three.
Present Authoring.
The Present Authoring is divided into two sections – virtues and faults – where you are guided through a process of identifying your 5-10 most
significant positive and negative qualities. These are grouped according to the Big Five personality traits: Openness, Agreeableness, Extraversion,
Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism.
I don’t think I learned as much from this section as from the other two, and I think I was already aware of most of the faults and virtues that came
up in some way or another. That being said, I probably think about this more than the average person so take that into consideration. That being
said, if you’re into this sort of thing, then you probably do too.
Future Authoring.
I found the Future Authoring more useful than the Present but not as good as the Past. In this section you map out an ideal future including your
career, social and family life, habits you’d like to adopt, leisure time use and more. All major areas of life are covered.
There is also a section where you write about qualities in other people you admire and would like to emulate, which I think is a valuable exercise.
You then outline eight major goals and break down in detail your motives, strategies for goal attainment, potential obstacles, and how to monitor
progress. It is very comprehensive and, in my opinion, even a little more granular than necessary.
It’s also true that this sort of detailed planning is more useful the more structured and certain your trajectory is. If you are in university, for example,
or high school, or a career with a well-defined path then you can plan ahead with fairly high degrees of certainty. However if you are more flexible,
like me, things are more liable to change.
Nevertheless, the Future Authoring did help me concretize a few important things:
The need to settle down somewhere.
Those of you who’ve been reading this blog for a while know that I’ve been basically nomadic for about the past three years now, living in various
places and usually spending a few months or less in each. There have been amazing things about this, but the more time goes on the more I find the
drawbacks of this lifestyle start to outweigh the benefits.
I had been feeling this way to some degree already, but again writing it out really helped concretize it. It became especially clear when I realized
that most of my major goals centred around the need to find some sort of home base and just stay in one place for a while. There are a certain
number of non-trivial things you just cannot do when always moving around. So I’m in the process of sorting that out now and will be settled soon.
The worst possible future.
There is a section of the Future Authoring that has you envision and write about your worst possible future. This is so, as Jordan Peterson explains,
you know what you want to avoid. Doing this exercise was genuinely somewhat harrowing for me and got pretty dark pretty quickly. It may have
been the state of mind I was in at the time, but you might be surprised at how bad you can imagine things getting if you really let your mind run wild.
If this is actually fear-inducing, it is probably worthwhile.
Wrapping up.
Overall I would highly recommend the Self Authoring Suite, wherever you are in life and even if you have experience with other personal
development or planning programs. If you haven’t done anything like this before, it will probably be all the more valuable. This is a great way to
start “sorting yourself out” and you can use the insights gained here to address specific issues and areas in more depth after.
The Self Authoring Suite is reasonably priced at $30 for two logins to the entire set of programs – Past, Present and Future. So you can get two
and send one to someone else, or split it with a friend and then it’ll only cost you $15 each. Pretty affordable and accessible.
My final suggestion if you are going to do this program is to really set aside some time to do it fully and properly. The rule “you get out what you
put in” applies strongly here. While you may have some of the ideas in your head already, writing them out – clarifying and understanding them in
this detailed and comprehensive way – is surprisingly valuable. Check out this comprehensive guide for more tips.
If you put in the time to complete the exercises while trying to stay as honest as possible with yourself throughout, I’d say you are pretty much
guaranteed to find it fruitful. In any case, I hope this Self Authoring review has provided some helpful information about the program and how it
might be useful for you. Good luck!
Self Authoring Exercises and Packages.
Buy the 2 for 1 Special for $29.90 USD , and get access to all the Self Authoring Exercises for yourself and for a friend.
Self Authoring Suite.
Buy the Self Authoring Suite and get access to all the Self Authoring Exercises for $29.90 USD .
Give Self Authoring Suite.
Buy a voucher for the Self Authoring Suite for $29.90 USD and give a friend access to all the Self Authoring Exercises.
Individual Exercises.
You can purchase each exercise individually.
Future Authoring Exercise $14.95 USD Buy Past Authoring Exercise $14.95 USD Buy Present Authoring - Faults Analysis Exercise $14.95
USD Buy Present Authoring - Virtues Analysis Exercise $14.95 USD Buy.
Buy Individual Exercises for a Friend.
You can purchase any of the individual exercises for someone else by buying a voucher and sending it to them.
Self Authoring Suite.
The Self Authoring Suite provides access to all four of the Self Authoring exercises: the Present Authoring: Faults, Present Authoring: Virtues, the
Future Authoring, and the Past Authoring. The total value of these exercises, when purchased separately, is $59.80. When purchased together as
the Self Authoring Suite, the total cost is only $29.90 USD .
If you are buying this as a gift , please select an item from our Buy it for a friend page.
Right now, if you purchase the Self Authoring Suite 2 for 1 Special you can get all the Self Authoring exercises for yourself and a voucher for the
Self Authoring Suite that you can give a friend. That's the Self Authoring suite for yourself and a friend for only $29.90.
The Self Authoring Suite includes:
Future Authoring.
The Future Authoring Program is designed to help you imagine your ideal future, three to five years down the road. What would your life be like if
you could set it up in the manner that would be best for you? You will be asked to consider the people you admire, things you could do better,
your educational and career goals, what habits you would like to improve, your family life, your social network, and your leisure activities. Click
here for more information.
Past Authoring.
It is difficult to know who you are, where you should go, or how you should get there, unless you know where you came from. The Past Authoring
Program is designed to help you write a structured autobiography. It is particularly useful if you have memories that are more than about eighteen
months old that still intrude upon your thoughts, or that still evoke emotion such as fear, regret, shame or confusion. Click here for more
Present Authoring - Faults.
The Present Authoring - Faults exercise has been designed to allow you to do an in-depth analysis of the negative elements of your personality,
that is, your faults. Click here for more information.
Present Authoring - Virtues.
The Present Authoring - Virtues exercise has been designed to allow you to do an in-depth analysis of the positive elements of your personality,
that is, your virtues. Click here for more information.
What is Self Authoring?
The Self-Authoring Suite is a series of online writing programs that collectively help you explore your past, present and future.
People who spend time writing carefully about themselves become happier, less anxious and depressed and physically healthier. They become
more productive, persistent and engaged in life. This is because thinking about where you came from, who you are and where you are going helps
you chart a simpler and more rewarding path through life.
The Past Authoring Program helps you remember, articulate and analyze key positive and negative life experiences.
The Present Authoring Program has two modules. The first helps you understand and rectify your personality faults. The second helps you
understand and develop your personality virtues.
The Future Authoring Program helps you envision a meaningful, healthy and productive future, three to five years down the road, and to develop a
detailed, implementable plan to make that future a reality.
Put your past to rest! Understand and improve your present personality! Design the future you want to live! The Self Authoring Suite will improve
your life.
Plan for your Ideal Future.
Understand your Past.
Discover your True Self.
Tried and Tested.
The Self Authoring programs have been used in many different settings, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive.
Improve performance.
Students who use the Self Authoring programs often see an increase in school performance, and are less likely to drop out of classes.
Improve relationships.
Find out what you want from both your friendships, and your intimate relationships with the Self Authoring Suite.
Dream big.
The Self Authoring programs will help identify your highest goals, and allow you to discover the tools necessary to achieve them.
What does the research say?
Future Authoring has been used by over 10,000 people and has shown to help them achieve more, while alleviating anxiety about the future
through a feeling of clarity of purpose and direction.
While most Future Authoring participants feel better about their future and generally achieve more towards their goals, there have been academic
studies performed to demonstrate the effect of the Future Authoring program:
Four hundred students completed an abbreviated version of the Future Authoring program during freshman orientation at an undergraduate college.
By the second semester, 27% of the class had dropped out, while only 14% of the group that had used Future Authoring had left the college.
Other university studies have shown that not only does Future Authoring help students avoid dropping out, but it also improves their performance
in terms of grade point average and the number of credits earned.
Our team.
We are a group of clinical and research psychologists from the University of Toronto and McGill University who are distributing tools that will
improve psychological and physical health to interested individuals everywhere.
Jordan B. Peterson, Ph.d.
Founder & Psychology Professor, UofT.
Daniel M. Higgins, Ph.d.
Founder, Head of Software Development.
Robert O. Pihl, Ph.d.
Founder, Psychology Professor, McGill.
Read More.
The Writing Assignment That Changes Lives.
Why do you do what you do? What is the engine that keeps you up late at night or gets you going in the morning? Where is your happy place?
What stands between you and your ultimate dream? NPR's feature on the Self Authoring Suite. Read more .
Writing Benefits.
Careful writing about traumatic or uncertain events, past, present or future, appears to produce a variety of benefits, physiological and
psychological. Written accounts of trauma positively influence health. Read more .
Please read the frequently asked questions & tips page if you run into any technical difficulties with the programs.
Future Authoring.
This realization was the genesis of the Future Authoring program. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, professor of Psychology at the University of Toronto,
decided to ask his students to sit down and write about their ideal future. They were asked to specifically describe the type of person they wanted
to be, the skills they wanted to attain, and the relationships they wanted to have, among other things.
Note: To purchase the Future Authoring program on its own, please click the Buy Now button below. To get the Future Authoring program
bundled with the other Self Authoring programs, please check out the Self Authoring Suite.
Simply through this guided contemplation, Dr. Peterson's students found themselves feeling like they had more direction in life. They were less
anxious about the uncertainty of the future, and knew what they could do today to start down the path of becoming the person they wanted to be.
Since that first class, the Future Authoring program has been designed, refined, and deployed to thousands of people. It has been found to be
profoundly effective at aligning goals with actions, and helping people define what they want their future to look like and achieve it.
How it works.
The Future Authoring Program is designed to help you imagine your ideal future, three to five years down the road. What would your life be like if
you could set it up in the manner that would be best for you? You will be asked to consider the people you admire, things you could do better,
your educational and career goals, what habits you would like to improve, your family life, your social network, and your leisure activities.
Then you will be asked to write freely about your ideal future, without regard for grammar or spelling, for 15-20 minutes. It is best to use your
imagination, to daydream, during this process. After that, you will be taken through a series of exercises that will help you specify, in detail, your
ideal future, by summarizing, titling and prioritizing your goals, evaluating your motives, considering their personal and social impact, strategizing for
their attainment, identifying potential obstacles and their solutions, monitoring your progress, and evaluating your decisions.

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