2020 - 3E - EL - May Holiday Assignment

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S3e EL MAY Holiday Homework

Descriptive-Discursive writing
In groups of 4, conduct research and write an essay on one of the
following topics. You are advised to write between 350 and 500

1. Describe a place in Singapore that is significant to Singaporeans.

Why is it so important?

2. Describe a country that you would like to live in. Explain why
this place is attractive to do so.

Stage 1: Essay Plan

Below are some questions that might help you in planning your essay.
- What is place you have chosen?
- Why did you choose this place?
- How would you describe this place?
- What is the dominant impression you would like to create?
- What would be your word choices to describe this place?

The following sites might be useful when conducting your


Stage 2: Essay Writing

1. Type out your essay on the google document created by your teacher. /
Start a google document with your group and teacher.
2. Use Arial or Times New Roman, Font size 12, 1.5 spaced, justified.
3. At the head of your composition, indicate the question number and question

Stage 3: Grammar Check

1. Once you have completed your essay, do a spell and grammar check.
2. Read through your work and check that ideas are clear and coherent.
3. Highlight your essay and do a word count.
4. Complete the cover page with details of your essay – The cover page
template can be found on the next page. Voila, and you are done!

*Remember to practise good team work and work ethics and contribute
Have a great may break!
Bukit Batok Secondary School
Department of English Langauge and Literature

Secondary Express English Language

Descriptive Writing Group Assignment


Group members:
Name No

Word Count:
Date of Submission:

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