Challenges and Opportunities For Branding: Aduchoang

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1. Challenges and opportunities for branding

Challenges: Increasing job turnover
Increasingly, customers and consumers have Pronounced economic cycles
more experience with the way brand operate and Customers can search countless sources of
marketing actions, because they will be more information about brand to refer to such as the
demanding. main website, celebrities, relatives, friends ... so
More complex brand families and portfolios convincing consumers by traditional ways will
Maturing markets be more difficult. than before.
More sophisticated and increasing competition
Difficulty in differentiating
Decreasing brand loyalty in many categories
Marketing brands in a recession
Growth of private labels
Tough times present oppotunities as well as
Increasing trade power challenges, consumers may change what they
Fragmenting media coverage want and can afford, where and how they shop,
even what they want to see and hear from a firm.
Eroding traditional media effectiveness
It’s a mistake in a recession to be overly focused
Emerging new communication options on price re-ductions and discounts that can harm
Increasing promotional expenditures long-term brand equity and price integrity.
Decreasing advertising expenditures Certain brands or sub-brands appeal to different
economic segments, those that target the lower
Increasing cost of product introduction and end of the socioeconomic spectrum may be
support particularly important during a recession. Bad
times also are an opportunity to prune brands or
Short-term performance orientation products that have diminished prospects
2. How do you “brand” yourself?
Find what makes you unique
Ensure identification of the brand with customers and an association of the brand in customers’ minds
with a specific product class, product benefit, or customer need.
Establish a clear voice: A pleasant voice will make customers feel comfortable and fully listen to
information from the your brand
Firmly establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers by strategically linking a host of
tangible and intangible brand associations, Build a reputation, Determine your niche audience

Elicit the proper customer responses to the brand, Analyze your competition

Get feedback: Convert brand responses to create brand resonance and an intense, active loyalty relation-
ship between customers and the brand.

3. Identify its sources of brand equity. Assess its level of brand awareness and the strength,
favorability, and uniqueness of its associations
4. Brand equity is a marketing term used to describe the values of a brand, these values are
determined by customers' perceptions and their experiences in relation to that brand.
If the brand awareness is large, it means that the value of that brand is "positive". And if they are
disappointed and have bad experiences when using the brand's products / services, it can cause the
brand's value to be reduced, reaching a "negative" index.
Brand equity include perceived quality, brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association.
A brand with a positive value can bring to a business:
 Businesses can raise the selling price for products / services, when the brand has high value in the
eyes of customers.
 That value can be translated into a line of products/services related to the main brand. That helps
businesses make money, instead of just having a single source of revenue from just a single product.
 In addition, it also has the meaning of boosting the value of the company's stock.
Brand equity is formed:
 Awareness
 Recognition
 Trial
 Preference
 Loyalty

Example of a brand with a “positive” value: apple, vingroup,…

Example of a brand with a “negative” value: vedan

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