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Trainer’s Skills:

Competencies Checklist

Trainer/Speaker: Facilitator: Date:

Evaluator: Topic:

Please summarize trainer’s demonstrated knowledge/skills using the rating system below:
1. Trainer shows strength in this area
2. Trainer demonstrates some ability in this area
3. Trainer needs additional support in this area

Delivery — the trainer: Rating Body Language — the trainer: Rating

o    maintained good eye contact with the

o    greeted the audience warmly.
o    used a voice loud and clear enough to
o    was friendly and smiled.
hear easily.
o    delivered a talk designed in a logical way o    used body language to help communicate
from beginning to middle and end, ideas visually
o    clearly described what to expect from Audience Participation —
the presentation. the trainer:
o    used effective examples and
o    involved the audience.
o    handled questions and comments with calm
o    defined unfamiliar technical terms.
o    summarized the main points before o    broke up lectures/discussion at appropriate
finishing. points.

Visual Aids — the trainer: o    provided clear instructions for all activities.

o    clarified or rephrased questions to elicit

o    used visual aids.
audience participation.
o    made sure materials could be read Technical Competency —
easily from where I was sitting. the trainer:
o    got the point across in a clear and
o    taught technically accurate content.
simple way.
o    answered technical questions from the
o    did not block the screen or flipchart.
o    gauged audience level of technical
o    talked to the audience rather than to the
knowledge and adjusted the presentation
screen or flipchart.
o    used key words rather than sentences o    accurately broke down technical/complex
concepts in a way participants could
Please use the space below to specify:

Specific topics where the trainer lacks technical knowledge/expertise:

Ways the trainer might connect better with and engage the audience; be more inclusive:
Use materials more efficiently:

Use a clearer, more organized approach:

Use visual aids that better educate his or audience:

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