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Change & Culture

Fit for Partnership with Germany

Manager Training Programme of the
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
Energy with Chile & Mexico
Virtual Preparation Phase

April 11th, 2022 – Introductory Workshop

April 2022 Manager Training Programme IMAP GmbH

¡Bienvenidas/os! Willkommen!
Programme: 11th of April 2022

9:00-9:30 MX 10:00-10:30 CL
Technical Onboarding & Check-In

9:30-10:30 MX 10:30-11:30 CL
Input: Basics of German Economy

10:30-10:50 MX 11:30-11:50 CL
Coffee Break

10:50-11:20 MX 11:50-12:20 CL
The cooperation project & workflow

11:20-11:45 MX 12:20-12:45 CL
Searching for German business partners

11:45-12:00 MX 12:45-13:00 CL
Outlook on Training 1 & Check-Out

2 Change & Culture


How are you feeling today?

Please name one (random) fact you know about Germany

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Getting to know the German Economy

Geography, Basics, Facts & Figures, The German Corporate Landscape

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Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size:

✓ Population:

✓ Density:

✓ Capital City:

5 Change & Culture


Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size: 357.000 km²

Chile: ?
Mexico: ?

6 Change & Culture


Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size: 357.000 km²

✓ Population:

✓ Density:

✓ Capital City:

7 Change & Culture


Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size: 357.000 km²

✓ Population: 83 Mio.

Chile: ?
Mexico: ?

8 Change & Culture


Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size: 357.000 km²

✓ Population: 83 Mio.

✓ Density:

✓ Capital City:

9 Change & Culture


Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size: 357.000 km²

✓ Population: 83 Mio.

✓ Density: 232 inhabitants per km²

Chile: ?

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Federal Republic of Germany

✓ Size: 357.000 km²

✓ Population: 83 Mio.

✓ Density: 232 inhabitants per km²

✓ Capital City:

11 Change & Culture

Our Location

✓ not the capital of North-Rhine-Westphalia (NRW), but

Düsseldorf is

✓ 4th largest city in Germany

✓ Population: 1 Mio (20% foreigners)

✓ First written mention: 1135 AD

✓ Known for international businesses, trade fairs, media,

chemistry, Carneval, Kölsch-Bier, rivalry with Düsseldorf

12 Change & Culture

13 Change & Culture
14 Change & Culture
German Trade Balance of 2021

1 375 1 203 173

billion € billion € billion €
of exports of imports of export

Source: Statistisches Bundesamt

15 Change & Culture
Key Facts

➢ Total value of exports & imports equals 87 % of GDP (3rd largest exporter/importer)
➢ Exports are driven by Germany‘s backbone of innovative small and medium-sized
enterprises (SMEs) → Mittelstand
➢ Companies are mostly highly specialized and serving niches (hidden champions).
➢ Germany´s economy is widely decentralized in regional branch clusters.
➢ Trade fairs are a common and efficient way for doing business. Every year there are
about 180 trade fairs with over 10.000.000 visitors. Look out for virtual trade fairs!
➢ Germany is the „most open“ national economy within the G7 countries and highly
globalized → strong competition to enter the market!

16 Change & Culture

The German Mittelstand

Constellation of German Companies

➢ 99,5 % of all German companies relate to the Mittelstand = Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) =
less than 500 employees + annual turnover < 50 Mio. €
➢ About 95 % of all German companies are family owned, which also counts as a Mittelstand criteria
➢ Amount of registered SME´s in 2018: ~ 3.5 million enterprises

Distribution of the Mittelstand in sectors:

• 49% related to the service sector

• 31% related to the manufacturing sector

• 20% related to trade & commerce

17 Change & Culture

About You and Your Company…

We would like to get to know you and your companies better.

Please answer the following survey according to your company:
My company has…

A: less than 50 employees

B: less than 250 employees
C: less than 500 employees
D: more than 500 employees

18 Change & Culture

About You and Your Company…

We would like to get to know you and your companies better.

Please answer the following survey according to your company:
My company is…

A: family-owned
B: private company, no family owners
C: public company
D: other

19 Change & Culture

Diversity of the German Corporate

It needs a well specified cooperation project to find the right partner in

a very diversified market of 3.5 million Mittelstand Enterprises.1. Edeka

- There are numerous trade and investment opportunities in Germany

3. Deutsche Bahn
for companies all around the world.
- You have to point out your USP in order to compete successfully with
other potential business partners and foreign investors.

20 Change & Culture

Video: German SMEs

What are the main success factors of the German

Mittelstand / German SMEs?

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What are the success factors for

Chilean/Mexican companies?

22 Change & Culture

Facts on German Economy in 2019

0,6% 0,9% 1,6% 0,9 %

Growth of the gross Growth of exports Growth of private Growth of the working
domestic product (GDP) compared to 2018 consumer spendings population compared to
compared to 2018 compared to 2018 2018

Source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie

23 Change & Culture

Facts on German Economy in 2020

-5,8% -12,1% -6,9% -0,4%

Decline of the gross Decline of exports Decline of private Decline of the working
domestic product (GDP) compared to 2019 consumer spendings population compared
compared to 2019 compared to 2019 to 2019

Source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie

24 Change & Culture

Facts on German Economy in 2021

+2,7% +12,4% +3,4% -0,2%

Increase in the gross Increase in exports Increase in private Decline of the working
domestic product (GDP) compared to 2020 consumer spendings population compared
compared to 2020 compared to 2020 to 2020

Source: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie

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Coffee Break (20 min)

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The Cooperation Project
Forms of cooperation, workflow

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The Cooperation Project: Workflow

To prepare:
1. Specification of your cooperation project 1. Company presentation
2. Website in English
3. A clear and understandable
presentation of your cooperation
idea (can also be part of your
2. Identification of potential cooperation partners
company presentation)

3. Completion of Short List (around 5 -10


4. Acquisition of individual meetings

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The cooperation project

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The cooperation project

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The cooperation project

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The workflow

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The workflow

33 Change & Culture

Specification of the cooperation

Before you start researching and contacting German companies you should identify the Win-Win situation:

Change of
what can you

What benefits do you expect from an international Why should the German partner cooperate specifically
cooperation? Which long term strategic goals can you with the Chilean/Mexican companies? What are
achieve by establishing a foreign cooperation? potential benefits?

Why cooperating specifically with Germany? Which unique selling proposition are you offering to the
potential partner that distinguishes you from other
Chilean/Mexican companies?
Which cooperation form is suitable and why? How can you develop a long term proposition out of your
cooperation idea?

34 Change & Culture

Group work

Come into two groups: Chile and Mexico and reflect 15

minutes upon the following questions:

1. What are the benefits of working with a

Chilean/Mexican company from the German point of
Think about: demographics, geography, political
framework, economy, education etc.

Collaborate in Miro:
35 Change & Culture
2. Identification of potential
cooperation partners
„You cannot find something, if you do not know what you are looking for“

Try to specify the profile of your potential cooperation partner!

• What is the area of activity? Is it a producer, a trader or

something else?
• What is the business model?
• Which amounts and specifications should it be able to deliver?
• Which key words can be used to find potential partners online?

36 Change & Culture

3. Searching for companies
1. Search engines (e.g. google) → the art of the correct key words!

2. B2B directories
Germany’s Business Database:
Supplier Database:
• → filter by country: Germany
• → filter by country: Germany
Exporter database:

3. Chambers of Commerce

37 Change & Culture

Finding Market Information

1. European Access 2 Markets Plattform

2. Specific industry associations: BDI, ZVEI, VDMA, GKV etc.

• German Mechanical Engineering Association:
• Association of the Electrical, Electronic and Information Technology:
• Federation of German Industry:

3. GfK: Association for consumer research:

4. GTAI (Germany Trade & Invest:

38 Change & Culture

3. Trade Fairs

• Trade Fair listings (

• 160 to 180 international and national trade fairs are held in the country every year, with around 180,000 exhibitors and
ten million visitors
• German companies, which have participated in your local trade fairs (check the listings).


39 Change & Culture

3. Listing of companies

Long List: Research of 15-20 potential cooperation partners

Short List:
✓ Identify, if the companies from the long list suit your criteria in terms of profile, product range, volumes etc.
✓ The suitable companies that are left on the list will be those to contact for a meeting

40 Change & Culture

Example: Short List
Company Contact Telephone What do you want to achieve with
Products : Position Email-adresss Website Current Status (workflow)
name: Name : number this meeting?
EDAG development Branch matthias.moser@edag www.edag.d Be a supplier in mechanical projects
1 Mathias +491718881337 Mail on 23.03.2018 (awaiting response)
COLOGNE of vehicles manager .de e (meshing, FEA, drawing…)
and Mr Frank
BM frank.dieckmann@ferc www.fercha Be a supplier in mechanical projects
2FERCHAU consultancy Dieckman +492211009190 Mail on 23.03.2018 (awaiting response)
Automotive (meshing, FEA, drawing…)
firm n

MB TECH and Head of www.akka-
Dr. Ingmar +49 7031 686- Be a supplier in mechanical projects
3GROUP consultancy Calculation automotive. Mail on 26.03.2018 (awaiting response)
Wendling Ingmar.Wendling@mbt 4103 (meshing, FEA, drawing…)
(AKKA Group) firm & Simulation com
Resource Head of
Dr. Oliver
4Efficiency Evonik for +49 6151 18-3088 Contact form applied on 26/03/2018
Eyrisch m
GmbH Automotive

41 Change & Culture

Any questions?

43 Change & Culture

Next Steps: Programme: April 25th

Marketing Training Part I

Please, take a few minutes to reflect:

What do you want to learn in this training?

Do you have any questions that we can ask Silke beforehand?

Please also read the message you will receive in the next days on behalf of
Silke with a short request to complete before the training starts!
Ms. Silke Schulz

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What did you learn today that surprised you?

Why did it surprise you?

45 Change & Culture

Thank you!


Düsseldorf Berlin

Cantadorstr. 3 Dresdener Straße 15

40211 Düsseldorf 10999 Berlin

T +49 (0)211/513 69 73-0

F +49 (0)211/513 69 73-39

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