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At the inlet of a straight channel with a rectangular cross section,

there is a gun that emits particles with mass m and charge q. At the
output of the channel there are two flat, identical magnetic coils with
opposite currents attached to each other, as shown in the figure. The
thickness of each of the coils is equal to h, the magnetic field inside
the coils is directed orthogonally to the plane of the figure and is equal
in absolute value to B. In these coils, the density of the winding wires
is low, so we can assume that the particles flying from the channel do
not notice the wires. The concentration of particles ejected by the gun
approaching the magnetic field is n, and their velocity is directed along
the channel and is equal to u. There is a vacuum behind the coils. Find
the pressure with which the particles act on the system of two coils.
Consider that the concentration of particles is small, so their
interaction with each other can be neglected.
The particle, flying into the region of the first coil, begins to move in a
circle under the action of the Lorentz force acting from the magnetic
field. The Lorentz force is equal to 𝐹 = 𝑞uB, in this case it is a
centripetal force, that is,

where 𝜉 is the radius of the particle's orbit. We find that it is equal to,

If the thickness of the coil ℎ is greater than the maximum possible

radius of the particle's orbit 𝜉, 𝜉 < ℎ, then all the particles, having made
a semicircle in the first coil, fly back into the volume occupied by the
gas. In this case, the momentum 𝑑𝑝𝑢 transferred to the coil in time 𝑑t
per unit area 𝑑S from particles with speed 𝑢 is equal to,

The quantity 𝑑S ∙ (𝑢 ∙ 𝑑t) is the volume element from which particles

with speed u will have time to reach the coil in time 𝑑t. In particular, (𝑢
∙ 𝑑t) is the size of this volume in the direction orthogonal to the wall.
The pressure produced by the gas is,

If the radius of the particle's orbit in a magnetic field is greater than

the thickness of the coil, 𝜉 >ℎ, then the particles, moving in a circle,
will reach the rear boundary of the first coil and fly into the region of
the second coil. Since the field is directed there in the opposite
direction, the particles, moving along a circle with the same radius 𝜉,
but turning in the opposite direction, will reach the outer boundary of
the second coil with the original speed u. As a result, such particles will
not impart any momentum to the two-coil system. The threshold speed
𝑢∗ is determined from the condition 𝜉∗ = ℎ, i.e.

As a result we get,

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