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Definition :

Subsidence of the ground because of underground material movement—is most often caused
by the removal of water, oil, natural gas, or mineral resources out of the ground by pumping,
fracking, or mining activities.

Subsidence can also be caused by natural events such as earthquakes, soil compaction, glacial
isostatic adjustment, erosion, sinkhole formation, and adding water to fine soils deposited by
wind (a natural process known as loess deposits). 

Causes :

The causes of land subsidence can occur both locally and regionally, some factors include the
following (Whittaker and Reddish, 1989 in Prasetyo, Y. et al. 2018):

1. Natural subsidence is caused by geological processes such as volcanic and tectonic

activities, geological cycles, cavities below the surface of the soil and so on.

The geological cycle is a cycle consisting of weathering, sedimentation and the

movement of the earth's crust. Whereas sedimentation in basin areas is sedimentation that
occurs in the main plate area near the plate boundary.

2. Land subsidence caused by taking liquid material from the soil such as groundwater or

Taking groundwater in sufficient volume that can cause a reduction in the volume of
groundwater. Deficiency of groundwater will have an impact on the pores of the soil, so the
hydrostatic pressure that is below the surface of the soil is reduced

3. Ground subsidence caused by heavy loads on top such as building structures so that the
layers of soil.

The existence of buildings built above the surface of the ground can cause the layer of
soil underneath to experience compression. So, the greater the mass of a building, the level of
land subsidence in the region will also be deeper.
Enviromental Impacts :

The impacts of land subsidence in urban areas are quite numerous and can be categorized into
infrastructural, environmental, economic and social impacts.
Pictures of the impact of subsidence (e.g. cracks in buildings and infrastructures and tidal
inundation) in Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang (source: authors).
Correlation Between Land Subsidence and Urban Development :

Mitigation :

Short- and long-term mitigation and adaptation against the consequences of land subsidence
(e.g. elevating roads and housing, and building dykes, mangrove areas, and giant sea walls)
In many places, short-term measures have been created to mitigate these disasters such as
building temporary dykes, fixing or elevating roads, repairing houses and land, including
building up mangrove areas. Long-term measures include either building giant sea walls
around some coastal areas or stopping land subsidence. Giant sea walls are recognized in
places such as New Orleans, Tokyo, and Osaka.

Short-term mitigation :

1. Efficient Use of Ground Water

the groundwater depleted causes land subsidence due to lack of water supply in the ground.
if the water is taken continuously, then the aquifer is empty. it can cause subsidence

2. Infiltration gallery

Infiltration well is a method of treating groundwater by making holes in the surface of the
ground to collect rain water and then flow it to the ground so that water in the ground is

3. Urban open spaces (green areas)

one of the indirect effects of land subsidence is flooding. therefore the application of green
open space is expected to prevent flooding and increase the efficiency of ground water.

4. Equitable development

development must be carried out evenly so that there is no buildup of buildings in one area
that can cause land subsidence

Land subsidence in Regions of Indonesia :

Indonesia has many sediment areas. Flat sediment areas are the best places for urban
and city development, especially around coastal sediment areas. Jakarta and Semarang are
examples of coastal sediment cities in Indonesia. Interestingly, sediment areas are places
where land subsidence generally exists. Based on our investigation of at least 17 sediment
areas in Indonesia, cities, farms, fishpond areas, or peatlands, these regions are experiencing
land subsidence with rates varying between 1 and 20 centimeters per year
Regions subsidence Possible Main Cause
Langsa Aceh 1–8 oil and gas extraction
Medan 1–8 groundwater extraction
Indragiri Hilir 1–6 peatland draining
Ogan Komering 1–6 peatland draining
Tanggerang 1–8 groundwater extraction
Jakarta 1–20 groundwater extraction and load of building
Bandung 1–20 groundwater extraction
Pondok Bali 1–10 oil and gas extraction
Cilacap 1–6 oil extraction
Pekalongan 1–15 groundwater extraction
Semarang 1–20 groundwater extraction and land reclaimed
Demak 1–15 groundwater extraction
Surabaya 1–5 groundwater extraction
Madura 1–6 oil and gas extraction
Denpasar 1–3 groundwater extraction
Delta Mahakam 1–3 oil and gas extraction
Kepala Burung 1–3 gas extraction
Land Subsidence in Jakarta :

Land subsidence in Jakarta has occurred from 1975 until now. Land subsidence until 2013 in
Jakarta has dropped 40 meters from its origin, especially in northern Jakarta where land
subsidence has reached 12 cm every year. Even so, in 2013 - 2018 showed improvement.
From the decline of 40 meters, in 2018 it will be 35 meters. If on average the land subsidence
in DKI Jakarta is around 7.5 cm per year. There are also areas where land subsidence has
reached 18 cm per year.

Map of land subsidence in Jakarta. Highest rate of 20 centimeters per year is represented by
the red color. North Jakarta areas are experiencing the highest rate.

Causes of land subsidence in Jakarta:

1. Due to excessive use of ground water

2. The massive construction of tall buildings

3. Due to natural consolidation or land stabilization

4. Excessive use of bore water wells

Jakarta Government Steps:

1. Intensify the vertical drainage program.

2. Conducting the Integrated Development Quick Win program, building a 20 KM

embankment and supplying clean water of 3,500 per second.

3. The government is also increasing Jakarta's raw water supply through the Drinking Water
Supply System (SPAM).
4. Cooperating with Japan.

Video of land subsidence in Jakarta

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