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7110722, 10:6 PM Oficial Website oF Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi, Inia | Official Website of Bnarat Heavy Electricals Limitee, New seek 086 ‘We flere cml cheal eis gabrmatcesna? (nspellowobrensiacer loo. san gugder Acces (tps /awnhelcomstean-reacer-accers) W Sp Te Man Cantant, coh Ae A eet) fbr é _ tor ete Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited ‘oforasoo) Powering Progres Brightening Lives Touching Every Indian Home (nspediomwlnssinde com/companckerlemsracter 26? ymca) ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Mes aga > Products and Services BEL is one o the largest engineering and manufacturing companies ois knd in India engoged in design engineering, construction, testing, commissioning and servicing of © wide range of products and services with over 180 product offerings to meet the ever-growing needs of the core sactora of economy. 1 re ostmanannmasn rows (uri www. rower) " " TRANSMISSION (HTTPS://WWW.BHEL.COM/TRANSMISSION) CO 7110722, 10:06 PM (rgpeffwewaneteom/r-and-d stength-ane-innovation-capabilee) (WerrPse[fwaw.eHel.coM/R-AND-D-STRENGTH-AND- INNOVATION-CAPABILITIES) (opsi/fwnwpnetcomftransportation) (Qurtrs://WWW-OHELCOM/ TRANSPORTATION) (e9snwbnelcom/complets- producti) PRopUCT List (HrTes:/] RoDUCT-UIs1) (rape va pnetcomfearbon-capture) ‘cansow caPrune (Wr1PS://wwW.8HEL.cOM/CAREON- ‘eartune) Latest Press Release ‘54 commissions nc’ orget Floating Sor PY plant Another major milestone in sl ‘Oficial Website oF Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi, India | Official Website of Bnarat Heavy Electricals Limitee, New (rps! www bhelcomfrenewebles) eMEWABLES (HT /Jmwu. ane com/Renewastes) Gr orp ven sneLcomivate) 6 waren (1rtes://www CD) |pmininennnnne fects) ‘FACILITIES (HITPS:/ [WW w.BHEL-COM|CAPABILITIS-AND- aciuiies) {https /wwacohetcomdetence-and-aerospace) DEFENCE AND AEROSPACE (HITPS://WW.BHEL.COMDEFENCE- ‘ano-AERosPaCt) once ([bhel-commisions- Inala laigest-tlocting-slar-pv-plant-ancther-major-miestone-se-ralance) Awards & Recognition (CMD, aL conteed "CEO with 16 Cxentaton” Award by World HRD Congres (Johel-wins-govemance-now-pau- ‘awares2020-hree-eategoin) Events omle Union Mise for Heavy Indusies dedicates SHE indigenous develope nd rst Coat ethanol Pet 28 7110722, 10:6 PM Oficial Website of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi, Inia | Official Website of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limitee, New Plont to the Nation 98 pat of Azod Ko Amit Mahtsow (Jhonoe-nlon-minter-heawy-ndvaties-decoates-bhel- naigenoush developedndics-fietcoat-0) Miscellaneous Annwal Reporte 2020-2 (Jannual-eper-2020~2) Press Release SHEL commissions incia’s Largest Floating Solor PV plant. Anather major milestone in self-raiance (Johe!-commissions-incias- larges-tloating-solar-p-plant-another-major-milettone-sell-rehance) covfor/a022 Horvblo Union nance Minstor and Honble Chie! Minister of Gujarat visit SHEL pavilion at AKAM Moga Show (Jhonéle-union-inance rinlster-and-hanble-chet-minste-gujrat-alt-bhel-pavilon-akam-maga-show) a/08/202 25 presides over Common Yoga Protocol demonstration in 8 ‘8th intomational Day of Yoge “Union Minister of Heavy indus common-yoga-protocal) itomnational-doy-yoga-union-minister-neawy-incusties-presides-ov os/os/2022 More+ (Jpress-releaze) « Announcement SHEL SAMVAAD WORKSHOP THROUGH VC ON BTH JUNE 2022 ([bhol-sarnvaed-werkshop-through-ve-Bth-june-2022) 0/05/2022 Whistle Blower Polley - Chairperson Aucit Commites Contract Detalle (|whiste-blower-polcy-cha¥person-aucit-commiteo- ccontract-satas) 27]os|2022 Adverisoment for engagement of Part Time Macical Consultants (PTMCs) ROD Mumbai 2022 (Jadverisement-engagement-part- ‘timo-modieal-eonsutants-plmes-tod-mamsor2022) ovfosf2022 Mores (Jannouncernents) « EOL 8 and/or e-Tender No. 2022-ELECTDEV-440-5 for Manufacturing and Maintenance of 1200 Nos. 9000HP and/or 800Nos. 12000HP Electric /o7/2022 xs of rs (0) for toring Specieton fr Sono a (epresonnern-o-toning selon o7/2022 cension of Proposal submission de dteof Ef" Shorting of PFT Operators or De rina (0.7) at BH. rawr (Jeorigendun-02-etenslon-proposl-submsson-aue-dte-e0}-shorsting- *Corrigonsum-02~ Rall Based Logistics ptt-operators-doveloprer 28/08/2072 Mores (Jeo) «un » * 38 7110722, 10:06 PM Corporate Film Inauguration of five ev ‘Oficial Website oF Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, New Delhi, India | Official Website of Barat Heavy Electricals Limitee, New Make-In-India Film vVayoshreshtha ¢ ‘Charging stations News Cl About > History of BHEL (histor phe) > Vision, Mission & Values (Vsion-mission-valuos) > Leadership ot 8H (board-ot-croctors) > Units and Divisions (unts-anc-avisions) > company Overview (company-overview) > Enginearing & Tecrnolagy (engineering-teehnology) > aualty (quay) > Human Resources (human-resouree) > Dia You know # (aia youknow) ‘arogye Setu > Aarogya Setu (coregya-setu-open-ap-service) Vigtence > Viglonce (vigilance) For scrap buyers > For sorap buyers (serap-buyors) brternoltinks > National Portal of nda (hip: fwwwwingie govin/) > Doportment of Heavy Industry (ht chinicin/) > Mahila E-Haat (ntpl/mahiloshoot-rmigovin) » National Voters Service Portal (ntp:wwm mvp) Contacts Conehed > Contracts Concluded (contracts-conchided) Employee's Corner > employe's coma (rtp pr. 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