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Me: to our Schools Division Superintendent Mr. ROY C. TUBALLA, EMD., JD.

Quadrant Head 2.1, Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr. EDGARDO A. FALCATAN, ED D.

Mam joy: OIC Public Schools District Supervisor-Curuan District Mr. HERNANIE P.
ESPERAT, School heads, TIC’s, guest, teachers, proud parents, ladies and gentlemen,
Buenas Dias a todos.

Welcome to the 45TH Closing exercises for S.Y. 2021-2022, With the theme:


Me: Today we rejoice with pride, as we celebrate once again in person, a significant
stepping stone for batch 2022. It’s a fulfilling journey to end as we begin another page
to write and rewrite our individual stars to form a perfectly imperfect constellation that
shines bright amidst the changes of the pandemic.

Mam joy: After two years, we will witness and see again the proud parents as they walk
their child with pride on the aisle. We will feel again the excitement as they sing their
heart outs and bid a bitter sweet farewell to their friends, teachers and alma mater.

Me: To start with, may we request everybody to feast your eyes upon the grand
entrance as we start the processional by the Graduating Class, Teaching Staff, PTA and
Barangay Officials, Deped officials, and Guests.


Mam joy: Please remain standing as we sing our praise to God, and give our salutation
to the Filipino flag.

Me: You may now be seated. To give us her warm words of welcome, Ladies and
gentlemen, With Honors, ANGELINE V. DAGALEA

Mam joy: Thank you so much Ms. ANGELINE V. DAGALEA.

At this juncture, we shall now have the Presentation of Candidates for Graduation by
our ESHT-II, Ma’am WENDY Q. PANTALEON to be followed by the Recommendation, by
our Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr. EDGARDO A. FALCATAN, ED D. through his

and Acceptance and Confirmation of Graduates by our Schools Division Superintendent

Mr. ROY C. TUBALLA, EMD., JD., CESO VI, through his representative our OIC Public
Schools District Supervisor- Curuan District Mr. HERNANIE P. ESPERAT.

Me: Congratulations graduates and thank you so much ma’am and sir.
You will always remember the way, back to your alma mater, you will forever treasure
the memories you’ve made for six years. Your hard work, perseverance, dedication and
hardships will always reflect on this honorary document.

Mam joy: At this juncture ladies and gentlemen, we shall now have the distribution of
certificates of completion by our Schools Division Superintendent Mr. ROY C.
TUBALLA,CESO VI, through his representative, our OIC Public Schools District
Supervisor- Curuan District Mr. HERNANIE P. ESPERAT,

Me: to be assisted by our Public Schools District Supervisor, Dr. EDGARDO A.

FALCATAN, ED D. through his representative __________________________________

Mam joy: Let me read the citation
Me: Certificate of graduation is awarded to


Me: Congratulations graduates! to boost our moral and enlighten us with his warm
words, ladies and gentlemen our Schools Division Superintendent Mr. ROY C. TUBALLA,
CESO VI, and his inspirational message through video presentation.

Mam joy: Thank you so much sir, may we request our OIC Public Schools District
Supervisor- Curuan District Mr. HERNANIE P. ESPERAT and Elementary School Head
Teacher II Mam WENDY Q. PANTALEON to join us on stage as we recognize and honor
the deserving pupils.

Me: Ladies and gentlemen ……with honors…..

Mam joy: Congratulations awardees and thank you Sir HERNANIE P. ESPERAT and Mam
WENDY Q. PANTALEON. At this juncture please all welcome the very enthusiastic
teacher III of Natividad M. Medalle-Presa Elementary School, Ma’am MA. FE V.
MANALO for the introduction of our guest speaker.

Me: Thank you so much Miss. Mary Jane E. Gutierrez for your heartfelt encouragement
and inspiring words.

Mam joy: May we request our OIC Public Schools District Supervisor of Curuan District
Mr. HERNANIE P. ESPERAT and Elementary School Head Teacher II Mam WENDY Q.
PANTALEON to join us on stage as we recognize and extend our gratitude to our guest

Me: Let me read the citation…………………………………………………………………………………………

Mam joy: Thank you so much ma’am and sir. At this juncture please welcome. With
honors, JANETH F. MIGUEL, for her graduation speech.

Me: Thank you so much, miss. JANETH F. MIGUEL.

And now to sing their heart outs, Ladies and gentlemen, the graduates and their
graduation song.

Mam joy: Thank you graduates; you may know be seated. To lead their pledge of loyalty,
please all welcome, with honors, ASHLEY JANE D. DELGADO.

Me: Thank you graduates and miss ASHLEY JANE D. DELGADO.

At this juncture help me welcome once again an alumna of Natividad M. Medalle-Presa

Elementary School Miss Mary Jane E. Gutierrez for their Alumni Pledge.

Mam joy: Thank you so much graduates and Miss Mary Jane E. Gutierrez, and now,
ladies and gentlemen we give you, the graduates and their song of thanks.

Me: They did not make this journey alone. To express their appreciation and gratitude
to their mom and dad, once again, the graduates and their tribute to their parents.

Mam joy: thank you so much graduates, you may now be seated. Let this day be fill
with more love and thanks, ladies and gentlemen please all welcome, Elementary School
Head Teacher II Mam WENDY Q. PANTALEON to give her words of gratitude.

Me: Thank you so much Mam WENDY Q. PANTALEON, today we are honored to say, we
are proud of your achievements. You are extraordinary and as your song goes, together
you stand, together you’ll climb the top of the world, be what you want for the world to
see, that indeed, you are the children pursuing yesterday’s dreams.

Both: Congratulations Graduates of SY. 2021-2022

Mam joy: let’s give a round of applause to the graduates of batch 2022, to their
teachers, and to their proud parents.

Me: with pride, ladies and gentlemen we shall now have the Recessional, by our Guests,
DepEd Officials, PTA and Barangay Officers, Teaching Staff and Graduates

Both: Thank you and God bless us all!

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