CHEM 1010 Paper

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Jennifer Poorman

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CHEM 1010

August 5, 2021

Amazon Deforestation: a global warming disaster

The Amazon rainforest has been called the “lungs of the earth”. Its diversity of plant and

wildlife is comparable to that of our oceans. It is, like the oceans, a known major contributor to

the atmospheric balance of gasses that sustain life on our planet. Yet, this vital eco-system is

being threatened and destroyed at an alarming and ever-increasing rate. Being one of the last

untouched and non-tainted places on earth, the natural resources within are abundant. It is now

being utilized and exploited for agricultural development, industrial use and monetary gain by


There is increased controversy and alarm around the world about what is happening in

this region. It has long been on the radar of environmental protection groups, the scientific

community and government leaders around the world. If the destruction of the forest and

harvesting of the natural resources within continues unchallenged and unchecked, what are the

consequences? This attack on the earths largest forest has raised great concerns in the scientific

community about global warming and climate change. The fear is that the sudden increase of

such man-made change in this eco-system will be impossible to naturally neutralize, leading to

even greater challenges and adverse side effects exacerbating the overall pollution of our planet


What is changing? How can we measure and predict these changes and possible

outcomes? What can be done? The scientific community will need collaboration and
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cooperation with government and industry to effectively come up with solutions that manage this

new and challenging threat to the environment. Research studies will be imperative to proving

these changes and predicting their effects on global warming and climate change. Chemistry will

play a vital role in this research, after all, global warming is directly related to the imbalance of

gasses in our atmosphere.

The climate of our earth is ever changing and has always fluctuated with thousand-year

time periods of extreme heat and extreme cold. We know during the time of the dinosaurs the

earth had a warm and humid or warm and dry climate. We also know what followed was a time

of widespread cold climate and mostly frozen landscape. During these periods of time, there was

no pollution or human activity that influenced or directly affected the environment and climate

like of that which was brought on by the industrial revolution. Since then, the pollution of the

earth by human activities has devastated every aspect of our environment, including our


The balance of atmospheric gasses is one of the main contributors to our climate. Global

warming is directly linked to changes in climate.

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