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‘CHAPTER SUMMARY Shapes factors: ational lepton 5 counting ences annul udgment + Aecounng stances 1 Tu and fa vow fa pesentaton ‘oprove and overse trustees $f ==> spon > toot > die [seereecre - TE = eee) temembers Issue interpretations on he appiation oF IFRS ahd develop oer minor amendment > se nd apleton + IFRSshave heed to both moro and harmonize Fane reperting aroun the wo. Irsare wen the allng ws: + athe bac orn roqarement + byromistary autores yeoman nema aa ustees ‘point, oversee, ase funds at Eee Maximum 14 members ‘et techrial agenda, approve standards, ‘esporure date and interpretations, Inteatlonal nancial reporting standards (FRS) scope Irrssarentinended tobe apple toler Tes nor are they revospecv, 2 e Anproximatly 40 members ‘bse on agenda and pies Standard-setng process Steps an Aavsory Conte, cnsutaton wth the Adisory Commits andthe IFS Aso ‘Step 2: 158 develop and publish Dscsion apes ‘Step ASS deco and publishes an Exponie Dat for pub comment Step AAS uses» al FS

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