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Data Interpretation Questions

Data Interpretation and Data Analysis Test:

This paper includes questions on data interpretation and helpful for all Competitive
exams. You can download this paper in PDF Format also.

Directions (for next 5 questions): Study the following graph carefully and answer the x
questions given below it:

Question: What was the price di몭erence between commodity A and B in the month
of April?
(a) 250
(b) 150
(c) 100
(d) 90

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Question: What was the di몭erence in average price between commodity A and B
from April to August?
(a) 86
(b) 75
(c) 95
(d) 85

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Question: In which of the following pairs of months was the price of commodity A
(a) January – March
(b) May-June
(c) April- August
(d) July-August

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Question: What was the approximate percentage decrease in the price of

commodity A from March to April?
(a) 1
(b) 9
(c) 14
(d) 12

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Question: What was the percentage increase in price of commodity B from January
to April?
(a) 15
(b) 20
(d) 17
(d) 10

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Related: Data su몭ciency questions

Directions (next 5 questions) : Study the following table carefully to answer the
questions that follow”:

Number of Employees Promoted to the Post of Manager in Six Di몭erent Banks Over
the Years

Bank Lucknow Maharashtra Nagpur Orissa Punjab Delhi

/ Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank

2010 48 46 52 44 37 39

2011 50 47 50 32 44 46

2012 46 40 50 42 38 35

2013 38 48 36 51 35 39

2014 32 44 46 45 48 40

2015 52 39 47 41 46 43

Question: What is the average number of employees promoted by Orissa Bank over
all the years together ?
(a) 44
(b) 39.5
(c) 35
(d) 42.5

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Question: What is the total number of employees who got promoted in all the banks
together in the year 2013 ?
(a) 234
(b) 243
(c) 266
(d) None

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Question: What is the percent increase in the number of employees promoted by

Delhi Bank in 2011 from the previous year ? (rounded o몭 to two digits after decimal)
(a) 16.23
(b) 15.84
(c) 17.95
(d) 18.68

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Question: Number of employees promoted by Punjab Bank in the year 2014 forms
approximately what percent of the total number of employees promoted by all the
banks together in that year ?
(a) 30
(b) 9
(c) 14
(d) 19

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Question: What is the respective ratio of total number of employees promoted by

Maharashtra Bank in the years 2011 and 2015 together to the total number of
employees promoted by Lucknow Bank from the same years ?
(a) 41 : 63
(b) 43 : 51
(c) 47 : 53
(d) 45 : 61

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Related: basic concepts of Democracy

Directions (next 5 questions) : Study the following table carefully to answer the
questions that follow:

Percentage of Marks Obtained by Six Students in Five Di몭erent Subjects in A School


Subject / English Maths Science Hindi (50) Social

Student (50) (100) (150) Studies

Pankaj 66 89 80 78 84

Quadir 58 79 64 82 60
Ramesh 62 77 74 84 88

Saurabh 72 67 84 74 68

Tabu 70 81 70 76 64

Umesh 64 83 60 88 70

Note : Figures in brackets indicate maximum marks for each subject.

Question: What is the approximate overall percentage of marks obtained by U in all

the subjects together ?
(a) 75
(b) 71
(c) 79
(d) 82

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Question: If in order to pass the examination a minimum of 109.5 marks are

required in Science, how many students pass in the examination?
(a) None
(b) Two
(c) One
(d) Three

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Question: What are the average marks obtained by all the students together in
(a)  39 1/6
(b)  40 1/6
(c) 41 1/3
(d) 44 1/3

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Question: What is the average percentage of marks obtained by all the students
together in English ? (rounded to the nearest integer)
(a) 61
(b) 63
(c) 65
(d) 68

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Question: What are the total marks obtained by S in ali the subjects together?
(a) 317
(b) 309
(c) 323
(d) 348

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Directions (next 5 questions): Study the following information carefully and answer
the questions given below it.
In a colony of 5500 members, 18% of the people manage their business and 10% of
those who manage their business are females. 65% of the total number of people in
the colony serve various organizations. 40% of the number of people serving various
organizations is females. 12% of the total number of people in the colony are
unemployed. 30% of the number of people unemployed is females. The remaining
people in the colony are children, 60% of whom are females.

Question: The number of children (both males and females) is approximately what
per cent of people who manage their business (both males and females)?
(a) 28
(b) 24
(c) 32
(d) 21

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Question: What is the di몭erence between the male and female children in the
(a) 65
(b) 55
(c) 45
(d) 35

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Question: What is the total number of adult males in the colony (excluding the
(a) 3496
(b) 3490
(c) 3500
(d) None

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Question: What is the total number of females in the colony?

(a) 1884
(b) 1896
(c) 1888
(d) 1892

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Question: What is the respective ratio of the unemployed males to the number of
males working for various organizations?
(a) 3 : 13
(b) 12 : 65
(c) 4 : 13
(d) None

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Directions (next 5 questions):Study the following table carefully to answer the

questions that follow.
Number of 몭ights (in hundreds) cancelled in 몭ve di몭erent States during six di몭erent

Question: What was the respective ratio between the number of 몭ights cancelled in
Rajasthan in the year 2006 and number of 몭ights cancelled in West Bengal in the
year 2009 ?

(a) 1:6
(b) 15 : 2
(c) 1 : 30
(d) 30 : 7

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Question: What was the average number of 몭ights cancelled in all the states
together in the year 2008 ?
(a) 278
(b) 232
(c) 238
(d) 272

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Question: What is the di몭erence betweenthe number of 몭ights cancelled in Assam in

the year 2007 and the total number of 몭ights cancelled in Rajasthan in the years
2005, 2007 and 2008 together?
(a) 200
(b) 230
(c) 210
(d) 240

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Question: In which state the number of 몭ights cancelled continuously increased

during the years 2004 to 2009?
(a) Punjab
(b) Haryana
(c) Rajasthan
(d) West Bengal

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Question: Number of 몭ights cancelled in Haryana in the year 2004 was what per cent
of the total number of 몭ights cancelled in Punjab over all the years together?
(a) 12
(b) 32
(c) 36
(d) 24

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Directions (next 5 questions): Study the following graph carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

Water level of four major rivers (in metres) in four di몭erent months Water level of
four rivers
Question: What was the respective ratio between the level of River – C in September
and the water level of River – B in June ?
(a) 91 : 101
(b) 94 : 101
(c) 51 : 103
(d) None

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Question: If the danger level of all the four rivers is above 215m, which river has not
crossed the danger level in August but has crossed the danger level in July ?
(a) River – A
(b) River – B
(c) River – C
(d) River – D

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Question: What is the average water level of River – A in all the four months together
(a) 224.50 m
(b) 212.25 m
(c) 210.75 m
(d) 222.25 m

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Question: In which river and in which month respectively the water level is highest ?
(a) River – C in August
(b) River – D in September
(c) River – B in July
(d) River – D in August

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Question: If the water level of River – A in July is decreased by 20 per cent, then what
will be the water level of River – A in July ?
(a) 156 m
(b) 162 m
(c) 164 m
(c) 164 m
(d) 152 m

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Related: exercise Antonym

Directions (next 5 questions): Study the following graph carefully and answer the
questions given below it:

Units of Goods Manufactured and Sold by various Companies in a year.

(Units of Goods in lakhs)

Question: What is the average units of goods manufactured by all the companies
(a) 31250000
(b) 32150000
(c) 3125000
(d) 3215000

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Question: The units of goods sold by company S are approximately what per cent of
the units of goods manufactured by the same company?
(a) 75
(b) 69
(c) 65
(d) 61

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Question: What is the di몭erence between the units of goods manufactured by
companies P and Q together and the units of goods sold by the same companies?
(a) 20 lakhs
(b) 22.5 lakhs
(c) 22 lakhs
(d) 20.5 lakhs

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Related: important Idioms and phrases

Question: What is the total units of goods sold by all the companies together?
(a) 70 lakhs
(b) 75 lakhs
(c) 80 lakhs
(d) 90 lakhs

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Question: What is the respective ratio of the units of goods sold by companies P and
Q together to the units of goods sold by companies R and S together?
(a) 15 : 17
(b) 17 : 18
(c) 17 : 19
(d) 19 : 20

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Directions (next 5 questions): Study the following graph carefully to answer the
questions that follow:
Number of Girls and Boys Participating in a Rally From Five Di몭erent Schools
Question: What is the total number of girls participating in the rally from schools A
and C together ?
(a) 825
(b) 875
(c) 950
(d) None

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Question: The number of boys participating in the rally from school B is what
percent of the total number of children participating in the rally from that school ?
(Rounded o몭 to two digits after decimal.)
(a) 48.84
(b) 47.37
(c) 49.28
(d) 46.46

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Question: The number of girls participating in the rally from School E is

approximately what percent of the number of boys participating in the rally from the
same school ?
(a) 81
(b) 106
(c) 122
(d) 98

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Question: What is the respective ratio of total number of girls participating in the
rally from schools D and E together to the total number of boys participating in the
rally from schools A and B together ?
(a) 23 : 18
(b) 43 : 35
(c) 41 : 38
(d) 21 : 20

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Question: What is the average number of girls participating in the rally from all the
Question: What is the average number of girls participating in the rally from all the
schools together ?
(a) 500
(b) 480
(c) 525
(d) None

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Related: Business mind quiz

Directions (next 5 questions) : Each of the questions below consists of a question

and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether
the data provided in the statements are su몭cient to answer the question. Read both
the statements and

Give answer (a) if the data in Statement I alone are su몭cient to answer the question,
while the data in Statement II alone are not su몭cient to answer the question,
Give answer (b) if the. data in Statement II alone are su몭cient to answer the
question, while the data in Statement 1 alone are not su몭cient to answer the
Give answer (c) if the data in Statement I alone or in Statement II alone are su몭cient
to answer the question.
Give answer (d) if the data in both the Statements I and II are not su몭cient to
answer the question.
Give answer (e) if the data in both the Statements I and II together are necessary to
answer the question.

Question: In how many days will 몭ve women complete a work ?

I. Two women, 몭ve boys and three men together complete the work in eight days.
II. Six women complete the same work in sixteen days.

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Question: What is Sonu’s monthly income?
I. Rita’s monthly income is Rs. 5000 more than Sonu’s monthly income.
II. Sonu’s monthly income is Rs. 8,000 more than Sohan’s monthly income.

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Question: What will be Pravin’s age after 4 years ?

I. The ratio between Pravin’s and Shekhar’s present age is 2 : 3 respectively.
II. Shekhar is six years older than Pravin.

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Question: What is the area of a circle ?

I. The radius of the circle is equal to length of a rectangle.
II. The breadth of the rectangle is equal to 22 cms.

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Question: What is the average speed of a car?

I. Average speed of the car is four times average speed of a truck which covers 220
kms in 11 hours.
II. Average speed of the truck is half the average speed of a train whereas the
average speed of a jeep is 40 km/ hr.

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Directions (next 5 questions): Study the following graph carefully to answer the
Question: In the income of company A in the year 2006 was ? 6.425 lakhs, what was
its expenditure in that year ?
(a) Rs. 4.7 lakhs
(b) Rs. 5.2 lakhs
(c) Rs. 4.5 lakhs
(d) None

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Question: If the expenditure of company A in “the year 2005 was ? 3.6 lakhs, what
was the amount of pro몭t earned by it in that year ?
(a) Rs. 2.52 lakhs
(b) Rs. 2.46 lakhs
(c) Rs. 1.44 lakhs
(d) Rs. 1.31 lakhs

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Question: What is the approximate average percent pro몭t earned by company A

over all the years together?
(a) 57
(b) 36
(c) 41
(d) 45

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Question: If in the year 2009 incomes of both the companies A and B were the
%same, what was the respective ratio of their expenditures in that year?
(a) 7 : 5
(b) 16 :15
(b) 16 :15
(c) 23 : 21
(d) Cannot be determined

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Question: What is the percentage increase in percent pro몭t of company B in the year
2008 from the previous year ? (rounded o몭 to two digits after decimal)
(a) 17.65
(b) 19.25
(c) 16.55
(d) 15.75

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Directions (next 5 questions): Study the following graph carefully to answer the
questions that follow.

Percentage of Marks of three di몭erent Students in 몭ve di몭erent Classes

(In this Graph, 1 block = 2 Percentage)

Question: What is the respective ratio between the percentage of marks of student-
B in BSc. and student- C in ciass-X?
(a) 7 : 5
(b) 7 : 6
(c) 35 : 26
(d) 35 : 23

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Question: Performance of which student has consistently decreased from class-XIl to

MPhil ?
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A and C

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Question: To get admission for PhD course one has to consistently score more than
60 per cent of marks in each of the 몭ve classes- Which student will be able to get
admission for PhD course ?
(a) Only A
(b) Only A and B
(c) Only C
(d) Only B

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Question: Which one of the following sets of students got highest percentage of
marks in MSc. and lowest percentage of marks in Class-X respectively ?
(a) B and C
(b) B and A
(c) C and A
(d) A and C

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Question: Percentage of which student increased from Class-X to MSc but decreased
from MSc. to MPhil.?
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A and B

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About the author

Yash Bansal
Yash is co-founder of Examsegg. Yash loves to solve questions on
reasoning and mathematics. He taught himself how to blend
di몭erent techniques to get accurate solution in lesser time.

 

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