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The man told his story, and he said that he was a kind and lovely person,
he really love animals, clean and giving the food them, he married when
he was very Young with a women that love the animals too, and they had
many animals, birds, gold fish, a dog and a cat.

The name of the cat was pluto, the cat was very large, black, and very
intellingent, and was the favorite of the man, the cat followed him
everywhere, and they lived happily togheter.

But during those years the man was changing, he drank a lot, and he was
angry all the time for unimportant things. And he often hit her wife, and
he was often doing horrible things to our animals, but never pluto. But
then he drink more and and hurt pluto too. Then pluto didn’t want to
come near him. He was afraid and bit the man hand. And the man was
very drink and took his knife and held by his neck and cuto ut one of his

He felt so bad, and he knew that pluto didn’t love him. First he feel sad
but then angry, and he caught the cat and hung him by his neck from a
tree until he was dead.

That night, the bed’s man was on fire, and heard people outside shouting,
his wife and servent espace. There was nothing left of the building the
next morning. He saw a black shape in the new White plaster, it was the
shape of a cat hanging by his neck. Then he could think clearly again, he
think that probably someone cut the dead cat from the tree and threw it
thorugh the window.

He felt bad, but one night, in a drinking-house, and looked a cat that is
like pluto but the cat had a large White shape on his chest, and the man
first like the cat but the hated him.

The nexts day the shape was slowly changing to a gallow.

The man knew that he was a different man, he had only evil thoughts. He
hated everything and his wife too.
One day the cat followed the man everytime, and the man was so angry so
he took the axe and tried to cut the animal but his wife stopped my arm
with her hand, and the man buried it in the top of her head.

He had to hide the body so he decided to hide the body in one of the walls
of the cellar, the plaster was soft. He took off some plaster and took out a
few stones and made a hole in the earth that filled the middle of the Wall.
Put his wife here and clean. Next he wanted to kill the cat but the man
couldn’t find him, he didn’t saw the animal. And the next day the cat
wasn’t there.

Some people came and asked about his wife, so the police came. They
searched all the house, and then one asked about the wall so the man
knocked hard on the part of the wall where his wife was, and they listened
a voice, quickly it grew into a long scream of horror, the police breaking
down the wall and saw the wife and the cat with blood in her mouth, and
now his evil voice was sending him to the gallows.


One day, a man and his servant pedro, saw a sad and strangely house,
pedro broke in through a small door at the back, and enter to the house.

The man was very bad, so pedro helped him to lie down on the bed, and
then with a lamp, the man saw the decorated and in all the room that
were pictures.

Then he looked a small book next to him, it was a book. In the book
described all the pictures in the room and told their stories. He read for a
long time, he felt so tired, and saw more pictures, and saw a portrait of a
Young and beautiful woman, he saw the pictures for hours, he didn’t
believe that she was Paint, she looked like alive.

Next he found the story of the oval portrait, and in the book said that, she
was a beautiful woman and always so happy, she had a husband that
Paint, but sadly his painting was more important than his wife. One day he
told her that he wanted to Paint his Young wife’s portrait.
For weeks she sat in the tall, dark work while he worked. She was growing
weaker with every day. But he didn’t saw it, he enjoyed his work so much,
some people saw the half-finished picture. The work coming near an end,
the woman’s face was as White as snow.

One day he finished the portrait, he did the last details and he looked the
portrait and said that is like alive but he looked his wife and she was dead.

Egeaus is the narrator. He lived in a great house with many silent romos,
but his favourite one was the library.

His mother died there and he was born there.

When he was boy he spent all his time Reading in the library.

He lived in the library.

Berenice was the Egeaus’s cousin

There was a big different between thwm. He was the weak, sometimes
sick with dark thoughts and she was bright, happy and she was always
outside no like him.

Her brights days ended when she get an illness. Wa san epilepsy, one of
the worst illness.

This illness changed all his life. She was sad, never outside, it wasn’t bright

Egeaus gota n illness too, he was sick of the mind. He had monomania. It’s
when you past many hours thinking something unimportant.

Egeaus never felt with the heart, it was always with the mind. Beacuse
thats why he didn’t love her. But she loved him

One day he asked her to married him

Egeaus loved Berenice’s teeth, he studied every detail of them.

One day the servant told him that Berenice was dead of epilepsy. They
were going to burry her, and they did it.

There was a box near Egeaus that had Berenice’s teeth.

A servant went in to Egeaus’s room. He said that someone of them heared

a wild cry during the night. They found Berenice. Her body was cut and
bloeding. She wasn’t dead, she was alive. In Egeaus’s clothes was blood,
and the box that was Berenice’s teeth.

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