Variations On The Great Game

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Variations on

the Great Game

A lternative
lternati ve R ules
V ariations on the

G reat G ame
A lt e r n at i ve R ules 2 C astle F alkenstein
V ariations on the
T he C reators of this F ine
D ocument are ...
G reat G ame Devised by Captain Thomas Olam
Transcribed by Ambassador J Gray

A lt e r nat i ve R u l es for C a s t le F a l k enstein With Gratitude to Captain Michael Alyn Pondsmith

Editorial Insight by Lord Lucus Palosaari
Variations on the Great Game: Alternate Rules for Layout Beautifully Rendered by Admiral Rick Hershey with art by
Grandmater James Tissot
Castle Falkenstein presents material previously published
in The Tarot Variation, The Second Tarot Variation, The
Ability Variations, The Feat Variations, and The Six-Sided Grateful Appreciation is Given to the Allies of the Second Compact,
who include Brother Jonathan Mazur (Falkenstein Archivist),
Variation. This material in this book has been revised and Lady Roxanne Silver (Mistress of the Babbage Engine), the Most
updated from previous versions for clarity and precision. Honorable Raquel Gutierrez (Marchioness of Santos), Professor
Richard D. Bennett (Keeper of Government Lore), Mistress
Kristy Cutsforth (purveyor of fine paints and powders), Professor
Stephanie Gray (Muse of Falkenstein), Dame Sophie Lagacé
(Defender of the FATE), Sir Edmund Metheny (Loving Consort),
Hosts and Players of Castle Falkenstein should remember Praxagorathesmophoria (Dragon Countess), Baron Azalah Trucido
the golden rule of gaming is the only one which must be (Advocate of Nacktheit), and Sir Jared Barnes (Knight of Discord)
followed when playing.
“Don’t use a rule if it makes the game less fun.” Humbly, our Solicitor’s Particulars:
The rule variants presented in this document are
optional ways to customize the Great Game to suit the Variations on the Great Game
play style of a group. They are not required and shouldn’t
be used unless the group agrees they will improve the © R. Talsorian Games, 2020
game for everyone. Castle Falkenstein is © Mike Pondsmith, 1995
All Rights reserved.
All incidents, situations, and persons portrayed within
are fictional and resemblences, without satiric intent, are

T able of C ontents
T h e S pe c i al i z at i o n s V a r i at i o n 4 T he D warfish R equirement V ariation 20
In which Abilities can be further refined during Dramatic In which an entirely new tier of Requirements are introduced to
Character creation and beyond. aid the Host in governing Feats.

T h e D i vo rc e V a r i at i o n 8 T he S ix -S id ed V ari ation 34
In which Abilities loosen the bonds which hold them tight to In which rules are presented so those wicked individuals who so
their governing Suits. desire might use dice in the Great Game.

T h e I m p rove m e n t V a r i at i o n 10 T he F ortun ate T arot V ari ation 38

In which new standards for growing a Dramatic Character are In which the mysterious Tarot can be used to add flavor and
presented. uncertainty to the Great Game.

T h e H ar d L i m it V a r i at i o n 15 T he S orc erous T arot V ari ation 43

In which rules are presented to limit the practice known as In which the whimsy and oddity of Magick is simulated using
“hand dumping”. a Tarot deck.

T h e H al f -O f f V a r i at i o n 17 T he A utom aton V ari ation 47

In which the tyranny of off-Suit cards is limited. In which Players are given the ability to play Automatons of
multiple variaties.

Honestly, Mike, I should have seen it coming. Back in your world there’s a tendency to
associate house rules with roleplaying games but the concept is as old as gaming itself. Just
look at whist! There’s bid whist, Boston whist, hearts whist, knock-out whist, and more!
Travel to fives different cities and chances are you’ll end up playing five different variations
of whist. Heck, duels have been fought over the right to decide which rules to play with!

So, it should come as no surprise that as soon as I published the Great Game over here people
began developing their own house rules. In my travels around the world as part of my job as an
Agent of the Second Compact I’ve run into hundreds of these variations. Some made sense and
some didn’t and at least one required the assistance of a Babbage Engine to implement! I’ve
collected some of my favorites and sent them over to you via Faerie Express. I hope you enjoy.

T he S pecializations Specializations can be applied to any Ability except
those with a Rank of Extraordinary, including those for

V ariation which a Dramatic Character possesses a Poor or Average

Rank. A Specialization increases the value of the Ability
by one step when performing a Feat for which it applies.
Players can purchase multiple Specializations for the
This particular house rule was suggested to same Ability but cannot select the same Specialization
me by none other than Dom Pedro II, the for an Ability twice.
Emperor of Brazil. Being both well educated
and well traveled, His Highness noticed how
For example, Lucas has decided he will be playing
generalized the various Abilities in the game
Professor Harold Doyle, an expert in matters spiritual
are. This was done on purpose, of course, and ghostly. As he determines what Professor Doyle’s
to keep the rules simple and to reflect Abilities will be, Lucas elects to trade in one of his four
the broadness of a standard New Europan Good Abilities for three Specializations. His initial Ability
education, but Dom Pedro II felt there should choices are:
be a way for a Dramatic Character to excel
Like many roleplaying games, Castle Falkenstein
in one aspect of an Ability if their Dramatic makes use of a special lexicon when defining its
Character’s background warranted it. rules. Knowing the definitions of the following terms
will be useful when reading this document.
“After all, Thomas,” His Highness said to
me, “A sailor might know several languages
Ability: The skills and qualities which govern what
due to his travels around the world and yet a character is capable of. The various levels of an
still have never set foot in a classroom.” Ability are known as Ranks. Often known as skills
or talents in other games.
What can I say? When an Emperor is right, Dramatic Character: The avatar through which a
he’s right! Player interacts with the world of Castle Falkenstein.
Often known as a player character in other games.
In games utilizing the Specializations Variation, Players Feat: An action undertaken by a character, usually
can elect to have their Dramatic Characters focus on certain involving an Ability and the playing of cards (or
chits and dice, using the Six-Sided Variation). Can
areas ruled over by an Ability. For example, a hunter might
succeed or fail depending upon the Requirement.
possess an Average Marksmanship when it comes to most Often known as an action or task in other games.
firearms but due to training and practice have a Good
Host: The person who narrates and adjudicates a
Marksmanship when shooting a rifle.
session of Castle Falkenstein. Often known as a
referee, gamemaster, or storyteller in other games.
During character creation a Player can trade in one of their Host Character: A character controlled by the Host.
Good or Great Abilities in order to purchase Specializations Often known as a non-player character in other
for their Dramatic Character. The Player receives a number games.
of Specializations equal to one half the value of the traded Requirement: A number which must be beaten by
Ability; so a Good Ability is worth three Specializations and a combination of Ability and cards (or chits and
a Great Ability is worth four Specializations. dice, in the Six-Sided Variation) played in order for
a Feat to succeed. Often known as a difficulty or
target number in other games.

Poor: Charisma
Good: Courage, Perception, Physician (Remember, he
only receives three Goods because he traded one for
three Specializations)
Great: Education

Lucas next decides what his three Specializations will be.

He selects the following:

ɶ Ghosts for Charisma. Professor Doyle is more

adroit at speaking to the dead than he is the living.
His Charisma is considered Average when dealing
with ghosts.

ɶ Spiritualism for Education. While Professor Doyle

is a learned man he is especially knowledgeable
about matters involving the ethereal. His Education
is considered Exceptional in this regard.

ɶ Mediumship for Sorcery. Professor Doyle will

never be able to cast spells but he is highly attuned
to the spiritual and can vaguely perceive normally
invisible ghosts. His Sorcery is considered Good
when attempting to sense the spiritual.

New Specializations can be acquired after character

generation using the methods detailed in the Improving
Your Lot rules found in Castle Falkenstein.

The following chart lists possible Specializations for

each Ability as well as the Ability’s Suit, Tarot Suit (if
using The Fortunate Tarot Variation), and point of origin.
Players are free to suggest their own Specializations for
an Ability but the Host should always have final authority
on what is and is not allowed. As a guideline, always pick
a Specialization that helps tell a Dramatic Character’s
story, not one designed to give them the best chance at
succeeding at a given Feat.

Ability Suit Tarot Suit Origin Specializations
Animal Handling Clubs Wands CC Befriending, a Specific Type of Creature, Training
Animal Speech Hearts Cups CC a Specific Type of Creature
Athletics Clubs Wands CF Climbing, Riding, Swimming, Thrown Weapons
Charisma Hearts Cups CF Children, Crowds, Middle Class
Comeliness Hearts Cups CF Cosmetics, Cuteness, Seduction, Wardrobe
Connections Spades Swords CF Criminals, Merchants, Nobility, Politicians
Courage Hearts Cups CF Intimidation, Resisting Fear, Resisting Physical Pain
Craftsmanship Diamonds Pentacles CiF Dressmaking, Potting, Jeweling, Woodcarving
Creature Power Spades Swords CC a Specific Type of Target
Education Diamonds Pentacles CF History, Languages, Sciences, a Specific Field of Study
Etherealness Spades Swords CF Disguise, Flight, Passing Through Objects
Etherealness Clubs Wands AoF Flight, Passing Through Objects
Exchequer Spades Swords CF Cash on Hand, Credit, Estate Value, Worth in a Specific Country
Fencing   Clubs Wands CF Dueling, Feints, Rapier, Saber
Fisticuffs Clubs Wands CF Attack, Defense, Found Weapons, Prize Fighting
Gambling Diamonds Pentacles CiF Bluffing, Casinos, Cheating, Horse Racing
Auditory Glamours, Glamours of Objects, Glamours of People, Visual
Glamour Hearts Cups CF/AoF
Kindred Powers Clubs Wands CF a Specific Type of Target

Kindred Powers Diamonds Pentacles AoF a Specific Type of Target
Invention Diamonds Pentacles CiF Clockwork, Gadgettech, Vehicles, Weaponry
Helmsmanship Diamonds Pentacles CF Aeronautics, Land Vehicles, Lighter than Aircraft, Nautical Vehicles
Gunslinging Clubs Wands SS Fastdraw, Showdowns, Trick Shots
Leadership Hearts Cups CiF Business, Combat, Politics, Speeches
Marksmanship Clubs Wands CF Bows, Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns
Mesmerism Hearts Cups CiF Befuddlement, Implanting Suggestions, Resisting Hypnosis
Motoring Clubs Wands CiF Automotives, Racing, Velocipedes
Natural Sciences Diamonds Pentacles CiF Botany, Electricity, Physics, Zoology
Outdoorsmanship Diamonds Pentacles CC Hunting, Tracking, Survival
Perception Diamonds Pentacles CF Combat Readiness, Empathy, a Specific Sense
Performance Hearts Cups CF Dancing, Drama, Singing, Stage Magic
Physician Diamonds Pentacles CF Diagnosis, Chemistry, Medical Knowledge, Surgery
Physique Clubs Wands CF Bodybuilding Poses, Breaking Objects, Lifting
Poison Clubs Wands CC a Specific Type of Target
Renown Spades Swords SS a Specific Country or Territory, Showdowns
Riding Clubs Wands CiF Camels, Griffons, Horses, Racing
Dancing, Etiquette in a Specific Country, Knowledge of Peerage,  Party
Social Graces Spades Swords CF
Shapeshifting Clubs Wands AoF Details of Shape, Disguise, Time Spent in Shape
Diamonds Pentacles LN a Specific Type of Sorcerous Engine
Sorcery Diamonds Pentacles CF Magickal Lore, Magickal Perception, a Specific Lore Book
Stealth Clubs Wands CF Picking Locks, Picking Pockets, Sleight of Hand, Sneaking
Tinkering Diamonds Pentacles CF Babbage Engines, Clockwork, Repairs, Vehicles

AoF = The Memoirs of Auberon of Faerie

CC = Curious Creatures
CiF = Comme il Faut
CF = Castle Falkenstein
LN = The Lost Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
SS = Sixguns and Sorcery

Note: Etherealness and Kindred Powers are listed twice on the above chart because they are explained in both the
original Castle Falkenstein and in The Memoirs of Auberon of Faerie with notable differences. Glamour is also explained in
both books but with no appreciable difference between the two and so it is only listed once.

The Specialization Variation is compatible both with the original rules as presented in
Castle Falkenstein and the Fearful Harm & Great Danger rules from Comme il Faut.

T he D ivorce V ariation When utilizing the Divorce Variation, Abilities are no
longer firmly tied to their governing Suits. Instead, when
This Variation comes from a bit closer to attempting a Feat, Players are allowed to make an argument
home. I was Hosting a session of the Great for using cards of another Suit to enhance an Ability. The
Game with my usual group when Morrolan, Player must be able to articulate why the Suit they are
who was playing a world class athlete at proposing better fits the action they are attempting than
the time, announced his Dramatic Character’s the Suit which normally governs the Ability. If the Host
intention  to bully a guard into abandoning his accepts the argument, the Player is allowed to play cards of
the proposed Suit in the place of the Suit which normally
post. Deciding this would be a Courage versus
governs the Ability. The Host is the final arbitrator on the
Courage Feat, I naturally asked him if he had
matter and always has the option of not agreeing with the
any Hearts, the suit governing the Courage
Player’s argument.
Ability, to play.

When deciding to use the Divorce Variation, a Host

“Honestly, Thomas,” Morrolan began, in exactly
should choose one of the following options to determine
the same tone I’ve heard Sherlock Holmes use
the value of a card from a proposed Suit.
when pointing out some obscure observation he
believes everyone should have noticed, “I am
not using merely my force of personality to
frighten this poor soul but my amazing muscles F irst O ption : H alf V alue
as well. I would argue I should be able to Cards from the proposed Suit are worth one half their
play a Club to represent the physicality of the full value, rounded down. Hosts wishing to allow Players
attempt.” more options without slowing the game down by turning
every Feat into an argument over Suits should choose this
Which, of course, meant he didn’t have any option. It interjects some flexibility into Castle Falkenstein
Hearts to play. Still, he had a point. while still retaining elements of card playing strategy.
Playing a card from a Suit which governs the Ability being
used will always be preferable.
In the rules as written, each Ability is governed by a
playing card Suit. When attempting a Feat involving an For example, Professor Doyle is attempting to drive away a
Ability, cards of the governing Suit add their full value ghost by thrusting at it with a cane coated in sea salt, a known
while cards from the other three Suits only increase the deterrent of the supernatural. The Host announces this is a
total by 1. Fencing Feat, which would normally be governed by Clubs. The
Professor’s player, Lucus, argues this is more a contest of wills
As a reminder, Clubs (or Wands if you are using The than a physical one, despite the cane and proposes Hearts would
Fortunate Tarot Variation) govern physical activities, be more appropriate. The Host thinks about it and agrees. Lucus
Diamonds (Pentacles) govern mental and intellectual plays the 10 of Hearts which adds 5 to his Fencing of Average
activities, Hearts (Cups) govern emotional and romantic (which has a value of 4) for a total of 9.
activities, and Spades (Swords) govern social and status-
related activities.

The Divorce Variation is compatible
with the original rules as presented in
Castle Falkenstein and the Fearful Harm &
Great Danger rules from Comme il Faut.

S econd O ption : F ull V alue

Cards from the proposed Suit are worth their full value.
Hosts wishing to allow Players complete freedom to mix
and match Suits with Abilities should choose this option.
It provides excellent opportunities for storytelling on
the part of the Players by encouraging them to describe
how a proposed Suit better fits their attempted action in
dramatic detail.

For example, Professor Doyle is attempting to drive away a

ghost by thrusting at it with a cane coated in sea salt, a known
deterrent of the supernatural. The Host announces this is a
Fencing Feat, which would normally be governed by Clubs. The
Professor’s player, Lucus, argues this is more a contest of wills
than a physical one, despite the cane and proposes Hearts would
be more appropriate. The Host thinks about it and agrees. Lucus
plays the 10 of Hearts which adds 10 to his Fencing of Average
(which has a value of 4) for a total of 14.

No matter which option the Host chooses, cards from

Suits other than the Proposed Suit have a value of 1 when
resolving the Feat. This includes the Suit which normally
governs the Ability. If Morrolan successfully argues Clubs
should be used instead of Hearts for his intimidation
attempt his 3 of Hearts has a value of 1 and not 3 when
resolving the Feat.  

T he I mprovement I mprovement P oints and
A dventure E ntertainments
V ariation To determine how many Improvement Points a Dramatic
Character earns during an Adventure Entertainment
I’ve always loved the idea of games as an
educational and therapeutic tool so I was the Host should first break it down into a series of
deeds. Deeds are important waypoints in the Adventure
delighted when I met a school teacher in
Entertainment which must be passed in order for the
Paris who used the Great Game as a regular
Dramatic Characters to reach the finale. Put another way,
part of her curriculum. Of course, she found
if an Adventure Entertainment were a trip across New
she had to tailor the game for her audience Europa deeds would be the most important stops made
and goals. along the way.

“We use journals, of course,” she explained

To determine an Adventure Entertainment’s deeds, a
to me as we walked together along the
Host should look at their notes and identify the waypoints.
Seine, “Doing so promotes improvements in Hosts should always consider which waypoints must be
penmanship and expression. When it comes passed but never the specific methods by which Dramatic
to improvement of their Dramatic Characters, Characters should pass them. They should also be prepared
however, I find your journal system to be to change a deed if the party veers off in an unexpected
too vague and so invented a new one. The direction. Deeds should never be about locking Players
children need firm goals, segmented into into a specific course of action.
measurable steps, in order to guide them. A
set of resolutions, if you will, which earn Hosts looking to simplify the matter can decide the
them currency when completed. This currency Dramatic Characters have accomplished a deed whenever
can then be spent to purchase improvements to they complete one of the Adventure Entertainment’s acts.
their Abilities.”
As an example: Marianne has written a murder mystery for her
The Variation my school teacher friend devised first turn as Host. She reads through her notes and determines this
blends the “write about it in your journal” particular Adventure Entertainment has four major waypoints
idea I presented in Castle Falkenstein with which can serve as deeds. The Dramatic Characters will have
a traditional Experience Point system and I completed a deed when they examine the crime scene, when they
found it quite elegant. I’m reproducing it here question some or all of the suspects, when they perform follow-up
more or less as she described it to me. investigations, and when they unmask the murderer.

In this Variation, a Player raises their Dramatic Each deed completed in an Adventure Entertainment is
Character’s Abilities by spending Improvement Points. worth 1 Improvement Point. Depending on the actions of
These Improvement Points are earned both by playing the Dramatic Characters it might be possible to complete
through Adventure Entertainments and by undertaking an Adventure Entertainment without completing all
specific acts of self-improvement known as Resolutions. possible deeds.

I mprovement P oints and “I resolve to visit Paris” and “I resolve to drive an
automotive” are examples of poor Resolutions because they
R esolutions are too easily accomplished by most Dramatic Characters,
Outside of Adventure Entertainment, Dramatic can be accomplished fairly quickly during gameplay, or
Characters can earn Improvement Points by undertaking require little effort compared to the Resolutions above.
specific acts known as Resolutions.
Every Dramatic Character should have at least one
Resolutions begin with a statement involving some Resolution. Hosts have the final say on how many
goal the Dramatic Character wishes to accomplish. A Resolutions a Dramatic Character is allowed but a
good Resolution can be definitively completed, cannot maximum of three is recommended. Any more than
be accomplished quickly or simply, and requires effort three per Dramatic Character tends to create too many
and action on the part of the Dramatic Character. The competing plotlines in the party’s story and opens the gates
following are examples of well crafted Resolutions. to a flood of Improvement Points instead of a manageable,
steady trickle.

ɶ “I resolve to gain renown across the continent as a

performer on the stage.” Like Adventure Entertainments, Resolutions are broken
down into a series of deeds which help measure progress
ɶ “I resolve to bring my brother’s killer to justice.”
towards the fulfillment of a Dramatic Character’s stated
ɶ “I resolve to prove myself worthy and be knighted goal. Players and Hosts should work together to set a
by the Queen.” series of firm deeds whose success can be easily gauged.
Each Resolution should have between three and five deeds.
ɶ “I resolve to step foot on each of the other five
For example, the Resolutions presented above can be
ɶ “I resolve to become one of the wealthiest people broken down into deeds as follows:
in the world.”

“I resolve to gain renown across the continent as a

performer on the stage.”
ɶ First Deed: Obtain a speaking part in a major stage
production in a capital city.

ɶ Second Deed: Obtain a lead role in a major stage

production of a Shakespearean play in a capital

ɶ Third Deed: Be lauded as a performer on the front

page of a major metropolitan newspaper.

“I resolve to bring my brother’s killer to justice.”

ɶ First Deed: Obtain access to the police report on
my brother’s death.

ɶ Second Deed: Identify my brother’s killer.

ɶ Third Deed: Track down and capture my brother’s Deeds can be completed either through actions taken
killer. during game play or, with the permission of the Host,
through actions documented in journal entries which take
ɶ Fourth Deed: Be present as my brother’s killer is
place in the downtime between sessions of the campaign.
convicted for their crime.

Dramatic Characters earn 1 Improvement Point for each

“I resolve to prove myself worthy and be knighted by the deed they complete and deeds need not be completed
Queen.” in any specific order. Finishing a Resolution is done by
ɶ First Deed: Perform a deed of bravery so great it is completing each of that Resolution’s deeds and is worth
noted by major newspapers. 2 additional Improvement Points. When a Dramatic
Character finishes a Resolution they have the option of
ɶ Second Deed: Be invited to and join a Social Club
creating a new one. Dramatic Characters should always
or Salon which counts a royal personage as a
have at least one unfinished Resolution to work towards.

ɶ Third Deed: Kneel before the Queen as she bestows

upon me the honor of knighthood.
A ltering R esolutions
With a Host’s permission, Players can make alterations
“I resolve to step foot on each of the five other continents.”
to a Resolution when they complete a deed. After all,
ɶ First Deed: Travel to North America. Resolutions represent roadmaps through time and those
can be tricky to plot out in advance. A Player should never
ɶ Second Deed: Travel to South America.
change the core statement of a Resolution (“I resolve…”)
ɶ Third Deed: Travel to Asia. but can work with the Host in changing remaining
deeds to reflect new information learned or new realities
ɶ Fourth Deed: Travel to Africa.
discovered. In the most extreme of cases, Players can
ɶ Fifth Deed: Travel to Australia, even though some choose to abandon a Resolution entirely but only if there
do not consider it a continent. are good and valid reasons for doing so. A Dramatic
Character cannot bring their brother’s killer to justice, for
example, if it turns out their brother is actually still alive.
“I resolve to become one of the wealthiest people in the Dramatic Characters gain no Improvement Points for any
world.” unfinished deeds in an abandoned Resolution but may
ɶ First Deed: Through toil and sweat, raise my craft a replacement with the help of the Host.
Exchequer to Average.

ɶ Second Deed: Through adventure and exploration,

raise my Exchequer to Good.
S pending I mprovement P oints
ɶ Third Deed: Through continued application of my
Once earned, Improvement Points can be spent
abilities, raise my Exchequer to Great.
to improve a Dramatic Character’s Abilities. If the
ɶ Fourth Deed: Through careful investment, raise my Specialization Variation is being used, Improvement Points
Exchequer to Exceptional. can also be used to purchase new Specializations. Existing
Specializations cannot be improved. They are always
ɶ Fifth Deed: Through cleverness and skill, raise my considered to be one step better than the Ability they are
Exchequer to Extraordinary.

attached to. Please remember, a Specialization cannot be F irst O ption : S low G rowth
applied to an Ability with a Rank of Extraordinary. Should
Campaigns which meet regularly might do best with
they already possess a Specialization in an Ability which
slow growth over time. With this option, the cost of
has been raised to Extraordinary through Improvement,
improvement is as follows.
remove the Specialization and allow them to choose a new
one for a lower Ranked Ability.
Improvement Improvement Point Cost

The cost of improving Abilities and purchasing A number of Improvement Points

Raising an Ability
Specializations depends on how quickly the Host wishes a equal to the Ability’s new value.
party to grow in skill and aptitude. Purchasing a
6 Improvement Points

For example, Professor Doyle has earned a total of 10

Improvement Points. His player, Lucus, is tired of the Professor
being tongue-tied when around the living due to his Poor
Charisma and wishes to raise it to Average. He spends 4
Improvement Points (the value of an Average Ability) to raise it,
leaving him with 6. After some thought, Lucus decides Professor
Doyle is more comfortable speaking to fellow academics than the
average person and spends those 6 Improvement Points on an
“Academics” Specialization for his Charisma.

S econd O ption : F ast G rowth

Hosts of shorter campaigns or campaigns which meet
infrequently might prefer a faster progression of Abilities.
With this option, the cost of improvement is as follows.

Improvement Improvement Point Cost

A number of Improvement
Raising an Ability Points equal to the Ability’s
current value.
Purchasing a
3 Improvement Points

For example, Professor Doyle has earned a total of 10 Improvement

Points. His player, Lucus, is tired of the Professor being tongue-tied
when around the living due to his Poor Charisma and wishes to
raise it to Average. He spends 2 Improvement Points (the value
of his current Charisma Rank of Poor) to raise it, leaving him
with 8. After some thought, Lucus decides Professor Doyle is more
comfortable speaking to fellow academics than the average person

and spends 3 Improvement Points on an “Academics” Specialization
for his Charisma. Professor Doyle has 5 Improvement Points
remaining for future use.

J ustifying I mprovement
In the original rules, improvement of Abilities occurs
utilizing a “record it in your journal” system. Using that
system, the Player identifies which Ability they wish to
improve, works with the Host to determine parameters for
improvement, and then writes about how the improvement
is taking place. The system is abstract but creative and
gives excellent opportunities for storytelling.

Improvement Points, on the other hand, are a more solid

and mathematically based system which, by themselves,
do not require justification to raise the Rank of an Ability.
Improvement becomes simpler and less time consuming
but also potentially less creative.

Hosts who wish to have the best of both worlds can

use Improvement Points to track growth but require
solid proof, through journal entries and game play, that
an Ability is being properly exercised and improved
before allowing any points to be spent. This fusion of the
two systems allows for both creativity and precision in

The Improvement Variation is

compatible both with the original rules
as presented in Castle Falkenstein and the
Fearful Harm & Great Danger rules from
Comme il Faut.

T he H ard L imit limiting this behavior, mostly involving limiting redraws,
are presented on page 71 of Comme il Faut. The Hard

V ariation Limit Variation offers another alternative by pegging the

number of cards which can be played on a single Feat to
the Dramatic Character’s relative Ability Rank.
I’m always surprised to discover who plays
the Great Game over here in New Europa. For
example, during a visit to a Bayernese military Hosts looking to use the Hard Limit Variation in their
Adventure Entertainments should choose from one of the
academy I learned one of the instructors was
following options.
using the game to simulate various battlefield
scenarios with his students. Unfortunately, he
had a problem.

“They aren’t thinking strategically,” he

admitted to me, “Every time they have to
perform a Feat they simply shove their way
through and dump their entire hand to resolve
the problem. They focus on overpowering the
present obstacle with little thought as to the
future and there is nothing in the rules to
prevent it!”

It was, he explained, a bit like stabbing an

enemy with a sword. Thrusting just a little
ways into the heart allows you to kill the
man and quickly withdraw your sword so
you are ready for the next enemy. Run him
completely through and you’re too busy kicking
the man’s corpse off your sword to defend
against his angry friends!

I took his point and went to work on

designing this Variation.

Under the rules of Castle Falkenstein as written there

are no limits to how many cards a Player can play when
resolving a Feat. If they so desire, a Player can play their
entire hand each time their Dramatic Character performs
a Feat in order to maximize the outcome. While this tactic
is perfectly legal, it can grow tedious over time and does
little to encourage the sort of strategic thinking that
can make the Great Game interesting. Some options for

F irst O ption The Hard Limit Variation is
The first option rewards skill over luck by placing harsher compatible with the original rules as
limits on how many cards can be played at lower Ranks. presented in Castle Falkenstein and with the
Using this option, few beginning Dramatic Characters will Fearful Harm & Greater Danger rules from
be able to play their entire hand on a Feat. Comme il Faut.

ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is Poor

ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is
or Average, they can only play 1 card on a Feat.
Exceptional or Extraordinary, they can play 4 cards
ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is on a Feat.
Good or Great, they can play 2 cards on a Feat.

ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is For example, famed ghost scholar Professor Doyle is attempting
Exceptional, they can play 3 cards on a Feat. to spot evidence of fraud during a séance. The Professor’s
Perception (♦) has a Rank of Great (8), allowing him to play up
ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is
to 3 cards. His Player, Lucus, plays the 3 of Hearts (worth 1),
Extraordinary, they can play 4 cards on a Feat.
the 10 of Diamonds (worth 10), and the 5 of Spades (worth 1).
With the value of these cards added to the value of his Ability, the
For example, famed ghost scholar Professor Doyle is attempting Professor’s total for the Feat is 20.
to spot evidence of fraud during a séance. The Professor’s
Perception (♦) has a Rank of Great (8), allowing him to play up to
2 cards. His Player, Lucus, plays the 3 of Hearts (worth 1) and the
10 of Diamonds (worth 10). With the value of these cards added
to the value of his Ability, the Professor’s total for the Feat is 19.

S econd O ption
This second option allows Dramatic Characters more of
a chance of “lucking their way into success” than the first
by increasing the number of cards which can be played at
most Ranks. Using this option, Dramatic Characters who
are particularly skilled in an Ability will occasionally be
able to play their entire hand on a Feat.

ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is Poor,

they can only play 1 card on a Feat.

ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is

Average or Good, they can play 2 cards on a Feat.

ɶ If your Dramatic Character’s Ability Rank is Great,

they can play 3 cards on a Feat.

T he H alf -O ff than to argue with the headmaster of a
Sorcerous Order in her own house.

V ariation In this Variation, cards of the proper Suit (the card’s Suit
matches the Suit of the Ability being used) are still worth
While visiting a chapter house of the their full value but cards of an improper Suit (the card’s
Theosophic Masters of the White Lodge Suit does not match the Suit of the Ability being used)
with Morrolan, I got into a discussion with might have a value higher than the normal ‘1’ when played,
their grandmaster, Madame Blavatsky. The depending upon which option a Host chooses to use.
topic eventually turned to the Great Game.
She asked why, when a Dramatic Character
is performing a Feat, they can only play
one Suit at full value while cards of the
other three Suits only have a value of 1.
F irst O ption
All cards of an improper Suit are worth half their face
I attempted to explain the logic of game
value, rounded down. Thus, for a Feat requiring Clubs,
design and how I matched each Ability to
a 5 of Spades would have a value of 2 while a Queen of
a type of activity (emotional, intellectual,
Hearts would have a value of 6. Using this option, Players
physical, and social).
will always have a card with a value higher than 1 to play
on a Feat.
“There lies your problem, Thomas,” Madame
Blavatsky said with the air of assured
As an example, Professor Doyle has found himself in the odd
authority that tremendous knowledge and
position of having to fake a séance as part of a plan to escape the
Magickal power tends to give a person,
clutches of an evil mastermind. His Performance (♥) is Average
“You suggest these actions neatly conform
(4) and he plays a 7 of Clubs and an 8 of Diamonds. Since neither
to one aspect of the human experience but card played is of the proper Suit, they are worth half value: 3 and
this is rarely true. Look at the dancer on 4 respectively. When the value of the cards are added to the value
stage. To properly perform, she must possess of his Performance, the Professor’s total for the séance is 11.
great physical acumen, complete emotional
investment, awareness of the flow of the
music, and a connection to her audience.
A doctor performing surgery must have an S econd O ption
intellectual understanding of anatomy, yes, Only cards of the Suit which match the color of the
but also steady hands, keen perception, and appropriate Ability’s Suit are worth half value. Clubs match
an empathic connection with the patient. You Spades, and vice versa. Diamonds match Hearts, and vice
understand, do you not, Thomas? No action versa. All other cards of the improper Suit have a value of 1.
is an island.” Thus, for a Feat requiring Clubs, a 5 of Spades would have a
value of 2 while a Queen of Hearts would have a value of 1.
I nodded my head in agreement and listened
as Madame Blavatsky offered her ideas on If using The Fortunate Variation Wands match to Swords,
how to change the rules of the Great Game and vice versa. Cups match to Pentacles, and vice versa.
to represent a “wholistic approach to the
actions of human endeavor.” I know better

Using this option, Players will have a card with a value To decide how Harmonics might influence a Feat, the
higher than 1 to play on a Feat more often than they Host should look at the cards played and determine
would under the standard rules of Castle Falkenstein but which one with an improper Suit has the highest value.
there is still a chance of holding a “dud hand.” If two or more cards have the same value, the Host can
either pick the Suit which fits the situation or choose at
As an example, Professor Doyle has found himself in the odd random.
position of having to fake a séance as part of a plan to escape the
clutches of an evil mastermind. His Performance (♥) is Average (4) Once the Host has chosen which Suit will alter the results
and he plays a 7 of Clubs and an 8 of Diamonds. The governing of the Feat, they should decide on the results based on what
Suit for Performance is Hearts, which is red. The 7 of Clubs, type of activity the Suit normally governs. As a reminder,
which is black, has a value of 1 while the 8 of Diamonds, which is Clubs govern physical activities; Diamonds govern mental
red, has a value of 4. When the value of the cards are added to the activities; Hearts govern emotional activities; and Spades
value of his Performance, the Professor’s total for the séance is 9. govern social activities.

Players of Castle Falkenstein sometimes get frustrated Hosts can use the following examples to help guide them
about having no good cards to play during a crucial in creating Harmonic effects for Feats in which improper
moment in an Adventure Entertainment and the Half-Off cards were played.
Variation goes a long way towards solving that problem.
Hosts, on the other hand, may discover this Variation If the Feat was a physical activity (Clubs)…
makes it too easy for Dramatic Characters to succeed at
ɶ With a Diamonds Harmonic, the Dramatic
Feats. There are a few ways to solve this problem.
Character becomes physically fatigued but is still
mentally sharp. After the Player draws back up to a
The Half-Off Variation works best when used in concert full hand any Clubs they hold must be discarded.
with the Hard Limit Variation. Otherwise, it becomes too They should then once again draw up to a full
easy to obtain success on every action. In addition, Hosts hand. Repeat this as needed until the Player holds
looking for another tool to give Players a reason to pause no Clubs in their hand.
before playing a card of an improper Suit might consider
ɶ With a Hearts Harmonic, the Dramatic Character
adding the following option to the Half-Off Variation.
feels a flush of pride (if they succeeded at the Feat)
or shame (if they failed at the Feat). If pride, for
the rest of the session, the Dramatic Character

A bility H armonics O ption must succeed at a Good Education Feat in order

to back away from challenge or avoid a risk. If
In Castle Falkenstein, when Sorcerers mix energies while shame, the Dramatic Character must succeed at a
casting a spell they create Harmonics. Essentially, the Spell Good Courage Feat in order to take a risk or face a
is tainted by the improperly aligned thaumaturgic energy challenge.
added to the mix and something unexpected occurs. ɶ With a Spades Harmonic, the Dramatic Character’s
Something similar can happen to Abilities when cards of physical prowess has attracted the wrong sort of
the improper Suit are played using the Half-Off Variation. attention. If the Feat failed, they become an easy
With this option, a Dramatic Character’s attempt at a Feat mark for a criminal seeking to rob them. If the
might succeed but with unintended consequences. Feat succeeded, they become a target for a duelist
looking for a new challenge.

If the Feat was a mental activity (Diamonds)… ɶ With a Hearts Harmonic, the Dramatic Character’s
ɶ With a Clubs Harmonic, the Dramatic Character activities attract the attention of the supernatural.
becomes mentally fatigued but is still physically A Faerie, spirit, or other strange being or creature
strong. After the Player draws back up to a full becomes interested in the Dramatic Character and
hand, any Diamonds they hold must be discarded. complicates their life in some way.
They should then once again draw up to a full
hand. Repeat this as needed until the Player holds
no Diamonds in their hand.
The Half-Off Variation is compatible with the
ɶ With a Hearts Harmonic, the Dramatic Character’s original rules as presented in Castle Falkenstein and
judgement becomes clouded by their emotions. with the Fearful Harm & Greater Danger rules from
Their Abilities are reduced by one level for the rest Comme il Faut.
of the scene.

ɶ With a Spades Harmonic, the Dramatic Character

seems to have caused some level of offense. The
next time they reach out to an acquaintance for a
favor or information they are refused.

If the Feat was an emotional activity (Hearts)…

ɶ With a Clubs Harmonic, the Dramatic Character is
overcome by the moment and suffers an amount of
Constitutional Shock equal to one half the value of
the Harmonic card, rounded down.

ɶ With a Diamonds Harmonic, the Dramatic

Character is shaken by the intensity of their
emotions. Their Abilities are reduced by one level
for the rest of the scene.

ɶ With a Spades Harmonic, rumors begin to

circulate about the Dramatic Character. There is no
mechanical effect but these stories might influence
how others interact with them.

If the Feat was a social activity (Spades)...

ɶ With a Clubs Harmonic, the Dramatic Character’s
physical successes or failures make the papers. The
publicity might not be welcome.

ɶ With a Diamonds Harmonic, the Dramatic

Character’s actions enrage a rival. The effects might
not be immediate but the rival will strike in some
way in the near future.

T he D warfish Castle Falkenstein normally has six levels of Requirement
to determine how difficult a Feat is: Poor (2), Average (4),

R equirement V ariation Good (6), Great (8), Exceptional (10), and Extraordinary (12).
Ordinarily, Hosts have two basic options for making a Feat
more difficult. First, they can play cards from their hand
Occasionally, I receive letters about the to increase the Requirement. Second, the Host can ask for
Great Game. Sometimes, the letters are fan a higher level of success on a Requirement. For example,
mail from Hosts and Players who want to a Host might decide a Dramatic Character must achieve a
gush about how much they love my work. High Success to succeed at a particularly hard Feat.
Just as often, though, the letters are
critiques and discussions about how I can
make the game better. The Dwarfish Requirement Chart expands the levels
of Requirement from six to thirteen but, in doing so,
Not long ago I got a letter from a eliminates the need a Host might have to play cards to
dwarfish teenager living in the DwarfKesh make a Feat more difficult. The chart below lists those
dwarfhold. He and his friends loved levels of Requirement. Also on the chart is additional
playing the Great Game but felt they had information to help Hosts choose the proper Requirement
mastered the strategy of the cards and, for a Feat, including the following.
thus, the game lacked a certain challenge.
Their Dramatic Characters rarely failed at
ɶ A descriptive term for seven of the new levels of
a Feat unless the Host happened to be
Requirements, which are further expanded on after
holding a face card of the right Suit. Of
the chart.
course, my dwarfish fan also suggested a
fix for the problem and included his notes ɶ Where the Partial Successes, Full Successes, and
on a new system which had thirteen levels High Successes of the original Requirement levels
of Requirement for Feats instead of the would fall on this chart.
normal six, complete with a mathematical
proof and probability simulations to back up ɶ Where the original Requirement plus a 4 of an
his numbers. He even had the temerity to appropriate Suit (labeled as R+4), an 8 of the
sign the letter as, “Saffron Gamemaster,” appropriate Suit (labeled as R+8), and an Ace
as if this house rule had somehow earned (labeled as R+14) would fall on this chart.
him his second name.
ɶ Because the new Requirements on this chart are all
Personally, I don’t think he quite multiples of 2, some of the numbers indicated in the
understands the narrative aspect of the above mentioned categories have been rounded up.
game but I’ll give him his due. The numbers
are solid enough, his system does work,
and I know there are some folks out there
who want to either do away with the
Host’s hand entirely or who just want more
numbers in their Castle Falkenstein game.

D warfish R equirement C hart
The New
… is Equivalent to…
Name Number PR (2) AV (4) GD (6) GR (8) EXC (10) EXT (12)
Elementary 2 — — — — —
Full Success/ Partial
— 4 — — — —
High Success Success
Simplistic 6 R+4 Full Success — — —
High Success/ Partial
— 8 — — — —
R+4 Success
Full Success/ Partial
Laborious 10 R+8 — — —
R+4 Success
Full Success/ Partial
— 12 — R+8 High Success —
R+4 Success
Challenging 14 — — R+8 — R+4 —
High Success/
— 16 R+14 — — Full Success R+4
Astounding 18 — R+14 — — R+8 Full Success
— 20 — — R+14 — High Success R+8
Dubious 22 — — — R+14 — —
— 24 — — — — R+14 High Success
Improbable 26 — — — — — R+14

N ew R equirement D escriptions ɶ A Challenging Feat (14) is one in which Dramatic

Characters with a Poor/Average Ability will fail
The following descriptions will help Hosts better
most of the time, Dramatic Characters with a
determine the Requirement of a particular Feat using the Good/Great Ability will fail some of the time, but
Dwarfish Requirement Variation. all other Dramatic Characters will usually succeed.

ɶ An Elementary Feat (2) is one in which all Dramatic ɶ An Astounding Feat (18) is one in which Dramatic
Characters, no matter their training, can achieve Characters with a Poor/Average Ability can only
some measure of success. very rarely succeed, Dramatic Characters with a
Good/Great Ability will fail more often than they
ɶ A Simplistic Feat (6) is one in which Dramatic succeed, and all other Dramatic Characters will
Characters with a Poor Ability have a chance at usually succeed.
failure but all other Dramatic Characters can
achieve some measure of success. ɶ A Dubious Feat (22) is impossible for Dramatic
Characters with a Poor/Average Ability, rarely
ɶ A Laborious Feat (10) is one in which Dramatic possible for Dramatic Characters with a Good/
Characters with a Poor/Average Ability will fail half Great Ability, and one in which even Dramatic
the time but all other Dramatic Characters will Characters with an Exceptional/Extraordinary
usually succeed. Ability will succeed only half the time.

ɶ An Improbable Feat (26) is impossible for any
Dramatic Character who does not have an
E xamples of A bilities
Exceptional or Extraordinary Ability and even they The following examples of Requirements for each Ability,
will succeed only rarely. using this Variation, are provided here for the edification
of the Host. Abilities which govern multiple powers, such
as Creature Powers, Kindred Powers, and Poison do not
Perceptive Hosts will notice there are a number of have examples. The following abbreviations are used when
unlabeled Requirements on the Dwarfish Requirement denoting the origin book of an Ability: AoF (The Memoirs
Chart. For example, 24 lies between Dubious (22) and of Auberon of Faerie), CC (Curious Creatures),   CiF (Comme
Improbable (26) but the Requirement has not been il Faut), CF (Castle Falkenstein) LN (The Lost Notebooks of
assigned a label. These numbers exist for when Hosts Leonardo da Vinci), SS (Sixguns and Sorcery).
determine that a Feat is a bit less or a bit more difficult
than the labeled Requirements would suggest.

For example, Professor Doyle wishes to decipher a scroll A nimal H andling (CC)
scribed in Ancient Greek. The Host thinks this might normally be ɶ Convincing a hungry dog to eat a scrap of meat
Challenging Feat (14) but remembers Professor Doyle has had luck would be an Elementary Feat (2).
reading Ancient Greek in an earlier Adventure Entertainment.
ɶ Convincing a friendly dog to allow you to pet it
Deciding previous experience makes the Feat a bit easier, the Host
would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
adjusts the Requirement downward from 14 to 12.
ɶ Convincing a dog you trained to perform a series
of tricks would be a Laborious Feat (10).
D egrees of S uccess ɶ Convincing a guard dog which is unfamiliar with
Hosts who want to include degrees of success on a Feat you to gnaw on a bone would be a Challenging Feat
can keep the original guidelines from Castle Falkenstein, (14).
which are reproduced below for the sake of convenience.
ɶ Convincing a well trained guard dog which is
unfamiliar with you to gnaw on a bone would be an
ɶ A Fumble results when the Dramatic Character’s Astounding Feat (18).
total is less than ½ the Requirement.
ɶ Convincing a rabid dog to gnaw on a bone instead
ɶ A Failure results when the Dramatic Character’s of attack you would be a Dubious Feat (22).
total is equal to or greater than ½ the Requirement
but less than the Requirement. ɶ Convincing a dog bespelled by Magick to hunt you
down to gnaw on a bone rather than attack you
ɶ A Partial Success results when the Dramatic would be an Improbable Feat (26).
Character’s total is equal to or greater than
the Requirement but less than half again the

ɶ A Full Success results when the Dramatic

A nimal S peech (CC)
Character’s total is equal to or greater than half ɶ Communicating a single word to a member of a
again the Requirement but less than double the species whose speech you understand would be an
Requirement. Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ A High Success results when the Dramatic ɶ Communicating simple concepts to a member of
Character’s total is equal to or greater than double a species whose speech you understand would be a
the Requirement. Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Communicating complex concepts to a member of
a species whose speech you understand would be a
Laborious Feat (10).

ɶ Communicating simple concepts to a member

of a species whose speech you do not understand
normally would be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Communicating complex concepts to a member

of a species whose speech you do not understand
would be an Astounding Feat (18).

ɶ Communicating simple concepts to a completely

alien species would be a Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Communicating complex concepts to a completely

alien species would be an Improbable Feat (26).

A thletics (CF)
ɶ Climbing a ladder would be an Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ Climbing a knotted rope would be a Simplistic

Feat (6).

ɶ Climbing a normal, unknotted rope would be a ɶ Convincing a good friend to give you aid would be
Laborious Feat (10). a Laborious Feat (10).

ɶ Climbing up a rock face with hand-holds would be ɶ Convincing a friendly stranger to give you aid
a Challenging Feat (14). would be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Climbing up a rock face with few hand-holds ɶ Convincing a suspicious stranger to give you aid
would be an Astounding Feat (18). would be an Astounding Feat (18).

ɶ Climbing up a slick, wet rock face with few hand- ɶ Convincing an enemy to give you aid, even if it
might benefit them would be a Dubious Feat (22).
holds would be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Convincing an enemy to give you aid when
ɶ Climbing up a sheer rock face which has been
it cannot possibly benefit them would be an
coated in oil would be an Improbable Feat (26).
Improbable Feat (26).

C harisma (CF) C omeliness (CF)

ɶ Convincing your loyal servant to give you aid would
ɶ Seducing a paramour during a moment of passion
be an Elementary Feat (2).
would be an Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Convincing a loving relative to give you aid would
ɶ Seducing a prostitute when you have ample
be a Simplistic Feat (6).
currency with which to pay would be a Simplistic
Feat (6).

ɶ Seducing a receptive stranger who normally finds C ourage (CF)
your physical type attractive would be a  Laborious
ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to a minor
Feat (10).
wound would be a Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Seducing a receptive stranger who normally
ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to a
finds your physical type unappealing would be a
decently preserved dead body would be a Simplistic
Challenging Feat (14).
Feat (6).
ɶ Seducing a receptive guard away from their post
ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to a
would be an Astounding Feat (18).
bloodied dead body would be a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Seducing an unreceptive guard away from their
ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to a mangled
post would be a Dubious Feat (22).
dead body would be a Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Seducing a person of high moral conviction who
ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to a charnel
has sworn an oath of fidelity or chastity would be
house would be an Astounding Feat (18).
an Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to the full
might and glory of a powerful Dragon or Faerie
C onnections (CF) Lord would be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Learning the news of the day while in a city would ɶ Maintaining composure when exposed to creature
be an Elementary Feat (2). so alien it is beyond all possible comprehension
would be an Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Learning the gossip of a particular group to which
you belong would be a Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Learning gossip about a person with whom you are C raftsmanship (C i F)

acquainted would be a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Whittling a stick so it can be used to cook food over
ɶ Learning gossip about a person with whom a fire would be an Elementary Feat (2).
your acquaintances are acquainted would be a
ɶ Whittling a stick so it can be used as a crude spear
Challenging Feat (14).
would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Learning guarded secrets about a person with
ɶ Whittling a piece of wood so it vaguely resembles a
whom your acquaintances are acquainted would be
bird would be a Laborious Feat (10).
an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Carving a piece of wood so that it resembles
ɶ Learning guarded secrets about a person with
a recognizable but simple bird would be a
whom you have no direct or indirect connection
Challenging Feat (14).
would be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Carving a piece of wood into a saleable sculpture of
ɶ Learning guarded secrets about a well protected
a bird would be an Astounding Feat (18).
individual, such as a celebrity or royalty would be
an Improbable Feat (26). ɶ Carving a piece of wood into a sculpture of a bird
which would win prizes in most art contests would
be a Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Carving a piece of wood into a sculpture of a bird

so perfectly rendered it fools others into believing

it to be a real animal without the benefit of paint ɶ Slowly passing through a stone door or wall would
would be an Improbable Feat (26). be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Slowly passing through a door or wall made from

non-ferrous metal would would be an Astounding
Feat (18).
E ducation (CF)
ɶ Knowing an extremely common piece of ɶ Slowly passing through a door or wall made from
knowledge, such as a scrap of recent local history steel (but not iron) would be a Dubious Feat (22).
would be an Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Slowly passing through a door made from iron
ɶ Knowing a common piece of knowledge, such as a would be an Improbable Feat (26).
information about recent national history would be
a Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Knowing a somewhat common piece of knowledge,

E xchequer (CF)
such as basic information about an important ɶ Salvaging a scrap of food from the wastebins of a
city would be an Elementary Feat (2).
battle from your country’s history would be a
Laborious Feat (10). ɶ Purchasing a loaf of bread would be a Simplistic
Feat (6).
ɶ Knowing an uncommon piece of knowledge, such
as which regiments fought in a specific battle ɶ Paying for a nice meal at a quality restaurant would
would be a Challenging Feat (14). be a Laborious Feat (10).

ɶ Knowing a somewhat uncommon piece of ɶ Paying for a nice meal for yourself and several
knowledge, such as the names of the regiment friends at a quality restaurant would be a
commanders who fought in a specific battle would Challenging Feat (14).
be an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Purchasing a steam uniped on a whim would be an
ɶ Knowing an obscure piece of knowledge, such as the Astounding Feat (18).
specific strategies and movements used to start and
ɶ Purchasing a steam automotive on a whim would
end a specific battle would be a Dubious Feat (22). be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Knowing a truly obscure piece of knowledge, such ɶ Purchasing a vane clipper on a whim would be an
as the names of a dozen soldiers who died during a Improbable Feat (26).
specific battle would be an Improbable Feat (26).

E therealness (CF, A o F) F encing /F isticuffs (CF)

ɶ Striking a large, immobile object would be an
ɶ Flowing through a hole or crack at least one inch Elementary Feat (2).
wide would be an Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Striking a large, immobile object without harming
ɶ Flowing through a hole or crack which is less than yourself or the weapon in the process would be a
one inch wide would be a Simplistic Feat (6). Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Slowly passing through a wooden door or wall ɶ Striking an equally skilled partner at least once
would be a Laborious Feat (10). during a sparring match would be a Laborious
Feat (10).

ɶ Striking an opponent who is somewhat better ɶ Breaking even after a night of gambling with
trained than you at least once during a sparring opponents of equal skill to you would be
match would be a Challenging Feat (14). a  Laborious Feat (10).

ɶ Striking an opponent who is quite a bit better ɶ Winning money after a night of gambling with
trained than you at least once during a sparring opponents of equal skill to you would be a
match would be an Astounding Feat (18). Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Winning a sparring match against an opponent with ɶ Successfully cheating while gambling against
superior training would be a Dubious Feat (22). opponents who are not on guard against such
measures would be an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Winning a sparring match against an opponent
with superior training while you are injured would ɶ Successfully cheating while gambling against
be an Improbable Feat (26). opponents who are specifically watching for such
trickery would be a Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Walking away with most of a casino’s funds after a

G ambling (C i F) night of gambling would be an Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Playing a game you know without breaking the
rules would be an Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ Winning a hand or two without winning the majority G lamour (CF/A o F)

of the matches would be a Simplistic Feat (6). ɶ Making light brighter or shadows darker would be
an Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ Creating indistinct shapes of light and shadow

would be a Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Creating simple, static illusions would be a

Laborious Feat (10).

ɶ Creating simple, animated illusions which register

as real to all senses would be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Creating complex, animated illusions which

register as real to all senses would be an
Astounding Feat (18).

ɶ Creating complex and animated illusions which

remain in place for years after created would be a
Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Reshaping reality to create curses akin to that

which affected Sleeping Beauty would be an
Improbable Feat (26).

I nvention (C i F) ɶ Pushing a vehicle to perform past all expectations
while not breaking it entirely would be an
ɶ Drawing crude plans for a simple device you are
Improbable Feat (26).
intimately familiar with would be an Elementary
Feat (2).

ɶ Drawing crude plans for a complex device you are G unslinging (SS)
intimately familiar with would be a Simplistic Feat
ɶ Drawing your gun quickly enough to fire it the next
turn would be an Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Drawing workable plans for a device you are
ɶ Drawing your gun quickly enough to fire it during
intimately familiar with would be a Laborious Feat
the current turn would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Spin-cocking a rifle or pumping a shotgun one
ɶ Inventing a simple improvement for an already
handed would be a Laborious Feat (10).
existing device would be a Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Successfully performing a ricochet shot would be a
ɶ Inventing a complex improvement for an already
Challenging Feat (14).
existing device would be an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Successfully shooting a weapon out of a person’s
ɶ Inventing a new device based on existing
hand would be an Astounding Feat (18).
technology would be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Successfully shooting a hard to hit target such
ɶ Inventing an entirely new technology would be an
as a swinging piece of rope or chain would be a
Improbable Feat (26).
Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Successfully hitting multiple targets with the

H elmanship (CF) same bullet using trick shooting would be an
Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Entering and exiting a new vehicle for the first
time would be an Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ Working out how to start the engine of a vehicle L eadership (C i F)

with simple controls would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Ordering an employee or servant to perform a
ɶ Slowly piloting a vehicle about in a large, open task which is part of their duties would be an
space would be a Laborious Feat (10). Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ Successfully piloting a vehicle from starting ɶ Ordering an employee or servant to perform a task
point to destination without mishaps would be a which is not part of their duties but not too much
Challenging Feat (14). of an imposition would be a Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Successfully performing a simple maneuver while ɶ Ordering an employee or servant to perform a

engaged in vehicle to vehicle combat would be an task which is not part of their duties and which
Astounding Feat (18). would be something of an imposition would be a
Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Successfully performing a complex maneuver while
engaged in vehicle to vehicle combat would be a ɶ Ordering a receptive stranger to perform a simple
Dubious Feat (22). task would be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Ordering an unreceptive stranger to perform a ɶ Convincing a relaxed but unreceptive subject
simple task would be an Astounding Feat (18). the item they are holding is something entirely
different would be an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Ordering an enemy to perform a simple task would
be a Dubious Feat (22). ɶ Convincing a hostile subject to perform a simple
action which will not harm them is a Dubious
ɶ Ordering your arch-rival to perform any task would Feat (22).
be an Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Placing a hostile subject in a deep trance in
which they will answer any question would be an
M arksmanship (CF) Improbable Feat (26).

ɶ Shooting a large, immobile target from close range

would be an Elementary Feat (2).
M otoring (C i F)
ɶ Shooting a large, immobile target from a weapon’s ɶ Entering and exiting a new vehicle for the first
effective maximum range would be a Simplistic time would be an Elementary Feat (2).
Feat (6).
ɶ Working out how to start the engine of a vehicle
ɶ Shooting a human sized, immobile target would be with simple controls would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Slowly driving a vehicle about in a large, open space
ɶ Shooting a moving, human sized target would be a would be a Laborious Feat (10).
Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Successfully driving a vehicle from starting
ɶ Shooting a small, moving target would be an point to destination without mishaps would be a
Astounding Feat (18). Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Shooting a small, moving target while avoiding ɶ Successfully driving a simple maneuver while
being shot yourself is a Dubious Feat (22). engaged in a multiple vehicle race would be an
ɶ Shooting off the wings of a fly would be an Astounding Feat (18).
Improbable Feat (26). ɶ Successfully driving a complex maneuver while
engaged in a multiple vehicle race would be a
Dubious Feat (22).
M esmerism (C i F) ɶ Pushing a vehicle to perform past all expectations
ɶ Making a relaxed, receptive subject a bit woozy while not breaking it entirely would be an
would be an Elementary Feat (2). Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Making a relaxed, receptive subject quite dizzy
would be a Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Placing a relaxed, receptive target into a light trance

N atural S ciences (C i F)
during which they will answer simple questions ɶ Knowing an extremely common piece of
would be a Laborious Feat (10). knowledge, such as the name of a plant which
grows commonly near your community would be
ɶ Making a relaxed but unreceptive subject dizzy an Elementary Feat (2).
would be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Knowing a common piece of knowledge, such ɶ Keeping alive both yourself and comrades in
as the culinary uses for a plant which grows the wild in freezing weather without access to
commonly near your community would be a provisions would be an Astounding Feat (18).
Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Surviving for a full day on the arctic shelf without
ɶ Knowing a somewhat common piece of knowledge, access to provisions would be a Dubious Feat (22).
such as the medicinal uses for a plant which grows
commonly near your community would be a ɶ Surviving for a full day in the Faerie Veil without
Laborious Feat (10). access to provisions or aid would be an Improbable
Feat (26).
ɶ Knowing an uncommon piece of knowledge, such
as the name and uses for a plant which grows in
your country but not near your community would
be a Challenging Feat (14).
P erception (CF)
ɶ Noticing your watch is running backwards would
ɶ Knowing a somewhat uncommon piece of be an Elementary Feat (2).
knowledge, such as the name and uses for a plant
which normally grows only in another country ɶ Finding your watch when it has been thrown into a
would be an Astounding Feat (18). drawer full of other watches would be a Simplistic
Feat (6).
ɶ Knowing an obscure piece of knowledge, such
as the name and uses for a plant which is either ɶ Noticing a watch you consult every day has
extinct or mythical would be a Dubious Feat (22). a scratch on the inside of the lid would be a
Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Knowing a truly obscure piece of knowledge, such
as the name and uses for a plant which is native ɶ Noticing a watch you consult every day has been
to a world Beyond the Faerie Veil would be an switched out with a fake which looks the same but
Improbable Feat (26). weighs a different amount would be a Challenging
Feat (14).

ɶ Noticing a man who you know to have perfect

O utdoorsmanship (CC) vision is now holding his watch closer to his face to
ɶ Surviving for a full day in your garden in mild read the time would be an Astounding Feat (18).
weather without access to provisions would be an ɶ Noticing the faint smell of pine sap, a substance
Elementary Feat (2). commonly used in disguise adhesives, on a man
ɶ Surviving for a full day in the wild in mild weather consulting his watch across the room would be a
without access to provisions would be a Simplistic Dubious Feat (22).
Feat (6). ɶ Noticing a man now has exactly thirty-four freckles
ɶ Surviving for a full day in the wild in inhospitable, on his cheeks when before he had exactly thirty-
but not freezing, weather without access to six freckles on his cheeks before would be an
provisions would be a Laborious Feat (10). Improbable Feat (26).

ɶ Surviving for a full day in the wild in freezing

weather without access to provisions would be a
Challenging Feat (14).

P erformance (CF) P hysician (CF)
ɶ Singing a pub song along with other drunkards ɶ Tending to a scratch or small cut would be an
without disrupting the proceedings would be an Elementary Feat (2).
Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Tending to a mild illness would be a Simplistic
ɶ Singing a hymn in church as part of the Feat (6).
congregation without disrupting the proceedings
would be a Simplistic Feat (6). ɶ Tending to an intense but common illness would
be a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Singing a lullaby to soothe a sleepy infant would be
a Laborious Feat (10). ɶ Properly setting a broken bone or sewing up a deep
gash would be a Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Singing a solo to applause during an amateur
production would be a Challenging Feat (14). ɶ Successfully a performing single surgery on the
body would be an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Singing a solo to applause during a professional
production would be an Astounding Feat (18). ɶ Successfully performing multiple surgeries on a
patient who has suffered severe physical trauma
ɶ Singing a solo to a standing ovation during a would be a Dubious Feat (22).
professional production would be a Dubious
Feat (22). ɶ Successfully performing surgery to repair a
damaged brain would be an Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Singing a song to bring tears to the eyes of
murderous Unseelie would be an Improbable
Feat (26). P hysique (CF)
ɶ Picking up twenty pounds would be an Elementary
Feat (2).

ɶ Picking up fifty pounds would be a Simplistic Feat (6).

ɶ Picking up one-hundred pounds would be a

Laborious Feat (10).

ɶ Picking up two-hundred pounds would be a

Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Picking up three-hundred pounds would be an

Astounding Feat (18).

ɶ Picking up five-hundred pounds would be a

Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Picking up a thousand pounds would be an

Improbable Feat (26).

R enown (SS) S hapeshifting (A o F)
ɶ Your family having knowledge of who you are ɶ Shapeshifting into an imperfect, horrific copy of
would be an Elementary Feat (2). a form which sags, drips, and oozes would be an
Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Your community having knowledge of who you are
would be a Simplistic Feat (6). ɶ Shapeshifting into a form of a creature of similar
size to your own would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Your community knowing not just your identity
but a few of your greatest deeds would be a ɶ Shapeshifting into a form or an inanimate object
Laborious Feat (10). of similar size to your own would be a Laborious
Feat (10).
ɶ Becoming a folk hero within the territory,
state, parish, or other region surrounding your ɶ Shapeshifting into a form of a creature or object up
community would be a Challenging Feat (14). to the size of an elephant would be a Challenging
Feat (14).
ɶ Becoming a topic of conversation across your
country would be an Astounding Feat (18). ɶ Maintaining a shapeshifted form when touched
with steel would be an Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Having your deeds become a topic of conversation
in global newspapers would be a Dubious Feat (22). ɶ Maintaining a shapeshifted form when touched
with iron would be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Having your legend spreading Beyond the Faerie
Veil would be an Improbable Feat (26). ɶ Maintaining a shapeshifted form indefinitely, with
no need to ever change back except if touched by
Cold Iron would be an Improbable Feat (26).
R iding (C i F)
ɶ Riding a placid horse while someone walks
alongside, holding the reigns would be an S ocial G races (CF)
Elementary Feat (2). ɶ Using basic manners, such as saying “please” and
“thank you”, would be an Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Riding a horse trained to carry a rider would be a
Simplistic Feat (6). ɶ Knowing the proper form of address when
speaking to those of a higher social class would be
ɶ Riding a somewhat spirited horse who has no a Simplistic Feat (6).
incentive to buck you would be a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Performing a decent waltz without making a
ɶ Riding a horse in a race and crossing the finish line complete fool of yourself would be a Laborious
without incident would be a Challenging Feat (14). Feat (10).
ɶ Performing tricks while sitting, or standing, in the ɶ Surviving a formal dinner without making a faux
saddle would be an Astounding Feat (18). pas would be a Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Breaking a wild horse to bridle would be a Dubious ɶ Impressing all present with your poise and grace
Feat (22). during a diplomatic event would be an Astounding
ɶ Breaking a wild horse whose veins run with Faerie Feat (18).
blood would be an Improbable Feat (26). ɶ Defusing the temper of a livid Dragon Lord with
your social acumen would be a Dubious Feat (22).

ɶ Gaining the love and gratitude of a hostess despite ɶ Clearly seeing the etheric knots which lie beneath
showing the ultimate rudeness to her by attending the surface of the mundane and comprise all energy
a social event without an invitation, would be an and matter would be an Astounding Feat (18).
Improbable Feat (26).
ɶ Meditating and identifying all Spells being worked
within a mile of you would be a Dubious Feat (22).

S orcerous E ngineering (LN) ɶ Meditating and identifying all Spells being worked
ɶ Carefully carrying a portable Magickal Engine in within ten miles of you would be an Improbable
peaceful circumstances without disrupting the Feat (26).
delicate mechanisms would be an Elementary
Feat (2).

ɶ Carefully carrying a portable Magickal Engine

S tealth (CF)
on a battlefield without disrupting the delicate ɶ Sneaking past a guard who has been heavily
mechanisms would be a Simplistic Feat (6). drugged would be an Elementary Feat (2).

ɶ Properly tuning a simple Magickal Engine ɶ Sneaking past a guard who is in a deep sleep would
(Requirement 20 or lower) with the help of detailed be a Simplistic Feat (6).
instructions would be a Laborious Feat (10). ɶ Sneaking past a guard who is lightly dozing would
be a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Properly tuning a complex Magickal Engine
(Requirement 20+) with the help of detailed ɶ Sneaking past an alert but not particularly
instructions would be a Challenging Feat (14). perceptive guard would be a Challenging Feat (14).
ɶ Properly tuning a Magickal Engine by yourself ɶ Sneaking past an alert pair of guards who are
would be an Astounding Feat (18). working together to survey the area would be an
Astounding Feat (18).
ɶ Constructing a Magickal Engine based on existing
plans would be a Dubious Feat (22). ɶ Sneaking past a pair of guards and their specially
trained hound would be a Dubious Feat (22).
ɶ Planning and constructing a completely new
Magickal Engine would be an Improbable Feat (26). ɶ Sneaking past someone of exceptional observational
powers, such as James Moriarty or Sherlock Holmes,
would be an Improbable Feat (26).
S orcery (CF)
ɶ Noticing an immense, flashy, and physical effect
and realizing it might be Magick would be an
T inkering (CF)
Elementary Feat (2). ɶ Operating a simple device without breaking it
would be an Elementary Feat (2).
ɶ Noticing a more subtle physical effect and realizing
it might be Magick would be a Simplistic Feat (6). ɶ Operating a complex device after being given
training would be a Simplistic Feat (6).
ɶ Feeling a shiver down your spine when Magick is
being worked near you would be a Laborious Feat (10). ɶ Learning how to operate a complex device without
the benefit of training would be a Laborious Feat (10).
ɶ Hazily perceiving the flow of Thaumaturgic Energy
around you would be a Challenging Feat (14). ɶ Repairing a simple device without aid but with the
proper tools would be a Challenging Feat (14).

ɶ Repairing a complex device without aid but with
the proper tools would be an Astounding Feat (18). The Dwarfish Requirement Variation is
compatible with the original rules as presented
ɶ Inventing a new device without aid but with the in Castle Falkenstein. It is not compatible with the
proper tools would be a Dubious Feat (22). Fearful Harm & Greater Danger rules from
ɶ Inventing an amazing innovative device, such as a Comme il Faut.
powered flying machine or a death ray would be an
Improbable Feat (26).

T he S ix -S ided my chin towards the game, “But I think your
foot soldiers are gambling. That can’t be
V ariation good for morale.”

So, there I was: captured and tied up. Moriarty didn’t even look back.
“Actually, Captain Olam, those five are in
This time, I was the guest of one Professor training. They are, in fact, doing so with
James Moriarty, head of the World Crime your Great Game. I found it marvelous help
League and future arch-nemesis of a certain in teaching the skills needed to keep a cool
consulting detective. I had been investigating and clever head when overcoming unexpected
Prussian attempts to build a self-guided, obstacles. Remind me to thank you. After
long range rocket when I stumbled into the your interrogation, of course.”
clutches of Moriarty’s henchmen beneath the
streets of Paris. “Can’t be my game,” I noted, “My Great
Game uses cards, not dice.”
Let’s just say the fight didn’t go my way
and, as a result, I was now tied to a “Yes, well, my followers aren’t all as well
chair while Moriarty loomed over me with a bred as those you wrote your game for,”
particularly large hypodermic needle. Moriarty admitted, “I’ve found they respond
better to the sort of excitement which comes
“It would be easier for you to just tell me from a random roll of the dice more than to
what you know about my operations here in the subtle joy gained from strategic card play.”
Paris, of course.” Moriarty explained in his ever
charming way while he scrutinized the liquid I was intrigued. Better yet, I knew if I
in the hypodermic. “I have every faith my new could keep the Professor talking, I’d buy
honesty serum will work but I’ve yet to test Marianne time to find and rescue me.
it. There might be unintended side-effects.”
“Please,” I said, giving Moriarty my best
Always eager to avoid being injected smile, “Tell me more.”
with anything, I cast my gaze around the
cavernous underground bunker looking for
Even in New Europa, there are some Players who prefer
something, anything really, to use as a
the thrill of rolling dice over the tactical deliberation
distraction. Off in the corner of the room
involved in a carefully cultivated hand of cards. The Six-
I noticed a group of five henchmen playing
Sided Variation strikes a balance between the two by
some sort of boisterous game with dice and introducing dice to Castle Falkenstein while still maintaining
wooden poker chips. the elegance and immersion of the original system. Rules
for replacing both the Fortune Deck and the Sorcery Deck
are provided in this document.
“Don’t look now, Moriarty,” I motioned with

R eplacing the F ortune D eck P urchasing D ice and R esolving F eats
When replacing the Fortune Deck with dice, Players As mentioned in the previous section, to attempt a Feat
and the Host each draw four chits at the beginning of the a Player must first spend their chits to purchase dice.
session. These chits are used during play to purchase dice, Chits of a type which matches the Ability being used to
which are then rolled and added to an appropriate Ability attempt the Feat are always worth two dice. The Host
in an attempt to succeed at Feats. should determine the value of chits which do not match
the Ability being used.

Please note, the dice used for this Variation are always
C hits and T heir U se six-sided ones, as those are the most commonly available
Use of the Six-Sided Variation to replace the Fortune to the public of New Europa.
Deck requires a bowl, hat, bag, or other appropriate
container (hereafter referred to as the pot) from which
chits can be randomly drawn. There should be fifty-two
T he V alue of I ncorre ct C hits
Before the session begins, the Host should first
chits total in the pot, divided into four sets of thirteen. The
determine the value of chits of a type which do not match
sets should be differentiated in some way, such as by color,
an Ability when they are played.
shape, or marking. Chits can be any appropriate item, such
as poker chips, glass beads, slips of paper, playing cards
(where the suits matter but the value of the card does not), First Option Chits of an inappropriate type have a
or even actual dice. Each set of chits corresponds to one value of one. Using this option, these chits rarely
of the four playing card Suits and Hosts should make it matter unless the Player has no chit of the proper
clear which type of chit corresponds to which Suit at the type to spend. As a result, more emphasis is placed on
playing tactically by saving chits for an appropriate
beginning of play.
occasion or matching one’s actions to the type of chits
in hand.
As an example, Sophie has decided to use this Variation while
Hosting a session of Castle Falkenstein. She takes inventory of
her possessions and realizes she has a number of poker chips she Second Option Chits of an inappropriate type are worth
can use as chits. Sophie counts out fourteen each of red, blue, one die. This option increases the chance of success
green, and yellow chits and then assigns a Suit to each: red will at a Feat even when the chits they hold poorly match a
Dramatic Character’s strengths or the situation at hand.
represent Hearts, blue will represent Spades, green will represent
Diamonds, and yellow will represent Clubs. To help her players
remember this, she writes the colors and their corresponding suits K eeping and T otaling D ic e
out on a whiteboard located near the gaming table. Once a Player spends their chits, they roll the purchased
dice. They keep a certain number of dice and total
At the start of a session, each Player draws four chits their worth, then add that number to the value of their
from the pot. During play, a Player spends their chits to appropriate Ability Rank. The Host compares this final
purchase dice to roll in an effort to succeed at Feats, as result to the Requirement of the Feat to determine success
described below. After a Feat is resolved, any spent chits or failure. How many dice are kept when attempting a Feat
are returned to the pot and the Player draws new chits should be decided upon by the Host at the beginning of
until they have a total of four in their possession once the session.
again. The contents of the pot should be stirred or shaken
regularly to ensure these draws are random.

T he O ption of S pecial C hits
First Option Players are allowed to keep up to four
Players and Hosts using the Six-Sided Variation might
dice. This option is best used for fully narrative
want additional options to better simulate the experience of
games, where the risk of failure is an occasional spice
drawing a “good card” from the deck. If this is the case, Hosts
and not an omnipresent worry, especially if each chit
of the wrong type is worth one die instead of just one. are encouraged to use one or both of the following options.
In games such as this, the question is rarely “does
the Dramatic Character succeed” but “how does the R oya l C hits
Dramatic Character succeed.”
The Host should mark one chit from each set in some
way before filling the pot. These marked chits are known
Second Option Players are allowed to keep up to three as Royals. If a spent Royal chit matches the suit of the
dice. This option balances the narrative with the Ability being used to attempt a Feat, one of the two dice
practical, making Feats harder but rarely impossible. In purchased automatically has a value of six. A Royal chit has
games such as this, the risk of failure grows but the blind no special effect when spent if it is not of the proper type
luck and bold action can still play an important role. for the Ability being used.

Third Option Players are allowed to keep up to two As an example, Professor Doyle’s player spends a Royal chit of the
dice. This option leans towards the practical, giving appropriate type when attempting an Education Feat, purchasing
Dramatic Characters more chances to shine in areas two dice to roll. One of the dice is automatically a 6 while the other
which play to their strengths. In games such as this, is rolled as a 3. Added together they have a total of 9.
the risk of failure is always present and Players are
encouraged to find solutions based on the Abilities of
their Dramatic Characters. W il d C hits
The Host should add either one, two, three, or four
chits (their preference) of a unique color or shape to the
As an example, famed scholar of the supernatural, Professor
pot. These are Wild chits and, when spent, automatically
Doyle, finds himself with the need to quickly scale a wall during a
purchase two dice worth a value of six each. Wild chits are
particularly nasty rainstorm. He has an Athletics of Poor (2) and
akin to the Jokers in a normal deck of cards.
his Player holds two chits of the color which matches Athletics
and two chits which do not match. The Host has declared chits of
the improper color can buy a single die and Players are allowed As an example, Professor Doyle’s player spends a Wild chit
to keep the two highest diced rolled. when attempting an Education Feat, purchasing two dice, each
with a value of 6. Added together they have a total of 12.

The Professor’s Player decides to spend the two matching chits

and one non-matching chit to purchase a total of five dice and
then rolls for a result of 5, 3, 2, 1, and 3. His Player totals the two
highest (3 + 5) and the value of the Professor’s Athletics Rank (2)
T he H ost ’ s H and
for a total of 10. The Host compares this to the Requirement of Host can also draw chits from the pot and use these to
the Feat, which is also 10, and declares this a Partial Success. purchase dice to use when Feats might be harder than a
Professor Doyle reaches the top of the wall but is quite winded base Requirement might suggest due to special conditions
and must rest. or unusual circumstances. It is recommended the Host
draw four chits for general purposes. Important Host
Characters should each have their own collection of
four chits, especially if they will come into conflict with,

and thus engage in Opposed Feats with, the Dramatic As an example, Sister Mary Ruth, a Sorceror of the Holy Order
Characters. A Host’s chits are drawn and spent just like of Saint Boniface is casting a Spell with a TER requirement of 12.
those of a Player’s. On her first draw, her Player pulls a chit of the correct type and
rolls two dice: a 3 and a 6. The current total is 9 TER. She places
the two dice on top of the drawn chit and waits until two minutes
R eplacing the S orcery D eck have passed in game, then draws a second time. This time she
When replacing the Sorcery Deck with dice, a second pulls a chit or the incorrect type, which the Host has ruled is only
pot with its own set of fifty-two chits, also divided into worth 1 TER. Sister Mary Ruth’s Player returns the chit to the
sets of thirteen, is needed. Again, each set of chits should pot and waits until two more minutes have passed in game. She
correspond to one of the four playing card Suits and this draws a third time, drawing a chit of the correct type. She rolls the
should be made clear to the Players of any Sorcerous two dice it purchases with a result of 1 and 3. This brings her total
Dramatic Characters who might be gathering Power TER to 13, which is one more than is needed. After six minutes of
during a session. gathering Power, Sister Mary Ruth casts her Spell.

C hits and D ice and M agick T he O ption of S pecial C hits

Hosts seeking to emulate the effects of the Joker on
Each time a Sorcerous Dramatic Character must gather
Spellcasting should add either one, two, three, or four chits
Power, they should pull a chit from the pot. The chit can
(their preference) of a unique color or shape to the pot.
then either be returned, if the Sorcerer releases the Power,
These are Wild chits and, when drawn, execute the Spell
or used to purchase dice, which should immediately be
in a strange and unpredictable way, no matter how much
rolled. Chits of a type appropriate for a Spell purchase
actual Power was gathered. See the “Wild Spell” rules in
two dice. The worth of a chit of an incorrect type depends
the Castle Falkenstein core rules for more information. If
upon which option is selected by the Host.
using the Sorcerous Tarot Variation, when a Wild chit is
drawn, the spell does not automatically execute. Instead,
First Option Chits of the incorrect type are worth 1 the Player should draw from a deck of Major Arcana cards
TER, much like cards of the incorrect Suit in the base and consult the chart in that section of this document to
rules of Castle Falkenstein. This option emphasises the determine what effect the whims of Magick might throw
importance of deliberate Power gathering and spell
their way.

The Host can also mark one chit from each set in some
Second Option Chits of the incorrect type are worth 1 way. These are Royal chits and, if the correct type, add
die, which can then be rolled as normal. This option a third die to the roll to determine how much Power is
speeds Spellcasting and increases the chances of gathered. Royal chits have no special effect if they are the
Harmonics entering a Spell. wrong type for the Spell and are treated as per normal.

Once the total of the dice rolled equals or exceeds the

TER requirement, the Spell is cast. It is recommended The Six-Sided Variation is compatible with
the Player keep the rolled dice on top of or next to the the original rules as presented in Castle Falkenstein
chit which purchased them so the Host can quickly and and with the Fearful Harm & Greater Danger rules
properly work out Harmonics. from Comme il Faut.

T he F ortunate T arot
V ariation
I included an idea for using Tarot cards to
enhance Castle Falkenstein in Comme il Faut
on page 76. To be honest, this was meant
as a springboard for Hosts to come up with In the Fortunate Tarot Variation, the ordinary deck of
their own ideas and I hadn’t given it much playing cards used for the Fortune Deck is replaced with
thought beyond the few examples I wrote up a Tarot Deck. Over the centuries the Tarot Deck has been
for the book. used both for playing games and for divination and thus
these colorful cards, which are rich with imagery and
I don’t know why I was surprised when the symbolism, can add a new twist to the Great Game. With a
Faerie Express messenger showed up from his Tarot Deck performing Feats in Castle Falkenstein becomes
latest French fry run with letters demanding more than just a calculation of numbers but a chance for
I fully explain my “Tarot Variation”. So, here surprises and storytelling.
you go! I still encourage Hosts to come up
with their own ideas for the effects of Major The Fortunate Tarot Variation assumes the Tarot Deck
Arcana cards but hopefully what I’m about to being used utilizes the arrangement of cards as presented
present explains the whole concept better. in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck (also known as the Rider-
Waite deck). The system might need to be adapted when
Sorry for not giving you more detail the used with other varieties of the Tarot.
first time.

In Castle Falkenstein, success or failure can all come down

to a draw of the cards. Players begin each session by drawing
T he M inor A rcana
a hand of four cards from a Fortune Deck. Over the course The Minor Arcana portion of a Tarot Deck corresponds
of the session they play their cards strategically to enhance to a regular deck of playing cards. It has four suits,
Abilities in an attempt to accomplish heroic deeds. numbered cards, and face cards, though there is one
extra member, the Page, in each court. Just as in a normal
Fortune Deck, in the Fortunate Tarot Variation each suit
represents a specific type of activity and the face cards have
a numerical value.

M inor A rcana A ctivity T ypes

Tarot Suit Playing Card Suit Ability Type
Cups Hearts Emotional and Romantic activities
Pentacles Diamonds Mental and Intellectual activities
Swords Spades Social and Status-related activities
Wands Clubs Physical activities

M inor A rcana V alues available to play. Alternatively, the Host can rule Major
Arcana cards drawn from the Fortune Deck are held in
Card Value
their own, unique hand. In this case, when Players draw a
Ace 15 Major Arcana card it is set aside and another card is drawn
2 thru 10 2 thru 10 from the Fortune Deck to help restore their hands to four
Page 11 cards. Using this method, Players have full access to both
Knight 12 the plot twisting capabilities of the Major Arcana and the
Queen 13 regular, Ability enhancing virtues of the Minor Arcana.
King 14
Next, a decision must be reached on how many
Please note, because the Minor Arcana includes one Major Arcana cards can be held by each Player. If Major
more face card in each suit but no Jokers, when using the Arcana cards are being added to each Player’s hand, it
Fortunate Tarot Variation the Fortune Deck includes four is recommended no more than one or two be allowed
cards worth 15 points instead of just two. in a hand at a time. Any more than that could well
make it impossible for a Dramatic Character to actually
accomplish a feat due a lack of playable Minor Arcana
cards. On the other hand, if the Players are holding their
T he M ajor A rcana Major Arcana cards in a separate hand, the Host may wish
The Major Arcana portion of a Tarot Deck are twenty- to allow a maximum of three or even four cards in order
two unique and named cards, each fully illustrated and to give everyone the full benefit of a game where strategy
rich with story and symbolism. In the Fortunate Tarot and wild cards play important roles in equal measure. In
Variation they represent unpredictability and can be used either case, if a Player draws a Major Arcana card from the
to twist a story in unusual ways or to represent the forces Fortune Deck but already possesses the maximum number
of luck, divine intervention, or perhaps karma. Each card allowed, the card should be shuffled back in and another
in the Major Arcana is assigned a unique trait and affects drawn in its place.
the resolution of a Feat in some way.
Finally, the Host should come to a decision as to how
Before play begins, Hosts intending to use of the Fortune many Major Arcana cards can be played during a single
Tarot Variation must decide on three factors involved in how Feat. For most Hosts the limit will be one but some may
Players will hold and make use of Major Arcana cards. Hosts wish to allow more than one Major Arcana card to play
themselves will find Major Arcana cards of little use and played on a single Feat during suitably dramatic moments.
should shuffle them back into the Fortune Deck when drawn.
The cards of the Major Arcana, and the effect they have
First, the Host must decide if Major Arcana cards, when on a Feat when played, are as detailed on the Major Arcana
drawn, will be held in a Player’s hand or apart from it. Keep Effects chart.
in mind the Fortunate Tarot Variation does not change the
maximum number of cards a Player can possess at once.
Thus, if Major Arcana cards are held in Players’ hands this
reduces the number of Minor Arcana cards which can
also be held. This helps balance the unique and possibly
game-altering qualities of the Major Arcana by reducing
the number of Ability enhancing Minor Arcana cards

M ajor A rcana E ffects
Card Number Card Name Effect
Something quite unexpected occurs. The Host should draw a card from
the Fortune Deck and use its suit to guide them in creating a twist in the
story. Swords/Spades might mean the barmaid a Dramatic Character is
attempting to seduce is actually a princess in disguise while Pentacles/
0 The Fool
Diamonds might mean the Dramatic Character not only strikes down an
interfering guard but convinces him to change vocations and later rejoin
play as an ally. If another Major Arcana is drawn, the Feat simply succeeds
in the most spectacular way possible.
The Dramatic Character finds a perfect moment of clarity and focuses all
their energy on the task at hand. They can convert the suit of one card in
1 The Magician
their hand to the suit of the Ability being used. The converted card need not
be played on this Feat.
Oh my, the Dramatic Character is looking particularly fetching today. Convert
2 The High Priestess the suit of one card, chosen at random from the Dramatic Character’s hand,
to Swords/Spades. The converted card need not be played on this Feat.
The Dramatic Character feels a rush of passion for the task at hand! Treat any
3 The Empress
one card played as if it were the Queen of its suit.
True confidence allows one to control the universe instead of the reverse. The
Player chooses one card, at random, from the Host’s hand and discards it. The
4 The Emperor
Host cannot draw back up to a full hand until a Host Character makes use of
an Ability which matches the suit of the discarded card.
It seems the Dramatic Character has come into a bit of money! When the
5 The Hierophant Hierophant is played, elevate the Player’s Exchequer by one Rank (to a
maximum of Extraordinary) for the remainder of the session.
All for one and one for all! Allow the entire party exactly one minute to trade
6 The Lovers cards or exchange hands as desired. Cards representing drawn power for
Sorcery may not be included in this exchange.
It isn’t luck the Dramatic Character possesses but honest skill. When the
Chariot is played, the Player can choose to return one card they just played
7 The Chariot
back to their hand after the Feat is resolved. Major Arcana cards cannot be
recovered in this way.
Like a knight of old, the Dramatic Character steps forward in the defense of
8 Strength others. Increase the level of success of a Feat (Partial to Full, for example, or
Full to High) but only if the Dramatic Character is acting to defend another.
The Dramatic Character gains an intellectual insight into the problem at
hand. Treat a single Pentacles/Diamonds card as if it were the suit of the
9 The Hermit Ability being used for the current Feat. If the Ability’s suit is Pentacles/
Diamonds, treat any Pentacles/Diamonds played as one higher for the
purposes of resolving the Feat.
There are occasions when luck is more valuable than mere skill. The Player
10 Wheel of Fortune discards their Hand and draws six new cards. They must keep four of the
cards drawn and return the other two to the Fortune Deck.

The universe itself seems to be judging the Dramatic Character, perhaps based
on past actions. The Player must draw a card from the Fortune Deck. If they draw
11 Justice Cups/Hearts or Pentacles/Diamonds, they achieve a High Success on the Feat
currently being attempted. If they draw Swords/Spades or Wands/Clubs, they
Fumble the Feat instead. If a Major Arcana card is drawn it should be ignored.
For a brief instant, the Dramatic Character experiences a dizzying sensation as
12 The Hanged Man reality itself seems to twist and warp. The Player and the Host must exchange
their hands. The Player then resolves the feat using their new hand.
Success often comes at a price! The Dramatic Character automatically
succeeds at the Feat being attempted. However, for the next three Feats the
13 Death Dramatic Character attempts, no Major Arcana cards can be played and all
other cards are treated as if they are the wrong Suit (though they remain the
same color, if such matters are important).
The intensity of the challenge grows but so, too, does the skill of the Dramatic
Character. The Requirement of the current Feat is increased by one step (from
14 Temperance
Good to Great, for example) but the value of any cards played to resolve the
Feat increases by 1.
Beware the gifts of the good neighbors. A nearby Faerie (or perhaps something
15 The Devil else unearthly!) comes to the Dramatic Character’s aid… but such help often
comes with a price!
When accomplishing a task, be careful not to overdo it! The Dramatic
Character’s level of success increases by one (from Partial to Full, for example)
16 The Tower
but they injure themselves in the process and suffer 1 point of damage for
every card they played while resolving the Feat.
Wishes can come true but hopes can come crashing down. The Player should
hazard a guess as to the color of the top card of the fortune deck and then flip
17 The Star it over. If their guess was correct or if the card is from the Major Arcana, they
gain a High Success on the current Feat. If the guess is incorrect, they instead
Fumble the Feat.
The Fates can be secretive and have a sly sense of humor. The Player must
place a single card from their hand face down in front of the Host. This
18 The Moon cannot be a Major Arcana card. The Host must then guess the suit of the card.
If the Host is correct, the Dramatic Character’s current Feat fails. If the Host
is incorrect, the Dramatic Character’s current Feat automatically succeeds.
The Dramatic Character is blessed with an abundance of prosperity. For the
19 The Sun rest of the session they can hold a total of five cards in their hand instead of
the usual four.  
News of the Dramatic Character’s actions spreads like wildfire and not
necessarily for the good. When Judgement is played, treat a single Swords/
Spades card being played on the current Feat as if it were the King of Swords/
20 Judgement
Spades. However, if the action being performed is illicit or scandalous, any
Swords/Spades card played for the rest of the session has a value of 1, even
when played to enhance an Ability governed by Swords/Spades.
If an individual and the world are in harmony, anything becomes possible.
21 The World When the World is played, if the Ability being used in the current Feat is
ranked Poor or Average, treat the Ability as if it were ranked Great instead.

T he M ixed D eck O ption The Fortunate Tarot Variation is compatible
Some Hosts may prefer to introduce the game altering with the original rules as presented in Castle
effects of the Major Arcana to the Great Game without Falkenstein and with the Fearful Harm & Greater
changing the Fortune Deck. Hosts seeking to do so should Danger rules from Comme il Faut.
remove the Major Arcana from a tarot deck and set them
next to the Fortune Deck. The Minor Arcana can be put
away as they will not be needed.

When play begins, deal either one or two Major Arcana

cards (as the Host prefers) to each Player to use as they see
fit during the session. These cards are held apart from the
Player’s hand. As an added option, a Host can deal Players
additional Major Arcana cards during gameplay as a reward
for engaging in excellent roleplay, entertaining with
amusing antics, or employing astounding ideas and tactics.

Using this option, the Major Arcana remains useful

without requiring a change from the Fortune Deck and
Suits familiar to Players of the Great Game.

T he R edeal O ption
Some of the effects listed in the chart above are
situational and depend on the right set of circumstances
coming along. The Hierophant might not be helpful in a
session spent completely in a Lost World where Exchequer
never comes to bear, for example.

As an option, the Host can allow Players, at any time,

to trade in a Major Arcana card in order to discard their
current hand and draw a new one from the Fortune Deck.
This means Players always have a use for Major Arcana
cards, even if they do not suit the Dramatic Character’s
Abilities or the current encounter and will have a chance
to replace a “bum” hand when needed.

T he S orcerous T arot depending upon conditions no Sorcerer could
possibly guess. No one ever truly mastered
V ariation Magick, she told me. They simply hoped to
become good enough to mitigate the worse
In the cold winter of 1873 I found myself possible effects and give their spells the best
accepting the hospitality of a village witch chance at succeeding as intended.
in one of the darker forests of Ruritania
in order to avoid dying of hypothermia in I admit, the thought of Magick being alive
a nasty storm. She gave me food and and aware enough to change Spellcasting
shelter and I did my best to repay her with pushed my brain into working on new game
entertaining stories and conversation. Given her mechanics. By the time the storm died down
profession, it probably was only natural the I had written a new Variation to simulate
subject eventually turned to Magick. the ideas shared with me by my host.

“What do you know of Magick, Mister In Castle Falkenstein, Sorcerers must harvest ambient
Olam?” she asked me. Magickal energy from the ether around them by drawing
cards from the Sorcery Deck. As the rules are written, the
Sorcery Deck is intended to be an ordinary deck of cards, joker
I told her some of what I’d learned from
included, with each of the four suits intended to represent a
Morrolan and the other Sorcerers I had met
different type of Magick, also known as a Harmonic.
since arriving in New Europa.
In the Sorcerous Tarot Variation, the ordinary deck of
“You’ve been learning from the academics and
playing cards used for the Sorcery Deck is replaced with
their dusty old books, I see! That’s all well a Tarot Deck. Over the centuries the Tarot Deck has been
and good, Mister Olam, but there are things used both for playing games and for divination and,
those myopic fools either don’t know or because of this, these colorful cards, rich with imagery
refuse to recognize about Magick.” The old and symbolism, can perfectly represent a more robust
witch cackled. and fascinating Magick. With a Tarot Deck, Magic in
Castle Falkenstein becomes more than just a form of energy
Intrigued, I asked for a bit more information. divided into four types but a living, breathing thing with
She obliged me by explaining the truth as whims and purposes of Its own.
the ancient sisterhood of witches knew it.
Magick, the old witch told me, is alive The Sorcerous Tarot Variation assumes the Tarot Deck
and has its own strange desires. Someone being used utilizes the arrangement of cards as presented
in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck (also known as the Rider-
performing a Spell might encounter more than
Waite deck). The system might need to be adapted when
mere Harmonics when casting. They might
used with other variations of the Tarot.
find unexpected help when Magick is feeling
generous or unforeseen obstacles when it is
For Hosts who keep track of such things, the Sorcerous
not. Energies might twist and change in the
Tarot Variation changes the amount of Thaumaturgic
middle of Gathering Power and the strength Energy available in a region from 143 TE to 158 TE, with
of the Power gathered might wax or wane the amount of clean power now becoming equal to 119 TE.

T he M inor A rcana Hosts have two options when dealing with the Major
The Minor Arcana portion of a Tarot Deck corresponds to
Arcana as part of the Sorcerous Tarot Variation. First,
a regular deck of playing cards. It has four suits, numbered
they can treat the Major Arcana cards as full Sorcery Deck
cards, and face cards, though there is one extra member,
cards. Any Major Arcana card drawn counts as a full draw,
the Page, in each court. Just as in a normal Sorcery Deck,
albeit one which provides no actual Power Gathered. The
in this Variation each suit represents a specific Magick
Sorcerer cannot draw another card from the Deck for two
Harmonic and the face cards have a numerical value.
minutes, as per normal. As an alternative, if a Sorcerer
draws a Major Arcana card, they are allowed to draw
another card immediately. If the next card drawn is also
M inor A rcana H armonics a Major Arcana card they draw again and continue to do
so until they draw a Minor Arcana card, which they add
Playing Card to their hand as Gathered Power. Any Major Arcana cards
Tarot Suit Harmonic
Suit drawn should also be added to Sorcerer’s hand. The Host
Cups Hearts Emotional Magicks has the option of limiting the number of Major Arcana
Pentacles Diamonds Material Magicks cards allowed to influence a single spell should they so
Swords Spades Spiritual Magicks choose. If such a limit is in place, any Major Arcana cards
Wands Clubs Elemental Magicks beyond the allowed amount are set to the side and shuffled
back into the Sorcery Deck after the spell has been cast.

The cards of the Major Arcana, and the effect they have
M inor A rcana V alues on a spell if drawn, are as follows.
Card Value
Ace 15
2 thru 10 2 thru 10
Page 11
Knight 12
Queen 13
King 14

T he M ajor A rcana
The Major Arcana portion of a Tarot Deck are twenty-
two unique and named cards, each fully illustrated and
rich with story and symbolism. In the Sorcerous Tarot
Variation they represent the unpredictability and perhaps
even the living will of Magick. Each card in the Major
Arcana is assigned a unique trait and affects the casting of
Magic in some specific way.

M ajor A rcana E ffects
Card Number Card Name Effect
0 The Fool The spell goes wild, as if a Joker were drawn in an ordinary Sorcery Deck.
The Sorcerer gains control over the Harmonics of one specific knot of energy.
1 The Magician They can convert the Suit of one card from those drawn so far from the
Sorcery Deck to the governing Suit of the spell.
Spiritual Magicks are strong in this area. Convert the Suit of one card, chosen
2 The High Priestess
at random, from those drawn so far from the Sorcery Deck to Swords.
The Sorcerer tugs hard as they gather and is rewarded with a rush of extra
energy. Treat the next card drawn as if it were the one card higher in the suit
3 The Empress
(i.e. 6 becomes 7). If the card’s Suit does not match the governing Suit of the
spell, consider it to be worth to be increased by 1.
A nearby Sorcerer pulls at the energy as well. One card is chosen at random
4 The Emperor from those so far drawn from the Sorcery Deck and discarded. Devious Hosts
might instead insist on a Sorcerous Duel over the energy.
Material Magicks are strong in this area. Convert the Suit of one card, chosen
5 The Hierophant
at random, from those drawn so far from the Sorcery Deck to Pentacles.
Emotional Magicks are strong in this area. Convert the Suit of one card,
6 The Lovers
chosen at random, from those drawn so far from the Sorcery Deck to Cups.
Just as the Sorcerer takes hold of the energy, a nearby spellcaster does as well,
7 The Chariot cleaving it in twain. Cut the numerical value of the next card drawn from the
Sorcery Deck in half, rounded down (i.e. 6 becomes 3).
Wards become more powerful in this area. Double the duration and multiplier
8 Strength
if a Ward is being created, but not the cost.
As the Sorcerer gathers power, they are possessed by an insight into the
9 The Hermit nature of the Spell. Treat their Sorcery skill as if it were a Rank higher (i.e.
Great instead of Good) and recalculate the cost of the Spell.
Harmonics enter the Spell, no matter what cards are played. Draw a card from
the Sorcery Deck. If the card drawn is from the Suit governing the Spell or
10 Wheel of Fortune a Major Arcana card, draw again. The card drawn does not count as gathered
power and should be reshuffled into the Sorcery Deck. The Harmonic leaning
of the Spell will be in the form and strength of the card drawn.
Magick seems to judge the purpose of the spell. If it is noble, then the Spell
can be cast as normal. If it is selfish or cruel, the Spell will turn on the caster.
11 Justice
Just what the definitions of noble and selfish are in this scenario are and what
the effects of the turned spell are is left to the judgment of the Host.
The Spell warps and becomes a new Spell entirely. The Host decides what
12 The Hanged Man
form the new Spell takes.
The Sorcerer is locked into Gathering Power and must continue to collect
13 Death Energy until the TER is met, but the spell will fizzle when the Casting is
14 Temperance The duration of the Spell is cut in half, though the cost remains the same.

The Sorcerer’s Spell attracts the attention of a nearby Unseelie Faerie (or
15 The Devil
perhaps something even worse).
The energy slices through the Sorcerer and causes them to unravel part of
themself. Draw another card from the Sorcery deck. If it is a numbered Minor
16 The Tower
Arcana card, they uffer 1 Wound. If it is a Minor Arcana face card or Major
Arcana card, they suffer 2 wounds.
The intent of the Spell shines through the Harmonics. No matter what cards
17 The Star
are played, the Spell is cast as if it has no Harmonic influences.
18 The Moon The Sorcerer’s spell attracts the attention of a nearby Seelie Faerie.
Thaumaturgic Energy flows more easily than normal to the Sorcerer. For the
19 The Sun rest of the Gathering period, they draw two cards every two minutes instead
of one.
The Energy gathered has been influenced by the Sorcerer’s Order. If the spell
20 Judgement is not directly in line with the goals of the Order as decided upon by the Host,
it fails.
Elemental Magicks are strong in this area. Convert the Suit of one card,
21 The World
chosen at random, from those drawn so far from the Sorcery Deck to Wands.

The Sorcerous Tarot Variation is compatible with the original rules as presented in
Castle Falkenstein.

T he A utomaton The letter was signed “An Arbiter of the
Council of Oddities.” To be honest, the
V ariation Second Compact doesn’t have much information
on the Council of Oddities. We know they’re
a secret society dedicated to providing
Of all the Variations in this book, this
sanctuary and shelter to sentient beings who
one came to me through the strangest
don’t fit neatly into other categories like
circumstances. Just like the protagonist of
human, Dwarf, Faerie, or Dragon, but not too
“The Raven”, I was busy reading in a library
much beyond that.
when there was a tap tap taping on the
door. I went to open it, and there stood a
After reading the letter and the rules and
clockwork stork with a letter wedged firmly
thinking long and hard about it, though, I
in its beak. All the weirdness I’ve experienced
think I’ve figured out one more thing about
since being spellnapped has taught me to go
the Council of Oddities. Specifically, who the
with the flow, so I took the letter and
“arbiter” who sent me the letter is.
watched in bemusement as the stork whirred
to life and flapped away, out a window.
Mike, I swear to God, I think Frankenstein’s
Monster wrote a supplement for my game.
The letter turned out to be a lengthy one,
written in a shaking hand.
From the earliest days of civilization, humans and
Dwarfs have sought to duplicate the majesty of life through
“Captain Olam,” it began, “In playing your invention and through Magick. The lyric poet Pindar wrote
Great Game, I found something lacking. While of “animated figures” standing upon the street corners
one can play a human or a Dwarf or a Faerie of Rhodes. The Book of Ingenious Devices, published in
or a Dragon, I saw nothing of myself in your Baghdad during the 9th century, described an automated
words. Where, I ask, are the oft-forgotten flute player. The Golem, a being sculpted from mud and
children of the world, crafted by human given life through Magick, has long been a part of Jewish
hands and yet treated at best as curiosities lore. And, of course, one Doctor Victor Frankenstein defied
to be gawked at or, at worst, monsters to the laws of nature to bring life to unliving matter and
be destroyed? As I believe your oversight created a Creature many in New Europa fear to this day.
to be one of ignorance rather than malice, I
have taken upon myself the task of designing Players and Hosts can use the following rules to create
rules for playing beings of this nature, called Automaton Characters for play in the Great Game. Players,
Automatons for the sake of expediency, and especially, will find the process for creating an Automaton
enclosing them in this letter. Please see that Dramatic Character to be somewhat different from the
they are published.” original method presented in Castle Falkenstein. Any Player
seeking to play an Automaton should answer their Diary
And, sure enough, enclosed were the rules for questions as usual to create their Dramatic Character’s
what I’m calling The Automaton Variation. motivations and history, but when it comes time to sort
out the more mechanical aspects, they should answer the
following additional questions.

W hat T ype of A utomaton A re Y ou ? Christina decides Anna recently escaped from her inventors
and smuggled herself out of Russia. Anna knows no one in
First, determine the type of Automaton you will
New Europa outside of her native land and, so she assigns her
be portraying. There are four: Automatons of Flesh,
additional Poor Rank to Connections.
Clockwork Automatons, Mystical Automatons, and Steam-
powered Automatons. Additional details on each can be
found in their entries below.
W hat P owers Y ou ?
All Automatons operate due to some sort of power
As an example, Christina wishes to play an Automaton source, be it steam, clockwork, electricity, or something
designed to entertain the masses by a Russian scientist loyal to more exotic. Consult the listing for your Automaton type
the Czar. Looking over options, she finds inspiration in the idea of and select the power source for your Dramatic Character
an Automaton who is as much the slowly twirling ballet dancer from the available options. Note, the listing for power
on an antique music box as a sentient being. However, Christina source not only explains what fuels your Automaton but
also wants an additional spark to the Character’s creation. She under what conditions they enter Dormancy.
confers with the Host, who suggests the Automaton gained
sentience due to Spells cast upon her by a Sorcerer. Bearing this in
mind, Christina decides her Dramatic Character, Anna, will be a The mystical Automaton listing gives two options for Anna’s
Mystical Automaton. power source: Magickal and mechanical. Christina considers and
then chooses mechanical and, specifically, clockwork. Anna must
be wound each day, or she risks entering Dormancy. While Anna
W hat A re Y our A bilities ? is a Mystical Automaton, Christina likes the idea of the Character
still being that dancer atop a music box, deep inside.
Next, Abilities should be chosen and assigned Ranks.
Each type of Automaton has a starting Template, with
Abilities and Ranks already assigned. These Abilities
and Ranks are inherent to the kind of Automaton and
cannot be changed during creation, although they can be
improved through play just as with any other Dramatic
Character. Beneath the base Abilities list for each type of
Automaton are unassigned Ability Ranks. The Ranks listed
there can and should be assigned to any Ability not already
part of the Template. Abilities unique to a type of Dramatic
Character, such as Faerie Etherealness, cannot be chosen.

To continue our example, Christina’s clockwork dancer, Anna,

automatically has a Good Courage, Perception, and a Great
Physique. Looking further, under Additional Abilities, Christina
notes her Dramatic Character must have one additional Poor
and two additional Good Abilities.
Christina selects the obvious choice, Performance, for Anna’s
first Good Ranked Ability and, keeping in mind she was made for
the stage, Comeliness for the second.

selects the one which turns Anna into a gadgetech container and,
D ormancy as the Automaton is human-sized, gains 8 spaces. Not only does
Much like a human being, most Automatons require she believe it to be thematically appropriate, she thinks it quite
some sort of fuel to continue operating. However, splendid as well. With this Circumstance, Anna can install a
unlike a human being, Automatons risk shutting down phonautograph inside herself and always have a tune to which
completely when their power source stops functioning. she can dance!
This is known as entering Dormancy. While in Christina also notes Anna’s Unfortunate Circumstance as a
Dormancy, an Automaton cannot move, think, speak, mystical Automaton. Specifically, Anna’s vulnerability to iron.
observe, or perform any sort of action.

An Automaton’s power source determines the

F inishing your A utomaton
Once the Automaton’s health has been calculated by
conditions under which they enter Dormancy. If those
cross-referencing their Courage Ability and Physique
conditions are met, or if their power source is removed,
Ability as indicated on page 188 of Castle Falkenstein, the
the Player must immediately draw a card from the
mechanical portion of creating your artificial Dramatic
Fortune Deck. If the card is a Spade, the Automaton
Character has ended.
immediately falls Dormant. If the card is any other suit,
they can continue to function for one hour, after which
time they enter Dormancy.
N ew A bility
Unless destroyed, the Automaton can exit Dormancy
by merely having an outside force restart, replace, or
S eeming [♥]
refuel their power source. The Automaton returns to life This Ability, unique to Automatons, measures their skill
fully aware and intact with no memory of what occurred at convincing others that they are an organic being, should
while Dormant. They retain any damage to their Health they wish to do so. An Automaton with a Poor Seeming will
suffered before or after entering Dormancy. only be mistaken for an organic being in the most extreme
of circumstances. With an Average Seeming, others may
W hat are Y our F ortunate and well believe the Automaton to be an organic being under
the proper conditions, such as if it were disguised or
U nfortunate C ircumstances ? wearing heavy clothing. A Good Seeming means the
Automaton appears organic enough to pass a casual
Automatons are not the same as organic beings and,
inspection. With a Great Seeming, the Automaton would
thus, have unusual qualities not available to other
be mistaken as organic by most observers. An Automaton
Characters. The Fortunate and Unfortunate Circumstances
with an Exceptional Seeming will fool even observers
of each type of Automaton are noted in their listings. All
explicitly looking for signs of life or artificiality, and one
Automatons receive three Fortunate Circumstances and
with an Extraordinary Seeming will appear organic to all
a single Unfortunate Circumstance. Some Fortunate
but the most invasive and thorough of examinations. 
Circumstances are multiple-choice, allowing you to choose
from several different options.
If the Automaton type’s Base Abilities do not include
Christina reads the Mystical Automaton listing and notes Seeming, it begins as Average and can be raised or lowered
Anna possesses Arcane Armor and Immortal Fortitude as when additional Abilities are assigned. Non-Automaton
Fortunate Circumstances. Also, she can choose one custom Characters cannot select the Seeming Ability. 
Fortunate Circumstance. Looking over the options, Christina

A utomaton of F lesh Y our A dditional A bilities are
While the zombi of legend rises from the grave through Choose one additional Poor Ability, two additional Good
curses and spells, Automatons of Flesh are either semi- Abilities, and one additional Great Ability.
organic beings grown through alchemy and chemistry or
otherwise corpses restored to a semblance of life through
the power of Science! An Automaton of Flesh might come Y ou are P owered by
to life from a single mass, perhaps via a formulation or Biology: You are powered much like any living being and
mechanical augmentation, or might be the fused as a require regular intake of food, water, and oxygen. If they
patchwork whole from multiple corpses with the help encounter circumstances that would typically cause
of chemistry and the mysterious potency of electricity! a human to pass out or die due to lack of oxygen or
Powered by scientific genius, these beings are physically sustenance, you enter Dormancy.
powerful and the type of Automaton most innately capable or
of appearing fully organic. No matter how they entered
the world, each is tortured by it or by their previous lives. Electricity: You require an infusion of at least one large
To most, Automatons of Flesh are monsters. For the rare battery’s worth of electricity once per week or risk
few willing to look past the horror, these creations are sad entering Dormancy.
souls in need of acceptance and love.

Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are

Y our B ase A bilities are Armor: You are resistant to physical harm. Your unique
Athletics [GD] • Charisma [PR] • Seeming [GD] • Physique physique stops 1 point of damage (Light Armor). This
[EXC] • Social Graces [PR] armor does not stack with worn armor. Use whichever is
higher when injured.
Living Undeath: While you simulate life well, you are not
truly organic. As a result, you possess an immunity to
disease and poison. However, your body does mimic life
well enough to allow you to heal naturally and gain the
benefits of medicine and healing Magick.
You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from
the following:
• Flash of Insight: Whispers of memories from a
previous life remain in your brain, providing you
with occasional inspiration about matters you
otherwise have no training in. Once per session, you
can convert any card in your hand into a Diamond
before playing it on an Education Feat.
• Magick Resistance: Perhaps because of the
strangeness of your creation, Magick has trouble
touching you. Targeting you with a spell costs 6 TER.
• That Which Cannot Die: Your undying body is
particularly hardy and gains 2 extra Health Points.

• Strength of the Dead: You possess tremendous Y our A dditional A bilities are
physical power. While you use Physique as normal
Choose one additional Good Ability.
to determine Health Points, you can lift a maximum
of 800 pounds and bend steel bars with effort.
Y ou are P owered by
Y our U nfortunate C ircumstance is Clockwork: You are powered by a series of coiled springs
that must be wound daily or risk entering Dormancy.
Phobia: You entered this world with an irrational fear,
Your winding requires a properly fitted key. Should the
perhaps related to either the death of the person
key be misplaced or lost, you cannot be wound until it is
whose brain you possess or to the circumstances of
found or a replacement fashioned.
your creation. Choose something to fear, such as fire,
darkness, confined spaces, electricity, or firearms. When
confronted by the source of your fear, you must succeed
at a Great Courage Feat to move within 10 feet of it or an
Exceptional Courage Feat to remain near it each round
if within 10 feet.

C lockwork A utomaton
Automatons powered by complex clockwork
mechanisms have existed for centuries, and examples have
drawn crowds throughout New Europa. More recently, the
work of Master Elrich Clocktinker has elevated Clockwork
Automatons from mere spectacle to productive tools
capable of bettering society. Master Clocktinker has
not only perfected the delicate balance of mechanisms
needed to allow these fantastic Automatons to perform
strenuous labor, he has developed a miniature “Babbage
Brain,” which enables owners to program each Automaton
with instructions for specific tasks depending upon the
needs of their owner! Of course, as is always the case with
engineering and science, other inventors throughout the
world have seen Master Clocktinker’s work and now seek
to improve upon it. Rumors have begun spreading of
Clockwork Automatons that can not only perform labors
but who can even think for themselves!

Y our B ase A bilities are

Athletics [GD] • Courage [GR] • Perception [GD] • Sorcery

Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are based on your size for the purposes of installing
gadgetech. If you are small, perhaps in the form of a
Babbage Brain: Your Babbage Engine mind can be
clockwork Pixie, you possess 4 spaces. If you so choose,
programmed to perform specific feats using specialized
you can use 2 of them to fit clockwork wings, allowing
punch cards. In addition to the Abilities noted above,
you to fly. If you are larger, in the form of a Dwarf
you begin play with one additional Good Ability which
or human, for example, you possess 8 spaces but
remains unassigned, known as your Babbage Engine
cannot benefit from clockwork wings. Your gadgetech
Ability. By spending ten minutes to reprogram the
spaces can also be used to reinforce your chassis by
punch cards, you or an ally can switch out the current
sacrificing half the spaces to install 1 point of Armor
Babbage Engine Ability for any Ability governed by Clubs
(Light Armor). This armor does not stack with worn
or Diamonds so long as it is one in which you currently
armor. You should use whichever is higher when
possess an Average Rank. The newly chosen Ability rises
in Rank to Good and is now designated as the Babbage
Engine Ability while the former Babbage Engine Ability, • Precise Timing: As a being of clockwork, you always
if there is one, descends to Average. A Good Sorcery know the current time. Moreover, your aptitude for
achieved using this Circumstance gives you knowledge precision timing gives you an advantage when it
of Magick but not the aptitude to cast Spells. comes to matters of finesse. Once per session, you
can convert any card in your hand into a Club before
Clockwork Fortitude: As a mechanical entity, you possess
playing it on an Athletics Feat.
immunity to disease and poison and cannot die due to a
lack of oxygen or sustenance. You do not heal naturally,
nor do you gain benefit from medicine or restorative
Magick. Instead, you require repair. Doing so requires
Y our U nfortunate C ircumstance is
one hour’s time and access to appropriate tools and Delicate: You are particularly delicate as your complex
materials. The Character performing the repairs must assembly of inner gears can easily be knocked out of
succeed at a Tinkering Feat with a Requirement of Great. alignment. As a result, a High Success on an attack
Success means you heal a number of Health Points equal against you not only causes damage but creates a
to the value of the Tinkering Ability being used. malfunction. Reduce the Rank of all your Abilities by
one. Further reductions are cumulative, although no
You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from
Ability can be reduced below the Rank of Poor. These
the following:
penalties remain in place until your clockwork is
• Clockwork Heart: Perhaps due to your internal realigned, which is a Tinkering Feat with a Requirement
workings, you possess an intuitive understanding of of Great and requires one hour’s work.
mechanical devices. Once per session, you can convert
any card in your hand into a Diamond before playing
it on a Tinkering Feat. M ystical A utomaton
• Excellent Engineering: Clever constructions allows The Hebrew Golem. The Bronze Horseman. Pinocchio.
you to continue functioning no matter the conditions. Stories have been told throughout the ages of simulacrums
Consider your Physique to be Ranked at Extraordinary brought to life through the power of Glamour or Magick.
when withstanding the effects of extreme temperature, These are Mystical Automatons, which are usually crafted
pressure as one might find deep underwater, or other through human of Dwarfen hands and then given the gift
intense environmental conditions. of animation through Sorcery or Faerie power or due to
their possession by spirits or other supernatural beings. In
• Gadgetech: Your body can be further modified.
ancient times, such Automatons were most often statues
Consider it to be a container with a number of spaces

or sculptures, but in the modern-day they may well be your power source. If you are mechanically powered
clockwork or steam-powered Automatons granted the gift Automatons, you must be repaired with the Tinkering
of life through Magick! Ability, while if you are Magickally powered you must
be repaired with the Sorcery Ability. If the Feat to repair
the Automaton is successful, you recover a number
Y our B ase A bilities are of Health Points equal to the value of the mechanic/
Courage [GD] • Perception [GD] • Physique [GR] Sorcerer’s relevant Ability.
You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from
the following:
Y our A dditional A bilities are
• Enhanced Senses: Your senses are particularly acute.
Choose one additional Poor Ability and two additional Once per session, you can convert any card in your
Good Abilities. hand into a Diamond before playing it on a Perception

Y ou are P owered B y • Durable: Your body is particularly hardy and gains 2

extra Health Points.
Mechanical: Despite its mystical nature, are still powered
by a mechanism such as clockwork or a steam engine. • Gadgetech: Your body can be further modified.
Choose the power source listed for either the Clockwork Consider it to be a container with a number of spaces
Automaton or the Steam-powered Automaton. based on your size for the purposes of installing
gadgetech. If you are small, perhaps in the form of a
Pixie, you possess 4 spaces. If you so choose, you can
Magickal: You are powered entirely by Magick and do use 2 of them to fit wings, allowing you to fly. If you are
not need to refuel, but a specific action will render you larger, in the form of a Dwarf or human, for example,
Dormant. Examples include removing an item from you possess 8 spaces but cannot benefit from wings.
your body, hearing a particular command phrase, or Your gadgetech spaces can also be used to reinforce
having a specific substance thrust through your heart. your chassis by sacrificing half the spaces to install 1
Likewise, you require an action to exit from Dormancy, point of Armor (Light Armor). This armor does not
such as having an item returned to your body, hearing a stack with worn armor. You should use whichever is
specific command phrase, or having the spike removed higher when injured.
from your heart.
• Intense Strength: You possess tremendous physical
power. While Physique is used as usual to determine
Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are Health Points, you can lift a maximum of 800 pounds
and bend steel bars with effort.
Arcane Armor: As a creature of Magick, you are
exceptionally resistant to Magick. Targeting you with a
spell costs 6 TER. Y our U nfortunate C ircumstances is
Immortal Fortitude: You are not mortal in a traditional Born of Magick: As a creature of Magick, you possess a
sense. As a result, you possess immunity to disease vulnerability to iron not an inherent part of your own
and poison and cannot die due to a lack of oxygen or body. Iron does not repel you, but weapons made of the
sustenance. You do not heal naturally and instead must substance, but not steel, deal one extra point of damage
be repaired. To do so requires appropriate materials, to you upon a successful attack.
tools, at least one hour, and an Ability Feat against a
Great Requirement. The Ability needed depends upon

S team -P owered A utomaton Y ou are P owered B y
Recent advancements in technology have allowed Radium Steam Engine: A steam engine powers you, but
inventors to create small yet powerful steam engines. your heat source is not coal or wood but radium or a
Proclaiming such innovations to represent the future, some similarly mysterious element. The engine’s water must
engineers have chosen to forgo the interweaving of brass be restocked once per day, or you risk Dormancy. Should
and copper gears used to build Clockwork Automatons the heating element be removed or lost, it can be quite
and, instead, are creating artificial beings using boilers challenging to replace.
and burners. With internal mechanisms that feature fewer or
but less delicate moving parts, the modern Steam-powered
Traditional Steam Engine: You are powered by a basic
Automaton works well in rugged conditions and is well
steam engine which includes a boiler and burner. The
armored against external dangers.
engine’s water and fuel must be restocked once per
day, and your burner must be kept aflame or you risk
Y our B ase A bilities are Dormancy.

Athletics [GR] • Courage [EXC] • Fisticuffs [GD] • Seeming

[PR] • Physique [GD] • Sorcery [PR]
Y our F ortunate C ircumstances are
Fortified Chassis: By necessity, your thick-walled design
Y our A dditional A bilities are enables you to withstand extreme conditions. You gain 2
extra Health Points.
Choose one additional Poor Ability and two additional
Good Abilities.

Steam-powered Fortitude: As a mechanical entity, you Y our U nfortunate C ircumstance is
possess immunity to disease and poison and cannot
Susceptible to Rust: Born of iron and steel, you rust
die due to a lack of oxygen or sustenance. You do not
quite easily. Should you be doused in enough water to
heal naturally, nor do you gain benefit from medicine or
cover your entire body, be it from falling into a lake or
restorative Magick. Instead, you require repair. Doing so
being out in a severe rainstorm, you must draw a card
requires one hour’s time and access to appropriate tools
from the Fortune Deck. If you draw a Spade, your joints
and materials. The Character performing the repairs
quickly rust, reducing the Rank of all Club-based Abilities
must succeed at a Tinkering Feat with a Requirement
of Great. Success means you heal a number of Health by two, to a minimum of Poor. Removing this condition
Points equal to the value of the Tinkering Ability being requires drying off and then oiling your joints, a process
used. that requires ten minutes’ time and a lubricant.

You possess one additional Fortunate Circumstance, chosen from

I know. I know. No technology available in
the following:
New Europa is technically powerful enough
• Gadgetech: Your body can be further modified. to allow for logic processing and memory
Consider it to be a container with a number of spaces
retention on the level of the human brain.
based on your size for the purposes of installing
gadgetech. If you are small, perhaps in the form of a
Unless they’ve got the aid of Magick, how
Pixie, you possess 4 spaces. If you so choose, you can can any Automaton be smart enough to be an
use 2 of them to fit wings, allowing you to fly. If you are interesting Dramatic Character?
larger, in the form of a Dwarf or human, for example,
you possess 8 spaces but cannot benefit from wings. I honestly don’t know. By this point, I’ve
Your gadgetech spaces can also be used to reinforce met several self-aware Automatons created by
your chassis by sacrificing half the spaces to install 1 SCIENCE! and I’ll be damned if I can explain
point of Armor (Light Armor). This armor does not how any of them actually work. Just like
stack with worn armor. You should use whichever is
I can’t really explain how the Albatross can
higher when injured.
fly or the Nautilus runs on a nuclear engine
• Horsepower: You can run faster than a horse, even in the 1870s. Maybe the laws of physics
when pulling a wagon or carriage. Your top running
just work differently here, or perhaps either
speed is 45 miles per hour when unencumbered and
30 miles per hour when used as a beast of burden.
the creator or the creation itself has some
sort of innate Magickal Ability. Either way,
• Heat Blast: You can divert heat and fire from your
intelligent, anachronistic artificial lifeforms are
steam-engine to belch out a great burst of flame
or superheated steam that you aim using the
just another odd fact of life here in New
Marksmanship Ability. You use half your water in Europa.
doing so, and so the blast can only be utilized twice
between refilling before you risk Dormancy. Use the Isn’t it great?
following to represent this blast: Steam/Fire Belch
[Range 20/40 • Load Special • 3 (P) • 4 (F) • 5 (H) • Harm
Rank C]. The Automaton Variation is
compatible with the original rules as
• Frame of Steel: You possess tremendous physical
presented in Castle Falkenstein and the
power. While Physique is used as usual to determine
Fearful Harm & Great Danger rules from
Health Points, you can lift a maximum of 800 pounds
Comme il Faut.
and bend steel bars with effort.

V ariations
on the

G reat G ame
A lt e r n at i ve R ules for
58C astle F alkenstein
on the
Great Game
Please allow us to present a series of alternative rules with
which Hosts and Players may customize Castle Falkenstein to
their liking.

The Variations included in this fine document:

• Add nuance to Abilities.
• Change the value of Off-Suit Cards.
• Provide a system for further Improvement
of Dramatic Characters.
• Limit the number of Cards which may be Played.
• Allow for the Great Game to be played with (gasp!) dice.
• Add the mystery and intrigue of the Tarot to
both Fortune and Sorcery Decks.
• Play Automatons!

With Variations on the Great Game, the power

lies in your hand to transform Castle
Falkenstein into an adventure suited
precisely for you!

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