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Magnetic Force

Hamin Gil and Braden Rocio

The purpose of this lab was to support the magnetic force equation F=ILB , as well as the right-hand rule
for finding the direction of magnetic force. Specifically, we found the strength of the magnetic field due
to two neodymium magnets at various distances, as well as the proportionality constant between the
magnetic force on a rod and its current. In addition, we found the directions of the magnetic field and
force. Our results show that we were able to support the magnetic force equation and right-hand rule.

As shown in Figure 1, we used two neodymium
magnets to generate a magnetic field, a magnetic
field sensor/probe to measure the strength of the
field, a fixed meter stick to measure distance, a
compass to find the direction of the field, a brass
rod to conduct current, a current source with wires
to generate current, an ammeter to measure
current, and a digital scale to measure the
magnetic force on the rod (in terms of mass). Not
pictured is Vernier Software’s Graphical Analysis
computer program, which we used to make plots
and calculate the magnetic force.

Figure 1: Setup of the experiment

First, in increments of 0.5 cm, we measured the strength of the magnetic field starting at 3 cm (x = 67 cm)
from the center of the two magnets (x = 64 cm) and ending at 3 cm on the other side of the magnets (x =
61 cm). After plotting this data using Graphical Analysis, we plugged our measurements into the equation
I ∑
= (∆ x × B n), derived from the magnetic force equation, to obtain our predicted proportionality
constant. Then, we found the direction of the magnetic field by holding our compass close to the magnets,
identifying the direction towards which the compass’ north pole pointed as the location of the magnets’
south pole. After all this, we proceeded to measure the proportionality constant by first placing the brass
rod in between the magnets and on the digital scale. We made sure to position the rod so that the magnetic
force pointed down towards the scale (illustrated in Figure 4). After taring the scale to zero, we produced
a 0.5 A current through the rod, measured the mass indicated by the scale, and continued doing this up
through 3.0 A in increments of 0.5 A. Then, we used Graphical Analysis to convert the masses to
magnetic forces (F = mg), and created a magnetic force vs. current plot. Finally, we obtained our
proportionality constant from the slope of the linear fit. Additionally, we drew a diagram of the rod in
between the magnets, indicating the orientation of the diagram; poles of the magnets; and the directions of
the current, magnetic field, and magnetic force on the rod. In our analysis, we discuss what the sign of our
mass values indicates about the direction of the magnetic force.


Figure 2: Magnetic field vs. position plot

Figure 3: Magnetic force vs. current plot
The raw data for the two plots presented above is provided in Lab Notebook.

Change in distance (cm) Sum of magnetic field strengths Expected proportionality

(mT) constant
0.5 ± 0.05 2729* 0.0136
*Uncertainty for each individual magnetic field strength = ± 0.05 mT
Table 1: Measurements for the calculation of the expected proportionality constant (equation given in

Figure 4: Diagram of the rod between both magnets, with directions indicated

As expected, Figure 2 indicates that as distance from a magnetic field source increases, the strength of the
field decreases. Also, our experimental proportionality constant was very close to our predicted value,
with a percent error of about 2.72%. This is small compared to the 10% uncertainty of our expected
proportionality constant, which was due to the uncertainty of our distance measurements. Thus, we are
able to support the equation for calculating magnetic force. In addition, the positive signs of our rod mass
values indicate that the magnetic force indeed pointed down towards the scale. This supports the right-
hand rule for finding the direction of magnetic force, which we used to determine how to orient our rod so
that current flowed in the required direction. Overall, we conclude that our results support the magnetic
force equation and right-hand rule.
Lab notebook

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