Thí sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời (Answer sheet), không làm bài trên đề này

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THỜI GIAN THI: 120 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
(Đề thi có 06 trang)

Thí sinh làm bài trên phiếu trả lời (Answer sheet), không làm bài trên đề này

PART 1 Read the following passage, then choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits
best according to the text. Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet. (10
According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers, Mars is an
inhospitable planet; more similar to Earth’s moon than to Earth itself. It is frozen solid, blanketed
by the mere wisp of an atmosphere – a dry, stark, seemingly lifeless world. However, certain
scientists believe that these conditions could be changed. They have begun to seriously investigate
the possibility of transforming Mars into a more Earth – like planet: enriching the atmosphere with
oxygen, obtaining water from the polar ice caps, seeding the planet with plant and animal life from
Earth, and eventually establishing permanent human colonies. “It was once thought to be so far in
the future as to be irrelevant,” said Christopher McKay, a research scientist at the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration. “But now it is starting to look practical. We could do it in
four or five decades.”
The idea of “terra-forming” Mars, as enthusiasts call it, has its roots in science fiction. But as
researchers develop a more profound understanding of how Earth’s ecology supports life, they have
begun to see that it may be possible to create similar conditions on Mars.

1. With which of the following is the passage primarily concerned?

A. The need to study the Martian ecology.
B. The advantage of establishing colonies on Mars.
C. The challenge of interplanetary travel.
D. The possibility of changing the Martian environment.
2. Which of the following does the author NOT give as a characteristic of the planet Mars?
A. It apparently has no life.
B. It has a rich atmosphere.
C. It is cold and dry.
D. It is quite similar to Earth’s moon.
3. As used in the passage, the term “terra-forming” refers to
A. a system of creating Earth-like conditions on other planets.
B. a method of building housing for colonists on Mars.
C. a process for adapting plants to live on Mars.
D. a means of transporting materials through space.

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4. According to the article, the basic knowledge needed to transform Mars comes from
A. data from space probes.
B. science fiction stories.
C. a knowledge of Earth’s ecology.
D. the science of astronomy.

PART 2 You are going to read an article. Four sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap (1–4). There are two extra sentences
which you do not need to use. Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet.
There is an example at the beginning (0). (10 POINTS)
A Organic cotton jeans are now “cool”, and so are shoes made from recycled materials.
B It was plastic, and was virtually identical to the type of plastic carrier bag they’d give you
in a supermarket.
C Without brand names, goods cost a great deal less, which is good new for less wealthy
fashion hunters.
D So if you thought they were all individually produced, think again!
E And fashion prices go up every year, which makes it very hard to keep up – unless you’re
rich and famous, of course.
F Without a famous logo, the products would be practically worthless.
G That’s why celebrities want brand products, as well as fashion – conscious teenagers.
Nowadays, if you’ve got plenty of cash, it’s trendy to buy goods with designer labels. Having
sunglasses with a famous logo, or designer jeans, is supposed to be “cool” and make other people
look up to you. (0)……G……. When they go out looking for a bag or a jacket, it’s the brand name
these shoppers care about, rather than the quality of the goods. As a result, many fashion companies
are more concerned about displaying their brand name than ensuring goods are well made. And
there’s another problem with designer products. They’re fantastically expensive! (1)………….
Fashion houses realise this. That’s why they’ve started bringing out more affordable versions of the
major labels called “diffusion brands”. You can find these cheaper brands everywhere – in airport
shops and holiday resorts, or even in markets. They include cheaply produced sunglasses,
perfumes, belts and key rings.
(2)…………. But with it, they become a “must-have” for people who want to show off.
So what are people really getting when they buy brand-name goods? Originally, companies
used labels on their products to indicate they were of top quality, and to indicate where they were
made. But these days, brand-name goods, especially diffusion brands, are often mass-produced in
factories in the Far East.
The rush to buy designer brands has created a mad, mad world. Nowadays, two products may
be sold at hugely different prices just because one has a brand name. A famous company recently
brought out a bag with a brand name on the front. (3)…………. But with the brand name attached,
it became a “must-have” item and cost hundreds of dollars. If you think the designer label scene has
gone to far, you may be pleased to hear about a new trend. It’s becoming “cool” to think about the
social and environmental impacts of fashion and to shop in an ethical way. Ethical fashion
companies make clothes from natural, chemical-free, sustainable materials. (4)………… There are
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designer labels on these too, but the products come first. If this trend continues, we can be “cool”
and stylish, and help the world at the same time.
PART 1 Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer A, B,
C, or D in the numbered box on your answer sheet. (10 POINTS)

1.   Most children prefer to play_______do their homework.

A. rather than B. to C. rather D. from
2.   ______ time to time, he visits his homeland as a way to reminisce his childhood.
A. At B. By C. In D. From
3.  A letterbox is a narrow opening in a door through _______ mail is delivered.
A. it B. that C. where D. which
4.  Children hardly study at home,_______ ?
A. don’t they B. do they C. don’t children D. do children
5.   I got to_______Steve well last year when we worked together.
A. introduce B. meet C. know D. sympathize
6. _______ someone please tell me where the library is?
A. Should B. May C. Must D. Can
7.  Dessert is any sweet food eaten at_______ end of a meal.
A. the B. a C. an D. __
8.   We must believe that the problems can be solved, and not just _______
A. make up B. look up C. give up D. put up
9.  I had to shut down the window because the noise outside was _______
A. shouting B. unbearable C. in danger D. enormous
10.  I left the book on the table. _______, someone else has borrowed it.
A. Perfectly B. Personally C. Properly D. Presumably
11.   _______ the United States consists of many different immigrant groups, many sociologists
believe there is a distinct national character.
A. In spite of B. Even though C. Despite D. Whether
12.  Technology will play a key role in_______ future life-styles.
A. to shape B. shaping C. shape of D. shaped
13. Have a look at these _______ stones. They were collected from Mars. 
A. precious B. poisonous C. baggy D. additional
14. She did not _______ staying at home as she had some sewing she wanted to do.
A. mind B. matter C. object D. care
15. I told her many times, but she didn’t remember_______ the tickets for the show.
A. to have bought B. having bought C. buying D. to buy
16.  “ Are you about to have lunch?” _ “ Yes, it _______ in the dining room”.
A. is serving B. serves C. is being served D. served
17. The earring is one of the oldest known ornaments and _______ pieces of stone, bone, or
A. was from made originally   B. was originally made from

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C. originally made was from D. from originally made was

18.  _______ wooden buildings helps to protect them from damage due to weather.
A. Painting B. Painted C. The paint D. By painting
19. That photo always _______ me of a holiday I spent in Thailand.
A. remembers B. awakens C. reminds D. connects
20. Volcanoes are divided into three main groups, based on their shapes and the tyres of
material they _______.
A. are made B. made of C. are made of D. made for

PART 2 Read the following passage and decide which answer (A,B,C, or D) best fits each gap.
Write your answer in the numbered box on your answer sheet. (15 POINTS)

The computer is undoubtedly one of the most (1) ______ and important inventions of
the twentieth century. Boring or time-consuming jobs which, in the past, would have been
(2) ______ by hundreds of workers can now be done by one small computer. However, the
(3)______of the computer has not been entirely problem-free. Many people feel that we are
already too (4) ______ on computers. They think that computers themselves are (5) ______
too powerful and that people are no longer in control of them.
One of the problems with a computer is that, like any other machines, it can (6) ______.
If a computer is (7) ______, the information it is storing can be lost. If a computer program
has a(n) (8) ______in it, the computer’s calculations can be seriously (9) ______. A faulty
program in a hospital or police computer could (10) ______ terrible mistakes.
1. A. shocking B. amazing C. astonishing D. surprising
2. A. done out B. made out C. carried out D. figured out
3. A. usage B. experiment C. introduction D. operation
4. A. dependent B. based C. influenced D. carried
5. A. becoming B. having C. running D. turning
6. A. break up B. break down C. break into D. break out
7. A. changed B. modified C. contaminated D. damaged
8. A. foul B. abnormality C. wrongdoing D. error
9. A. devalued B. affected C. fooled D. broken
10. A. do B. produce C. find D. cause

PART 3 Fill each blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answer in the numbered box on
your answer sheet. (15 POINTS)

Regular exercise such as jogging or swimming is good for your heart. It can also give
you more energy to enjoy life. As a (1) ______ of regular exercise, your body gets better at
using oxygen. It becomes easier for your heart to pump blood (2) ______ your body. After
a while, the heart doesn’t need to work quite as hard. Exercise is often thought to be an
easy way of losing weight. But in (3) ______, exercise tends to increase your appetite.
Many people discover they lose no weight with exercise alone. (4)______ diet and exercise
are needed to achieve this. Some people exercise because they think it will help them to
live longer. If that is your reason for exercising, then you (5) ______ avoid short, intensive

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exercise. Squash, for example, (6)______is a fast game, may be harmful (7)______you’re
unfit or middle-aged. Other sports can be dangerous (8)______. Although both rugby and
football are popular sports, a rugby player is three (9)______ more likely to be injured than
a tennis player. It is advisable, (10)______, to choose a sport that suits you and not one that
is going to harm you.

PART 4 For questions1-10, give the correct form of the words in brackets. Write your answer in
the numbered box on your answer sheet. There is an example at the beginnin (0) (10 POINTS)

In the past, any mother would be (0. PRIDE) proud if her children were round and slightly fat.
Those days are gone. (1. RESEARCH) ______have now reached the (2. CONCLUDE)
______that too much fat and sugar in children’s diets are a major factor in the (3. DEVELOP)
______of heart diseases and other (4. ILL) ______ when they are older.
However, (5. GROW) ______children need to eat a wide range of foods, and their general
health could be (6. DANGER) _____by cutting out particular ones. Psychologists say that the (7.
SOLVE) ______ is not to change eating habit too fast, but to do it (8. CARE) ______so that
children do not lose muscle in addition to fat. Parents should present food a little (9.
DIFFERENCE) ______, spread butter thinly and avoid putting sugar on the table. Children should
also be(10. COURAGE) ______to take part in sports: this way they will be using the calories that
they have eaten.

PART 5 For questions 1-5, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two
and five words, including the word given. Write your answer in the numbered box on your
answer sheet. (10 POINTS)

1. I cashed a cheque because I might need more money. CASE

 I cashed a cheque ………………………………………….. money.
2. I didn’t feel hungry, despite missing dinner. EVEN
 I didn’t feel hungry………………………………………….. dinner.
3. My father pays someone to wash his car every week. WASHED
 My father………………………………………….. every week.
4. Be sure to arrive early if you don’t want to miss the beginning of the play. AS
 Be sure to arrive early……………………………………… the beginning of the
5. Once everybody had arrived, the teacher began the lesson. HAD
 The teacher waited ………………………………………….. she started the lesson.

For questions 6-10, finish each of the sentences in such a way that it means exactly the
same as the sentence(s) printed before it. Write your answer in the numbered box on your
answer sheet.

6. It’s a pity I can’t go to the cinema today, but I have to babysit.

 I wish

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7. The hardware of that computer was infected with viruses.
 That computer ………………………………………………………………………...

8. The food is so stale that we cannot eat it.

 The food
9. People believe Michael Jordan was a basketball genius.
 Michael Jordan………………………………………………………………………..
10. No one gave us instructions or showed us what to do.
 We…………………………………………………………………………………….


Who is your best friend? Use reasons and specific examples to support your point of
view. Write at least 120 words on your answer sheet. (20 POINTS)

In your writing you should:

- say who you are going to write about and tell how you met him/her.
- describe what he/she looks like, what kind of person he/she is, state what two of
you have in common, and what you expect from him/her.
- give the reason(s) why you like him/her.

------ ---------------------------------------------------- THE END ----------

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