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Name: _____________________________________ Score:___________

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read and analyze each statement carefully then write the letter of the correct answer on the
space provided.
_____1. What influence the interpretation of conversation to effective communication?
A. environment B. language C. noise D. technological gadgets
_____2. When is the communication process complete?
A. when the message enters the channel of communication
B. when the receiver understands the message and feedback
C. when the sender transmits message to the receiver
D. when the sender transmits the message successfully
_____3. Which of the following must be avoided in communication breakdown?
A. Ambiguity B. focused attention C. personal interpretation D. Both A and B
_____4. Which barrier includes the mental conditions of the listener?
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physical barrier D. psychological barrier
_____5. Which barrier includes the hearing or sight problem of the listener?
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physical barrier D. Both A and C
_____6. In which barrier can semantic noise be classified?
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physical barrier D. Both A and C
_____7. Which of the following must the listener do to avoid mental noise?
A. Be ready for the communication activity. C. Just remain quiet and daydream
B. Be attentive and respond to the speaker. D. Must not think of any problem during class hours
_____8. In which barrier does gender be classified in communication?
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. Physical barrier D. Both B and C
_____9. Which is the best option in order to avoid misinterpretation that causes communication
barrier? A. Be familiar with the topic of the speaker. C. Do not be conscious of gender or status.
B. Disconnect with your emotional baggage. D. Inquire the meaning. ]
_____10. What is the barrier to which you classify withdrawal of listener?
A. cultural barrier B. linguistic barrier C. physical barrier D. psychological barrier
_____11. It takes place when the shared information is mutually understood.
A. barriers to communication C. effective communication
B. communication D. strategies to effective communication
_____12. It refers to the use of appropriate speaking volume, rate, acceptable pronunciation, and
proper stressing.
A. keep focused C. minimize distractions
B. listen with your ears and eyes D. speak intelligently
_____13. It helps to pay attention to the verbal message as well as the nonverbal message.
A. keep focused C. minimize distractions
B. listen with your ears and eyes D. speak intelligently
_____14. It uses concise and simple words to deliver the message.
A. be specific C. minimize distractions
B. do not jump to conclusions D. speak intelligently
_____15. It is important for a receiver to analyze first the message of the sender before he/she
accepts or reject them.
A. barriers to communication C. do not jump to conclusions
B. be specific D. effective communication
For 16-18 A. consider B. hold C. rate D. think
_____16. Complete communication is __________to the quality of the communication process in general.
_____17. ___________ is making the message direct and straight to the point. ___________ information
should be eliminated from the communication that will be sent to the recipient.
_____18. In order to be an effective speaker, you should always ___________ significant information
about your receiver’s mood, race, background, preferences, education, and others.
_____19. Concrete message is supported by facts, figures, and real life examples. This will make the
receiver to ___________________________.
A. develop rapport to the speaker. C. respond quickly to the message.
B. realize the importance of communication process. D. understand the message better.
_____20. As a speaker, you want to deliver a clear message to the audience or receiver. Therefore,
you will __________________ .
A. know their background information C. respect their culture, values, and beliefs
B. include everything in your message D. use of simple and specific words to express ideas
_____21. Who proposed the Speech Act Theory?
A. John Austin B. John Searle C. John Cena D. John Lennon
_____22. When can we say that a speech act is a locutionary act?
A. when there is an utterance of a sound, a word, or even a speech
B. when there is something said to express an intention
C. when the utterance changes the person’s feelings, thoughts or actions
D. when the statement caused misunderstanding and confusion
_____23. Which of the following statements shows an illocutionary speech act?
A. “Our class will end in five minutes.” (The teacher’s actual utterance)
B. “Our class will end in five minutes.”(The teacher wants the class to finish the task before the bell rings)
C. “Our class will end in five minutes.”(The listeners respond by finishing their task right away.)
D. “Our class will end in five minutes.” (The exact words of the teacher)
_____24. What do you call the utterances that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect?
A. Speech Act B. Speech Context C. Speech Style D. Speech Variation
_____25. What type of speech act has an intended effect through locution and illocution?
A. locutionary B. illocutionary C. perlocutionary D. prolocutionary
_____26. Who is the proponent of the Speech Act Theory?
A. J.L. Austin B. J.F. Kervin C. J. A. Austin D. J.L. Gastivo
_____27. What type of speech act is this? “Please don’t let the door open,” the speaker requests that
the door remain closed.
A. locutionary B. illocutionary C. perlocutionary D. prolocutionary
_____28. You were eating delicious apples. Your friend came and asked you, “Is that sweet?” while
looking at your apples. How will you respond appropriately?
A. “Yes, these apples are sweet.” C. “Yes, would you like some?”
B. “No, please leave me alone.” D. “Absolutely!”
_____29. Who is the professor from the University of California, Berkeley that classified illocutionary
acts into five distinct categories?
A. John Austin B. John Searle C. John Lennon D. John Scarley
For numbers 10 -15
To what classification of illocutionary act do the given examples belong? Choose your answer from
the choices below.
A. assertive B. commissive C. directive D. expressive E. declaration
_____30. “No one can sing as Leah does!”
_____31. “Please clean the room before you leave.”
_____32. “From this day forward, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.”
_____33. “You are blessed.”
_____34. “I love you very much!”
_____35. “Kindly see me after class.
Identify whether each statement is TRUE or FALSE. Write your answer on the space before each
___________1. The MOST informal speech style is the intimate style.
___________2. The standard style of speech is the casual style.
___________3. Consultative style is used when talking to someone in authority.
__________ 4. Frozen style needs feedback.
__________ 5. Honorifics like Mr. and Mrs. should be used when talking to strangers.
__________ 6. You can use slang words like “dude” to a stranger.
__________ 7. Similar interests form a casual speech style.
__________ 8. Correct pronunciation is strictly observed in the intimate style.
__________ 9. Talking to strangers should follow the consultative style.
__________10. Delivering a formal speech takes the longest time of preparation.
__________11. The manager can talk informally to his subordinates in the workplace.
__________12. Speech styles develop good values.
__________13. Using appropriate speech style means varying the degree of formality.
__________14. Speech context affects speech style.
__________15. The degree of relationship dictates the type of speech style to be used.

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