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vr EMBER 1963

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Robert D. Kerr, Press Officer

Robert J. Fleming. Jr., Governor-President js-jg^L

Publications Editors

Dwid S. Parker, Lieutenant Governor Robert D. Kerr and Julio E. BricenO

Official Panama Canal Publication
Frank A. Baldwin Editorial Assistants
Published monthly at Balboa Heights, C.Z.
Panama Canal Information Officer Eunice Richard, ToBiBnrEL.and TomasA. Cupas
Printed at the Printing Plant, La Boca, C.Z.
Distributed free of charfte to all Panama Canal Employees.

THE REPUBLIC OF PANAMA will dedicate 4 days to

proclamation observance of the 60th anniversary of its independence,
honoring the fathers of the country, and reaffirming the
Whereas mutual understanding, respect and friendship nation's faith in democracy and love of liberty.
have existed between the peoples of the Republic November 2 isMemorial Day, for remembrance of
the dead.
of Panama and Canal Zone since the Republic
November 3 greeted by a "reveille" of bugles from
proclaimed her independence 60 years ago; and
one end of the capital city to the other. Immediately
Whereas the people of Panama are playing an increas- afterward, a traditional parade is held, centering around
ingly important role in the operation and maintenance of Independence Plaza.
the Panama Canal; and November 4 is set aside to honor the national banner

of Panama. U.S. Armed Forces stationed in the Canal

Whereas the people of the Canal Zone desire to give Zone join in these celebrations.
due recognition to their neighbors in the Republic and November 5 is Colon Day, with that city holding the
are in harmony with their aspirations for a way of life national attention with celebrations gaining yearly in
which dignifies the individual and promises political, fervor and solemnity.
economic and spiritual well being;

Now, Therefore, I, ROBERT J. FLEMING, Jr., Gov-

ernor of the Canal Zone, do hereby invite all the people Index
of theCanal Zone to take part in celebrating with
Open Spaces Gone 3
Panama the 60th anniversary of her Independence on Big, Big Diggers 4
November 3, 1963. Isthmus Commerce 6
agencies of the Panama Canal to encour- Presidents on Parade 8
/ request all
Telephoning by Cable 10
age, foster, and participate in the observance. I especially
Promotions and Transfers 12
encourage our schools, libraries, churches and religious
Canal History 13
bodies, civic, service and patriotic organizations, and our
Anniversaries 14
learned and professional societies to participate in the Shipping 15
observance as appropriate, all to the end of enriching
our knowledge and appreciation of the history of the
neighboring Republic. ON OUR COVER: First, open The Review so that both
front and back covers show. The imposing towers of the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
Cathedral in Panama City flank the majestic Thatcher
my hand and caused the seal of the Canal Zone Ferry Bridge, linking the Americas,
to be affixed at Balboa Heights, Canal Zone this which was dedicated last October. The
1st day of November, 1963. Cathedral, completed in 1730, pre-
dated by nearly 2% centuries the inde-
pendence of Panama, which seceded
from Colombia November 3, 1903, and
thus marks its birthday Sunday. The
picture was taken by Luis C. Salazar
of San Francisco de la Caleta, Aptdo.
3062, Panama City, where he has
resided 25 vears. Mr. Salazar has been
Bv tlic Governor: Mr. Salazar
interested in photography, and has
been taking pictures, for about 20 years. If you try to find
(jouJ. Yn. (j^u^u^a^ out where he took the picture from, he declares it is a
"military secret." Mr. Salazar was born and educated in
Executive Secretary. Colon and labels himself as semi-retired.

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From Ancon Hill 7979

LESS THAN HALF a century ago ground, with trees obscuring the old
thousands of acres around Panama City Ancon Hospital area. But Panama City
were mere wasteland. The city's popula- has leapfrogged suburbs into the dim
tion was less than 98,000 in 1919. It's distance. The pictures are graphic evi-

PANAMA now estimated in excess of 380,000 and

the former "wasteland" is filled with
residences and commercial, industrial,
dence of the transformation of the area
from small city status, dependent almost
solely on activities related to Panama

CITY and public buildings.

The striking change in Panama City
would be unbelievable to many de-
Canal shipping, into a metropolitan area
with increasingly diversified industrial,
commercial, and tourism enterprises.
parted "old timers." In the 1919 picture Millions of dollars a year still are
above, the outer rim of houses then contributed to Panama and Panama
44 More Years clustered around the Panama Railroad City's economy by Canal Zone employ-
tracks and on Via Espafia is clearly ment, contracts, purchases, and Zone
280,000 More People visible, with open fields and patches residents' shopping trips, but the lure of
of jungle beyond. the city and independent industrial
In the picture below, the only open and commercial growth are playing an
land or jungle visible are in the fore- ever-increasing role.

From Ancon Hill 7963

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Comfortably standing in a 15-cubic yard
dipper dredge bucket, 28 Dredging Divi-
sion employees on a platform hung halfway
down inside the dipper afford a graphic
idea of the bucket's size. Actually they are
reenacting a scene recorded in a photo-
graph taken nearly 50 years ago when the
dipper dredges Paraiso and Gamboa were
new, exceeding in size and power any
other dredge in the world. The Paraiso is in
inactive reserve at the Dredging Division,
Gamboa. The dredge Gamboa was sold
some years ago and left the Isthmus. The
Cascadas, which arrived in the Canal Zone
in 1915, is still at work.

slides plagued Canal Con-

struction, delayed opening of the Canal,
and even closed it for many months after
it was officially opened.

were all
Such sights as this
too common, with steam shovels
Big Big Diggers
upended or virtually buried, and railroad
tracks twisted like rubber bands when
millions of yards of earth and rock started
to move without warning.


'<//> 9. -** »•

dredging records were toppled month
after month are part of early Panama
Canal history, but two of the mighty
dredges that made and broke records
are still in Panama Canal Dredging
Division sen ice.
The oldest 15-yard dipper dredge on
the Isthmus is the Paraiso, ordered by
the Isthmian Canal Commission in
1914, when the problem of keeping the
Canal open to traffic loomed the biggest,
and the task of clearing away the slides
appeared in its most formidable light.
The Paraiso was preceded to the
Isthmus by the Gamboa, which was
sold some time ago. The two were the
largest machines of the type ever built
up to that time. They were ordered from
the Bucyrus Co., were built and par-
tially erected on the Hudson River at Partiallyframed by its own pontoon pipeline, the big suction dredge Mindi is shown as it
Newburg, N.Y., and towed to Colon, was work on dredging operations recently in Balboa Harbor. Except for brief periods,
the Mindi has been in continuous service since it joined the Dredging Division fleet in 1943!
re-erected and put into service. Such
It was used on dredging operations in connection with the Third Locks
project, but since
satisfactory results were achieved that then has been engaged principally on removing accumulated silt from the Canal channel
a third dredge, the Cascadas, was con- and outer harbors.
tracted for in January 1915. It, too, still

is in service.
Each dredge has a displacement of
about 1,500 tons; boom with machinery
weighs about 113,000 pounds; and the
dipper handle weighs 81,000 pounds.
The big 15-yard dipper dredges
were used in battling the slides during
that strenuous period between 1914
and 1916. Much remained to be done
in widening, deepening, and keeping
open the Canal, particularly at points
immediately north and south of Gold
Hill and Contractor's Hill areas, points
directly opposite each other and com-
prising the Cucaracha, East and West
Culebra Slides, an area as treacherous
then as during the construction period.
The Canal was opened to commerce
on August 15, 1914. The year 1915 was
notable for the big slide. The Canal was
closed a total of 216 days and the
dredges were in constant danger of
grounding due to the ever changing
depths of water as a result of the The record-breaking Cascadas shown at work at the mouth of Mandinga River taking off
Mandinga Flare, which has been a navigational hazard for years, was placed in commission
upward action of the slides from the in October 1915. In February 1916 the Cascadas made her great record output, which still
bottom. stands as the Panama and probably the world's record for a dipper dredge, excavating
They finished removal of the slide 23,305 cubic yards of hard material in 24 hours. The Cascadas' average output for 13 days
material near Contractor's
Hill, how- was 13,054 cubic yards, which broke the Paraiso's record of October 1915. In setting the
ever, and the waterway was reopened dipper dredge record, the Cascadas averaged over 1,002 cubic yards an hour, or 25 tons
per minute.
April 15, 1916.
It never has been closed since.

The dredge Paraiso, now in the Dredging

Division's inactive reserve fleet, was one of
the largest of its type built in 1914 and
was one of the first 15-yard dipper dredges
to go into Panama Canal service. On Octo-
ber 4, 1915 the Paraiso smashed all
previous dredge records— 17,186 cubic
yards in' 24 hours. Records also show the
Paraiso had averaged 10,445 cubic yards
per day for 13 working days. This record
was broken the following year by the

The Panama Canal Review 5



IN 1915, THE YEAR after the Panama

Canal was opened to commercial traffic,
A Chase customer has a roundup on the occasion of a visit to the Isthmus by George an American bank opened its doors in
Champion, chairman of the Board of Directors of Chase Manhattan Bank. It was the Commercial
Cristobal, C.Z.
National Bank of Washington, D.C.
In those davs the economic life of
Panama was almost dependent
on the activities resulting from the
operation and maintenance of the Canal
and the geographical position of Pan-
Hf£536S3I|t|\ ama as an international transit center.
Since then, many things have hap-
pened. The bank has had several name
changes: first to the American Foreign
Banking Corp. in 1917, then to the
Chase National Bank in 1925, and in
1955 to the Chase Manhattan Bank
Flaza Cinco de Mayo branch of Chase,
as it is known todav. The original office
which opened in 1952, succeeded the in Cristobal was followed by new
Cathedral Plaza branch. branches in Panama City, Colon,
Balboa, David, and Chitre.
Establishment of these branches over
the years and the evolution of local
banking came as a direct consequence
of the growth and increase in economic
activity throughout the Republic.
At the outset this was an organiza-
tion for financing ships' transit through
the Canal and for servicing of shipping
and such international trade as accrued
to Panama from these activities. It
developed with the vears and with the
changes in the structure of the economy
of the Republic into a financial institu-
tion engaged in the broadest and most
diversified types of banking transac-
tions—all aimed at the development of
commerce, industry, and agriculture.
Growth and expansion of the bank
throughout the Republic reflects the
changes in the economic life of Pan-
Via Espana branch at 120
Via Espana, Panama City.
ama. First an organization engaged in
financing of shipping and of imports
for the merchants on Central Avenue
and Front Street, Chase Manhattan
now, in the wide and varied scope of
its activities, is truly representative of
all phases of the economy of the

6 November 1963
The Chase Manhattan branch at David.

With its network of local branches, In the fields of animal husbandry

it covers all nine Provinces of the and agriculture, especially, Chase Man-
Republic and the Canal Zone, with a hattan extends not merely a banking
range from the big industry, the mer- service, but an educational service.
chant and the shipping agent in the With a staff of eight technicians, agro-
terminal cities to the modest business nomists, and animal husbandry men,
in the rural centers; from the cattle
the bank has been a major factor in
rancher in the valleys and plains to the improvement of the cattle industry and
coffee grower in the highlands. of farming operations on the Isthmus
The Chase Manhattan Bank has con- by laying down planned programs for
tributed and is continuing to contribute its customers throughout the interior.
to the growth and diversification of This program has attracted such
local commerce and production. Here attention that Chase's technicians have
one of the largest banks in the world
been invited to assist and advise similar
isgiving a practical demonstration of
institutions in planning comparable
what private enterprise can do for the
programs in Venezuela, Santo Domingo,
economic development of a country
and Trinidad.
and of its honest, hard working, and
enterprising Visitors also have come from neigh-
boring countries to study the supervised
credit program prepared for cattle
ranchers in Panama.
Above, a busy day, at month's end, at
Chase Manhattan also is, at its Plaza Cinco de Mayo branch. Below, an
Balboa branch, a depository of public interior view at the Chirre branch, with
R. D. Carles, Jr., of Chase Panama talking
moneys of the United States, playing to customers and prospective customers.
a part in attending to the banking needs
of the Canal organization, of units of
the Armed Forces of the United States,
and of their individual employees and
Louis A. Gomez, vice president of
Chase in charge of Isthmian operations,

"We are a United States bank which

has identified itself with the country
and with its economic needs. It is as
true in Panama as it is in New York
that you have a friend at Chase
Manhattan. And on the Isthmus the
bank has shown that constructive and
imaginative banking aimed at the
Louis A. Gomez, vice president of Chase
Manhattan Bank in charge of Isthmian development of the local economy is
operations. sound business."

The Panama Canal Review 7

During the historic meeting of the Presidents American Republics held in Panama City in
1956, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was ai ig those who came to the Isthmus. Here he is
shown being greeted by Panama President Ric; Arias Espinosa, with President-Elect Ernesto
de la Guardia, Jr., also w to extend a welcome.
Above, Panama's President Dr. Juan De-
m6stenes Arosemena visits U.S. President
Above, President Roberto F. Chiari of
Franklin Delano Roosevelt aboard the
Panama with U.S. President John F.
Navy ship which brought President
Kennedy during a visit to Washington by
Roosevelt to the Isthmus for a visit.

PARADE OF PRESIDENTS the Panama President.

Below, U.S. President and Mrs. Dwight D.

CORDIAL RELATIONS between the Chief t supervision of— and responsibility for— admin-
Executives of the Republic of Panama and the istrative appointees to whom authority has
Eisenhower welcome the then President
of Panama and Mrs. Jose" Antonio Remon United States have been highlighted by meet- been delegated.
on the steps of the White House during ings dating back to the time the 26th U.S.% The mission of presidents: To do the right
a visit to Washington, D.C., by the President conferred with the first President us (hey see the right; to chart and steer a course Below, during a visit to Panama, President
Panama President. Franklin Delano Roosevelt rides in the
of the Republic during a visit to the Isthmus. of progressive leadership without domination;
presidential open car with Panama Pres-
Use of the designation "president" is some- and to safeguard personal rights, ever mindful ident Dr. Harmonio Arias and Mrs. Arias.
thing of a mistwmcr, as those holding the that just powers are derived only through
highest office rarely preside. Thus, chief consent of the governed.
executive is a more properly descriptive title. Some of the historic meetings of the Pres-
In this capacity, the duties are multitudi- idents of the United States and the Republic
nous and complex, in many instances being of Panama are pictured on these pages.

On November 15, 190G, when the Republic of was but 3 years old, U.S. President Theodore
I n.i

Roosevelt made his historic visit to the Isthmus, Panama's first President, Dr. Manuel
ing with
Amador Guerrero, with whom he appears on of Panama City's Cathedral. It was the first
tli t IpS

time a U.S. chief executive had left the Unite' ates to visit another country while in office.
This is a bank of echo suppressors at the I.T.T.-C.A.C.&R.
Coaxial Terminal building in Balboa. Vice President After each individual wire is joined to its mate, the splice is covered with
and General Manager Harry J. Sinnott, left, watches a protective lead sleeve. The cable makes most of its journey in the Panama
Engineering Supervisors Rodolfo E. Salas and Felix G. Canal cable duct which follows the Panama Railroad right-of-way. Each
Martinez, right, check wires to assure that telephone users time the tracks change direction there is a manhole for access to the duct,
in Panama and the Zone have as clear connections to the and at each manhole, a splice. Even on straightaways there are splices
United States and Europe as to a neighbor next door. about every 300 yards.

Communications Saga: Cable Talk

THROUGH cooperative arrangements pleted in December 1866 by the Inter- unveiling of the bronze statue of
concluded last month between
private national Ocean Telegraph Co., founded Columbus and the indian girl which
Panamanian and United States enter- by James A. Scrymser, who was later has since become a landmark of the
prise, the Republic of Panama and the to organize the All America Cables and Atlantic side. But, despite the purple
Canal Zone, Isthmian telephone users Radio svstem. Five months earlier, prose of the ceremonies, no words
now can telephone the United States, Cyrus \V. Field's Atlantic Cable Co. flowed over the wire. The cable ship
( Western Europe, Hawaii.
an. ula. had opened a 2, 000-mile cable between on its return passage lost its cargo in
Puerto Rico, and Bermuda by cable. England and Newfoundland. By linking 500 fathoms. The Atlantic cable, under
Opening of the new coaxial cable the services of the two cables, Panama repair for the seventh time since its
s\ stem, first of its kind in Latin America, was separated from Europe only by the inception 4 years before, also was silent.
marks nearly a century of electrical time of a ship's passage from Cuba. Meanwhile. Scrymser was embarking
communication on the Isthmus, and Pushing ahead under powers of mi ventures which were to form the
once again makes Panama a "cross- attorney from the International Ocean nucleus of All America Cables and
roads," this time in electronics; a bridge Tel graph Co., William G. Fargo and Radio. In 1878 he incorporated the
for hemisphere communications as well Gen. E. S. Stanford brought a cable Mexican Cable Co. with a line across
as for world commerce. from the West Indies to Panama in the Gulf of Mexico from Galveston to
I lie electric telegraph first came to L870— just a few months after comple- Vera Cruz. A year later, with the
the Isthmus as a service of the Panama tion of the Union Pacific Railroad across Central and South American Cable Co.,
Railroad, which, while under construc- the United States. Opening of the trans- he extended services across the Isthmus
tion, depended on the semaphore but continental railroad brought an eco- of Tehuantepec and down the Pacific-

Switched to new
invention shortly
the nomic slump to Panama, which was then Coast to South America via Panama
after it had been proved. A picture in no longer the quickest route between City.
Harper's Magazine of San Pablo station the United States and the gold fields The direct service provided by the
i'i 1855 shows two wires strung above of the west. 4,637 miles of submarine cables and
the ti.H ks. Amid great fanfare at Aspinwall land lines was an instant success. With
The first submarine cable between (Colon), inauguration of the new cable increasing Latin American trade, stimu-
tin United States and Cuba was com- shared honors with the unpacking and lated in part by the new cable system,

10 November 1963
A month's special training of already
expert technicians was required to learn
complexities of the new type coaxial cable
laid across the Isthmus. Here Julio Petrich,
Mateo Klein, and Adam Preisach are
shown practicing before starting on the
360 splices completed in September
between Fort Sherman and Balboa.

the companies' business and coverage

steadilv expanded. Between 1890 and
1893, 5,298 miles of land and sea cables
were added, linking most important
points inCentral and South Amer-
ica, including undersea lines laid in
1882, 1913, and 1926 from Panama
to Valparaiso.
Increasing traffic congestion led to
initiation of an all-cable route from New
York to Guantanamo, Cuba, and then But the All America dangled the The submarine cable completed in
to Colon. This "via Colon" route was proof, and later fished up additional April was laid by A.T. & T. from Florida
completed in August 1907, as U.S. evidence from over 4,500 feet. City, Fla., to Kingston, Jamaica, and
construction effort on the Canal moved Despite all the cables encircling the the section from there to Fort Sherman
toward its peak. globe, therewere major inadequa- on the Atlantic side is jointly owned by
Opening of the Canal in August 1914 cies. Transmission over long distances A.T. & T. and I.T.T. This was linked in
marked an epoch in the development beneath the oceans was limited to an September to the trans-Isthmian coaxial

of Latin American trade that soon improved form of the dot-dash system cable of I.T.T. -Central America Cables
was reflected in the cable companies' developed by Samuel F. B. Morse; & Radio, which was laid partially in
volume. This and the increased traffic direct voice communication could not Panama Canal Company ducts and with
burden resulting from the outbreak of be transmitted over submarine cables. the cooperation of the Panama Railroad
war in Europe made a second New Development of radio communica- which provided equipment and re-
York-Colon cable necessary. Opened in tions partially solved the problem with scheduled its freight trains so as not
August 1915, the new cable insured the radio-telephone service substituting for to interfere with installation. In October
"via Colon" route against interruption cable telephone service. But the naked the system was extended to the offices
and increased the efficiency of the human voice, bounced around the curve of Tropical Radio in Panama City.
service. 1927 International Tele-
In of the earth's enveloping ionosphere, Connecting with this network is the
phone and Telegraph Corp. acquired often must compete with such awe- different but equally modern micro-
a controlling interest in A.A.C. & R., some sounds as solar eruptions, the wave system of Comunicaciones, S.A.,
adding its worldwide lines to the exploding of stars, and the collision to the interior of Panama.
system. of galaxies. These interruptions are Thus, the Republic of Panama
Occasional difficulties still occurred what has made transoceanic telephon- becomes the first South or Central
on the cables, but at least one usually ing, until recently, an uncertain and American country to be joined by
remained in operation. Certain interrup- frequently frustrating experience. direct submarine telephone cable to the
tions added to scientific knowledge of Finally, however, came the scientific United States and Europe. From here,
sperm whales. and technological breakthrough which other lines, already in the planning
In 1933 the crew of the repair ship produced reliable submerged repeaters stage, will reach out into the Pacific and
All America, sent to fix a break nearly capable of providing dependable voice the Caribbean.
3.000 feet down, found the trouble too transmission. In 1948 I.T.T. and Amer- Thus, the same narrow strip of land
strong for noses or stomachs. The cause ican Telephone and Telegraph Co. which heard the hoofbeats of the burros
came up with the cable— a 47-foot laid cables with submerged repeaters and the pad of barefooted indians laden
sperm whale had entangled himself and between Key West, Fla., and Cuba. In with the gold of the New World; the
was snared by his lower jaw, flippers, 1956 Europe and America were linked
hum of rails carrying the Argonauts of
and flukes. The crew reported that the by voice beneath the Atlantic. '49; the rumble of steam engines and
monster descended to scrape the bar- Since then, improvements have been
the blasting of dvnamite as the Big
nacles off its belly, and, unable to made which made the telephone cables
Ditch was constructed; the hiss of water
back, was trapped. even more dependable. The! new coaxial
rising in the locks to lift the world's
Sperm whale had long been known systemnow provides the Republic of
to feed on giant squid which hunt in the Panama and the Canal Zone with elec- ships through the funnel for world com-
darkness of the ocean depths, but until tronic telephone service as up-to-date merce, now hears— through a slender
then scientists had questioned that an as anywhere in the world. It climaxes cable buried in the jungle and under
air-breathing mammal such as a whale nearly a century of cooperation among the sea— voices from across that sea—
could dive so deep for his dinner. governments and private companies. without cosmic interference.

The Panama Canal Review 11

EMPLOYEES promoted or transferred Dredging Division James H. Johnston, Helper Machinist
(Marine) to Oiler.
between September 5 and October 5 Robert E. Daisey, Machinist (Marine) to
Engineer, Floating Crane. John A. Bowen, Clerk to Timekeeper.
(within-grade promotions and job re-
Carole V. Martin, Clerk-Typist, License John Jackman, Stockman to Storekeeping
classifications are not listed): Clerk.
Section, to Clerk-Stenographer.

ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Maintenance Division Locks Divsion

DIVISION Charles W. Brown, Contract Assistant, Robert V. Dean, Leader Lock Operator
Joseph Wood, Jr., Graduate
Intern (Ad- Construction Division, to Administrative (Electrician) to Control House Operator.
ministrative Services), to Administrative Services Assistant. William V. Butler, Lock Operator (Elec-
Services Assistant. James A. Hoverson, Lead Foreman (Refrig- trician) to Leader Lock Operator (Elec-

Shirley L. Harned, Clerk-Typist, Division eration and Air Conditioning) to General trician).

of Schools, to Illustrator.
Foreman Refrigeration and Air Condi- James A. Schofield, Lock Operator (Ma-
tioning Mechanic. chinist) to Leader Lock Operator
CIVIL AFFAIRS HUREAU Bertie Gittens, Leader Painter to Lead (Machinist).
Foreman Painter.
Mary A. Williford, Clerk-Typist, from In- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER
Ricardo Romero, Laborer (Cleaner),
dustrial Division to Customs Division.
Electrical Division, to Laborer. Elena Cham, Accounting Clerk, Industrial
Division of Schools Alfonso D. Gittens, Leader Laborer Division, to Accounting Technician,
(Cleaner) to Leader Laborer. Accounting Division.
Inez L. Craigen, Evelyn B. Fondren, Mari- Edith W.
Cotton, Freight Rate Assistant, Dora W. Ung, Accounting Technician to
lyn W. Huldquist, Substitute Teacher Accounting Division, to Accounting Voucher Examiner, Accounting Division.
to Teacher (Elementary', U.S. Schools). Clerk (Typing), Maintenance Division
Mary Anderson, Esther V. Flores, Ann
S. Water and Laboratories Branch. SUPPLY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES
Foster,Chrystle S. Marcus, Substitute Rafael A. Del Cid, Laborer (Cleaner), to DIVISION
Teacher to Teacher (Junior High, U.S. Laborer (Heavy). Orlan H. Betcher, Supervisory Baker Spe-
Schools). Luis De Gracia, Railroad Trackman, Rail- cialist, to Service Center Supervisor.
Norma S. Barkman, Dorothy M. Darcy, road Division, to Laborer (Cleaner).
Wilford R. Dixon, Jr., Guard, Locks Divi-
Leona Knight, Mayme Prevost, Reginaldo Urriola, Laborer (Heavy) to
J. J. sion, to Retail Store Management
Substitute Teacher to Teacher (Senior Helper (General).
High, U.S. Schools).
HEALTH BUREAU Ruben N. Padmore, Leader Laundry
Ross E. Anderson, Supervisor (Physical Checker to Lead Foreman (Laundry
Education and Athletics), to Supervis- Evelyn G. Faulkner, Accounting Clerk,
ing Director (Physical Education and Electrical Division, to Supervisory Clerk
(Medical Records), Corozal Hospital. Francisco Brto, Leader High Lift Truck
Operator to Leader High Lift Truck
Stewart J. Brown, Teacher (Senior High, Gorgas Hospital Operator (Cold Storage).
U.S. Schools) to Supervisor (Physical
Cynthia E. Schloss, Staff Nurse to Staff Juan A. V. Platero, Assistant Meat Cutter,
Education and Athletics).
Nurse (Medicine and Surgery). to Meat Cutter.
Janet A. Marshall, Wilfred E. Layne,
Ruty P. DeCodling, Dental Assistant (Re- Fitzgerald Burnham, Clerk to Storekeeping
Substitute Teacher to Elementary
storative) to Dental Assistant (Surgery). Clerk.
Teacher, Latin American Schools.
John Hull, Accounting Clerk to Guest
Exley N. Reid, Substitute Teacher to MARINE BUREAU House Clerk.
Teacher (Junior High, Latin American Navigation Division
Schools). Wilmoth L. Davis, Assistant Cook to Cook.
Dorothy E. Brooks, Clerk-Typist, from G. Leroy Koontz, Administrative Services Theodore M. Griffiths, Pantryman to Cook.
Assistant, Police Division, to Supervisory Warehouseman Stock-
Gorgas Hospital. Froilan Lopez, to
Administrative Services Assistant. man.
Edwin H. Roach, Motion Picture Projec- John L. Hughes, Jr., First Assistant Engi-
tionist to Leader Laborer (Cleaner). Lela S. Cadogan, Counterwoman to Sales
neer, Pipeline Dredge, Dredging Divi-
R. Francis, Laborer (Cleaner) to Checker.
Ifil sion, to Chief Engineer, Towboat.
Laborer (Heavy). Gilberto Guevara, Painter (Maintenance) to Harry A. Smith, Laborer (Heavy) to Truck
Ross T. Barrett, Guard, Locks Division, Painter. Driver.
to Recreation Specalist (Sports). Nathan Gayle, Linehandler (Deckhand) to Halden Thomas, Laborer (Heavy) to Stock-
Launch Dispatcher. man.
PANAMA CANAL INFORMATION Edward B. Callomn, Hubert A. Weeks, Ivy M. Gillespe, Warehouseman, to Clerk.
OFFICE Launch Dispatcher to Clerk. Adrana Dawkins, Weynell Inniss, Counter-
Alba M. Coffey, Clerk-Typist, Office of Industrial Division
woman to Sales Clerk.
General Manager, Supply Division, to Oliver O. Bowen, High Lift Truck Oper-
Clerk-Translator (Typing). Kenneth L. Bailey, Lead Foreman Boat- ator to High Lift Truck Operator (Cold
builder, to General Foreman Boat- Storage).
Pedro J. Cordova, Laborer (Heavy) to
Robert C. Walker, Chief of Internal Joshua E. Lowe, Francisco Martinez,
Security, to Chief of Internal Security; Maintenanceman (Boats) to Carpenter
Antonio Valiente, Laborer (Heavy, Pest
Special Assistant to the Governor. (Marine).
Control) Division of Sanitation, to
George Howell, Helper Machinist (Marine) Laborer (Heavy).
BUREAU Gilbert A. Brown, Claude L. Goodridge,
Martin E. White, Crane Hookman, to
Laborer (Cold Storage) to Laborer
Cirilo Murillo, Dock Worker, Terminals
Leader Crane Hookman.
(Heavy, Cold Storage).
Division, to Surveying Aid, Engineering Juan B. Olmedo, Helper Welder, to Pre-
Fernando A. Ponce, Juan Rodriguez,
Division. servation Mechanic.
Laborer (Heavy) to Laborer (Heavy,
Thomas B. Murray, Preservation Mechanic, Cold Storage).
Electrical Division
to Leader Toolroom Attendant.
Agustin Caballero, Dairy Worker to Milker.
James W. Riley, Central Office Repairman, Leopold O. Marshall, Desmond Willams,
tn Lead Foreman Central Oace Repair- Toolroom Attendant to Preservation Asia L. Bennett, Julio C. Bethancourt,
man. Mechanic. Utility Worker to Grocery Attendant.
Myma E. Orr, Timekeeper, Dredging Divi- James Francis, Helper (General) to Tool- Leroy Davidson, Utility Worker to Assist-

sion, to Accounting Clerk. room Attendant ant Cook.

12 November 1963

Beaulah L. Kennedy,

Plant Worker.
G. Clement,




Ramiro Vargas, Laborer, Maintenance
Division, to Laborer (Heavy). 50
y[earJ cAgo 64-acre area of hills and jungles cleared
and graded south of the Third Locks
Federico A. James, James Wharton, Utility FORMATION of MiraHores Lake town
Worker to Laborer (Heavy). began October 1. It was estimated by
Manuel G. Garces, Alejandro J. Perez, A new system for assignment of
the hydrographic office that the normal quarters providing for the posting of
Utility Worker Counterman.
run-off, calculated from 22 years' rain-
Vincent Carter, Laborer (Cleaner) to vacancies weekly in each housing
fall measurements, would raise the lake
Laundry Worker (Heavy). district.
surface to normal operating level of
Randolph V. Perkins, Sales Checker to
Sales Section Head.
55 feet above the sea, by December 4.
Luis W. Anglin, Laborer to Meat Wrapper.
A section of the Gamboa dike was
water from
Hours Changed
dynamited October 10,
David J. Failey, Assistant Meat Cutter to
Gatun Lake completing the filling of
Meat Cutter. hours of service of the Cashier in the
Felix A. Stevedore, Terminals Divi-
Culebra Cut from the dike to Cucara-
Treasury Branch, Building 287, Ancon,
sion, to Laborer (Heavy). cha slide in about 2 hours.
are changed, Conrptroller Philip L.
Community Services Division Steers, Jr., has announced.
25 yearJ <dgo The hours for cashing payroll or other
Carlton A. Mason, Timekeeper to Clerk.
Abraham W. Forcheney, Charles P. Ro-
THE 100,000th oceangoing vessel of checks, and for accepting over the
more than 300 net tons to transit the counter payments of invoices, customer
man, Grounds Maintenance Equipment
Operator to Field Tractor Operator. Canal since it was opened to traffic was deposits, and other cash transactions
Gregorio Bonilla, Jose O. Castillo, James
locked through October 10. It was the will be as follows:
E. Corbin, Sergio Martinez, Laborer to American cargo ship Steel Exporter, Daily, except Wednesday of pay
Grounds Maintenance Equipment Oper- operated by Isthmian Steamship Lines. week: 9:30 to 11:45 a.m., and 12:45
ator. to 3 p.m.
Antonio Acuria, Florentino De Pauda, 10 yearJ c4go Wednesday of pay week: 7:30 to
Laborer to Grounds Maintenance Equip- HOUSING items were highlights of 11:45 a.m., and 12:45 to 3 p.m.
ment Operator (Small).
the news with: The Treasury Branch office hours,
Narciso Medina, Laborer to Garbage Col-
Completion Margarita of the
at except for the change in the hours of
largest single contract in the then service for the cashier, will continue as
Luis Menchaca, Laborer (Cleaner) to
current long-range quarters replace- heretofore: 7:15 to 11:45 a.m., and
Laborer (Pest Control).
ment program, 148 family units in a 12:45 to 4:15 p.m.
Julian Lasso, Laborer (Heavy) to High Lift
Truck Operator. RETIREMENTS
Terminals Division
EMPLOYEES who retired in Septem- Oswald E. Jorstad, Teacher (Senior High-
Sidney Smithson, Supervisory Cargo Check- ber, with their positions at time of U.S. Schools), Division of Schools
ing Assistant to General Foremen (Atlantic Side); 24 years, 10 months,
retirement and years of Canal service:
Stevedore (Ship). 29 days.
Joseph Anderson, Helper, Locomotive En- Harold W. Meyer, Lead Foreman, Painter,
Roger S. Pierrelas, Leader Stevedore
gineer, Railroad Division (Atlantic Side); Maintenance Division (Atlantic Side);
(Dock) to Lead Foreman Stevedore
23 years. 4 months, 8 days. 23 years, 10 months, 15 days.
(Dock). Bondal Moss, Winchman, Terminals Divi-
William Badders, General Foreman, Sal-
Carlos S. Batchelor, Reuben Panton, Line- sion (Atlantic Side); 13 years, 7 months,
vage and Diving, Industrial Division
handler to Stevedore. 8 days.
(Atlantic Side); 23 years, 6 months,
Juan Arancibia, Jorge Cedeno, Jose I. Hilton D. Perkins, Clerk, Supply Division
i7 days.
(Pacific Side); 49 years, 6 months, 19
Macias, Jose Mejia, Pedro Nereira, Pas- John A. Barbour, Lead Foreman, Central days.
cual Ortega, Manuel T. Pena, Dario E. Office Repairman, Electrical Division Rodway R. Phillips, Cylinder Pressman
Perez, Dock Worker to Stevedore. (Pacific Side); 37 years, 11 months, 20 (Large), Printing Plant (Atlantic Side);
Ernesto Cole, Delay Clerk to Stevedore. days. 4l years, 1 month, 29 days.
Roy R. Paddy, Truck Driver, Motor Trans- Marcus S. Clarke, Laborer, Supply Divi- Gabriel A. Riemers, Chief Engineer, Tow-
portation Division, to Guard. sion (Atlantic Side); 44 years, 27 days. boat, Navigation Division (Pacific Side);
Mrs. Eldica Cumberbatch, Assistant Baker, 23 years, 6 months.
Jose Del C. Fores, Linehandler to Water Emilio A. Rivera, High Lift Truck Oper-
Supply Division (Atlantic Side); 20 years,
Service Man. ator, Railroad Division (Pacific Side);
2 months.
Eugenio E. Madeam, Utility Worker, 38 years, 11 months, 6 days.
Linton G. Ferro, Pressman, Cylinder
Supply Division, to Cargo Marker. Fernando Rodriguez, Laborer, Community
(Small), Printing Plant
(Atlantic Side);
Services Division (Pacific Side); 46 years,
37 years, 3 months, 21 days. 9 months, 7 days.
Motor Transportation Division
Mrs. Lucille M. Ford, Clerk, Gorgas Hos- John E. Schmidt, Control House Operator,
Ruben E. Douglas, Chauffeur to School pital; 12 years, 4 months, 24 days. Locks Division (Pacific Side); 27 years,
Bus Driver. 1 month.
Herschel Gandy, Administrative Services
Maritza E. De Oranges, Voucher Examiner, Assistant, Maintenance Division (Pacific Tolo Singh, Stevedore, Terminals Division
Gorgas Hospital to Accounting Clerk Side); 23 years, 9 months, 19 days. (Atlantic Side); 22 years, 1 month, 6
(Typing). days.
Marion S. Herring, Chief Engineer, Tow-
Rogelio Tunon, Helper, Core Drill Oper-
George L. Lowe, Truck Driver, from boat, Dredging Division; 23 years, 1 day.
ator, Dredging Division (Pacific Side);
Supply Division. Mrs. Armella R. Hutchings, Teacher (Ele- 36 years, 21 days.
Victor A. Watson, Helper Locomotive En- mentary-U.S. Schools, Division of Mrs. Ruby L. Willa, Retail Store Depart-
gineer, Railroad Division, to Truck Schools (Atlantic Side); 20 years, 5 ment Manager (General), Supply Divi-
Driver. months, 8 days. sion (Atlantic Side); 16 years, 21 days.

The Panama Canal Review 13

(On the basis of total Federal Service)


Teacher (Elementary Simona Luisa Jarvis
U.S. Schools) Sales Checker

PTROLL compthulllks u ord

ruck Operator
B. Magofuso, Preston G.
Offijfcr Accounting Teclftiic
Malcolm R. Whee MARIN* BUREAU
eping CONST
.Rios Hubert Ham orer (Highway
Clerk Oiler
Frank H. Lerchen
Supervisory General Frank J. Stewart
Engineer Towing Locomotive Operator
Cecil G. McLeod Semon Theriot
Oiler Towing Locomotive Operator


Bienvenido Abadia Admeasurer Erasmo F. Abrego
Tree Trimmer Laborer (Heavy)
Gregorio Borbua
Patrick A. Alexis
Line Handler Helper Central Office
Lucille Abernathy
Commissary Store Rubin A. Britton Repairman
Department Manager Leader Line Handler E. G. Braithwaite
(Women's Wear) (Deckhand Boatswain) Telephone Instrument
Mintra Babb Teodoro Cruz Joshua B. Burnett
Counterwoman Helper Lock Operator Laborer (Heavy)
Jose D. De Leon
Pamelia J. Brown Woodrow L. Gordon
Oiler (Floating Plant)
Sales Checker Toolroom Attendant
Ashton M. Russell
G. E. Gittens Roofer
Sales Checker Luis A. Perez S.
Eric S. Goburn Egbert F. R. Watson
Laborer (Cleaner) Surveying Aid
Laborer (Cleaner) TERMINALS BUREAU
Lileane Jones Jose Dolores Amaya
Clerk Helper Carman (Wood
and Steel)
Erna E. Layne
Helper Lock Operator Benjamin F. Bovd
Sales Clerk
Delay Clerk
Karl T. Nehring Albert W. Degen
Alwyn Manuel
Pilot General Foreman Stevedore
Laborer (Cleaner)
Samuel F. Smith (Ships)
Hamilton Meade Leon D. McNally
Launch Operator
Clerk-Typist Helper Liquid Fuels
Owen Vaughn Wharfman
Selvyn L. Moody- Helper Lock Operator Cecil C. Wilson
Crane Hookman
Lester A. Vendreys
RitO Murillo M. Line Handler (Deckhand) CIVIL AFFAIRS BUREAU
Grounds Maintenance
Equipment Operator Luis A. Vivar ThelmaL. de McLean
(Small! Leader Line Handler Teacher (Elementary
(Deckhand Boatswain) L.A. Schools)
Fidelino Rodriguez
Grounds Maintenance Robert E. Walker HEALTH BUREAU
Equipment Operator Master Towboat
Jose P. Gonzalez
Bertram Wilson Henry Watson Nursing-Assistant
Cook Line Handler (Deckhand) (Operating Room)

14 November 1963
Former Pacific Queen TRANSITS BY OCEAN-GOING New Santa Welcomed
A GALA WELCOME was given the
through the Canal in September by 196S 1962 Grace Line's newest passenger cargo
the 18,564-ton Ellinis, better known to Commercial 923 909 ship Santa Maria which arrived at the
shipping circles as the Matson Naviga- U.S. Government 14 21 Canal on her maiden voyage October 10
tion Co.'s luxury liner Lurline. Since
Free 9 9 and spent 2 days berthed in Balboa.
she was commissioned in 1932 until
recently, the Lurline has carried thous- Total 946 939 In addition to the fact that the ship
ands of vacationing passengers between TOLLS" is the latest of the Grace Line's sleek
San Francisco and Hawaii. She was new Santas, the Santa Maria was
Commercial.... $4,839,776 $4,618,152
well known as one of the glamour
U.S. Government. dedicated to Panama when she was
queens of the Pacific. 82,773 109,284
The was sold a few months ago
ship Total $4,922,549 $4,727,436
Present for the welcoming cere-
by the Matson Co. to the Marfuerza CARGO 00
Compania Maritima, S.A., and her name monies on the ship's maiden voyage
Commercial 5,702,970 4,932,450
changed to Ellinis. When she passed were Wilfred J. McNeil, president of
U.S. Government. 107,178 138,709
through the Canal in September, she the Grace Line and Ernest Senn, vice
caried an operating crew and was on Free 44,337 42,580 president and director of the line.
her way to England, where she will be Total 5,854,485 5,113,739
While the Santa Maria was docked
modified to increase passenger capacity ••Includes tolls on all vessels, ocean-going and small.
'Cargo figures are in long tons. in Balboa, Grace Line and Panama
to 1,300 from 929. The ship will be
placed in service between Southampton, Agency officials entertained on board
France, and Australia sometime early in honor of President Roberto F.

in 1964. Chiari of Panama. Governor Robert

Speed Demon Fleming, Jr., of the Canal Zone and

First Cruise Liner ONE OF THE FASTEST many other high officials from Panama
ships operat-
ing through the Panama Canal between and the Canal Zone attended. Special
THE FIRST cruise ship of the 1963-64
New York and, the Far East is the exhibits of Panama arts and crafts were
season arrived in Balboa October 1 and set up in the public rooms and hundreds
United States Lines Pioneer Moon, a
made the Canal transit southbound on new challenger type ship which can of visitors admired the luxurious accom-
her way to the West Coast of the and does average 23 knots. The ship modations, the smart modern settings,
United States and for a voyage around broke all speed records in May on the and the Panama-inspired decor brought
the world. She was the Norwegian voyage from Yokohama to New York out through murals, maps, metal
America Line Oslofjord, a luxury vessel when it steamed the 9,726 nautical designs and other art forms.
well known to Canal waters, having miles from Yokohama in 17 davs, 14
made frequent visits here during the hours and 48 minutes. This included The Santa Maria is the third new
winter season when the Canal is a a 12-hour stay in Canal waters. Santa to be placed in service by the
popular port of call for cruise ships. So far as Panama Agencies, local rep- Grace Line between New York, the
resentatives of the line know, this Canal Zone and the west coast of
The Oslofjord did not stop in Cris-
record still stands. South America.
tobal but came directly through the
Canal to Balboa where she was tied up
Dedicated to Panama: Given Gala Greeting.
until midnight. Her round-the-world
cruise is taking her to the Far East,

India, Egypt, Israel, Greece, Italy, and

Morocco. The ship will return to New
York on December
C. B.

Fen ton & Co., agents for the

;ii Hi/ m

Norwegian American Line at the Canal,

announced that the Oslofjord also will
make a Caribbean cruise from New
York in January, arriving in Cristobal
on January 17.

Quarterly shipping tables, usually

published in the November editions
of The Panama Canal Review, will
appear instead in the December

The Panama Canal Review 15


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