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Activity Bank – Y2A

Units 3 and 4

Listen and check. 5

1. What’s for breakfast? 2. What’s for lunch? 3. What’s for dinner?

Look and complete the sentences.

like likes doesn’t like don’t like love loves

1. Greg ______________ French fries. He ______________

pizza. He ______________ salad.

2. Jen and Jan ______________ beets. They ______________

pineapple. They ______________ pasta.

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Look, circle and complete the sentences.

This / These This / These This / These

brownies look milk smells steak tastes
_______________. _______________. _______________.

Read, look and complete the chart.

Kevin likes strawberries and pie. He doesn’t like ham. He loves
Rick loves strawberries and ham. He likes pie. He doesn’t like

♥ = love = like = don’t like



Match the questions to the answers.

1. Does Kevin love ham? Yes, he does.
2. Does Rick like cheese? No, he doesn’t.
3. Does Rick like strawberries? Yes, he does.
4. Does Kevin like pie? No, he doesn’t.

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Solve the puzzle.

Answer the questions.

1. Where do sharks live? ______________________________
2. What do they eat? _________________________________
3. Where do giraffes live? _____________________________
4. What do they eat? _________________________________

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Complete the sentences and number the animals accordingly.

can can’t

1. Eagles ___________ fly, but they ___________ run.

2. Dolphins ___________ climb, but they ___________ jump.
3. Polar bears ___________ swim and they ___________ run.
4. Crocodiles ___________ crawl, but they ___________ jump.
5. Penguins ___________ fly, but they ___________ crawl.

Read and write T (true) or F (false).

1. Fish don’t have wings. _____ 4. Tigers have claws. _____

2. Parrots have feathers. _____ 5. Camels have scales.
3. Birds don’t have a beak. _____ 6. Monkeys have fur. _____

Listen and match the columns. 6

1. Do have tails? Yes, they do.

2. Do live in the desert? No, they


3. Do have fins? Yes, they


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Complete the sentences and draw the pictures.

This These

1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________

is a steak. are strawberries. is a
cherries. grapefruit.

Unscramble the questions and write the answers about you.

1. cheese/you/Do/like
___________________________? ___________________

2. like/you/Do/pasta
___________________________? ___________________

3. Do/ham/like/you
___________________________? ___________________

Circle the correct options.

1. I like / likes ham. 4. He love / loves grapefruit.
2. Do you like / likes yogurt? 5. My mom don’t / doesn’t like
3. They like / likes eggs. 6. Does he like / likes bananas?

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Read and answer the questions.

1. Can frogs jump? ___________, ___________ __________.

2. Can birds crawl? ___________, ___________ __________.
3. Can fish run? ___________, ___________ __________.
4. Can bears swim? ___________, ___________ __________.

Match the questions to the answers.

1. Where do penguins live? They eat fish.

2. What do they eat? Yes, they do.
3. Can they fly? They live on ice.
4. Do they have feathers? No, they don’t.
5. Do they have scales? No, they can’t.

Complete the sentences and draw pictures.

can eats has lives

1. A monkey 2. It _______ 3. It _______ 4. It _______ in

_____ climb. a tail. plants. the jungle.

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Look and check the boxes that are correct. There is one

 It’s fish and carrots.

1. It’s a steak. 2. This is orange juice.

3. This is corn. 4. This is an apple pie.

5. This is a pineapple. 6. These are peas.

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Look and read. Write yes or no.

There are three giraffes. Yes

There is a tiger. No

1. The horse is running. _________.

2. The zebras are eating. _________.
3. There are five monkeys. _________.
4. The snake is near the mouse. _________.
5. There’s an eagle on the tree. _________.

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Look at the pictures. Unscramble the letters and write the


c __
__ o __
o __
k __
i __
e __
s (s e i c o o k)

1. __ __ __ __ __ (i c e j u)

2. __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (k e s c a p a n)

3. __ __ __ __ __ (s a e n b)

4. __ __ __ (h m a)

5. __ __ __ __ __ (c h e a p)

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Read the text. Choose a word from the box. Write the
correct word next to the numbers 1-5. There is one

Tony and Christian are (0) ________________. They
(1) ________________ lunch after school. They like food very
much. Tony likes salad and (2) ______________________,
such as spaghetti. Christian doesn’t like salad. He likes red
(3) ________________, such as hamburgers or steaks. He also
loves cheese. Tony and Christian like to use white
(4) ________________ to make their sandwiches. They also like
fruit, such as strawberries and (5) ________________. Their
parents make sure the twins have a balanced diet.

bread eat grapes

meat pasta twins

Photocopiable material developed for Educate Bilingual Program.

Photocopiable material developed for Educate Bilingual Program.
Look at the pictures and read the questions. Write one-word

Are there any people in the picture? No
What are the frogs doing? Swimming

1. What are the birds doing? ______________.

2. How many bears are there? ______________.

3. What are the foxes doing? ______________.

4. What time of the day is it? ______________.

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Listen and draw lines. There is one example. 7

Read the questions. Listen and write the answers. There

are two examples. 8
What does the boy want to order? Lunch
Does he like meat? No

1. What vegetables does the boy want? _______________ and

2. What does he want to drink? ________________________.
3. What does he want for dessert? ______________________.
4. What else does the boy order? _______________________.
5. How much does he pay? ____________________________.

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Listen and check the correct box. There is one example. 9

What are the new animals at the zoo?

1. Where did Wendy go last vacation?


2. What animal are they talking about?


3. What are they buying for Pete?


4. What are the kids having for lunch?


5. What animal is the boy reading about?


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Listen and color. There is one example. 10

Photocopiable material developed for Educate Bilingual Program.

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