Unique Value Proposition Prep Worksheet

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Unique Value Proposition Prep Worksheet


The following prep worksheet is designed to guide you through the process of identifying your unique
value proposition.

Key Ideas!

For Your Competitors' Value Propositions

Get to know each competitor, and judge each fairly in order to draw out their value proposition

Look at competitor’s website, their packaging, and visit their store or talk with them (as a customer) in
order to grasp their unique value proposition

For Your Value Proposition

Tell a story with your value proposition

Don’t just list your product/service features — focus on benefits to customer

Your UVP must be relevant to your customer

Create your value proposition first, then address its uniqueness (uniqueness isn’t as important as the
strength of your value proposition)
Define Your Competitors' Value Propositions
The following activity is designed to help you compare the value propositions of your competition to strengthen your own
value proposition.

Fill these three columns with the value propositions of your competitors — the competitor, their value proposition, and
your evaluation of what makes each unique. Study 7-10 competitors.


Think in terms of the customer, and the value they

derive from your product or service — what’s in it for

Competitor Their Value Proposition

What Makes it Unique?
Define Your Customers' Needs


Put yourself in your customer's shoes — their fears, risks they face,
and what they stand to gain from your product or service.

Customers' Needs My Customers' Risks or Fears

How Does My Product/Service Improve their
List Your Value Propositions

Make a list of value propositions. These should reflect your product or service as
well as address the customers' needs listed on the previous tab. Create a list of 5-10


Put yourself in your customer's shoes — their fears, risks they face, and what they
stand to gain from your product or service.

My Value Propositions
List of
Determine Uniqueness of My Value Propositions

Below, rank each of the value proposition statements above in terms

of uniqueness, on a scale of 1-10.

Questions to Consider:

How is this value proposition solving a problem?

How does this value proposition fulfill a need?

How does it fulfill a desire in a unique way?

How do you make their life better, uniquely?

My Value Propositions


Uniqueness Score (1-10)

Create Your Value Propositions

In the space below, document your unique value proposition. Be

sure that you weave together a cohesive story about what you are
doing for the customer. You can express in paragraph form or
bullets. (See example on the last tab.)

My Value Proposition

Paragraph Form:

Validation Questions

Does my value proposition highlight benefits (rather than a product


Is my unique value focused 100% on the customer?

Is it relevant to the consumer and what matters to them? (Avoid solving a

problem they don’t have)

Can my unique value proposition be integrated into all of my

messaging strategy (marketing, etc.)?
Unique Value Proposition Prep Worksheet: Examples

1. Competitors' Value Proposition

Competitor Value Proposition

Spotify Effortless listening with thousands of playlists

iHeartRadio Connect to local radio stations around the world

Pandora Personalized music to your tastes exactly

Napster Music tailored to your tastes

2. Customers' Needs

Customers' Needs Customers' Risks or Fears

Feel hip and cool when listening (rejection, social

Makes them happy (wellbeing) acceptance)

Makes them more interesting (ego) Feel part of the current culture (fear of aging)
Creating playlists that others like feels great Understanding music references others make (fear of being
(status, ego, community) out of touch, ignorant)

Can listen to whatever they want to (new Friends want to come party or ride in car with good,
experiences) continuous music (social acceptance)

Calming (wellbeing)

Increases their knowledge about music

(quest for knowledge)

Access to large volume of music (saves

money on buying albums)

Seeing what other people are listening to


Unwind and relax (wellbeing)

3. Value Propositions List

Value Propositions
Spotify's Value Props 1. Easy to use

2. Frees up the customer from decisions about what to listen to

3. Connects customers who have similar tastes

4. Discover the latest music with no research

5. Removes the burden of having to create a playlist

6. Personalized to your mood

7. Customers can listen anywhere

8. Enables discovery of new genres of music

9. Increases connection through music playlists

4. Uniqueness of Value Propositions

Uniqueness Score (1 - 10) Value Proposition

9 Easy to use

6 Frees up customer from decisions about what to listen to

8 Connects customers with similar tastes in music

5 Discovery of latest music without having to research it

9 Removes the burden of creating playlists

8 Personalized to match customer’s mood

5 Can listen anywhere, anytime

8 Easy to discover new genres of music

10 Increases personal connection through playlists

Final Unique Value Proposition
5. My Value Proposition

Spotify listeners can easily listen to music according to

Spotify's Unique Value Proposition their moods and whims. The music is never-ending. We lift
the burden of decision making out of the customers’ hands
so that they can enjoy what matters most: connecting with
like-minded people who love the same music that they do.
What Makes it Unique?
Access to other people’s playlists and across social media

Local, global, and free

Personalization - you only listen to what you like, never what

you don’t

Peer to peer sharing of playlists, based on your tastes

How Does My Product/Service Improve their


No need to think about what music to choose (time savings,

reduces overwhelm)

It’s easier to work more productively with the wide-variety of

playlists (productivity)
More music for less money (saves money), considering the cost
to buy all music customer has access to

Can listen to hours and hours of music (more convenience)

More enjoyable to commute to work

Life is better with variety

Reduces stress by removing the decision-making anxiety

hat to listen to

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