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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

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Land use impact on potentially toxic metals concentration on surface water T

and resistant microorganisms in watersheds

Luciana Maria Sarana, ,1, Teresa Cristina Tarlé Pissarrab,1, Géssica Aparecida Silveiraa,c,
Milena Tavares Lima Constancioa,c, Wanderley José de Meloa,d, Lúcia Maria Carareto Alvesa,c
São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Department of Technology, Jaboticabal, Brazil
São Paulo State University (UNESP), School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Department of Rural Engineering, Jaboticabal, Brazil
Agricultural and Livestock Graduation Program, School of Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil
Brazil University, Descalvado, Brazil


Keywords: Soil and water resources must be conserved and protected. However, the management of production activities
Soil and water resources causes a change in the quality of these natural resources due to accumulation in soil of potentially toxic metals.
Environmental degradation The objective of the present study was to identify the variety and paths of potentially toxic metals (PTMs), such
Agricultural management as cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, nickel and zinc, which are associated spatially and temporally to soil and
water. We also intended to isolate bacteria resistant to PTMs with important characteristics to be used in
Trace elements
bioremediation processes. Water samples were collected every two months for one year (February–December/
Heavy metals
2014) at eight sites (P1–P8) and the soil samples were collected twice (February and August/2014) from twelve
sites (S1–S12). Results indicated that agricultural land use impacts the environment, increasing the con-
centration of potentially toxic metals, mainly copper, zinc and chromium, in soil and water due to crop man-
agement. Ten bacteria resistant to all the metals studied were isolated, which could be used as tools for bior-
emediation of contaminated soils and water with those metals. The results would positively contribute to land
use policy, and for the development of enhanced agricultural practices.

1. Introduction it is important to know the actual concentration of PTMs in soil and

water, the agricultural soil managements and other anthropic actions
Land impacts associated with agricultural and urban development that contributed for the pollution in other to take providence for the
can intensify runoff and increase erosion that can pollute areas down- depollution or to avoid other areas also be contaminated.
stream, and stream banks in river basins (Pacheco et al., 2014; Paul, Potentially toxic metals like cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt
2017; Valle Junior et al., 2014, 2015). Due to anthropogenic inputs, the (Co), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni) and
concentration of potentially toxic metals (Duffus, 2002) has increased zinc (Zn), and are of high concern due to their direct impact on human
in the environment, and a thorough understanding on the inputs will health and aquatic ecosystem (Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2017). Thus,
enhance our capability to predict land contamination. Singh and Kumar land use and agricultural management practices, which are a source of
(2017) and Zhang et al. (2017a) related that potentially toxic metals additional degradation in watersheds, are particularly distressing.
have a wide distribution in the environment, mainly in rural and urban These metals need to be monitored carefully because their toxicity
areas (Zhang et al., 2017b). depends on several contributing factors and concentrations, and special
There are reports in the literature emphasizing that, mainly due to consideration should be given to PTMs, which are of particular concern
multiple agricultural, medical, industrial, domestic and technological while implementing land usage policies. According to the U.S. En-
applications, the concentration of a potentially toxic metals may exceed vironmental Protection Agency (U. S. EPA, 1996) and the International
the regulatory standards and lead to harmful toxicity and bioaccumu- Agency for Research on Cancer, an analysis of their environmental
lation (Acosta et al., 2011; Ali et al., 2016; Chapman et al., 2016; occurrence must be done to determine the human exposure due to their
Kadhum et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016; Mokhtar et al., 2015). Therefore, carcinogenicity risk (Tchounwou et al., 2012).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L.M. Saran).
Shared authorship.
Received 11 May 2018; Received in revised form 12 September 2018; Accepted 21 September 2018
Available online 01 October 2018
0147-6513/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

The land uses impact on soil and water and must be studied on sub- the specific boundaries were defined as the external limits of the wa-
basins to show if the anthropogenic management affect the aspects of tershed mapping units at Jaboticabal watershed (extent of 76 km2) of
water, geology, geomorphology and soil (Ali et al., 2016; Kelepertzis, the Córrego Rico Watershed, a watershed of the Mogi-Guaçu River,
2014; Liu et al., 2016; Valle Junior et al., 2015). Studies have yet to located in the 7th Hydrographic Zone of the State of São Paulo and
produce a comprehensive assessment of PTMs pollution associated with corresponds to the 9th Water Resources Management Unit (CBH-Mogi-
agricultural activities to better understand the contamination sources of UGRHI-09, 1999; IBGE, 1971; Pissarra et al., 2004).
hydrogeology environments. The climate, according to Köeppen classification is Aw (Melo et al.,
The ecosystems within watershed streams may be contaminated by 2017), which is defined as a humid subtropical climate with a dry
PTMs concentration above their tolerance limits (Tóth et al., 2016; winter. The average temperature of the coldest month is below 18 °C
Singh and Kumar, 2017), compromising the environment (Valle Junior and that of the hottest month above 22 °C. The average annual rainfall
et al., 2015; Pacheco et al., 2015). In the present study the focus was on ranges between 1200 and 1500 mm, and the elevation of the Jaboti-
the potential impact of PTMs on natural resources, and the modification cabal watershed ranges from altitudes of 450 and 650 m.
and conversion of land cover in agricultural lands and urban areas by A dominant geologic feature is formed from the calcareous sand-
the interaction of the variables in space and time. Therefore, spatial stones and sandy limestones of the Bauru Group (Suguio and Barcelos,
assessment of these PTMs should be investigated to evaluate the im- 1983) and basaltic slopes that border this plateau with the Peripheral
pacts of those pollutants. How these changes potentially affect the de- Depression of the Paraná Basin (Penteado and Ranzani, 1971). Mainly,
cisions of agribusiness and the consumer was also analyzed. in the higher and flatter portions of these hills are the Red Oxisols,
The objectives of this study were to determine and to understand whose material was originally basalt and the transition to the lower
how the concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni and Zn linked spatially and part of the hillside (near the bottom of the valleys) to eutrophic Latosols
temporally to water by modification of the land uses in watersheds, and with clayey texture, originated from the products of the Sandstones’
analyze the concentrations of these metals in soil and water. In addi- alteration to Basaltic (Andrioli and Centurion, 1999; Cunha et al.,
tion, a microbiological evaluation of water was performed to determine 2005). The watershed is described on general appearance of the entire
the percentage of bacterial isolates resistant to these metals. The new area as undulating landscape. The subbasin hills are gentle topography,
view on soil and water management is to develop strategies for water the state of the highest and lowest parts of the area is occupied by
security in relation to PTMs, their toxicity to humans, and their po- agricultural land uses and the valleys are occupied by rivers. It presents
tential to spread pollution. Furthermore, the possibility of using iso- particular erosion surfaces and this erosive condition and distribution
lated bacteria is being studied in assisting bioremediation processes. of soils are highly common in the State (Lepsch, 2010; Pissarra et al.,
2. Materials and methods
2.2. Water sampling
2.1. Studied area
The water samples were taken from 8 locations that were re-
The studied area is located in the Northeast region of the State of presentative of the Jaboticabal Watershed Streams Sites’ water source.
São Paulo, Brazil (see location map in Fig. 1). The central geographical In selecting sampling points (P1 to P8) each locality was considered
coordinates are latitude 21°15'22"S and longitude 48°18'58" W Gr and individually, particularly points uniformly that were proportional to the

Fig. 1. Geographic watershed unit on the São Paulo State, Brazil (Jaboticabal Watershed) and the samples points (soil and water).

L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

number of branches and distributed throughout the length of the 0.5 g dm−3; MgSO4·7H2O 0.2 g dm−3; NaCl 0.1 g dm−3; yeast extract
drainage net in the Jaboticabal watershed (Fig. 1, also see 1 g dm−3; glicose 10 g dm−3; ágar 9 g dm−3; pH 6,8) plus 10 mL dm−3
Supplementary material Table S1). cycloheximide.
The stream sites were compared over space (spatial) and time For metal resistance tests, the isolates were firstly grown in 96-well
(temporal) and with the possibility of identifying local problems such as plates containing 1.2 mL of nutrient broth (70122 Nutrient Broth,
cross-connections and contamination from land uses. The water sam- Sigma-Aldrich), for 72 h, at 30 °C and 150 rpm. The isolates were
pling was carried out every two months, during the year 2014, totaling transferred to Petri dishes with solid nutrient medium containing Cd2+,
six collections in the months of February, April, June, August, October Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ or Cr6+ ions in the concentrations of
and December. The simple water samples were collected at a depth of 1.0–15.0 mmol dm−3. After incubation in a B.O.D type oven at 30 °C for
up to 30 cm, adopting the procedures for collecting, storing and pre- 72 h, the development on the dishes of bacterial monolayer was con-
serving water samples as described in the Standard Methods for the sidered as a resistance response of the isolate to the metal at the con-
Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA, 2005). centration used in the medium.

2.3. Soil sampling 2.7. Sequencing of the 16s rRNA gene

The soil sampling was conducted in the Jaboticabal watershed, an The 16S rRNA gene was sequenced to identify the bacteria resistant
area of land where all the rainwater drains downward to the to each metal analyzed. The extraction of genomic DNA from the iso-
Jaboticabal stream. This area is also called a catchment, because the lates was performed according to Marmur (1961) and the 16S rRNA
water is caught by the surrounding land and then funneled down into gene was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using
the basin. Simple soil samples were collected at a depth of 0–20 cm. The universal primers fD1e rD1 described by Weisburg et al. (1991) and
soil sampling sites S1–S6 are located on farm field on the subbasin hill, internal primers 362f (336–362 region), 786f (746–786 region) and
at three sites uphill and three sites mid-hill, respectively, and S7–S12 1203f (1179–1203 region) described by Menna et al. (2006). PCR
are downhill on the riparian forest areas (reforested growth along the products were purified using the "Wizzard SV gel and PCR Clean Up
streams). The area is located at the undulating relief, and on mainly System" Promega kit. Sequencing was performed on ABI 3700 se-
agricultural land use The Brazilian Federal Forest Code has deemed it a quencer (Applied Biosystems).
"permanent preservation area", with a range of environmental func- Nucleotide sequences were analyzed with the Phred/Phrap/Consed
tions, and landowners are required to respect a specific extension based program package. The fasta sequences obtained were compared with
on the width of each stream or river. The physical appearance, texture, the data available in GenBank, using the BLAST tool (Basic Local
color, slope and drainage of the soil was similar throughout the area. Alignment Search Tools) proposed by Altschul et al. (1997).
The map of the experimental area was drawn and identifies the
areas where samples were collected. Sampling fields, plot edges and 2.8. Statistical analysis and geographic information system
other non-representative areas were avoided. The stones, roots, and
debris were removed, and the mix subsamples were put directly in the The results of metal concentrations in soil and water were included
collection bucket. Soil samples were classified as Eutrophic Red Latosol in the statistics which described the basic features of the Jaboticabal
(LVef) (Andrioli and Centurion, 1999). watershed, as well as the simple summaries about the sample and
Soil samples were air dried in the shade, gases were exhaled, sieved measures. The water statistical analyses were box-and-whisker plot. For
to 2 mm and then submitted to the soil laboratory for chemical analysis. the statistical analysis of the PTMs concentrations on soil was used the
Inverse distance weighting – IDW model. The spatial distribution of the
2.4. Chemical analysis concentrations and agricultural land uses was calculated by the values
attributed to the unknown points, with the weighted average of the
In the water, the determination of the total concentration of Cd, Cr, values available at the points where the soil samples were collected.
Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy The interpolation was determined from the assumption that the nearest
with air-acetylene flame, in a GBC Avanta atomic absorption spectro- sampling points of the weighted mean of the samples are more similar,
meter, after nitroperchloric digestion of the samples as described in the and was made at the geographic information system Arc GIs 10.2.
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater Statistical analysis software system R 3.3.2 was used to analyze the
(APHA, 2005). data.
After the metal was extracted from the soil using EPA 3050B
methodology (U.S. EPA, 1996), Cd, Cr, Ni, Zn, Cu and Pb concentra- 3. Results and discussion
tions were determined using atomic absorption spectroscopy with air-
acetylene flame. In addition, the concentration of extractable metals 3.1. Potentially toxic metals in water
was determined by using the method Mehlich I (Jones Junior, 1990).
The mean concentrations of the PTMs in Jaboticabal stream system
2.5. Stock solutions of metals for microbiological tests in eight sampling sites (spatial) and six periods (seasonal) are shown on
Fig. 2. Results of an exploratory investigation of stream waters with
The solutions of Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cr6+ PTMs including Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn contents in the water samples
100 mmol dm−3 were prepared by dissolving the following salts in showed that the metal contamination of the spatial water sample pre-
deionized water: CdCl2·H2O, CuSO4·5H2O, Pb(CH3COO)2·3H2O, sented high values concentrations for Cd (0–6.0 µg dm−3), Cr
ZnSO4·7H2O, NiCl2·6H2O, CrCl3·6H2O e K2Cr2O7, respectively. Such (0–70.5 µ dm−3), Ni (0–30.8 µ dm−3), Pb (0–27.6 µg dm−3), Zn
solutions were autoclaved at 121 °C and 1 atm, by 20 min and subse- (9.5–156.6 µg dm−3) and Cu (0–655.5 µg dm−3) (see Supplementary
quently used in the resistance tests. material Table S2).
Potentially toxic metals were found throughout the water in all sites
2.6. Isolation of microorganisms and all of them exceeded the standard limits recommended by the
Brazilian Government for class 1 and 2 of superficial water in basins,
The water samples were pooled and homogenized resulting in a established by the National Environmental Council (CONAMA),
composite sample. The microorganisms were isolated by the serial di- Resolution n. 357, March 17th, 2005 (CONAMA, 2005) (see
lution technique and culture in solid medium plates (K2HPO4 Supplementary material Table S3). Within the stream superficial water

L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

Fig. 2. (A) Spatial variation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn content (µg dm−3) in collected water samples depending on the location (stream sites: P1–P8) in the
Jaboticabal Watershed. (B) Seasonal variation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn content (µg dm−3) in the water samples depending on the month of sampling.

class by CONAMA, several fluctuations in the PTMs concentrations Environmental Sanitation Technology Company of the State of São
were observed between sites. In view of this, it is noteworthy to high- Paulo (CETESB, 2008), it is verified that, within the drainage network
light the several hydrological impacts that the sampling sites has had on of the study area, in all sampling sites, the P1 point is located in an area
water. Furthermore, results from the statistical analysis (Fig. 2) has classified as class 2, and the other points, classified as class 4 (see
shown that changes in the PTMs concentrations were driven majorly Supplementary material Table S3). This is a strategic and essential
from the changes in season sampling, as in spring (P1 and P2) and in water ordinance for the implementation of the National Environmental
places of agricultural activities (P6–P8), contributing in the modifica- Policy and the National Environmental System. The drainage net of the
tion of the basin hydrological components. class 2 (P1) is considered fresh water that, after conventional treatment,
The streams studied belong to the Hydrographic Unit for Water can be used for domestic supply. This water can also be used as pro-
Resources Management – UGRHI 09-Mogi Guaçu, São Paulo State, tection of aquatic communities, recreation of primary contact (water
Brazil. According to the normative references published by the skiing, swimming and diving), irrigation of vegetables and fruit plants,

L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

and for the natural and/or intensive (aquaculture) breeding of species at most sampling sites (Fig. 2).
intended for human consumption. However, according to this same Seasonally, at the water streams, variations of Cd concentration
resolution, the fresh water of Class 4 (sampling points P2–P8) can only were observed in December, Cu in April and February, and Pb in April
be used for navigation and landscape harmony. Therefore, it is not safe and December (Fig. 2), presumably due to variations quoted for the
for domestic and irrigation uses. PTMs contents of aquatic systems by rainfall in the rainy season (Feb-
Seasonal and spatial patterns of PTMs concentrations (Fig. 2) in ruary – 83 mm; April – 63.3 mm; December – 150.3 mm), and also due
streams of the watersheds are one of the important types of information to soil erosion of metal ions due to rainfall intensity. Pb contamination
needed to characterize water quality. An understanding of when trace- has received great attention because of its harmful effects on microbiota
metal concentrations are highest improves the ability to evaluate the (Zahran et al., 2011). In a study carried out in the city of Adrianópolis
health of hydro resources (Singh and Kumar, 2017; Zhang et al., (PR), near the banks of the Ribeira River, in most of the collection
2017a). points, Pb contents in the water were higher than 10 µg dm−3 (Melo
The spatial variation of upstream water (Fig. 2) includes the streams et al., 2012). Also in April and December, as land agricultural man-
sites P1 and P2 spring sites, in a natural situation where water flows agement happens, higher concentration was observed (Fig. 2).
from the aquifer to the drainage net protected by riparian areas. At P1 Rainfall in the watershed resulted in an increase of PTMs in the
and P2 lower values of the PTMs contents can be observed, except by Zn stream waters (Fig. 2) presumed by direct discharge of soil from erosive
at all sites. The water from P2 had the lowest values because it is an processes (rainy season), decreasing the water quality due to rainfall.
area protected by riparian forest and not gave influence of urban areas. Agricultural land uses associated with poor land management practices
The water flows downstream from three springs and streams located in that lead to erosion can also produce significant concentrations of po-
rural areas. tentially toxic metals. It has been observed that mainly due to the ap-
The P3 site is in the middle of an urban area and is formed by a plication of crop mixed mineral fertilizer (2% N, 20% P2O5, 20% K2O +
natural waterway that flows through a populated area in Jaboticabal. 0.05% Cu + 0.1% Zn), the concentration of Cu and Zn was identified as
The site P4 has influence from an urban area and P5 area is just outside from agricultural activity developed in the agricultural areas – stream
of urban areas. The sites P6–P8 are in agricultural areas (see sites P7–P9. This was considered a major environmental (and water
Supplementary material Table S1). The metal contamination of the quality) problem in the studied area.
spatial water sample showed high value concentrations for Cd and Cu at On agricultural production system, the producer may use a high
P6 (2,65; 230 µg dm−3); P7 (1.82; 170.6 µg dm−3) and P8 (6.02; amount of fertilizer, both in soil and in leaf spraying, because there is a
160.4 µg dm−3), respectively, and for Pb at 27.6 µg dm−3 at P8 (Fig. 2, great commercial pressure sectors linked to the fertilizers. This practice
also see Supplementary material Table S3), those were the most has contributed to production costs, soil fertility and plant nutritional
dominant potentially toxic metal in the drainage net. imbalances. In addition, these products may contain relatively high
This shows that land uses surrounded those streams sites played a levels of contaminants and may be pollutants. Excessive levels of these
significant role in the level of Cd, Cu and Pb in the watersheds. From elements can be extremely toxic and accumulation can lead to serious
this, it is possible to conclude that this stream-water has relatively high diseases and environmental risks (Mills et al., 1985; Marrugo-Negrete
concentrations of those potentially toxic metals, and its effect on the et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017a). Thus, it is important to study the
aquatic systems can be high, resulted from anthropogenic activities release of residues in soil and sediment, since these elements can be
such as agricultural uses (sites P6–P8; see Supplementary material absorbed by human, animals and plants, causing intoxication in their
Table S1) of metals and metal-containing compounds in fertilizers and food chain.
sanitary products. Cadmium is a non-essential and highly toxic element,
moreover it has been determined to have more mobility in aquatic 3.2. Potentially toxic metals in soil
environments than in soil (Bengtsson and Hodges, 2006; Singh and
Kumar, 2017). The landform of the Jaboticabal watershed was formed in a natural
A high degree of variability at individual sites (Fig. 2) occurred as a process responding to the geomorphology, lithology, soil formation,
consequence of changes in water courses on flow, which are the prin- vegetation and other forms of life. On the hills of the watershed, the soil
cipal controls on fluvial morphodynamics from sites and along the year was sampled to better understand the impact of the land uses on the
(Fig. 2). The implication is that estimation techniques of the con- concentration of PTMs, such as Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn (Fig. 3, also
centration of potentially toxic metal in water can expect to have a high see Supplementary material Table S4).
degree of uncertainty (Valle Junior et al., 2015). The decreases those The mean concentration of Cr (41.88 mg kg−1), Cd (0.72 mg kg−1),
metals contents at the stream sites P1 and P2 may be associated with Zn (92.10 mg kg−1), Cu (19.25 mg kg−1), Ni (14.95 mg kg−1), and Pb
the riparian zones upstream (P1) and along the shores of water bodies (21.07 mg kg−1) indicated their common source in the watershed hill
(P2) that stabilize banks against erosion. The land use of forestry can (see Supplementary material Table S4). Alexandre (1995) and Fadigas
contribute to a better quality of water for all living things (National et al. (2006) also considered the same. These results already indicate
Research Council, 2002). The riparian areas may control soil erosion on areas with the presence of PTMs in concentrations that require pre-
site, thus reducing sediment in water bodies and through trapping or cautionary thinking, mainly in agricultural lands of the watersheds hills
filtering other water pollutants by its root distribution. The reduced (Fig. 3).
concentration (P1 and P2) were quite different from the increases ob- Given the complex behavior of PTMs in soil and the redistribution in
served for the downstream waters on the others streams sites (P3–P8). watershed hills suffered from diverse human disturbances, the excessive
Therefore, the lower concentration of PTMs on P1 and P2 sites is not contents of some PTMs in the riparian areas (S11) may be partially
clearly understood at this time and warrants further investigation of ascribed to soil erosion processes from uphill anthropogenic sources or
water quality in riparian areas and springs protected by native vege- naturally in the soil environment from process of soil development by
tation. weathering of bedrock to produce mineral particles at levels that are
The concentration of PTMs were released into the water phase and regarded as trace. Considering the immobile nature of the riparian soils
increased along the river downstream of the hydrographic basin, and (i.e. local weathering products), their enrichment with PTMs must be
the high concentrations were observed in agricultural environment attributed to metal adsorption from soluble fractions, due to runoff.
(P6–P8), resulting in the increase of PTMS release from the particulates. Comparing the data obtained with the guiding values for soils in the
Consequently, the spatial variation of PTMs concentrations in river State of São Paulo (see Supplementary material Table S5), defined by
water was closely related to agricultural land uses. The dissolved Cd, the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, the total
Pb, Cu and Zn concentrations in river water were higher than Cr and Ni contents of the PTMs indicate great variability of these elements in the

L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

Fig. 3. Concentration of Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, and Zn (mg kg−1) in the soil samples on the Jaboticabal watershed hills, extracted: (A) according to EPA 3050B (total
content); (B) with Mehlich I extractor (soluble and exchangeable forms). Graphics in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system: longitude values with
the x axis and latitude values with the y axis.

studied soils. The guiding values can be seen on CETESB (2016). S7–S12 are at the riparian forests (reforested areas grown along the
The quality reference value (QRV) reflects the mean natural con- streams).
centration of the elements, indicating situations of non-contamination; The alarming figure means that there is an accumulation of PTMs in
the values of prevention (PV) indicate a possible alteration detrimental soils mainly due to anthropogenic management, throughout agri-
to the quality of the soils, being used in a preventive character and, cultural practices due to the use of products containing potentially toxic
when exceeded in the ground, the monitoring of the resulting impacts metals, especially in land application of mixed mineral fertilizers (2%
should be required; the limit of contamination (IV) above which there N, 20% P2O5, 20% K2O + 0.05% Cu + 0.1% Zn) with Cu and Zn
are direct or indirect potential risks to human health and, when ex- contents, animal manure and pesticides applied to crop production (Luo
ceeded, the area will be classified as contaminated under investigation, et al., 2009; Shi et al., 2018; Wuana and Okieimen, 2011). This might
indicating the need for intervention (CETESB, 2005). be a reason, why some soil samples had potentially high toxic metal
The contents of Cr and Cd ranged from 21.24 to 71.88 mg kg−1 and concentrations in sugarcane areas.
from 0.19 to 1.03 mg kg−1, respectively. Then, both Cr and Cd contents Agricultural land is affected mostly higher uphill (S1–S3), due to
are near the prevention value (PV) in some samples. Zinc content land uses associated to soil management practices and application of
ranged from 8.30 to 367.30 mg kg−1, values higher than the soil quality crop mixed mineral fertilizer. Although the samples with metal con-
reference values (see Supplementary material Table S5). Copper ranged centrations above the reference values are rather high among all of the
from 2.75 to 37.85 mg kg−1, Ni ranged from 5.43 to 39.92 mg kg−1 and samples, their proportion is visibly higher in sugarcane areas and eu-
Pb ranged from 10.83 to 22.81 mg kg−1 with some sampling point calyptus plantation. The most critical soil sampling was in the su-
presenting contents between QRV and PV. garcane area planted in a conventional tillage. The riparian soil areas
There is no area above the prevention values, but since the con- (S7–S9) are less affected by high concentrations of PTMs, but presented
centration of Zn is in at least one sample with a higher content some soil samples with a high content due to local use of fertilizer and
(367.3 mg kg−1) there is a need for further studies in those areas, in disease control crop management. Those results were also verified by El
order to subsidize and direct prevention management activities (see Azhari et al. (2017), Singh and Kumar (2017) and Tóth et al. (2016).
Supplementary material Table S5). Although some contents have ex- Human activities carried out directly on the soil promote input of
ceeded the soil quality reference values, in general the main values PTMs which can contaminant it. Most soils in rural and urban areas
observed are close to those obtained by and El Azhari et al. (2017) in may accumulate one or more the PTMs at high enough rates to cause
Marocco, Liu et al. (2016) in China and Tóth et al. (2016) in European risks to the living things in their environment, as also to human health.
soil. The data also agrees with those verified by Fadigas et al. (2006),
except for the maximum values for Zn.
3.3. Isolation of microorganisms
The levels of PTMs available to plants extracted from the soluble
and exchangeable fractions with Mehlich I extractor, direct and indirect
A total of 182 bacteria were isolated from water samples and their
affecting human health, presented, in general, low values. Some ele-
resistance to the metal ions Cd2+, Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and
ments, in particular Cd, Ni and Zn, had showed relatively high total
Cr6+ was evaluated. The percentage of resistant microorganisms at
content, indicating that only a small part can be considered available to
concentrations of 1–15 mmol dm−3 can be observed in Supplementary
plants (Fig. 3, also see Supplementary material Table S4).
Table S6. Only in the presence of Ni2 + and Zn2 + ions, the isolates
The results of the analyses of all PTMs for each soil sample were
showed capacity to grow at high concentrations, reaching 15 mmol
combined to see, which samples have high concentrations, above
dm−3. Only 7% of the isolates were resistant to the concentration of
Brazilian reference values (Fadigas et al., 2006) (see Supplementary
1 mmol Cd2+ dm−3. The maximum concentrations of resistance to
material Table S4). The soil points S1–S6 are located in farm field, and
Cu2+, Pb2+, Cr3+ and Cr6+ were between 4 and 5 mmol dm−3. It is

L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

required amount (Zhang et al., 2016).

However, metal resistance is a common phenotype in many mi-
croorganisms exposed to metals in their habitat and resistance genes to
biocides and metals are showed to be present in the great majority of
microorganism genomes isolated from different environments (Pal
et al., 2015). Bacterial adaptations to excessive concentrations of metals
have been described in many cultivated species or in complex com-
munities. In this context, microorganisms play an important role in the
maintenance and sustainability of any ecosystem, as they are more
capable of rapid adjustment towards change and deterioration of en-
Microorganisms produce diverse metabolic enzymes that can be
employed for the safe removal of contaminants, which can be achieved
either by direct destruction of the chemical or through transformation
of the contaminants to a safer or lesser toxic intermediate (Dash and
Das, 2012). Microbes apply various types of resistance mechanisms in
response to PTMs (Nies, 2003). Several metal resistance mechanisms
have been identified which are responsible for the alteration of normal
cell physiology leading to development of drug resistance in micro-
organisms (Garhwal et al., 2014).
Bacteria have the properties of chelating PTMs. They can remove
them from the contaminated environment by secreting exopoly-
saccharides which has been evident from the reports of a marine bac-
terium Enterobacter cloacae (Iyer et al., 2005). This bacterium has been
reported to chelate up to 65% cadmium, 20% copper, and 8% cobalt at
100 mg L−1 of metal concentration. Due to their molecular versatility,
bacteria and other microorganisms have proved to be useful tools in a
bioremediation of PTMs and other pollutants.
Moreover, bacteria from the genus Pseudomonas and Bacillus are
related to remediation of organic and inorganic mercury (De et al.,
2008; Dash and Das, 2012), or phytoremediation of Ni, Cr and Cd
(Ndeddy Aka and Babalola, 2016).
The long term effect of pollutants has led to the emergence of multi-
Fig. 4. Resistance of the isolates to various metal ion concentrations and their metal resistant bacteria (El-Sayed, 2016). Our study showed us 10
identification by sequencing the 16S rRNA gene. isolates described in the scientific literature to be important species of
bacteria related to several processes of potentially toxic metal re-
observed that the resistance to chromium is related to its oxidation sistance and bioremediation. These bacteria present multiple re-
state, that is, the isolates showed a higher resistance to Cr3 + than to sistances to metals, considering that in our soil there is potentially toxic
hexavalent chromium, since 60% of the isolates are sensitive to the metals in a concentration that requires precautionary thinking, mainly
lowest concentration of Cr6 + (1 mmol dm−3). in agricultural lands of the watershed's hills, we can suggest the use in
Ten isolates showed resistance for all tested metals ions (Cu2+, future of these microorganisms as bioremediation of the study area.
Cd , Zn2+, Pb2+, Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cr6+) at different concentrations
2+ Despite some isolates being classified as pathogenic organisms, other
(Fig. 4). However, the resistance pattern was not equal between any of evaluations are necessary.
the isolates studied. Compared to the others, the isolate 103 showed the
lowest resistance to Zn2+ and Ni2+. Isolates 39, 109 and 144 were the 4. Conclusions
most resistant to Ni2 +, the last two isolates being the most resistant to
Zn2 + as well. The agricultural activities as a result of land use management by
The 10 isolates with multiple resistances were submitted to classi- higher fertilization resulted in an increase of the concentration of PTMs
fication by the study of 16S rRNA gene sequencing and comparison in in soil leading to water loss within the basin, increasing the con-
databases. It can be observed (Fig. 4) that 5 isolates (103, 109, 125, 126 centration of metals in the water of the drainage network. There have
and 138) belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family could not be been very significant changes in soil and water environment, in terms of
classified by comparison with the sequences of the RDP database, water downstream and soil upper hill in watershed due to concentra-
however by comparison with sequences deposited in the database of tion of potentially toxic metals. The soil and water samples analyzed in
NCBI they could be classified as components of the Enterobacter and the Jaboticabal watershed showed increase in some potentially toxic
Klebisciela genus. In the Enterobacter genus, isolate 102 was also iden- metals, mainly copper, zinc and chromium, contributing in the mod-
tified. Three isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (39, 144 and 173) and a ification of the basin hydrological components and soil. This change is
Bacillus sp. (33 isolates) were also identified in this set of microorgan- also responsible for increased the PTMs during the rainy and crop
isms. management season (April), and increased water pollution in the basin
Potentially toxic metals together with various pollutants can cause by applying higher values of nutrients by fertilization of crops. It is
numerous hazards to both human health and the environment even in therefore important that the government through environmental policy
low concentrations because they can be accumulated (Nouha et al., regulates the concentration of heavy metals in soil, as done in Brazil
2016). Potentially toxic metals as Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn have attracted with water.
lots of attention from researchers because they are widely spread in the In this polluted environment we have been isolated 10 bacteria
environment. Some of them are necessary for plants in small amount resistant to all metals studied. Bacteria are known as important or-
but turn out to be hazardous in slightly larger quantities than the ganisms for potentially toxic metal bioremediation and then the multi-
resistance characteristic observed in our isolates can be important for

L.M. Saran et al. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 166 (2018) 366–374

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