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Directions: Draw your concept map on globalization: explain your concept map in a 100 words
in essay.


Deep Explanation!

Efficient Markets related to Globalization makes consumers buy products in a lower price
compared to other country which is not a part of this globalization since businesses will get
their supplies from other country with a cheaper price or with discount making it more
convenient to all the buyers. Outsourcing will allow businesses to use standard and cheap
materials and also offer more job opportunities to the citizens of a certain country.
Productivity allows the increase of products from different countries. They will produce large
quantity their products that can be distributed from different countries, selling it an affordable
price to make efficient marketting work and be possible.
Free-trade reduces the amount of tariffs or any form of barriers from imports and exports
which allows for more trade to occur with any international business.
Environmental impacts the consumption of every nation to be frowned upon but also
needed as globalization requires to put out more exports for globalization to function.

Activity 2: In the table identify atleast 10 advantages and dis advantages of globalization
Creates jobs It leads to reduced public revenues
It has lowered prices It can destroys the environment
Promotes peace It can leave us vulnerable to infectious diseases
Improved access to technology It creates a race to the bottom
Improves productivity Fuels inequality
New ideas due to cultural diversity It can underestimate local values
Larger markets Corruption
Earning changes Creates a single standard of consumption,
The main features of the culture of peoples are
Ability to tap into a wider talent pool
Globalization process is not taken cultural, social,
Introduction to the lifestyle of other
economic, political specifics of nationalities into
countries (educational tourism).
Self Reflection:

What would be the working definition of globalization for your course?

As a transnational integration and expansion of economic, social, political, and cultural values,
globalization has certain effects on nursing as well. Globalization means the speedup of
movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital, technologies or
cultural practices) all over the world. One of the effects of globalization is that it promotes and
increases interactions between different regions and populations around the globe. The
globalization in health care creates an increasingly interconnected workforce spanning
international boundaries, systems, structures, and processes to provide care to and improve the
health of peoples around the world. In addition, t he so-called age of globalization has already
witnessed the rise of global health problems. The urgency of these problems demands that
nurses, as the largest group of healthcare workers, attain a global view on health and become
capable of creating appropriate and effective solutions.

What is the impact of globalization in the Philippines?

Globalization is the interaction and integration among nations which is driven by international
among nations which is driven by international trade. The increase in literacy allowed the
Philippines to communicate and trade with more countries.

Globalization in the country has been very effective in the Philippines. There are more labor and
more companies that have emerged to help the economy and it has been rapidly developing in
the Philippines ever since the influence of the United States. Some of its advantages was, high
levels of education, export-oriented agricultural sector that has generated more than sufficient
foreign exchange, and lastly, because of the industrial sector growth, the Philippines has one of
the highest per capita incomes in Southeast Asia. These things are the benefits of globalization
in the country because they help the economy grow everyday. But, along with its advantages,
there have also been disadvantages of globalization in the Philippines and these are, not
enough jobs to accompany the large number of the population, hunger and suffering among
the lower class. The economy is majorly agricultural, so if something happens where crops
cannot be grown and produced, the economy might suffer since globalization was more on a
paper-work advantage and not merely more on labor works. These are the impacts of
Globalization in the Philippines.
1. Identify the cause and effect of market integration in terms of geographical
location, price. Community demand.

Cause Effect
High price of trades Reduced the cost of trade
Availability of goods Improved the availability of goods
Availability of services Improved the availability of services
Lacking in supply availability Increased consumer purchasing
Market availability Market expansion
High price of products Reduced cost of products
Lacks of supply Increased supply
Unemployment Offered more jobs

2.Study the history of global economy and its relationship to market integration and
international financial institution.

The global economy refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities that take
place between multiple countries. Market integration increases financial and economic
efficiency, and lead to a higher economic growth. International financial institutions provide
businesses or governments with a loan for emergency purposes or for normal business
functions. When these institutions provide money to another group, an element of risk is
present. Therefore, the relationship of these three are they increases the demands of job in the
country through collaborating with other countries which increases the economic growth of the
society as well as the different opportunities which they offered such as loans, jobs and etc.
They are the one that is responsible in uplifting the economic status of the nation. Through
global economy, market integration may occur facilitated by international financial institution in
a worldwide activity which aims to make the world a better living.

3. Differentiate Global Economy from market Integration

The World Economy or Global Economy is the economy of all humans of the world,
referring to the global economic system that includes all economic activity within nations and
between nations, including production, consumption, economic management, exchange of
financial values and trade of goods and services. The global economy refers to the
interconnected worldwide economic activities that take place between multiple countries. These
developments led to the advent of the global economy. Due to the global economy and
globalization, domestic economies have become cohesive, leading to an improvement in their
performances. While Market Integration occurs when prices among different locations or
related goods follow similar patterns over a long period of time. Groups of goods often move
proportionally to each other and when this relation is very clear among different markets it is
said that the markets are integrated. Integrated marketing allows you to spread
your marketing message across multiple channels and increases the chances of it being heard.
Best of all, customers engaged through multiple channels tend to spend more than other
customers. Therefore, spreading your marketing message can increase your return on
investment. Creating digital assets like content, images and graphics costs time and money.
When you integrate your campaigns you eliminate any need for duplication because you share
these assets across channels. This saves a tremendous amount of resources.

Self Reflection:

1. What is the significance of global corporation to society?

A global corporation, also known as a global company, is coined from the base term
'global', which means all around the world. The global company definition, therefore, should be
a little more lenient to accommodate this fact, which would enable more companies to call
themselves global companies. As corporations go global, capital markets open up within them,
giving companies a powerful mechanism for arbitrage across national financial markets. Global
companies helps the society uplift its economy since it is a company, it offers jobs to the
citizens as well its products can be exported to different countries which gives benefits to the
countries involve or who belong in this negotiation.

2. What is the significance of market integration to society?

Market integration increases financial and economic efficiency, and lead to a higher

economic growth. Market integration increases asset return volatility, and cause financial
instability and contagion effects. Economic integration can reduce the costs of trade, improve
the availability of goods and services, and increase consumer purchasing power in member
nations. Employment opportunities tend to improve because trade liberalization leads to market
expansion, technology sharing, and cross-border investment. Groups of goods often move
proportionally to each other and when this relation is very clear among different markets it is
said that the markets are integrated. Thus, market integration is an indicator that explains how
much different markets are related to each other. The advantages include
increasing market share, reducing competition, and creating economies of
scale. Disadvantages include regulatory scrutiny, less flexibility, and the potential to destroy
value rather than create it. In addition, the significance of market integration is on the financial
status of a certain country as well as the products being sold in the market that are being
imported from other market.

Activity 1: ESSAY

1. Differentiate Global Economy and Modern System

The global economy refers to the interconnected worldwide economic activities that take place
between multiple countries. These economic activities can have either a positive or negative
impact on the countries involved. Global economy can be explained through one word —
transactions. International transactions taking place between top economies in the world help in
the continuance of the global economy. These transactions mainly comprise trade taking place
between different countries. International trade includes the exchange of a variety of products
between countries. It ranges all the way from fruits and foods, to natural oil and weapons.
While Modern Systems is a leading global provider of modernization solutions for legacy
application source code, data and platform transformations. Combined resources, software,
services and global reach makes one of the largest independent legacy application
modernization companies in the world. It can solve enterprise problems specific to legacy
technology and mainframe modernization. It is the most diverse range of services on the
market, supported by the most experienced modernization resources in the world.

2. What is the importance of International Financial Institution to countries of the


International financial institutions provide businesses or governments with a loan for emergency
purposes or for normal business functions. When these institutions provide money to another
group, an element of risk is present. How the institutions manage these risks depends on the
specific situations. circumstances typically include far more terms and conditions on the loan
than a normal business loan. The international financial bodies have to play the role of
changing market positions. The traditional objectives of some of these institutions such as the
World Bank and the IMF entail elevation of poverty in developing countries, enhancing
measures that promote economic growth and protection of the environment. The best-known
IFIs were established after World War II to assist in the reconstruction of Europe and provide
mechanisms for international cooperation in managing the global financial system. They include
the World Bank, the IMF, and the International Finance Corporation. IFIs are significantly
important in project finance because they play a significant role in supporting large scale
infrastructure projects in emerging markets. They can provide critical capital and catalyse the
participation of other players.
Activity 2: Create an image and describe your image.


Description: The photo shown above was merely on the advantages of global economy.
Wherein it depicts that in global economy, more jobs will be offered because one country was
linked to other country which makes it more likely have the high possibility of employment since
not just one nor two country where you can apply. Hence, you have variety of choices
depending on the job which suited you. Another one is the establishments of factories which
required labor works or other kind of works which also need workers making it more jobs can
be availed by the citizens of that certain country where it will be established. Building of
buildings, money transfer and other sorts of jobs making the economy of every country linked
or involved in this globalization grow. Globalization aims to make the world progress, that’s
what this picture is trying to show. High possibility of employment wherein more jobs will be
offered making it an increase in the economy since a lot of people in the population has their
own job, earning money for their own family. Less people will starve from hunger because jobs
has been available to many.
Self Reflection

1. What is the significance of Global Economy

The significance of Global Economy has lower prices/greater choice, good quality and affordable
products, and increased of global investment. Aside from that, global economy is significant
because it has a lot of benefits such as free trade, movement of labour, it increases economies
of scale and it increases investment.

Free trade is an excellent method for countries to exchange goods and services. It also allows
countries to specialize in the production of those goods in which they have a comparative

Movement of labour increased migration of the labour force is advantageous for the recipient
country as well as for the workers. If a country is going through a phase of high
unemployment, workers can look for jobs in other countries. This also helps in reducing
geographical inequality.

Increased economies of scale because the specialization of goods production in most countries
has led to advantageous economic factors such as lower average costs and lower prices for

Increased investment due to the presence of global economy, it has become easier for
countries to attract short-term and long-term investment. Investments in developing countries
go a long way in improving their economies.

2. What is the importance of international financial institution to countries of the


The international financial bodies have to play the role of changing market positions. The
traditional objectives of some of these institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF entail
elevation of poverty in developing countries, enhancing measures that promote economic
growth and protection of the environment. International financial institutions provide businesses
or governments with a loan for emergency purposes or for normal business functions. When
these institutions provide money to another group, an element of risk is present. How the
institutions manage these risks depends on the specific situations. High-risk circumstances
typically include far more terms and conditions on the loan than a normal business loan.
Brush up!

Activity 1. World Pic

Write you answers in a clean sheet yellow pad paper.
 How do you view the world at present?
 5 Minutes

In our everyday life, we view the world as peace, happiness, sadness and a wonderful life. But
sadly, there's a pandemic who change the world. I view the world as of now as a fearful,
stressful and challenging. We all know that as of now, we still increasing in cases of the virus
which is Covid-19. It's hard to live this way, since we are not free to go anywhere or
somewhere. Life is a full of enjoyment. But when I think that there still a virus that can kill or
destroy people's life, I view the world as unfair and full of sickness.

Activity 2: Compare and contrast of Governments Using Venn Diagram.

Dictatorship is where the power lies

Presidential and Parliamentary is on one person and the republic relies
a government that there is a on all of head of state
group that was voted on. For unitary power is concentrated in
the central government. For the
Federal and Confederate both
Monarchies it has several
place power in there own hands characteristics and some local
Self- Reflection

As a student what is your insight in the global system

Global systems include the environmental, political, legal,

economic, financial, and cultural systems that help to make and remake the world.

How globalization affects your day to day living

Globalization affects my daily living especially we are selling products that made only in the
Philippines. But because of the products from the other countries, we are considering our
products as underrated. Since we all know that people are more interested on the products of
western, middle east or etc.
Brush up!
Activity1: Table Labeling
Write your answers on the space provided.

Creativity 25%
Relevance 75%

Activity 2: Create a Jingle on the roles and functions of the Government.

They are the who ruled the place

Keeping all the balance straight
Exercising powers
Keeping orders
To make and enforce the laws

Public service's one of their roles

Protects us from interference
Our well-being and happiness
That's what government meants

Government keeps us safe

Government, the national defense
Self Reflection:

On your own understanding define Global Governance

Global Governance provides global public goods, particularly peace and security, justice
and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets and unified standards for trade and
industry. Global governance is about norms and power. It is constituted by ideas, culture and
material forces. It also helps generate norms, ideas and culture. Global governance involves
states and non-state actors, and it affects life from the local to the global levels. Global
governance, roughly defined, is to provide global public goods, particularly peace and security,
justice and mediation systems for conflict, functioning markets and unified standards for trade
and industry.

What is the major challenge of our government facing right now?

One of the major challenges the government was facing right now is the pandemic or the
Covid-19. We are all aware that the cases are steadily increasing which gave fear to the
Filipinos, not only to them but to all people living in the country. The government was the one
doing all the necessary actions to combat and eradicate this disease, keeping the safety and
security of all the netizens.
Brush up!
Differentiate global south and global North


Climate ideal for agriculture. Short growing season plus

cold made farming difficult.
Population of the South made up of
Europeans (mostly from England and Cities develop as trading centers.
Scotland) and enslaved Africans.
Huge population increase in the North between
Most southerners lived on farms. 1800 and 1860, mostly through immigration.

The economy of the South was based on Cities develop in North as centers of trade.
The economy of the North was based on
The culture of the South was determined manufacturing.
by the upper class plantation owners and
their families. The culture of the North was determined by
life in the cities.
The South was still dependent on the
steamship. Canals were mostly in the North.

Activity 2:
What are the experiences of Latin America countries that can be learned
from the concept of globalization? Explain.
The experiences of Latin America in globalization has its positive and negative
effect. The positive effects of globalization in Latin America includes trade, production,
labour market, and demographic improvement, while the negative effects are comprise
of divergence of communities, increased transitional, cross-border and rural–urban
migration, and infrastructural deficit. There are also emergent challenges for Latin
American Economies which can be considered as a part of their experiences which
includes slowdown in growth due to an inability to achieve continuous improvements in
competitiveness and productivity, poor quality of education and the slow transfer of
knowledge and innovative ideas and the last is excessive inequality and lack of social
protection. In addition, Latin America's economy is composed of two main economic
sectors which are agriculture and mining. Latin America has large areas of land that are
rich in minerals and other raw materials. Also, the tropical and temperate climates of
Latin America makes it ideal for growing a variety of agricultural products.
Self Reflection

1. Why is there a global divide?

The global digital divide describes global disparities, primarily between developed
and developing countries, in regards to access to computing and information resources
such as the Internet and the opportunities derived from such access. As with a smaller
unit of analysis, this gap describes an inequality that exists, referencing a global scale.
There are many causes for these inequalities including the availability of natural
resources, different levels of health and education, the nature of a country's economy
and its industrial sectors, international trading policies and access to markets, how
countries are governed and international relationships between one another. The global
digital divide also contributes to the inequality of access to goods and services available
through technology. Computers and the Internet provide users with improved
education, which can lead to higher wages. The people living in nations with limited
access are therefore disadvantaged.

2. Are global north and global south dependent on one another?

In my own opinion they not because as you can see on the differentiation above,
these two global indeed differ from each other. Importation and exportation of products
may be one of their transaction being as a part of globalization but dependance to each
other is somehow impossible since these countries who belongs from both global differ
from one other in every aspect. Their only similarities was their social strata also known
as the social class in every families.
Brush up!

Activity 1: Create an image on the following aspect and describe your image.

Asian Regionalism

We are all aware that among all the seven continents, Asia is the biggest, making it
possible for a wider and bigger progress since there are more countries involve. And the
concept Asian Regionalism, it is a product of economic interaction as a result of successful,
outward- oriented growth strategies resulting to Asian’s economy to grown not only richer or for
the money but also closer together to one another. The photo I have above is a representation
of negotiation or a kind of interaction in the business world wherein information, money,
knowledge and trust is their main investment that allows the involving country to merge each
other in terms of certain products they produce in their own country that can be imported or
exported from one country to another making each countries grow not only financially but also
as a family or as a business partner which gets profit from each other.

Relevance to the topic 50%
Creativity 25%
Effectiveness/ Neatness 25%
Activity 1: Words to know

Define the following terms according to your understanding

NOTE: (don’t Copy from the textbook)

Write your answers on a sheet of paper and compile to be pass on the given deadline.
Microsoft word document must submitted in LMS .

1. Global Media Cultures

Global Media Cultures explores the relationship between the media, culture and
globalization. The course approaches past and current challenges concerning
international communication and explores and problematizes the power
of media representation. The globalization of culture is often chiefly imputed to
international mass media. After all, contemporary media technologies such as satellite
television and the Internet have created a steady flow of transnational images that
connect audiences worldwide. The media have an important impact on cultural
globalization in two mutually interdependent ways: Firstly, the media provide an extensive
transnational transmission of cultural products and, secondly, they contribute to the
formation of communicative networks and social structures. Global Medic Cultures is a
very important aspect in this world since it’s usage allows the user and the viewer to be
aware of the certain topics that’ll be publicize which gives the people awareness and
2. Local Cultural Production
Local culture recognizes that people's daily knowledge comes from shared life
experiences and information transmitted to them by family, friends, neighbors and co-
workers. The term local culture is commonly used to characterize the experience of
everyday life in specific, identifiable localities. It reflects ordinary people's feelings of
appropriateness, comfort, and correctness—attributes that define personal preferences
and changing tastes. A group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a
collective or a community, who share experiences, customs, and traits, and who work to
preserve those traits and customs in order to claim uniqueness and to distinguish
themselves from others. The Hutterites are an example of a local rural culture. Local
culture provides a sense of identity for rural communities and residents. This identity
facilitates common understandings, traditions, and values, all central to the identification
of plans of action to improve well-being. Culture contributes to building a sense of local
identity and solidarity.
3. Global Cultural Production
Globalization tends to emphasize similarities, whereas local emphasizes difference. The
relationship between the individual and the group is dynamic in that both depend upon
and interact with each other. The cultural context in which this occurs is what
distinguished societies from one another. Another way technology impacts global cultures
is through technological globalization, which unlike media globalization is an exchange of
technology rather than ideas across global borders. Still, technological diffusion has led to
the spread of more and more technology across borders into nations around the globe. In
my own perspective, Global Cultural Production is the sharing of products globally which
they called importation and exportation. The word itself global meaning it’s around the
world involving the seven continents of the world in this kind of production allowing every
business tycoons to involved in this kind of alliance as well. In short, this global cultural
production is a business-related topic which aims to make the world a better place for
living while not disregarding the own benefits of the people involve, since this is a
business-related topic.
4. Media
Media is the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data.
The term refers to components of the mass media communications industry, such as print
media, publishing, the news media, photography, cinema, broadcasting such as radio and
television, and advertising. Global media is the mass communication on a global level,
allowing people across the world to share and access the same information. It is indeed
that technologies made people's lives easier all over the globe. There are many
advantages in global media. Mass media is communication whether written, broadcast,
or spoken that reaches a large audience. This includes television, radio, advertising,
movies, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and so forth. Mass media is a significant
force in modern culture. Social Media plays a very important role in today's life, social
Media are web-based online tools that enable people discover and learn new information,
share ideas, interact with new people and organizations. It has changed the way people
live their life today, it has made communication much easier.

5. Global Economic Integration

Economic integration is an arrangement among nations that typically includes the
reduction or elimination of trade barriers and the coordination of monetary and fiscal
policies. Economic integration is sometimes referred to as regional integration as it often
occurs among neighboring nations. Global integration is the degree to which the
company is able to use the same products and methods in other countries. Local
responsiveness is the degree to which the company must customize their products and
methods to meet conditions in other countries.

Pick an Asian Musical Artist that became internationally famous and answer the
following questions.

방탄소년단 or Bangtan Sonyeondan (BTS)

A. Where did the musical artist originate?

This group artist was originated from South Korea, specifically under Big Hit Entertainment owned
by Mr. Bang Si-Hyuk.

B. In which countries did the artist become famous?

They become famous first on their own country which is South Korea but just the span of 3 years,
their group was noticed by other countries as well until as years passes by they become a well-
known singers around the world which net worth was 7.9 million US dollars and won different
awards locally and internationally.

C. How did the artist become famous?

These artist become famous because of their extra ordinary talents. Aside from their looks which is
indeed a God-given gift, their dancing and singing skills was astounding and really exceptional
making them the most famous korean group in entertainment industry. Because of their hardships
and sacrifices, what they have right now, the fame and everything, this is all because of their own
deed and along their journey they have Mr. Bang Si Hyuk who guided and supported them all
throughout their career.

D. Why do you think the artist become famous?

Why do they become famous? It’s because of their talents and humbleness. Despite of being on
top, they never forget to share and show gratitude to all the people around them especially to their
fans. Aside from that, the reason why they become this famous is because they care to each other
that’s why the fans idolize them not only as a group but also individually. As what their group
leader once said, “Teamwork makes the dream work”, so their fame right now isn’t that shocking
anymore cause what you see on them is what you get with an extra.

Answer the following questions based on the topic / lesson uploaded in LMS form
How do the media affect cultural globalization?
The media have an important impact on cultural globalization in two mutually interdependent
ways: Firstly, the media provide an extensive transnational transmission of cultural products and,
secondly, they contribute to the formation of communicative networks and social structures. The
mass media are seen today as playing a key role in enhancing globalization, facilitating culture
exchange and multiple flows of information and image between countries through international
news broadcasts, television programming, new technologies, film and music.

What is the impact of globalization to culture?

Globalization of culture contributes to the exchange of cultural values of different countries, the
convergence of traditions. For cultural globalization characterized convergence of business and
consumer culture between the different countries of the world and the growth of international
communication. The major consequences of globalization have been the transmogrification of
traditional religions and belief systems and the beginning of the disintegration of the traditional
social fabrics and shared norms by consumerism, cyber-culture, newfangled religions and
changing work ethics and work rhythms as well as the fast spreading In the new era of
globalization, people become much more concerned about the uniqueness and particularity of
their own culture. Cultural identity provides the global significance of local knowledge and the
sense of self, community and nation.
Brush up!

Activity 1
How do you describe the reaction of some religious movements to globalization? How do
others facilitate globalization?

Globalization refers to the historical process by which all the world's people increasingly
come to live in a single social unit. Religions identify themselves in relation to one another, and
they become less rooted in particular places because of Diasporas and transnational ties. By
diminishing the barriers between different cultures, globalization lands religion in a quagmire
of conflicts which reinforce social identities as some do not accept the new realities and turn to
religion to rediscover their own identity. Religion provides a sense of belongingness to a group
in the world. Religion has always been global, in the sense that religious communities and
traditions have always maintained permeable boundaries. They have moved, shifted, and
interacted with one another around the globe. In the past two decades, secularization has
been accelerated and accentuated by globalization. This process has been led by the United
States. The great religions correctly see the globalization led by the United States to be closely
connected with secularization and therefore to be a threat to themselves.
Others facilitate globalization through Travelling, Recruiting Diverse People, Encouraging
Cultural Sensitivity, Optimizing websites, Widening their searches, Targeting Specific Nice
Markets, Offering Multilingual Contents and Incorporating More Convenience. Technology is
the vital force in the modern form of business globalization. Technology has helped us in
overcoming the major hurdles of globalization and international trade such as trade barrier,
lack of common ethical standard, transportation cost and delay in information exchange,
thereby changing the market place despite from that, technology is one of the most used
aspect in facilitating globalization.

Relevance to the topic 50%
Creativity 25%
Effectiveness/ Neatness 25%

Activity 2: Post an image of the following and briefly describe the item.

An example of religious practices and beliefs.

Prayer is a communication to God. Prayer is done by those who trust the power of word and
thought. Jesus taught people to say the Lord's Prayer. Prayer can be spoken, silent (no
talking), or in a song. It can be used to praise God or to ask for something including help and
forgiveness. Prayer is the way of humans to communicate with God.
What is the impact of globalization to religion?
Globalization transforms the generic 'religion' into a world-system of competing and
conflicting religions. This process of institutional specialization has transformed local, diverse
and fragmented cultural practices into recognizable systems of religion. Globalization means
the speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services, capital,
technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the effects of globalization is that
it promotes and increases interactions between different regions and populations around the
globe. Globalization has had a profound impact on Christianity. It has a “tendency to foster
secularization among peoples and cultures that are not secular and do not want to be secular”.
Globalization also helps the religion in spreading the word of God through the use of
technology especially in social media.

Is globalization of religion possible?

Yes. Globalization refers to the historical process by which all the world's people
increasingly come to live in a single social unit. It implicates religion and religions in several
ways. Among the consequences of this implication for religion have been that globalization
encourages religious pluralism. Aside from that, technology which is a part of globalization is a
big help in spreading the word of God through the use of different social medias wherein
people around the world has an access on it. With the use of it, even though your not inside
the church listening to the priest you can still hear and witness it with the use of this
applications which is a part of technology under globalization.
Chapter 10 The Global City 50

Chapter 11 Mandated topic: Global Demography 53

Lesson 24. The theory of demographic transition as it affects global population 57

Chapter 12 Global Migration 59

Lesson 25 Political, economic, and social factors underlying
the global movements of people first-hand
knowledge of the experiences of OFWs 59
Lesson 26. Research Proposal Writing 60
Lesson 27 Research Proposal Critique 62

Chapter 13 Sustainable Development 63

Lesson 28 stability from sustainability 63
Lesson 29 models of global sustainable development 66

Chapter 14 Global Food Security 67

Lesson 30. Definition of food security 67
Lesson 31. Models of global food security 69

Chapter 15 Global Citizenship 70

Lesson 32. Definitions of global citizenship 70
Lesson 33 ethical obligations of global citizenship 71
Lesson 34 Research paper writing 72
Lesson 35 topics on research
Brush up!
Relevance to the topic 50%
Creativity 25%
Effectiveness/ Neatness 25%
As a 21st century learner Create your future Global City.


Global Cities have wealth, power and influence to other countries and also hosts the largest
capital markets. This is due to its appearance and also the culture which attracts the attention
of tourists. Global Cities for instance exist to serve as the capital place in a certain country who
holds the most responsibility among all other parts of a certain place. Main communication,
transaction locally or internationally. Global City is the transaction of all countries around the
world especially in business. It serve as a passage wherein countries can communicate, transact
and etc. to one another.


The reason why this city serves as a Global City is because not only for its appearance but also
it’s role around the country. Cities must be decent looking in order for the people to be
encourage in enganging themselves in the different activities present in this city.
Communication is fast, technology is top notch, the surroundings is as pleasant as how it looks
and transportation is the best. What makes my city a global city is because appearance,
function and location of this city that I am imagining is appropriate to all, not only for the
blessed people but to everybody living on earth.
Brush Up!
Activity 2: Essay
Write an essay consisting of 100-150 words in this topic “ GLOBAL FOOD SECURITY THE CHALLENGE OF
Use a pad of paper in writing your essay
Pick – up picture of hand written on paper and send it via messenger or g-mail

Self Reflection:

Is global food security achievable

Yes as long as all people are able to have physical, economic and social access to enough nutritious
food and meet their daily needs to sustain their eating habits in a day to day basis. And also, both
producers and consumers must be aware of the threats in order to prevent or lessen them for a more
effective and better outcome of this Global Food Security.

What exactly is to be sustained in sustainable development

Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This sustainable development tends to sustain the
needs of the future generation without sacrificing the needs of the future generation, in short they gave the
needs of the people today and also thinking of the needs of the people in the future.

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