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50 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm chuyên đề ngữ pháp – từ vựng (Phần 4) | mrnsapro@gmail.

com (Biên soạn)


(Phần 4)
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: This factory produced ______ motorbikes in 2008 as in the year 2006.
A. twice as many B. as twice as many C. as twice many D. as many as twice
Question 2: In many big cities, people have to ______ up with noise, overcrowding and bad air.
A. keep B. catch C. face D. put
Question 3: Had she worked harder last summer, she ______.
A. wouldn't have been sacked B. wouldn't have sacked
C. wouldn't sack D. wouldn't be sacked
Question 4: Listening is the most difficult language ______ for me to master.
A. one B. way C. skill D. job
Question 5: In the modern world, women's ______ roles have been changing.
A. natured B. naturally C. nature D. natural
Question 6: It is imperative ______ what to do when there is a fire.
A. he must know about B. that everyone know C. we knew D. that he knew
Question 7: Our industrial output______ from $2 million in 2002 to $4 million this year.
A. was rising B. rises C. rose D. has risen
Question 8: Is it true that this country produces more oil than ______ ?
A. any country else B. any countries else C. any other countries D. any another country
Question 9: I’ve warned you many times ______the front door unlocked.
A. not leaving B. won’t leave C. not to leave D. don’t leave
Question 10: Neil Armstrong was the first man ______ on the moon.
A. has walked B. walking C. walked D. to walk
Question 11: ______ Serbia defeated Germany surprised everyone.
A. That B. Because C. When D. Whether
Question 12: The captain as well as all the passengers ______ very frightened by the strange noise.
A. is B. were C. was D. have been
Question 13: Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a ______ day.
A. rainy B. foggy C. snowy D. windy
Question 14: “The inflation rate in Greece is five times ______ my country,” he said.
A. as much as B. more than C. as many as that in D. as high as that in
Question 15: They’re staying with us ______ the time being until they can afford a house.
A. for B. in C. during D. at
Question 16: As the drug took ______, the boy became quieter.
A. force B. influence C. action D. effect

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50 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm chuyên đề ngữ pháp – từ vựng (Phần 4) | (Biên soạn)

Question 17: We ______with a swim in the lake.

A. gave in B. took up C. got out D. cooled off
Question 18: The Internet has enabled people to ______ with each other more quickly.
A. interconnect B. interlink C. interact D. intervene
Question 19: If everyone ______, how would we control the traffic?
A. could fly B. flies C. can fly D. had flown
Question 20: She had to borrow her sister’s car because hers was ______.
A. out of work B. out of order C. off chance D. off work
Question 21: Martha, Julia and Mark are 17, 19 and 20 years old ______.
A. independently B. respectfully C. separately D. respectively
Question 22: Since he failed his exam, he had to ______ for it again.
A. take B. pass C. make D. sit
Question 23: ______ broken several world records in swimming.
A. She is said that she has B. People say she had
C. She is said to have D. It is said to have
Question 24: All students should be ______ and literate when they leave school.
A. numeric B. numeral C. numerous D. numerate
Question 25: Not having written about the required topic, ______ a low mark.
A. my presentation was given B. the teacher gave me
C. the teacher gave D. I was given
Question 26: Laura had a blazing ______ with Eddie and stormed out of the house.
A. row B. chat C. word D. gossip
Question 27: ______I might, I couldn’t open the door.
A. Try as B. However hard C. As try D. No matter
Question 28: We have bought extra food ______ our guests stay to dinner.
A. when B. in case C. if D. so that
Question 29: “You can go to the party tonight______ you are sober when you come home.”
A. as soon as B. as long as C. as well as D. as far as
Question 30: ______he does sometimes annoys me very much.
A. When B. Why C. How D. What
Question 31: ______ entering the hall, he found everyone waiting for him.
A. On B. At C. With D. Of
Question 32: That pipe ______ for ages - we must get it mended.
A. has been leaking B. is leaking C. had been leaking D. leaks
Question 33: You need more exercise - you should ______ jogging.
A. try on B. take up C. carry out D. hold up
Question 34: Car crashes are almost always accidental, but on rare occasions they may be ______.
A. deliberate B. determined C. aware D. meant
Question 35: The car had a(n) ______ tyre, so we had to change the wheel.
A. bent B. flat C. cracked D. injured

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50 câu hỏi trắc nghiệm chuyên đề ngữ pháp – từ vựng (Phần 4) | (Biên soạn)

Question 36: There’s little ______ of foreign news in today’s paper.

A. information B. coverage C. column D. article
Question 37: You should make a(n) ______ to overcome this problem.
A. trial B. impression C. effort D. apology
Question 38: Don’t touch that wire or you’ll get an electric ______.
A. shock B. fire C. charge D. current
Question 39: “Can you ______ me a favor, Bill?” Peter said.
A. make B. get C. put D. do
Question 40: My brother ______ his driving test when he was 18.
A. has passed B. passes C. was passing D. passed
Question 41: If you don’t know when that important football match takes place, look it ______ in the
World Cup timetable.
A. after B. up C. into D. out
Question 42: Thanks to my friends’ ______ remarks, my essays have been improved.
A. constructive B. construction C. constructor D. construct
Question 43: You look tired. Why don't we ______ and have a good rest?
A. call its name B. call on C. call off D. call it a day
Question 44: The manager ______ him for a minor mistake.
A. accused B. charged C. complained D. blamed
Question 45: I ______ hurry. It’s nearly 8.00, and my first class starts at 8.15.
A. would prefer B. can’t help C. would rather D. had better
Question 46: He managed to keep his job ______ the manager had threatened to sack him.
A. although B. despite C. unless D. therefore
Question 47: I clearly remember ______ you about this before.
A. telling B. to tell C. told D. tell
Question 48: Why is everybody ______ him all the time?
A. critical B. criticize C. criticism D. criticizing
Question 49: We didn’t go to the zoo yesterday ______ the heavy rain.
A. because of B. in spite of C. so D. because
Question 50: She ______ me a very charming compliment on my painting.
A. showed B. paid C. made D. took

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