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Explain how the ABS Labour Force Survey can be used by an organisation to assist in
workforce planning.

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a monthly survey which collects information
about the Labour Force Status and other characteristics of the usually resident
Australian civilian population aged 15 and over. Estimates of employment,
unemployment, unemployment rate and labour force participation rate are
published (in original, seasonally adjusted and trend terms) each month in Labour
Force, Australia, Preliminary (ABS Cat. No. 6202.0) and Labour Force, Australia
(ABS Cat. No. 6203.0).


Labour Force Survey data are a key element of labour market and other
economic information provided by the ABS. The principal objective is to facilitate
the analysis and monitoring of social and economic aspects of the Australian
labour market and working age population. This objective is achieved by
providing timely statistics of the size and characteristics of the civilian labour
force gained from the Labour Force Survey and associated Supplementary

2. Outline the purpose of the Labour Market Information Portal and give two examples of
information included in the Portal that can assist with workforce planning.

Explanation: Labor market information planning gives fair idea of unemployment numbers and
conditions of employment across geographical regions and sectors and total employment caseloads.
They assist in workforce planning as it gives an idea of total vacancies available and total employed
and unemployed numbers.

 Unemployment Rate (15+):


 Unemployed (15+):


 Total jobactive Caseload (15+):


 Youth jobactive Caseload (15-24):


 Mature Age jobactive Caseload (50+):

The Labour Force Summary Sheet (609.9KB) contains a brief snapshot of the Australian labour
market as at September 2019.

3. Explain the purpose of the National Skill Needs List and how it can be used for workforce planning.

National Skills Needs List (NSNL) The National Skills Needs List identifies occupations that are
deemed to be in national skill shortage. The National Skills Needs List is used to determine eligibility
for a number of payments available under the Australian Traineeships Incentives Programme.

National Skills Needs List (NSNL) The National Skills Needs List identifies occupations that are
deemed to be in national skill shortage. The National Skills Needs List is used to determine eligibility
for a number of payments available under the Australian Traineeships Incentives Programme.

4. Outline the key provisions of the Fair Work Act 2009.

provides for terms and conditions of employment  sets out rights and responsibilities of employees,
employers and organisations in relation to that employment  provides for compliance with and
enforcement of the Act  provides for the administration of the Act by establishing the Fair Work
Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsma

5. Outline the minimum entitlements of National Employment Standards that must be provided to

all employees.

Maximum weekly hours  Requests for flexible working arrangements  Parental leave and related
entitlements  Annual leave  Personal/carer's leave , compassionate leave and unpaid family and
domestic violence leave  Community service leave  Long service leave  Public holidays  Notice of
termination and redundancy pay  Fair Work Information Statement

6. Explain the purpose of enterprise agreements.

An enterprise agreement is a collective agreement made at the enterprise level between

employer(s) and their employees. It provides the terms and conditions of employment for those
employees to whom it applies

7. Explain the use of modern awards in workplaces.

Modern awards apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system. Modern
awards are industry or occupation-based, and apply to employers and employees who perform work
covered by the award

8. Identify at least two examples of modern awards using the Fair Work Ombudsman website. Write

down the name of the award and the minimum wages under the award and minimum working


1 Food,Beverage and Tobacco Manufacturing Award

a) The classifications and minimum wages for an adult employee,other than one specified in
clause 20.1(c) ,are set out in the following table:
classification level Minimum weekly wage Minimum hourly wage

Level 1 39,764 764.70 Level 2 43,545 837.40 Level 3 45,994 884.50 Level 4 48,298 928.80 Level 5
50,258 966.50 Level 6 56,290 1082.50

Span of hours

varied by PR501433 ppc 07Sep10;operative date corrected by PR501873 ppc 07 Sep10]

The span of ordinary hours will be 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Monday to Friday,and 8.00 am to 12 noon

Provided that on not more than one night per week,which must be specified in advance by the
employer,the span of ordinary hours may be worked up to 9.00 pm

9. Outline the role of trade unions in the Australian work relations system and indicate whether

employees are required to join a union.

Unions play an important role in the workplace. Some of the key roles include being able to resolve
workplace issues by being a voice for employees and acting as a bargaining representative during
bargaining negotiations. looking into suspected breaches of: workplace laws.

Student Assessment Tasks

10. Outline the role of the Fair Work Commission in Australia’s national workplace relations system.

The Fair Work Commission is Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent
body with power to carry out a range of functions including: providing a safety net of minimum
conditions, including minimum wages in awards. facilitating good faith bargaining and making
enterprise agreements.

The Fair Work Commission is Australia's national workplace relations tribunal. It is an independent
body with power to carry out a range of functions including: providing a safety net of minimum
conditions, including minimum wages in awards. facilitating good faith bargaining and making
enterprise agreements.

11. List two sources of expert advice that could be used when seeking industrial relations advice.

Include the name of the organization and the services they provide.

12. Describe the purpose of the labour force participation rate and how it can assist in analysing the

labour force.

13. Describe the purpose of the employment to population rate and how it can assist in analysing

labour force.
14. Outline two commonly used forecasting models that can assist with identifying future workforce


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