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Kalscender Victus

Hundreds of years have passed since the fall of the Terra Soul regions in
which the most powerful Tortle conjurers attempted to cast a strong spell
that devastated the lands. The spell "Fortify Oasis", fueled by the
Omnistone, was misinterpreted as a spell to increase the resources of the
lands and ultimately ended up funneling the resources of Terra Soul regions
into an area now known as Oasis; an area rich in all resources and improved
health,lifespan, and power for all inhabitants. All life has been scattered far
from Oasis, however every life connected to Terra Soul is innately drawn to
it's location.

The location of the powerful conjurers is uknown since the casting of the
spell, however in the Fortify Oasis spell's wake small areas are barely
inhabitable and are occupied by the scattered life of Terra Soul; these areas
are ensnared by lethal magic with which only the most toughened Tortle
can collectively barrier. To survive the entirety of the mission needed to
reach the Oasis the Guardians of Terra Soul must collect parts of the
Omnistone to further divide the magic known as Sylph that will drain their
life force while in route to Oasis. The more Omnistone gathered the larger
the group that may pass to Oasis.

Kalscender Victus, son of Scephter Titus Victus, has trained with his father
with hardened precision and poise to become a Guardian that will one day
lead an expedition to the Oasis. There is still much that he must learn about
the strength needed to explore within Sylph, but time is now of the
essence. As called upon by Terra Soul, Scephter has now departed ways
from his son to lead the next expedition and Kalscender must now prepare
to do as his Grand Guardian line of fathers before him. Starting with small
nearby locations out into Sylph Kalscender has been trialed, however, in his
most recent triumph he encountered a conjurer... the Oracle. He was told
that he must adventure to a new land in which Omnistone bursting with
intense magic has fallen... thus begins his adventure.

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