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Sean Benedict P.


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The island's original name was 'Katagusan,' derived from tugas, the molave trees that cover the highlands. The
island was once known poetically to the Spaniards as Isla del Fuego - The Island of Fire - because of the molave
trees and fireflies in them. Siquijor - The current name of the island is said to be derived from King Kihod, a
legendary king in power when the Spanish explorers landed. When the Spaniards discovered the island, they
were allegedly greeted by this King Kihod, who presented himself with the words 'si Kihod' (I am Kihod). The
Spaniards, mistakingly believing he was referring to the island, adopted the name Sikihod, which was later
changed to Siquijor, as it was easier to pronounce. A more practical interpretation is that the name is derived
Siquijor from the local phrase Quidjod, which means "the tide is going out."

Jose Rizal's full name is known as José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda. When Governor-
General Narciso Claveria ordered all Filipino families to pick new surnames from a list of Spanish
family names in 1849, the name "Rizal" was accepted as Jose's surname." As a result, Jose's father,
Francisco Mercado (formerly Lam-co), was advised by a Spanish provincial governor who was "a
friend of the family" to take the surname "Rizal," which was originally Ricial, which meaning "the
green of youthful growth or green fields."
The “Rizal” of Dr. Jose Rizal
The city of Berlin is said to derive from the language of the West Slavic residents of modern-day
Berlin. It was created from the words "berl," which means "swamp or dry spot in a swamp," and "–in,"
which is commonly used for place names. In other contexts, the Slavic term referred to a river rake, a
system of beams placed across the Spree River to keep logs from jamming. In folk etymology, the
name Berlin is linked to the German word for bear, "Bär." The bear is an emblem seen on the German
flag. Albrecht der Bär (Albert the Bear), who may have been responsible for the city's name.

Berlin the capital of Germany

The Japanese Family Coat of Arms of the emperor, the kikumon is the most well-known “mon” (Japanese
emblems used to decorate and identify an individual). This mon is worn by the Japanese emperor and his family
and represents the Japanese state's sovereignty. It is shaped like a Chrysanthemum and contains 16 flowers.
Kikumon is Japanese for Chrysanthemum Coat of Arms. The kikumon was designated for exclusive usage by the
Tenn in the Meiji Constitution. This is why imperial family members employed a slightly modified form of the
original kikumon. Although it is not the official royal seal of Japan, many institutions use it as such. It's even
written on the Japanese passport.

the national emblem of the U.S sovereignty Its obverse is used on official papers to validate the President's
signature, and it appears on proclamations, warrants, treaties, and commissions of top government authorities. to
represent the country's might, unity, and independence The olive branch and arrows grasped in the talons of the
eagle represent the power of peace and battle. The colors of the American flag are represented by the seal.
Furthermore, the number 13 representing the 13 initial states is portrayed in the bundle of arrows, the shield
stripes, and the constellation stars. The star constellation represents a new nation taking its position among
existing independent governments. The slogan "E Pluribus Unum," etched across the scroll and clutched in the
eagle's beak, symbolizes the 13 states' unity.
The Great Seal of the United States
The colors of the shield of the arms match those of the current Philippine flag. It is composed of three stars on a
white background on the upper part, an American eagle with branches and arrows on a blue background in the
lower left, representing the American occupation from 1901 to 1945, and a golden lion on a red background in
the lower left, representing the Spanish occupation from 1521 to 1898. The Philippine sun is shown in a white
oval in the middle. The bottom scroll says "REPUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS," meaning "Republic of the
Philippines." The bottom field represents the Spanish occupation (1596-1898), symbolized by the lion, and the
American occupation (1898-1946), symbolized by the eagle. The sun represents independence. The three stars
The National coat of arms of the symbolize the three largest island groupings, Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, while the eight sun rays represent
Philippines the first eight provinces (Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Manila, Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, and Tarlac) to
openly revolt against Spain in the late 1800s.

In 1947 The Douglas MacArthur 50 Centavos and One Peso coins, designed by
Laura Gardin Frasier and made at the San Francisco Mint, were the first currency of
the new "Republic of the Philippines," with the "S" mint mark showing right below
the date on the reverse. With the theme of Liberation of the Philippines from the
Japanese by General Douglas MacArthur
The Douglas MacArthur coin
Printed in 1975 with a theme of the “3rd Anniversary of "Ang Bagong Lipunan"
Sept. 2, 1972”, with a portrait of the late president Portrait of Ferdinand E. Marcos,
with the Seal of the Republic of the Philippines, "Republika ng Pilipinas”.

50 Piso Ferdinand E. Marcos

The five-euro note is the smallest compared to others with higher values, all bank
notes depict bridges, arches, or doorways in a different historical European style; the
five euro note depicts the Classical era (up to the fifth century). Although Robert
Kalina's original designs were intended to depict real monuments, the bridge and art
are merely hypothetical examples of the architectural era for political reasons. Like
all euro notes, it has the denomination, the EU flag, the signature of the ECB's
The 5 euro note
(European Central Bank) president and the bank's initials in several EU languages, a
picture of EU territories abroad, the EU flag's stars, and twelve security features.

After the aftermath of the war celebrated as Independence Day, 1946 the Philippines
issued Commemorative stamps celebrating Independence Day each having different
colors that value their worth from 2, 6, and twelve centavos (they are worth during the
time) respectively, and with symbols showcasing lady liberty holding the Philippine
flag, with the American flags on the sides.
Independence of the
Although never officially released, a series of four stamps served as the foundation for
the first stamp essays printed in the Philippines. The stamps are circular and crudely
etched, with Queen Isabella II of Spain's bust facing left. The word "CORREOS"
appears above, followed by the appropriate value in an ornate scroll; the entire is
enclosed by an ornamental circle of a different design for each value. The image is
printed in color on white lay paper and is imperforate.
Queen Isabella II
India's national emblems express the country's identity and distinguishing characteristics. These symbols were
carefully picked to represent India's culture and nature. Panthera tigris, the gorgeous tiger, is a striped mammal.
It has a thick yellow fur coat with dark stripes on it. Because of its extraordinary physical might, elegance,
agility, and intellect, the tiger has earned the title of India's National Animal. In 1963, India Post released a
commemorative stamp to help the cause of tiger conservation. Aside from this, two other stamps were released
to commemorate International Tiger Day 2016. In 1963, India Post released a commemorative stamp to help the
cause of tiger conservation. Aside from this, two other stamps were released to commemorate International Tiger
Day 2016. The Rs. 25 stamp depicts Maya, the tigress, receiving a cuddle from her cub. The Rs. 5.00 stamp, on
The National animal of India the other hand, depicts two tiger cubs strolling down the route.

Thousands of inscriptions in various ancient languages have been discovered on stone,
mosaic, ceramic, metal, and painted cave walls throughout the almost 200 years of
contemporary investigation in the Holy Land. Many of these inscriptions have already
been meticulously recorded, while many others have been badly or not at all published.
The famous Theodotus inscription, which records the construction of a first-century
B.C.E. synagogue, is one of the hundreds of early Jewish inscriptions that are currently
The Theodotus inscription being released to trace Jerusalem's ancient past.
from the ancient civilization of Sumer dating from 2500 BC, this ancient text is a compilation of
lessons and sayings written by a parent for Ziusudra, the Sumerian flood hero. The Instructions of
Shuruppak is maybe the most famous examples of Sumerian wisdom literature. It discusses hundreds of
useful hints ranging from practical lessons to moral precepts to guarantee Ziusudra has a happy life.
Because of the large number of available copies, The Instructions of Shuruppak is a popular teaching
aid. With messages like "don't rape" and "don't pass judgment when you drink beer," it's no wonder that
the paper lasted as long as it did.
The Instructions of Shuruppak
The Maxims of Ptahhotep, also known as the Instruction of Ptahhotep, is an ancient
Egyptian literary composition written in 2375–2350 BC by the Vizier Ptahhotep during
the reign of King Djedkare Isesi of the Fifth Dynasty. M. Prisse d'Avennes, an
Egyptologist, found the writing near Thebes in 1847. The Maxims of Ptah-Hotep were
popular during the period, and many copies were printed. One of the finest surviving
versions may be found in the Prisse Papyrus, an ancient papyrus. Ptahhotep's key themes
include quiet, time, sincerity, relationships, and etiquette. The text contributes to the
The Maxims of Ptahhotep reconstruction of the social setting of the period by detailing the cultural area in which
the writings had an impact.

Vincent van Gogh in mid-June 1888, when he was 35, he wrote a letter to his friend,
Australian painter John Peter Russell. He writes in slightly slanted, exquisite lettering
that he's been intending to write but has been absorbed by work; it's harvest season in
Arles, and he's "always in the fields," as the charming line drawing on the left side of the
letter reflects. it points out how the artist's pronoun I convey van Gogh's sense of
solitude "There is an emotional disconnect and separation,". Another telling indication is
A letter to a friend the word "present," which extends into the far-right margin—possibly indicating despair.
In March 1913, Picasso wrote to his Parisian friend, writer, and art patron Gertrude Stein. At the time, the artist
was living with one of his girlfriends, Eva Gouel, in a French village in the Pyrenees. On the postcard, he adds
jokingly that the shot on the front (of three Catalan men drinking) includes a "portrait of Matisse as a Catalan."
He then invites Stein to write to him and promises to write a review of her work. Picasso's abrupt, quick
handwriting implies that he "trusts himself to shoot from the hip" and "writes with speed." His writing lacks the
purpose, conscientiousness, and "careful, purposeful strokes" evident in Michelangelo's handwriting. "He's in a
rush to get his thoughts down on paper, and his mind works extremely rapidly," adds, adding that the writing
also implies Picasso was feeling upbeat at the time.
Pablo Picasso to Gertrude Stein

Michelangelo sent the above letter from Rome to his father, Lodovico di Leonardo di
Buonarroti di Simoni, in Florence in June 1508 (when he began work on the Sistine
Chapel). In his precise, almost calligraphic style, the artist informs his father that rumors
of his death are false and bemoans the fact that he has not been paid in over a year by
Pope Julius II, for whom he was painting at the time. It mentions Michelangelo's
handwriting as "artistic, almost melodic," and emphasizes the meticulous and even
baseline, which may be interpreted as a symbol of stability. The many pauses among
words and between letters might indicate strong intuitiveness. Furthermore, the little,
A letter to a Father detailed writing spoke to the artist's ability to concentrate.

The general style is the handwriting of the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit author. The
strokes are neat, hefty, and appealing. People that write in this style have a strong
aesthetic sensibility. They are drawn to things that engage their senses; they are drawn to
beauty in what they see, hear, and touch. Whatever are aesthetically beautiful moves
them emotionally. This makes sense when we consider that Tolkien constructed
numerous languages, and each language and the sounds it contained conveyed
J.R.R Tolkien something about the people who spoke it.
Rizal's manuscript was elegantly spaced in written form. It was said that his mother
taught him to read and write first. His elementary school teacher and the Jesuits at
Ateneo neatly formed his o's and u's and made him cross his t's and loops his p's. His
handwriting was slanted. With a cautious conservative tempo, a little forward tilt
provides vitality and a subliminal impression of the forwarding activity. In his signature,
he chose thick black lines rather than delicate and wispy ones, implying muscular and
cerebral strength.
Dr. Jose Rizal

Is well known for his dystopian masterpiece 1984 and his allegorical work Animal
Farm. George Orwell's writing style is straightforward and slightly journalistic. He
seldom makes references or uses lengthy analogies. He never, however, provides
needless imagery or flowery descriptions. He portrays situations and characters
effectively, yet in as straight and simple a manner as possible. His writing style is direct
and provides minimal emotional description, leaving simply facts.
George Orwell

Adolf Hitler was regarded as an unhappy youngster who sought sanctuary in a dream world. Historians
describe Hitler's personality as impetuous, egotistical, cold, aggressive, unempathic, and rough. Given
the inhumanity of his actions, Hitler was immediately associated with "psychopathy," a severe
personality condition characterized by a profound lack of empathy, social responsibility, and
conscience. He tended to be resentful of others, which might have been the motivating factor for some
of his activities. Temperament, the nucleus of personality, develops from childhood. Hitler had early
indicators of inherited features from both parents, such as his interaction with peers, control in personal
The Man of the Nazi party relationships, and his dominant attitude about race, ethnicity, religion, and sexual gender.
Douglas MacArthur was an American general and field marshal in the Philippine Army.
MacArthur's personality was multifaceted, an amazing paradox in both the Army and his
life—dedicated, inventive, polite, charming, bright, and brave. In addition, he was
arrogant, eccentric, aggressive, showy, and imperious. He was a murderer who despised
murdering. In combat, he was unyielding, yet he went to tremendous lengths to protect
his soldiers. He was a skilled organizer, which led to his becoming chief of staff, and he
was also a peacemaker, as seen by his service in occupied Japan.
The American General of the
Leyte Landing
Alan Turing created the Universal Turing Machine, which served as the foundation for
the first computer and was responsible for cracking the Nazi Enigma code during World
War II. Turing's personality qualities were more apparent outside of the Cambridge
context; timid yet vocal, apprehensive but without reverence, he was neither well suited
to military etiquette or the diplomacy of the embryonic Anglo-American alliance. Turing
observed the world through the eyes of a scientist even as a toddler, according to
Hodges. Turing is depicted in a classic caricature as a boy "watching the daisies bloom"
Father of modern while the other kids play field hockey.
computer science

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